Level Up Doctor Chapter 98

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Eventful (1)

“How did the patient get hurt?”

Choi Ki-seok belatedly asked one of the staff.

“I heard he fell from the mountain. Seeing the helicopter hovering, I don’t think it was mild…”

“Of course it is.”

Choi Ki-seok’s eyes turned to the helicopter again.

As the helicopter got closer, I felt my heart pounding. Hair and gowns flew wildly in the strong wind.

The presence radiated by Doctor Helgi was extraordinary.

Eventually, the helicopter landed and the door opened.

Ride, ride, ride.

The staff, including Choi Ki-seok, ran toward the helicopter without worrying about who should go first.

“This is the patient.”

Emergency medical technician Son Chang-min, who was examining the patient from the helicopter, began a briefing on the patient.

Ki-Seok Choi listened to the briefing and examined the patient with the eyes of Hippocrates.

Physical strength: 2/10

Main symptoms: Difficulty breathing / chest pain / limb pain

Painful area: heart / diaphragm / lungs

Diagnosis: cardiac rupture / hemothorax / cardiac tamponade / diaphragmatic rupture / acute subdural hemorrhage

Current status: emergency

Progress: poor (near death) )

Past History: None


Choi Ki-seok bit his lip without realizing it.

Worries about the patient and Jihye Yoon flooded in at the same time. Will it be possible to save the patient and even assist with MIDCAB surgery?

“My blood pressure and pulse keep dropping. I’m also experiencing ventricular fibrillation (a symptom where the heart can’t contract and pump blood)!”

Emergency room staff member Lee Chan-seong shouted urgently.

Hemothorax due to heart rupture The hemothorax led to cardiac tamponade again.

Now there is no time to even move the patient to the intensive care unit.

Choi Ki-seok placed a stethoscope on the patient’s chest and listened to heart and lung sounds.

The face became increasingly distorted.

“Did you bring a chest tube intubation set?”

“I brought it, but… do you really want me to kill it from a helicopter?”


“No matter what, we need to do a basic test. There is no evidence of hemothorax or pneumothorax.”

“If you don’t believe me, hear it for yourself.”

When Choi Ki-seok held out the stethoscope, Lee Chan-seong hesitated.

“No, I don’t necessarily have to listen. I’m just going to follow the normal procedure.”

“Mr. Lee, are you showing off in front of the patient?”

Ki-Seok Choi shouted.

“If you don’t have the confidence to look after the patient or take responsibility for the patient, follow my advice. Do you understand?”


“Did you know?”


The staff, including Lee Chan-seong, looked discouraged by Choi Ki-seok’s harsh criticism.


[A new stat, Charisma, has been released.]

[Charisma: 2]

[Charisma: This is the ability to lead colleagues and patients to act according to one’s will. The higher the charisma, the more people follow you, and their abilities slightly increase. There is political power and some influence.]

“Unfold the set. Quickly!”

Choi Ki-seok ignored the notification and started preparing for treatment.

[Use the awakening CPR buff. Lasts 30 minutes.]

– When performing breathing procedures, the patient’s ability to receive air increases by 30 percent. Chest compressions double the blood circulation rate and prevent ribs from breaking.

– When using a defibrillator, the patient’s heart recovery rate increases by 1.5 times.

[The cold effect of Frozen Heart applies to staff.]

After using the skill, I put on surgical gloves and started intubating the chest.

‘Nonsense. ‘Is the treatment this fast?’

‘Is this your first year as a resident?’

The staff were in awe of Choi Ki-seok’s confident and quick hand movements.

Ki-Seok Choi was performing a chest tube intubation as if he were scooping up a spoon for a meal.



The blood that had accumulated in the pericardium poured out forcefully into the drainage bottle.

There was so much blood that the drainage bottle filled up to a quarter in no time.

Choi Ki-seok barely finished the treatment and stared at the patient monitoring device installed on the helicopter.


My breathing dropped to the floor and my pulse started to hit the floor.

“This teacher is intubating the trachea, and Dr. Park is giving epinephrine one ampoule IV (intravenous injection).”

Ki-Seok Choi gave instructions and held the defibrillator attached to the wall in both hands. Then, jelly was applied to one paddle of the defibrillator and then rubbed and buried in the other paddle.

“I will charge it.”


Emergency technician Son Chang-min set the charging amount to 200J and pressed the charging button.

Then the lamp came on and a beeping electronic sound sounded.


“Everyone get out of the way. Clear!”


As the current flowed, the patient’s body jumped up and down.





‘cheer up. please.’

Choi Ki-seok looked down at the patient and prayed earnestly. I didn’t want the patient to die in front of my eyes, I didn’t want to pronounce the death sentence on the guardians with a sad heart, and I didn’t want to watch the guardians cry their tears.





“My heart is beating again!”

Son Chang-min’s voice was like sweet rain in a drought.

The patient’s vitals have barely returned to normal, but the fight begins now. If chest trauma and head trauma are not treated, it is not surprising that the patient will disappear into the nether regions at any time.

“Mr. Lee, please go to the emergency room and order a chest CT, brain CT, and other tests. The others will join me in loading the patient and moving to the intensive care unit.”


The staff moved in perfect order under Choi Ki-seok’s instructions.

Choi Ki-seok visited the intensive care unit, squeezing the ambulance bag until his entire body was soaked in sweat.

Afterwards, the patient underwent an emergency examination and the test results came out.

The diagnosis matched what Hippocrates had seen with his own eyes.

However, because the bleeding on the brain was not severe, thoracic surgical treatment needed to be performed before neurosurgical treatment.

“Professor. There is a patient who came to the hospital via helicopter. I think he needs emergency surgery. Could you take a look at it?”

[I’ll go right away.]

When I called, Hyukpil Jang readily answered.

While waiting for Jang Hyuk-pil, Choi Ki-seok took the operating room and looked into the staff who could perform the surgery.


I lowered my head while talking on the phone.

Why aren’t unfortunate premonitions wrong?

While the doctor’s helicopter was flying, an emergency patient visited and the staff performed emergency surgery.

Currently, there are only three people who can operate on heart rupture patients.

Jang Hyuk-pil, Choi Ki-seok, and Lee Young-ho.

The problem is that when operating on a heart rupture patient, Choi Ki-seok cannot enter Yoon Ji-hye’s surgery. I wanted to give her a cold effect while assisting with the surgery.

“Is this the patient?”

Jang Hyuk-pil came running in a huff and stood next to him.

Choi Ki-seok briefly explained the patient’s condition, the treatment performed so far, and the results of the examination.

Hyukpil Jang listened to the briefing, looked at the test results, and nodded.

“You got the operating room, right?”

“Yes. But Professor, I have something to tell you.”


“Could you please finish this patient’s surgery as quickly as possible? I am supposed to be Professor Yoon’s MIDCAB assistant.”

“What time do you get in?”

“Well… there’s about an hour left.”

“Let’s just stay still. Then, we have to complete the surgery on the heart rupture patient within 40 minutes, right?”

Choi Ki-seok became dumbfounded by Jang Hyuk-pil’s question.

In fact, I knew very well that my suggestion was unreasonable.

Moreover, there are only three surgical staff.

“Let’s give it a try.”

“thank you!”

While the two were talking, Youngho Lee arrived in the intensive care unit. With the entire surgical staff gathered, the three ran to the operating room without delay.

Beat, beat, beat.

I scrubbed and went into the rosette.

Next, the anesthesiologist administered general anesthesia and the three people took their respective positions.

Choi Ki-seok’s seat is opposite Jang Hyuk-pil.

It’s been a while since I started working as a first assistant.


Choi Ki-seok disinfected the patient’s abdomen and chest widely with povidone and covered it with a cloth.

“We will begin heart rupture surgery now. Scalpel.”

At Jang Hyuk-pil’s cry, the disinfection nurse handed him a scalpel.

When Jang Hyuk-pil cut the patient’s solar plexus from the bottom of the neck with a scalpel, the sternum was revealed.

In response, Choi Ki-seok took a chainsaw and cut the patient’s sternum.

Drumming. Drumming.

The sound of bones cracking echoed through the operating room.

The sternum was cut in half and the pericardium was removed, revealing the patient’s heart.

‘Not like this…’

Choi Ki-seok’s brow twitched.

There was a 7cm tear (torn wound) on the right pericardium and a 3cm tear on the right atrium. This is why the patient’s bleeding was severe.

Hyukpil Jang seemed to be thinking the same thing as he let out a low sigh.

“Here it is.”

Youngho Lee quickly handed over the retractor.

Perhaps because of my accumulated experience in the operating room, my actions were quicker than before.

Choi Ki-seok placed a retractor on the patient’s chest and, together with Lee Young-ho, pulled it with appropriate force.

However, Hyukpil Jang did not perform the surgery and just looked down at the patient.

“Professor? Is there a problem?”

“You know. There’s a big problem.”

Hyukpil Jang took a pause before continuing.

“It’s not difficult to perform surgery. If it’s like this, I won’t be able to meet the time you asked for.”

“…My request was unreasonable in the first place. Please perform the surgery normally.”

Choi Ki-seok suppressed his sadness.

Although he has a strong desire to help Yoon Ji-hye, he has no choice but to accept the current situation.

“That’s not possible. No matter what anyone says, you are the first staff member of the Saber team. If you can’t even grant this much of a favor, you lose face as the leader.”


“Is it time for reinforcements to arrive?”

Hyukpil Jang stared at the entrance to the rosette.

Just then, the door opened and a person wearing surgical clothes stood next to Choi Ki-seok.

Choi Ki-seok was surprised and stared at the new person who appeared.

Who is it?

There is no surgical staff at the thoracic surgery department.

“Why are you so surprised?”

I woke up to a familiar voice. Could it be that the owner of this voice is….

“Mr. Kang?”

“Ding dong dang. You got it right.”

Kang Hana answered in a bright voice.

“Even though my shift was over, I was still at the hospital, so I asked you to help me. I heard you persuaded Teacher Kang to join the Saber team yesterday?”

Hyukpil Jang said with a smile.

“That’s right, but…”

“There’s no time to zone out. Let’s help the professor quickly.”

Kang Hana pulled the retractor instead of Choi Ki-seok and used the other hand to suck the blood with the suction device.

“Okay then, shall we speed things up? 3-0 prolene.”


The sound of tightening the needle holder was pleasant.

* * *

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Jihye Yoon knocked and entered the VIP room.

“I’m here?”

Park Soon-jae put down the book he was reading and stared at Yoon Ji-hye.

“Yes. How are you feeling?”

“I guess it’s time for surgery. The pain has gotten worse over the past few days.”

“I will do my best to help you regain your health.”

“I trust Professor Yoon.”

Park Soon-jae paused and then continued speaking.

“I’m sorry for putting such a burden on you. Actually, I didn’t plan on doing this, but as I got older and my body got sick, there was nothing I could do.”

“No. Professor, I completely understand your feelings.”

Ji-hye Yoon answered calmly. However, it was still difficult to look at Sun-jae Park directly. In

a moment, we would have to lay him down on the operating table and cut his body apart.

“I heard that some members of the Korean Thoracic Surgery Department are coming to observe the surgery. But…”

“No. Don’t worry about that.”


“I called you earlier and told you not to come. I can’t burden Professor Yoon any more.”

“Thank you.”

Jihye Yoon sighed in relief.

But while the two were talking, there was a knock on the door.

When Sunjae Park told them to come in, a man appeared. It was Jo Ji-hwan.

Hello? How are you? Vice President. Professor Yoon is also here?”

Jo Ji-hwan smiled slyly.


“Chief Cho. Nice to meet you.”

Jo Ji-hwan stood next to the bed while greeting the two people.

“I heard that you prevented members of the Thoracic Surgery Association from observing the surgery.”

“How can you boast about performing surgery on an old man?” ”

Is that so? I thought it was an opportunity to show off Professor Yoon’s skills to the association.”

“Don’t you know the relationship between me and Professor Yoon?”

“Of course I do. But Professor Yoon must have a strong heart. “You have the guts to change the surgery to MIDCAB.”

Jo Ji-hwan tapped Yoon Ji-hye’s shoulder in a friendly way.

“It’s a pity that we can’t invite the association, but I plan to observe the surgery.” “

… Do whatever you want.”

Park Sun-jae said he was not pleased. He continued with an expression on his face.

“Anyway, I won’t know whether Manager Cho is observing or not.”

“From what I heard, that’s right. As expected, the vice president of the association is different no matter what.”

Jo Ji-hwan skillfully brushed off the topic.

Ji-hye Yoon had a feeling that the conversation between the two would be long, so she asked for an excuse and left the VIP room.

How much time had passed?

She took a deep breath and entered the operating room. I headed to.

When I arrived and looked at the staff, I couldn’t see Choi Ki-seok.

“What happened to Dr. Choi?”

“There was an emergency patient, so I’m in surgery with Professor Jang. I probably won’t be able to assist you today.”

“I can’t help it,”

Jihye Yoon replied with an expressionless face and started scrubbing.

[When the surgery date is set, please make sure to have me as an assistant. It will definitely be helpful to Professor Yoon in performing the surgery.]

When I remembered what Choi Ki-seok said, I felt that he was mean.

Of course, I fully understood the situation, but my heart did not follow my head.

“You idiot. Idiot.”


First assistant Yoo Jae-hyeon, who was scrubbing next to her, asked in surprise.

“Don’t worry about it,”

Yoon Ji-hye said coldly and entered the rosette.

The moment she stood in the surgeon’s chair and looked down at Park Sun-jae, the pressure she had been suppressing came back.

Arm She was shaking faintly and her mind was empty.

Her heart was pounding uncontrollably.

Suddenly, as she stared at the observation operating room, Jo Ji-hwan looked at her and waved his hand.

Was that action cheering or threatening?

After a while, the anesthesiologist As general anesthesia was administered, the moment of surgery arrived.

Choi Ki-seok was missing, but there was no staff to replace him, so the surgery proceeded as is.

‘Please. Let’s calm down.’

Ji-hye Yoon tried to calm her trembling hands.

Didn’t she change the surgery to MIDCAB on her own?

There is no place to retreat now.

“Starting MIDCAB surgery from now on….”


Before Ji-hye Yoon finished speaking, a rosette appeared. The door opened and Choi Ki-seok appeared.

“Ha… I’m sorry. Sigh…I’m a little late because there was an emergency surgery.”

As Choi Ki-seok appeared, the cold effect of a frozen heart enveloped the staff.

“Okay, settle down quickly.”

Ji-hye Yoon smiled and grabbed the scalpel.

Her mind calmed down and her hands tightened. The trembling has stopped.

I will defeat MIDCAB in one go.

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Level Up Doctor

Level Up Doctor

Score 8.2
Status: Completed Type: Released: 2016 Native Language: Korean
Level-Up Doctor Growing up as an orphan, Jeong He-Jin didn’t open his heart to anyone. After giving his all to become a cardiothoracic surgeon, he got into an unfortunate accident, after which he woke up not as ‘Jeon He-Jin’ but as ‘Choi GiSeok’. And on top of that, he has to using his skills…? The accident changed his fate drastically… Can he become ‘the Greatest Cardiothoracic Surgeon’ as ‘Choi GiSeok’?


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