Myst, Might, Mayhem Chapter 107

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< Episode 30: Master of Assassination (3) >

A red line on the floor drawn inside the entire cavity.

Mok Kyung-un glanced at this and said to the white-haired middle-aged man.

“Is the offer you made earlier still valid?”


“yes. In fact in a way you came out of it thanks to me.”

Hearing Mo Kyung-un’s words the white-haired middle-aged man twitched his lips and then let out a vicious laugh.

-Hahahaha. I came out thanks to you?

“In the end.”

-He’s a funny guy. How can the purpose of satisfying your greed human beings be said to be grace?

“He was locked up for thousands of years and then released. If he’s an old man who lived that long wouldn’t he be able to move on happily?”

The white-haired middle-aged man snorted at Mo Kyung-un’s words.

To him Mokgyeongun was at best a bug crawling on the floor.

Just as humans do not have feelings or pay special attention to insects the white-haired middle-aged man was not particularly impressed by what Mo Kyung-un said.

However there was nothing interesting.

-What a unique guy.


-Why are you fearless?


That was the gray-haired middle-aged man’s question.

As before even though he was in an isolated situation Mo Qingyun was not afraid of himself at all.

This is despite the fact that there is a growing fear that one could die at any moment.

A middle-aged man with narrowed eyes and white hair approached and said.

-Is he not afraid of death? Or is he under the illusion that he will not die even if he is put in this situation?

“well. “I think I can tell you that it’s not the latter.”

-It’s not the latter?


– Are you saying he is not afraid of death?

“Everything in life is bound to decay anyway so what’s the point in being afraid of that?”

The white-haired middle-aged man thought Mok Gyeong-un’s words were unusual.

He is afraid that even beings who live eternal life like him will disappear.

However mortals are not afraid of death.

In response the white-haired middle-aged man held out his hand and said:

-okay? Then we can test whether you are really not afraid of death.


The white-haired middle-aged man waved his hand lightly.

At that moment Mok Gyeong-un’s left arm which was floating in the air in a running position was bent backwards.


His arm was completely broken beyond its range of motion.

It was absolutely terrifying just to look at it.

-Lord lord!

Gyu So-ha shouted at the sight of Kyung-un with his neck bent and his left arm bent.

However Mok Gyeong-un who was actually involved was only breathing slightly heavier and did not show any special change in expression.

At this one eyebrow of the white-haired middle-aged man rose.

‘Can you tolerate this?’

No matter how patient I was I knew I would groan even a little.

But it was completely unexpected.

As he was doing this the reporter Yang Mu-won Dan-ju who was watching this scene tried to run somewhere in a hurry.

“Tracheal diagnosis… Tracheal diagnosis….”

Yang Mu-won muttered.

He tried to activate the engine control system installed in the report.

‘We need to activate the engine propulsion system and quickly send a signal to the main body for help.’

A money-saving expert like that couldn’t handle it on his own.

However the engine type installed in this Bogo was designed to be able to withstand hundreds of intruders and even extreme experts.

So I’m trying to go for a tracheal movable device.



A shiver ran down my spine and I felt something seeping into my body.

Since I was a master who was close to the peak I could feel that there was something cold and invisible around me from before.

But what is this unpleasant sensation?

-Dudeuk! Dudeuk!


Danju Yang Mu-won’s body fell violently as if he had suffered a convulsion.

Then his eyes rolled over.

Yang Mu-won the veins on his face were black and bulging.

Red blood seeped into his overturned eyes and soon his face returned to its original state.

‘I almost got into big trouble.’

The person who took over his body was none other than Cheongryeong.

When I heard Yang Mu-won muttering I thought it was a mistake and possessed his body.

She knew the organ-jinsik installed in the treasury of the main castle.

Therefore if it is the same or higher than the engine model she knows if it is activated for no reason the currently held Mok Gyeong-un will be in danger.


A middle-aged man with white hair said to Mok Kyung-un who was catching his breath.

-Seeing that it holds up this easily I think it would be better to tear it apart rather than break it. This time one leg…

“It’s up to you to tear it down but how will you get out after I die?”


“yes. “It looks like even you so strong can’t cross that red line.”

Hearing Mo Gyeong-un’s words the white-haired middle-aged man silently looked at the red line drawn on the floor.

And then he opened his mouth again.

-You’re talking as if you’re going to open that thing.

“…As long as there is good agreement between us.”

-discussion? It sounds like they’ll get rid of that thing if you save your life.

“Let’s put it that way.”

If he had been in a situation where he had the upper hand he would have induced a transaction that would have allowed him to make even a small profit but the opponent was a heroic level who could kill him at any time.

Mok Gyeong-un knew that there was no benefit in provoking him for no reason so he planned to receive only the minimum amount of compensation that would save his life.

At that time the white-haired middle-aged man smiled and said.

-Why does a guy who says he’s not afraid of death want to save his life in return?

“…I have work to do.”

-What to do?

“There’s someone I need to kill.”

-Is that something like revenge?


There was no answer but it was clearly positive.

At Mok Gyeong-un’s words a middle-aged man with white hair came to Mok Gyeong-un’s side grabbed his chin and lightly lifted it upward.

-What you mean is that you want to prolong your life even just a little bit for revenge.

“Of course it all depends on your choice. If you want to kill me I will die and if you accept my deal you can leave this cavity.”

-You can get out of here…

The white-haired middle-aged man stared at Mo Kyung-un.

In fact his mood was close to peak.

As expected it was sealed within that scroll for thousands of years.

But this is how I came out of it.

freedom has been achieved.

Now if only I could break even that red gold…

-It’s tempting. All you want is to save your life?

“…yes. “It doesn’t seem like a situation worth wishing for anything else.”

-You understand the topic quickly. good.


The white-haired middle-aged man lowered his head lightly.

Then Mok Gyeong-un’s body which was floating in the air fell to the floor.


“Whoa… whoo….”

Neck Kyung-un who fell to the floor held on to his left elbow which had been turned in the opposite direction.

No matter how strong my tolerance for pain was there was no way it wouldn’t be painful when my healthy arm turned in the opposite direction.

‘For now…’


Mok Gyeong-un bent his arm which had been bent in the opposite direction back to its original direction.

His face turned slightly red but he didn’t show any signs of pain.

‘It will take time to recover.’

As it bent the bone near the cartilage in his elbow cracked and broke making it impossible for him to move properly.

Mok Kyung-un looked at his lines drawn on the floor.


There was only one chance.

He offered a deal but he really had no intention of letting the guy go.

If I lifted that red line that seemed like a barrier I had no idea how this vicious spirit beast would come out.

That’s why Mo Kyung-un thought to himself about the Pasa Pal style of Japanese food.

It’s okay if it’s only for a moment. If you make just one moment….

– Whilick!

At that moment Mo Kyung-un’s arm went up on its own accord.


Then his body began to move of its own accord.

Mok Kyung-un frowned and said.

“What are you doing?”

-But. Human. Is there any need for me to do such a deal with you?


-You just need to move your body like this.

– Swish!

As the white-haired middle-aged man waved his hand Mok Gyeong-un’s body moved as if it were a puppet.

‘It’s twisted.’

Mo Kyung-un let out a light sigh.

He himself is not one to trust anyone but it seemed like Yeongsu Lee was the same.

Moreover he did not give the slightest clue as to whether he had been living alone for thousands of years.

He might have to be prepared this time.


Maybe he can’t take revenge….

At that time Mo Gyeong-un saw a young spirit coming out of Yang Wen-won’s body.

let’s see it


At that moment Mo Kyung-un’s eyes became cold.

For a moment why did he think he would never be able to avenge his grandfather?

Does dying mean he can’t get revenge?

Even after death he became a vengeful spirit and had a blue spirit or a green spirit Gyu So-ha who sought revenge.

Isn’t his resentment towards the person who killed his grandfather only this much?


Anger and ridicule towards oneself.

As it grew bigger Mo Kyung-un’s eyes came to life as if they were burning.


The cultivation of the neck raised the morale in his body.

Compared to the vast energy of the white-haired middle-aged man it was nothing more than fresh blood but what would happen if this was concentrated in only one place?

It’s like a fraud that has been condensed into a Danjeon.


The energy in the lower and middle pitches was concentrated only in the right hand.

When all fraud is concentrated in one place

‘What is this guy doing now?’

The white-haired middle-aged man frowned as he looked at Mo Kyung-un’s right hand.

That was because Mok Gyeong-un’s right hand had suddenly become pitch black.

‘More… more…’

The energy of death concentrated and made tangible.

It had a completely different color than expected.

Cheongryeong’s eyes widened when he saw this.

‘The energy is more concentrated than expected and concentrated in one place.’

It was none other than strong energy.

She couldn’t hide her surprise when she saw this.

Although it is said that he gained enlightenment about energy from the report Mok Gyeong-un was still at the peak state.

However it was only when the transcendental state was reached that a possible strength was formed.

What on earth is this?

‘What color is that?’

What is unusual is that normal rivers have a blue color like the stars of the Big Dipper.

However the energy condensed in Mo Kyung-un’s hand contained a black light that seemed as if everything would be sucked in.

Is this a phenomenon that occurred when the energy of death condensed?


At that moment the hands that had been tied by the yogi were released.

At the same time Mo Qingyun struck his black hand towards the floor causing a loud noise and fragments flying in all directions.

-Papa pa pa pa paak!

However the fragments did not reach the white-haired middle-aged man.

The fragments were blocked and oxidized as if an invisible film had formed.


Then in an instant the white-haired middle-aged man disappeared and appeared at the entrance of the cavity with a red line drawn on it.


The white-haired middle-aged man stretched out his hand forward.

Then in the debris dust Mo Kyung-un’s new form which was charging forward like a spear with its black hand thrust forward was thrown back.



The bouncing neck hit her bookshelf and landed her on one knee on the floor.

Black blood flowed from the mouth of Mok Gyeong-un who suffered internal injuries.

By concentrating all the morale in his body into one hand he increased his destructive power but the energy available to protect his body became less.

‘I can’t make up the difference at all.’

Mok Kyung-un stuck out her tongue as she looked at the white-haired middle-aged man blocking her entrance.

For a moment she thought it might be possible but it didn’t work for her.

While doing so a middle-aged man with white hair looked at Mo Kyung-un with interest and said

-It’s truly bizarre. I didn’t know it but how could the living have the energy of the dead?

He was a middle-aged man with white hair who could not sense it when it was only in his body.

However as the energy was concentrated in the hands and made tangible I realized that this had nothing to do with the true energy that Taoists and sages trained through the health method.

-It’s bizarre. Strange. I think I should take a look at your body.


A middle-aged man with white hair made a pulling gesture towards Mo Kyung-un.

Then Mok Gyeong-un saw a massive yogi trying to grab him in the form of a giant hand.

It was that moment.



In a split second the entire room was covered in blood.

Mok Kyung-un’s eyes shook when he saw this.

‘Return area?’

A space made of blood.

This was the blood realm the realm of the spirit’s refuge.


The moment he recognized it the blood swirled like a waterspout and instantly trapped the white-haired middle-aged man.

Behind that whirlpool of blood a young spirit was seen.


Mo Qingyun looked at her with an expression of incomprehension.

Why did she come in?

No matter how much she reached the level of a young spirit she could never reach the level of immeasurable power that she achieved at the level of a spirit beast.

But why did you come in?

Then she shouted at her neck.



Hearing this Mok Gyeong-un rushed towards his entrance without even having time to think.

She couldn’t miss the opportunity she had created.

It was that moment.


The vortex of blood spread in all directions in an instant and disappeared as if oxidized.

The white-haired middle-aged man made a laughable expression.

-It’s foolish. Job….


-Do not look down on me. Yeongsoo.

At that time Cheongnyeong’s entire body was covered with blood and took on the form of a human being made of blood.

Then the spiritual energy radiating from her became incomparably stronger than when she unleashed her blood system.

It was far beyond the rank of a young spirit.

Gyu Soha saw this and muttered in a surprised voice.


-Papa pap pap pap!

The blood droplets floating around all rushed towards the white-haired middle-aged man.

At the same time the young spirit who had transformed into an incarnation of blood hugged the white-haired middle-aged man from behind and held him so that he could not move.



Her white-haired middle-aged man’s hands were lightly moved by her as he was tied to her.


The blood drops flying from all directions stopped midway.

Then he lost his strength and fell to the floor.

‘To this extent…’

The blood-like eyes of the young man wavered.

By exploding all her spiritual energy she was able to generate power close to that of a male spirit for a moment but even that did not work on this spiritual beast.

At that time a middle-aged man with white hair spoke as if he had something to say.

-I thought he was an ordinary ghost but his strength is much stronger than that of many high-ranking imamangryangs. If I take your energy my hunger will go away a little.

With those words I took a deep breath.

Then the young man who was holding him began to struggle as if in pain.



The spiritual energy was being absorbed at an incredible rate.

Despite the pain Cheongryeong opened her mouth and spoke.

-I… go… uh… stand…

Mo Gyeong-un’s eyes narrowed as he looked at this scene.


Even if you are a food spirit why would you sacrifice yourself for yourself?

Why do you want to go to such lengths to save yourself when you can’t even do what you want?

She cannot understand that once she herself disappears everything will become meaningless.

Does she believe that if she survives he will avenge her to the bitter end on her behalf?

That couldn’t have been possible.

But why do they do it like that?

Mu Qingyun’s eyes met her eyes which had lost their strength and had returned to human form.

Her eyes have complex emotions.

Why does the look in the eyes of someone who sacrifices himself for someone bother me so much?

‘…It’s so annoying.’

Mok Gyeong-un who was tired and twitching his lips shouted.

“I think it would be best for you to remain trapped in here.”


With that cry Mok Gyeong-un thrust his hand towards his chest.


The moment the white-haired middle-aged man saw this he could not hide his embarrassment.


I never expected that Mok Gyeong-un would suddenly commit suicide by stabbing himself in the chest.



A middle-aged man with white hair was hugging him but his spiritual energy was weakened and he shook off the weakened youth and ran towards Mo Kyung-un.



Mo Kyung-un coughed up a handful of blood and fell backwards.

-You crazy human being!

This guy had to be alive to get rid of that red line and get out.

There was no way to get rid of it with vengeful spirits.

Therefore as a middle-aged man with white hair I had no choice but to become urgent.


A white-haired middle-aged man with a low posture bending his knees reached for his neck and grabbed his right hand to pull his hand away from his chest.

It was that moment.


– Huh?

At that moment the palm holding it sticks to it as if it were being absorbed and the energy escapes at an incredible speed.

Mok Gyeong-un whose mouth was covered in blood smiled bitterly and muttered.

“Cluck cluck… It’s really hard to hold one’s hand.”

< Episode 30: Master of Assassination (3) > end

ⓒ Hanzhongwolya

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Myst, Might, Mayhem

Myst, Might, Mayhem

Score 9
Status: Completed
Jeong, the Slaughtering Scythe Demon, feels joy in killing others. He happens to look just like Mok Gyeongwoon, the third young master of the Mok Sword Manor... “If you pretend to be me and live my life. I will let you out of this prison.” “Will you really give me that chance?” Slash Kill the third young master and live his life pretending to be him. Will the fake Mok Gyeongwoon survive this life? The serial killer begins his new life as the third young master of the great Mok Sword Manor.


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