Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 131

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< Episode 38: Skills (1) >

The second disciple Jang Neungak is one of the candidates for the next Hoeju.

There is considerable disagreement about his origins and many take issue with his inclinations and behavior.

However although he was overflowing with greed those who recognized Jang Neung-ak thought that his resourcefulness would make Cheonjihoe a pillar of the central plain again.

As would be the case with his great disciples and Yulryang Jang Neung-Ak has built up quite a bit of power in the meantime.

He guessed that the estimated size was up to 30% within Cheonjihoe.

Among the forces of that size there are the next generation of strong players who become the main axis and Jang Neung-ak called them this.

‘Five Akhoe (Five Mountains Club).’

Five great mountains.

It literally meant his five favorite limbs.

Jang Neung-ak who liked ordering and ranking encouraged competition by periodically having his subordinates compete to determine new rankings.

As a result five strong people were selected and these were the Oakhoe.

Excluding Jang Neungak there are five in total.

Among them except for the female guard of Ho Jong-hyuk the great leader of the Bucheoldan all of them were gathered from Iak to Oak.

Most people believe that Ho Jong-hyuk a disciple of King Pabu Ho Taekang one of the five kings and a member of the Eight Stars of the Central Plains was either Ilak or Iak but the reality was different.

‘Iak (二岳) Wimaengcheon.’

Even though he was blind in both eyes he was a strong man who could fight against evil.

And among the members of the Five Evil Association he was the only one who was not from the Heaven and Earth Association but was brought in from outside and he had an ability that everyone was reluctant to do as much as his inaction.

These were his super senses that arose when he lost his eyesight.

Among them hearing was by far the most outstanding.

[It’s a useful talent.]

Zhang Nengyu highly evaluated Wei Mengchen’s hearing ability.

That’s because Wei Mengchen was able to read other people’s emotions and distinguish between lies and truth with this ridiculous level of hearing.

-thud! thud! thud!


From the first time he saw this man Wei Mengchen had been carefully listening to his heartbeat.

Normally he didn’t care about all the people he didn’t know.

But it all started because of the escort next to him.

[Confucius. I need to say hello quickly. The person in front is Confucius Jang Neung-ak the second disciple of Lord Hui.]

Just from this conversation Wei Mengchen learned that one of those approaching was his first encounter with his lord Zhang Nengyue.

Normally when you first meet a disciple of Huaiju unless you are an executive-level person there is a noticeable emotional change and a change in the heartbeat.


‘It’s too constant.’

There is no change in the heart sound.

I just kept pounding and jumping but this could be said to be too regular.

Even when I sleep my heart rate changes when my dreams become disturbed so how can it be so constant?

This level is almost the same as that of an extremely trained assassin.

However even assassins experience changes in their heart sounds.

‘Who is it?’

First of all this is also the first time I’ve seen him.

Because Wei Meng-cheon was blind he was able to distinguish between others through the sound of their footsteps or the sounds that his heart made as a habit.

But this was someone I had never heard of before.

‘Keep your composure even after seeing Confucius…’

The sense of inaction was at the level of the beginning of the climax but it was unusual for a self-governing high school that was only at the level of a senior warrior or a great master.

And Wei Meng-cheon realized through Jang Neng-eok’s test that his neck cultivation was definitely exceptional.

Even though he lost his eyesight he knows how precious eyes are to people.

Therefore most people were able to confirm that when someone targets their eyes their heart rate increases in comparison to normal times.


-thud! thud! thud!

‘…What on earth is this?’

How is it that the sound is no different from before?

It seemed like he flinched in surprise when he saw a moving sound or reaction but there was no change in his heart sound.

He seemed as if he was going about his daily life.


This is my first time seeing someone like this.

He said that nothing represented emotions better than the sound of the heart.

But how can this happen?

He was puzzled for a moment and Wei Mengchen was certain of this much.

“Unless your ears are wrong the person in front of you is not surprised at all. Confucius.”

“… He wasn’t surprised at all?”

Hearing Wei Mengchen’s words Jang Nengye looked at Mu Qingyun with harsh eyes.

Although he knew nothing else he trusted the judgment of Wei Meng-cheon who had an excellent ability to read others.

“Are you really not surprised?”

Hearing his words Mok Gyeong-un waved his hand and said.

“…Could that be possible? “Who wouldn’t be surprised when their eyes almost got stabbed?”


At that time Jang Neungak placed the head of the fan on Mok Gyeongun’s chest.

Although he did not have extrasensory sensations like Meng-cheon above he was able to judge the heartbeat through a medium even without directly touching it.

Soon Jang Neung Ak snorted and opened his mouth.

“This is a really fun guy.”

“what? “Is it true that Lord Mengchen is right?”

she asked as if the red-robed thick-lipped woman was intrigued.

Then Jang Neung Ak swept his fan over his chest and placed it on Mo Gyeong Un’s chin and said.

“Do you have a lot of guts? Or is he hiding his skills?”

Jang Neung-ak’s eyes seemed to penetrate Mo Gyeong-un.

Seeing him like this Mok Kyung-un clicked his tongue inwardly.

He thought he could fool him just by managing his facial expressions and acting appropriately but it seems that the blind man was more annoying than he thought.

The person who hears the heartbeat is the first person to meet.

-Rebirth. Stay calm. Anyway even if your hearing is abnormally good it doesn’t mean your true skills have been revealed.

Cheongryeong said to Mokgyeongun.

The situation was different from when he was in Sihyeolgok.

If he got into a relationship with a disciple of Huaiju he would be so annoying that it would be difficult to resolve his grudge before he could do anything about it.

‘This guy shouldn’t act unexpectedly.’

Although they had been together so far Mok Gyeong-un’s actions were unpredictable.

That’s why she was concerned.

The answer was to suppress my emotions in situations where I wasn’t fully prepared.

At that time Mok Gyeong-un opened his mouth.

“I heard he is one of the people closest to Hoiju.”


Hearing those words from Mo Kyung-un one of Jang Neung-ak’s eyebrows rose slightly.

It seemed like he didn’t feel too bad about what he just said.

Mok Kyung-un continued what he was saying.

“The teacher who taught us said that even if there is a great tiger in front of us we must remain calm to survive.”

The corner of Jang Neung-ak’s mouth slightly turned up at his words.

Contrary to his appearance he seemed to be a guy who knew how to speak his mind.

By calling himself a great tiger he was exalting himself by saying he was something he could not handle and by saying that he was trying to remain calm in order to survive he was lowering himself.

Jang Neungak said this.

“You seem to be quite good at handling yourself.”

“Even if you have a lot of guts how can you behave carelessly when the Master can kill someone like me at any time if he wants to?”

“It’s not stupid. okay. “He who knows how to conduct himself will live a long life.”


Mo Kyung-yun glanced at the fan resting beneath his neck.

There was nothing sharp but the energy flowing out from the area it touched seemed like it was going to stab my neck at any moment.

He was definitely out of the ordinary as a disciple of the head of the Cheonjihoe.

“…I will keep your words in mind.”

At Mok Gyeong-un’s answer Jang Neung-eok chuckled took the fan off her neck and walked away from Mok Gyeong-un while holding her back.

Is it possible to move on quietly?

But Jang Neungak walked a few steps forward and said.

“But. I understand that you have good behavior but you can’t have this level of calm if you don’t have skills to back it up. Isn’t it? “Maengcheon.”

“Yes. Confucius.”

“I think Confucius as calm as he is is hiding his skills from you his pawn. “I don’t know what method or method it is.”

In response Mok Kyung-un lowered his head and lowered his posture and spoke.

“Is that possible? “It doesn’t meet the standards you expect.”

“There’s no way a guy who doesn’t meet the requirements would be the top valedictorian at the gateway to Sihyeolgok for no reason. Isn’t it? Jonghyuk.”


To that question he took a sip of the liquor from Ho Jong-hyeok’s bottle the leader of the Bucheoldan and answered by wiping his lips with his sleeve.

“If I were to say that I was the top student with my current ability it would be impossible unless I had some heavenly luck or there was corruption within Sihyeolgok.”

“I have the same thoughts as this Confucius.”


At that time the blind Wei Mengchen lifted up the bamboo stick as if pulling it slightly.

Then the sharp blade hidden inside revealed itself.

“It will be easy to find out if you test it. Confucius Please leave it to me. “Let me check.”

At those words a woman in red with thick lips also stepped forward.

“Ho ho ho. I’ll try it. “I want to see if his skills are as good as his handsome face.”

Jang Neung-Ak chuckled at the sight of the two people showing their enthusiasm shook her head and then spoke to the large muscular man with a rough beard reminiscent of Jang Ik-Deok who had been silent all this time.


“yes. “My lord.”

“I want to see this guy’s real skills.”

“yes. “My lord.”

The words were almost over.


The man or rather Jemopal who had been standing still suddenly moved.

Jeomopal whose movements were unbelievably fast for such a large man immediately tried to hit Mokgyeongun’s head with both clasped hands.


In response Mok Gyeong-un performed a step and opened the new form behind him.

Then the arm that had lowered his lowered arm rushed forward like a wild boar.

It felt like it could destroy anything.

However despite this momentum Mok Gyeong-un did not lose his composure at all and continued to widen the distance by using footwork.



In response his arm stomped on the floor towards Mok Gyeong-un who was widening the distance and stretched out his fist.


Then at that moment


White light flickered from Jeomopal’s fist and at that moment something invisible and heavy rushed into Mokgyeongun’s face.

This was a wind blow.

As a wind filled with energy flew in Mok Gyeong-un who had difficulty avoiding it crossed his arms and took a defensive stance.


Mok Gyeong-un’s new form was pushed back about six steps by a wind blowing against his crossed arms.


Mo Gyeong-un’s eyes narrowed as his arms trembled.

I guessed it to some extent because of the aura he was displaying but as expected this person called Jeomopal possessed inaction that reached its peak.

However if you look at the power of his fist itself it was superior to him.

He seemed to have both external and internal skills that were almost at their peak.

‘That won’t work.’

It seemed difficult to properly deal with Lee with his hidden skills.

However once his skills are revealed properly Jang Neung-Ak will become what he wants.

‘There’s nothing we can do.’

It seemed like it would be better to just give him a moderate beating.

His pride wasn’t particularly hurt by this.

It was better for him to get hit a few times and avoid it than to get involved in troublesome things right away.

It was then.


Before he knew it the fist of the new type of arm struck Mok Gyeong-un in the face causing his head to fall to the side and collide with the floor.



This hurts a little.

But this level of pain is nothing.

Even worse than this was Mok Gyeong-un who endured it without even making a groan.

At that time Jeomopal hit Mokgyeongun’s abdomen with his head on the floor and kicked him with a powerful kick.



Mok Gyeong-un who was hit in the abdomen was pushed back on his back.

Seeing this Ho Jong-hyuk the great leader of the Bujeoldan clicked his tongue.

“Tsk tsk. I’ll catch it. “I’ll catch you.”

When I saw the movements of his body as he performed the steps I assumed that he would be at the peak of maturity but seeing him being helpless I wondered if he was not at that level.

Although Jeo Mo-pal was considered to be a low-ranking player among the five evil spirits he was a person with skills that was close to the pinnacle.

Even if he is the master of Sihyeolgok how can he be a match for such a talented person when he is determined and shows inaction?


‘Is it just this much?’

Hui Zhou’s second disciple Jang Neungak’s eyes were filled with disappointment.

I thought they would show me as much as I expected but as they kept getting beaten up my expectations were gradually disappearing.

Well even if he had hidden his skills in the first place there was no way he could be a match for the five evil men Jemopal.

“That’s it. Now…”

I was going to tell you to finish it in moderation.

“The heart sound is still normal.”


“Please leave it to me.”


With those words someone jumped out.

He was none other than the blind man Wi Meng-cheon the second mountain.


Wi Meng-cheon who pulled out the sword hidden in his bamboo stick flew in an instant and slashed the sword towards the neck of Mo Gyeong-un who was being beaten by Jeo Mo-pal.

He unleashed his killing energy to the fullest and seemed ready to cut off his head in one go.


It was the moment when the blade was about to touch my neck.




At that moment Jeomopal’s eyes widened.

Isn’t Mok Gyeong-un lightly holding the fist he was throwing with his left hand and suddenly striking and blocking the above Maeng-cheon’s sword?

“You guy…”

He tried to say that it was true that he had hidden his skills but Mu Qingyun looked at the blind Wei Mengchen as if he was not even paying attention and said.

“I was welcoming you to the best of my ability but you are giving me trouble.”

“What’s wrong with that?”

This rat-like bastard was arrogant and dared to hit me?

At Mok Gyeong-un’s words Jeomopal’s anger rose and he shook off his grabbed fist and tried to blow Mok Gyeong-un’s face with his opposite fist.


-Wood clack!

“Turn it off!”


At that moment with a groan of pain coming from his mouth his right hand which was being held by his arm was bent backwards and he was forced to kneel on the floor.

‘What skills does this guy have?’

Jeomopal could not contain his astonishment.

This guy’s strength was surpassing his own which was nearing its peak.

< Episode 38: Skills (1) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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