Level Up Doctor Chapter 89

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The second part of One Hundred and One Nights (4)

While waiting for the elevator, I looked at the list of hospitalized patients on my cell phone.

Indeed, there was one patient assigned to him.

The patient’s name is Park Soon-jae.

He is in his late fifties and the name of his disease is aortic valve regurgitation.

‘I’m tired.’

Choi Ki-seok frowned and placed his hand on his forehead.

A special note in the EMR (electronic medical record) contained information that the patient was vice president of the Korean Association of Thoracic Surgery.

After all, the patient was a good thoracic surgeon…

I couldn’t help but feel burdened.

It almost makes you think that Jo Ji-Hwan may have assigned V.I.P


screw you .


I lightly tapped my cheeks and decided to come to my senses.

Eventually, the elevator arrived at the roof of the new building.


The security guard at the entrance looked at Choi Ki-seok’s name tag and nodded. This is because no one could enter

the V.I.P



Choi Ki-seok bowed his head and went inside.

The VIP lounge had a different appearance from the regular ward. The interior was neat and elegant, and the nurses at the station also exuded a certain elegance.

I thought I understood why the daily hospitalization fee ranges from at least 800,000 won to about 2 million won.

“I’m here?”

Jihye Yoon, who was sitting on the sofa near the station, approached me.

“I confirmed the patient information.”


Jihye Yoon smiled as she recited the name of the disease and the test results that were confirmed on the way.

“Don’t forget that even though the patient is in front of you, you are actually the attending physician. Understood?”

“All right.”

The two had a brief conversation and headed to the intermediate hospital room.

When I knocked and went inside, Park Soon-jae was looking down at the scenery outside.

Then he turned back and stared at the two people.

Park Soon-jae gave off a warm impression like a neighborhood grandfather.

There were strands of gray hair, and there were nice wrinkles on his forehead and next to his eyes. Above all, the subtle smile on his lips is impressive.

“Hello, Vice President.”


“Don’t greet me casually, just sit down.”

Park Soon-jae smiled and pointed to the sofa.

“And are you going to keep calling me vice president out of affection?”


“Please feel free to call me professor.”

“All right.”

Jihye Yoon nodded slightly.

Park Soon-jae served as her advisor when she was at Baekjin University’s Department of Thoracic Surgery.

Even after leaving Baekjin University, we often kept in touch.

“How are you feeling?”

“Maybe it’s because I’m getting older, but I can’t move as I want. I guess time can’t stand the test of time.”

Park Soon-jae frowned and placed one hand on his chest.

If you suffer from aortic regurgitation, you may experience symptoms such as severe heart palpitations, chest pain, and difficulty breathing.

“By the way, is Uijin University Hospital worth going to?”

“I’m adjusting well.”

“Well, I feel relieved because Professor Jang came with me… but Teacher Yoon is such an eccentric person.”

Park Soon-jae looked at Choi Ki-seok and continued.

“How do you think? Professor Yoon, are you doing well?”


Choi Ki-seok could not easily answer.

Based on the standard of not causing problems, it is true that we are doing well. However, it is not normal for there to be no interaction with other staff even though it has been 10 months since coming to Uiguk.

When Choi Ki-seok remained silent, Yoon Ji-hye secretly pulled her hand back and pinched his side.

The spicy taste made me feel like crying.

“Ahh… I’m sorry. I felt like I was going to sneeze.”

Ki-Seok Choi continued speaking, passing the pain through acting.

“Professor Yoon is doing very well. These days, I even wonder if he was a Uijinda University staff member from the beginning.”

“is it so?”

Park Soon-jae laughed at Choi Ki-seok’s answer.

“Professor Yoon, you’ve changed a lot in the time I haven’t seen you.”


“I wish you had done that when you were with me.”

Park Soon-jae and Yoon Ji-hye stared at each other.

Through the meaningful conversation and exchange of glances, Choi Ki-seok was able to intuit that there was something between the two people.

There was silence for a moment, and then Yoon Ji-hye changed the topic.

“I checked the test results from Baekjin University Hospital on the way. There is a lot of blood flowing back into the left ventricle, so it looks like I will have to have surgery.”

To Yoon Ji-hye’s words, Park Soon-jae nodded without answering.

Until three years ago, he was actively serving as the head of the Department of Cardiac Surgery.

My skills were not so rusty that I could not monitor my own condition.

“That’s how it should be. That’s why.”

Park Soon-jae cleared his throat and continued speaking.

“My valve surgery. I want Dr. Yoon to do it.”

“Ji… are you serious?”

“Of course. At least when it comes to aorta-related surgery, there’s no one who can follow Professor Yoon, right? Why would you leave Baekjin University Hospital and come to Uijin University?”

“But how could I, Professor…”

Jihye Yoon lowered her head.

By nature, surgeons are reluctant to perform surgery on acquaintances or relatives. This is because I feel a great burden in carrying out the housework.

“It may be difficult, but please do me a favor.”

“No matter how much you ask, it’s too much. I’ll talk to Professor Jang instead.”

“Uh huh. If I was going to get surgery from Professor Jang, I wouldn’t have come to medical school in the first place.”

Park Soon-jae continued speaking.

“Everyone is equal on the operating table. A patient is just a patient. If you want to grow as a doctor, you have to overcome things like this.”


“If Professor Yoon can’t decide, there’s nothing we can do, but I’ll wait for a good answer. Go.”

At Park Sun-jae’s gesture, the two said hello and came down to the first floor.

“Professor. Are you okay?”

“…I’ll go first.”

Jihye Yoon left the place at a fast pace.

* * *

That afternoon.

Ki-Seok Choi walked around the hospital room using the eyes of Hippocrates.

As an attending physician, it is essential to check on patients before the end of the day.

‘thank god.’

I went out into the hallway and stretched out to cool off.

The ward would be quiet, so I thought I could focus on studying English as long as the emergency room wasn’t bothering me.


When I heard the voice, I turned around and saw Eunji Jo.

“Hey… I’m sorry… Could you please read the EKG for me?”

“Give it to me.”

Choi Ki-seok carefully examined the electrocardiogram given by Jo Eun-ji.

“Seeing that the PQ wave time is short and the QRS time is long, it is WPW (ventricular premature excitation syndrome).”

“Awesome. As expected, the senior is the best.”

Eunji Jo smiled brightly.

If Choi Ki-seok wasn’t there, you would have to go to the circulatory department and get a separate reading.

Thanks to Choi Ki-seok, there was less work to do.

“How can I see the ECG so well even though it’s only my first year?”

“Because I studied so hard.”

Choi Ki-seok smiled and continued.

“Tell Youngho too. If you need to read an electrocardiogram, ask me to do it. You already have a lot of work to do, so there’s no need to worry about the cardiology doctors, right?”


Choi Ki-seok broke up with Jo Eun-ji and entered the conference room.

The atmosphere in the conference room was unusual.

“Are you kidding? The hospital is a playground!”

Min Joo-hyuk was pointing his finger in the air with an excited face, and Young-ho Lee was lowering his head and saying ‘I was wrong’ repeatedly.

“Uh. Are you here?”

“Ah, yes. I’ll just leave.”

“No. Come down with me and have something to eat. You do your job properly from now on!”

Min Joo-hyuk gave another warning and left the conference room with Choi Ki-seok.

“Did Youngho get into an accident again?”

“I placed an order for ABGA, but they completely ignored it.”

“When did you place the order?”

“Ten minutes?”

Min-hyuk Min’s voice became slightly quieter.

“Is this because of a patient with a nasogastric tube?”

Interns have a lot of chores, so they may not be able to fulfill orders right away. Reprimanding someone for not taking treatment within ten minutes was no different from blaming them.

“Let’s talk about that later.”

Min Joo-hyuk avoided answering, and Choi Ki-seok did not delve further into that part.

The two people sat down at a soup restaurant near the hospital.

“Are you busy these days?”

“Don’t even talk about it. My eyes are sore and my wrists are throbbing. There is no other place in hell.”

Minjoohyuk frowned.

A week ago, he was asked by Ilsu Kwon to organize his thesis. This is a paper to be presented at a symposium hosted by Uijin University at the end of this month, and the data was very extensive.

“But if I finish well, won’t Professor Kwon leave a mark on me?”

“That’s why you’re telling me to die.”

“Is that why you scolded Youngho?”

Choi Ki-seok asked cautiously, and Min-joo Hyuk drank a glass of water in one go without saying a word.

“Actually, I vented my anger not because of the paper, but because of the chief.”


“Senior Minwoo. You’ve changed so much since becoming Chief.”

“Why? I don’t feel anything strange.”

Choi Ki-seok tilted his head.

“Have you ever worked as a surgical assistant with a senior? Or are there any patients in critical care related to lung esophagus?”


“So, that’s right. Senior Min, since he became chief, the nagging has increased a lot. I can’t argue about everything, so I’ve become an unpleasant person.”

“I still can’t imagine.”

“There is no need to imagine. We will meet in reality soon.”

Minjoohyuk shook his head as if he was fed up.

“But can people suddenly change?”

“It hasn’t changed. I’ve had that kind of personality from the beginning, it’s just revealed now.”


“I agree with the saying that the position does not make the person. That is, the position simply gives a person an opportunity to reveal his true colors.”

“What is the Chief’s true appearance as seen by you?”

“He’s a person with a strong sense of inferiority.”

Ki-Seok Choi agreed with Min-Hyuk Min’s answer.

In fact, from the perspective of Hippocrates, Han Min-woo’s skills were the lowest among the staff. And whenever a problem occurred, I would always blame those around me.

“Well, I understand. That person’s only survival strategy is to criticize his subordinates. You see, he doesn’t have the skills to take on the Chief on his own, right?”

“That’s it… But…”

While the two were talking, the kitchen aunt brought out sundae soup and assorted sundae.

“Then what is your true self?”

Choi Ki-seok picked up a sundae, ate it, and asked a question. Min Min-hyuk answered after eating two sundaes at once.

“Do you understand if I do this?”

* * *

The duty room that evening.

Choi Ki-seok was looking down at his phone with his eyebrows furrowed.

Jeong Seol-hwa did not answer the phone all day.

Maybe it was because I saw him crying in the morning, but as time went by, my worries increased.

“It won’t work.”

I left the duty room and headed to the cardiology ward.

Even though the ward was searched, Jeong Seol-hwa was nowhere to be seen. I had a conversation with the teacher I met in the middle, and all he said was that he was away for a moment.

Choi Ki-seok had no choice but to find the annex that way.

This is to look into Park Soon-jae.

Ji-hye Yoon told him to visit Sun-jae Park as soon as he had time and report on his condition.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

When I arrived at the hospital room and knocked, I heard a voice telling me to come in.

“Hello. Vice President.”

Choi Ki-seok bowed his head and greeted Park Soon-jae.

Park Sun-jae was leaning against the back of his bed, watching TV, and holding a plastic pack of nuts in one hand.

“You came earlier, but you came again?”

Park Soon-jae turned off the TV and calmly stared at Choi Ki-seok.

I couldn’t tell if he was intentionally managing his expression or just trying to avoid feeling uncomfortable.

“Ah, yes. I would like to take another electrocardiogram before the Vice President goes to sleep.”

“Well, if the doctor wants to do it, he should do it.”

“thank you.”

Since Park Soon-jae gave his permission, he brought a portable electrocardiogram from the station and took an electrocardiogram.

Choi Ki-seok stroked his chin and looked down at the test paper, and Park Soon-jae stared at him as if he was looking at a strange animal.

“What is Mr. Choi’s annual leave?”

“This is my first year.”

“What do you know if a one-year-old gets an ECG?”

Park Soon-jae clicked his tongue as if it was absurd. And he motioned for me to quickly submit the results.

“Other residents may not know, but I know. What would you do if my reading results are the same as the vice president’s reading results?”

“Huh, really. This is my first time seeing a resident so bold. Okay, then, let’s do it this way.”

Park Soon-jae took a pause and then continued.

“If Mr. Choi’s reading is the same as mine, I will hold the chapter in my hand. How do you think?”

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Level Up Doctor

Level Up Doctor

Score 8.2
Status: Completed Type: Released: 2016 Native Language: Korean
Level-Up Doctor Growing up as an orphan, Jeong He-Jin didn’t open his heart to anyone. After giving his all to become a cardiothoracic surgeon, he got into an unfortunate accident, after which he woke up not as ‘Jeon He-Jin’ but as ‘Choi GiSeok’. And on top of that, he has to using his skills…? The accident changed his fate drastically… Can he become ‘the Greatest Cardiothoracic Surgeon’ as ‘Choi GiSeok’?


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