Life of a Magic Academy Mage Chapter 277

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Chapter 277

‘Damn it. It’s like an iron wall.’

Lee Han was disappointed.

Well, it wasn’t that surprising.

As the officials of the empire were rumored to be honest and upright, there was a high possibility that they would not be swayed by such private affections.

Still, since we’re from the same tower, I thought something might work…

“If I were to work in a government post, what kind of position do you think would suit me?”

Lee Han, unable to let go of his lingering feelings, asked openly.

Originally, I wouldn’t have done this, but I was so greedy.

Of course, Iunrade made an expression as if he had heard the most absurd joke in the world. Seeing that expression, Lee Han quickly changed his words.

“It was a joke.”

“haha. I knew it would.”

Lee Han clicked his tongue inwardly.

I never thought I would be so honest and upright.

It wasn’t like being dispatched to Einrogard for nothing.

“Anyway, student Wodanaz… Thank you for being kind to today’s consultation.”

“no. It was what I had to do.”

“I’m careful, but as a senior, I’m worried that Wodanaz is carrying a little too much burden on his shoulders.”

Lee Han’s face brightened.

“But don’t worry, I have no intention of stopping the Wodanaz student. Aren’t trials a blessing and a gift to those with talent?”

Lee Han’s face darkened.

‘As expected of someone who graduated, he makes crazy sounds naturally.’

* * *

While Iunrade was concerned about the impact His Majesty the Emperor and the imperial officials would receive, there were people sweating in other places.

The adventurer Kilbedek looked at his comrades, wiping sweat on his sleeve.

“How are you?”

“I still feel a bit lacking.”

“Don’t be silly! Enough of this! I didn’t prepare like this when I went to hunt the rampaging cave trolls!”

“Don’t be angry. I’m not doing this because I want to. You know that mad wizard won’t agree.”


Kilbedek kept his mouth shut.

Even adventurers who have never seen each other’s faces can quickly become friends when they embark on a dangerous mission together.

Such was the case with Kilbedek now.

A situation in which he was caught and brought to a scam by a wizard from Einrogard!

-If I knew you were a magician of Einrogard, of course I wouldn’t have committed such a scam!

Other adventurers, including Kilbedek, howled, but it was too late.

The mad wizard asked the tricked adventurers whether they would help with their work or receive a proper punishment according to the imperial law…

Of course, the adventurers said, ‘I will help!’

The words were a reasonable punishment according to Imperial law, but to high-ranking mages, that meant nothing.

If he chose the latter, he could have been secretly buried alive.

-What are you trying to do to us?

-I heard that Einrogard’s site is vast, so maybe there’s something I need to do to get materials?

-Maybe I should clear the dungeon…

-Rest. Why would a wizard belonging to Ein Lorgard call an adventurer like us?

-Then what?

-Biology experiment… Couldn’t it be a biological experiment?

The captured adventurers trembled.

Fortunately, however, things went differently than they expected.

-To match the sum.


-Assuming one intruder, match the sum to subdue it.


It wasn’t gathering materials, clearing dungeons, or surrendering one’s body for magic.

The mad wizard wanted the adventurers to work together to subdue one intruder.

– That much is possible even now!

-I know my reputation isn’t that great, but I’ve done dozens of quests in the West!

-i get it. don’t test

And the mad wizard neutralized Hapgong without blinking an eye, and then beat the adventurers hard.

-again. to prepare properly.


the mad wizard beat the adventurers up again, prepared them again, beat them up again and prepared them again.

No pleadings, conciliations, or purchases worked.

It was indeed the mad wizard that adventurers feared.

Why did the adage ‘don’t get involved with wizards’ appear among adventurers?

If there was a high-level manpower like a wizard in the party, it couldn’t be that useful.

Nevertheless, it was because of this mad wizard-like existence that the phrase ‘don’t get involved with wizards’ came out.

An evil existence that can’t get out of it until death once it’s wrong!

“…I will prepare again.”

Kilbedek let out a long sigh. I wanted to spit in my heart, but I couldn’t because I was scared.

There is no way to escape, so all you can do is prepare until the wizard is satisfied.

“It feels good to fire an arrow the moment you open the basement door. However, the attack after that is a bit ambiguous.”

“Setting a stepping trap in front of the door?”

“good. Let’s add some more. Let’s have one wait by the side and launch an attack.”

“Can you get the timing right?”

“Shit… I’ll have to try it now that it’s like this.”

“good. Then I will pull the crossbow and jump forward.”

“What about the potion?”

“I hung it. If you pull it, it will fly right away.”

The adventurers opened the door to the underground workshop with enthusiasm and devised a plan to repel the intruders.

It was the first time that not only Kilbedek but also other adventurers had prepared with all their might.

As an adventurer, he did not prepare for the next mission in advance, receiving insufficient training in his spare time.

Rather, there were more types of people who ate, drank, and enjoyed themselves.

It was a risky job, and it was a job that made a lot of money and used it, so it was natural in a way.

But today was different.

Thanks to the mad wizard, the adventurers were all united and pulled out 200% and 300% of their abilities.

“How about changing the windowsill? Let’s lengthen it.”

“Maybe not bad… Okay. Shall we add a shield?”

“My cogblade and your mace. If you wield it together, the effect will be great. Let’s put our hands together.”



At the sound of the door opening, the adventurers instinctively shrank.

The mad wizard has returned.

“Joe, give me a little more time!”

“Not finished yet!”

The adventurers begged because they knew they would be beaten by the mad wizard once the breakthrough started.

Professor Voladi asked with an expressionless face.

“How long will it take?”

“An hour… ah no. 30 minutes! 30 minutes is all it takes!”

“i get it. Start in 30 minutes. The opponent is a student.”

“Thanks… who is it?”

Professor Voladi did not answer twice. I gestured as if to get ready and left the basement workshop.

The rest of the adventurers clung to the windows of the studio with wide-eyed eyes.

…So we’re going to attack that young student in the blue that’s coming over there?

It was better than the mad wizard, but this time I was worried in a different direction.

Can I really attack?

“Uh… aren’t we getting arrested?”

“You’ve already been caught.”

* * *

Despite Professor Boladi’s guidance and arriving at the dark underground workshop, Lee Han was not surprised.

‘I was prepared.’

final exam week.

If he hadn’t expected it after seeing Professor Voladi putting adventurers in coffins and shipping them to the school, then Lee Han was not qualified to survive in Einroguard.

Professor Voladi nodded lightly at the sight of Lee Han not letting go of the string of tension throughout his body.

It was the attitude of a great battle mage.

“Adventurers are waiting inside. break through.”

“All right.”

A battle mage had to know how to flexibly deal with all sorts of situations.

It should be able to deal with enemies even when they are hiding in buildings and waiting.

…I don’t know why he had to do that in the first year, but instead of refuting, Lee Han gave strength to the hand holding the cane.

‘Make all possible preparations.’

After casting various strengthening magics, disturbing the enemies’ vision with fantasy magic, and then sending the summoned creatures inside… I

knew this day would come since Professor Voladi brought the adventurers, so I wasn’t surprised, but my heart was heavy.

Experienced adventurers who have gone through pre-natal battles have to enter the basement prepared and determined.

No matter how thoroughly Lee Han prepared, he could lose.

‘Let’s consider it lucky that there is no Phoenix or Cerberus.’

Lee Han thought so and made up his mind.

I suddenly felt their eyes on him, so I looked to the side and saw adventurers watching Lee Han through the windows of the basement workshop.

Lee Han hardened his face.

‘Surely they are adventurers.’

After all, the experiences the adventurers had accumulated were not something to be taken lightly. I was already carefully observing Lee Han’s power.

If you accidentally expose your magic here, you will be stabbed right back.

‘I don’t know if it will work…’

“Professor. I am so afraid.”


“Can I really beat the adventurers in here?”

“Do you have a headache?”

Professor Voladi expressed his embarrassment briefly and simply.

* * *

The adventurers who heard the fear and anxiety of the student outside the window were distraught.

He wondered if it would be okay to attack like this.

“I’m sure we’re not into a conspiracy.”

“What kind of conspiracy?”

“Maybe he called us because he wanted to kill the disobedient disciple, but he didn’t want blood on his hands.”


Hearing it made sense. The adventurers fell silent.

That loosened carelessness gave Lee Han time like gold.


Lee Han immediately kicked open the door to the basement workshop. Arrows flew inside.

Puk Puk-

The arrows were stuck on the water shield that had been floated in advance. Since it was Lee Han who had previously applied various strengthening magics including < Spatial Awareness >, he knew it even without seeing it.


Instead of entering, Lee Han intensely discharged his mana into the underground workshop and cast the < Light Generation > magic.

A sphere of bright light, reminiscent of a blazing sun, floated in the underground workshop.

“Light, light, light…!”

Originally, there was no need to invest so much mana in magic that was only one circle.

Mana was a limited resource, and distributing that resource was also a wizard’s skill.

However, Lee Han ignored such calculations and poured light into the workshop. There was a light source, but the adventurers who got used to the darkness were blinded for a moment.

“Arise, Skeleton Warriors! Heat, distort the air!”

Lee Han threw a bone fragment and summoned the Skeleton Warriors. They couldn’t even move properly yet, but they were threatening enough for adventurers who didn’t know about it.

“Undead! Black magic!”


Even in the chaos, there was no unnecessary action in the adventurers’ movements, and each other’s breathing did not stop. Lee Han couldn’t help but admire.

‘I thought he was a cheater, but he must have the skills. Well, if I didn’t have the skills, I wouldn’t have dared to cheat on Professor Ein Rogard.’

In an underground workshop that is so bright that you can’t see ahead.

The number of the summoned Skeleton Warriors received the power of fantasy magic and felt like more than a dozen.

Nevertheless, the adventurers accurately swung their weapons and knocked down the skeleton warrior.

That’s why they practiced hard in this underground workshop.


Kilvedek was surprised even after he defeated the skeleton warrior.

“Bone, seize the enemy!”

Lee Han immediately went into the next attack.

In the first place, the reason why the light burst and the skeleton warriors were sent inside was not to attack, but to attract attention.

It was enough that he couldn’t pour what the enemies were preparing on Lee Han.

Using the bones of the broken skeleton warriors, Lee Han threw bone magic at random.

“Bone, seize the enemy!”

With a nerve-scratching sound, bone fragments came together from all sides to form restraints.

The remaining adventurers shouted while avoiding the blind spot from the entrance.

“I was not a young student!!!”

“Hold on! If you use magic like that, it won’t last long! Exhaustion is coming soon!”


One unlucky adventurer was knocked down by a barrage of bone magic.

Other adventurers persevered. It was thanks to the mad wizard’s trials that they grew up.

‘The end is coming soon!’

‘A wizard’s magical power is infinite…’

…But why does it take so long?

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Life of a Magic Academy Mage

Life of a Magic Academy Mage

Becoming a magic school mage(official), Guide de survie à l'école de magie, How to Live as a Magic School Wizard, Surviving as a Mage in a Magic Academy, Magic Academy Survival Guide, Surviving as a Mage in a Magic Academy
Score 8.2
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Artist: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
Graduate student Yi-han finds himself reborn in another world as the youngest child of a mage family. “I’m never attending school, ever again!” “What do you wish to achieve in life?” “I wish to play around and live comfortab-.” “You must be aware of your talent. Now go attend Einrogard!” “Patriarch!” My future will be secured once I graduate. For my future!


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