Level Up Doctor Chapter 79

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The miracle you hope for (7)

With the appearance of Eunha Kang, the amount raised doubled.

The stage continued.

A dance song with a cheerful rhythm played, and Kang Eun-ha sang and lightly swayed her body to the rhythm.

“I love you Eunha!”

“Kang Eun-ha! Kang Eun-ha!”

The fans’ cheers were loud and shook the surroundings.

Meanwhile, the amount raised has already surpassed 20 million won.

Smiles gradually returned to the faces of entertainment staff, including hospital staff.

This is a charity concert jointly held by a university hospital and a mid-sized entertainment company.

In order to create an issue, the amount raised must be large.

“We love each other forever.”

The song ended with Eunha Kang drawing a heart over her head.

“Haa… haa… Hello everyone. This is Kang Eun-ha from Super Venus.”

Kang Eun-ha, who performed live, greeted the audience out of breath.

In response, fans once again welcomed her with applause and cheers.

“As you know, I had a car accident not long ago and was discharged after receiving treatment at Uijin University Hospital. It is truly meaningful to be able to stand on the stage of the hospital where I received treatment.”

Eunha Kang continued speaking, placing one hand on her heart.

“My heart is beating so hard right now because of your interest and love.”


“Now, I hope you share that interest with Joohee. It’s meaningful to be able to make a child’s heart beat and give them hope with our love.”

When Eunha Kang nodded, the accompaniment played.

There are originally two songs to be sung on stage.

However, the performance continued in order to raise the amount raised for the child.

“Let’s all hold hands. Look at the beautiful rainbow over there.”

Eunha Kang came down to the stage while singing. And with a mischievous smile, he grabbed Choi Ki-seok’s arm.

“I can’t sing.”

Choi Ki-seok showed his intention to refuse, but he couldn’t overcome her firm hand and the gaze of those around him.

I ended up going up on stage and singing.

“Ooh… we have tomorrow. When the sun rises…”

Choi Ki-seok sang the song, ignoring the pitch and beat, and the audience burst into laughter everywhere.

To publicly prove tone-deaf…

His cheeks turned red before he knew it.


Kang Eun-ha burst into laughter as she looked at Choi Ki-seok.

Choi Ki-seok is a manly man in the hospital, but on stage he is an unmistakable adolescent boy.

I liked Choi Ki-seok’s side when I first met him.

After the duet performance, Choi Ki-seok returned to his seat.

Eunha Kang immediately began singing the fourth song as if she wasn’t tired.

“Do you like singing with an idol?”

Jeong Seol-hwa crossed her arms and stuck out her mouth pointedly.

“No. It was really bad.”

“Hmph! You’re not shy and making a fuss, are you?”

“I saw it wrong. It was because I felt pressured by the stage.”

Choi Ki-seok approached Jeong Seol-hwa and whispered to her.

love you.

With that one word, Jeong Seol-hwa’s jealousy seemed to melt like snow.

Both cheeks were stained red, and a smile that could not be hidden was on the corners of the mouth.

“Everyone. Thank you.”

The concert ended with Eunha Kang’s fourth performance.

The final amount raised was 60 million won.

What is special is that the amount raised has increased six-fold since Eunha Kang’s appearance.

Choi Ki-seok sent Jeong Seol-hwa to the dormitory first and then had a conversation with Kim Ji-hee near the stage.

“Thank you teacher.”

Jihee Kim bowed her head.

I cried profusely throughout the concert.

Even though it was difficult to pay for hospitalization, I now have hope of living again after discharge.

This moment felt like a dream.

“If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have had this great opportunity. You saved me and Joohee.”

“All I did was build a bridge between the hospital and the agency. It’s not a big deal.”


Kim Ji-hee was speechless and burst into tears, and Choi Ki-seok hugged her and patted her back.

“Cry loudly. And cry your heart out.”


“Please shed all the tears you will shed here and now and live happily with Joohee.”

Choi Ki-seok stabilized Kim Ji-hee and returned to the main building.

There are still people left to meet.

The place I took the elevator to was the neonatal intensive care unit.

“Are you awake now?”

Choi Ki-seok looked down at Lee Joo-hee, who was rubbing her eyes, and smiled.

After the surgery, Lee Joo-hee’s condition improved significantly.

Soon, I will be going to a general hospital room, not the intensive care unit.

“Everything will be okay now. So don’t get upset mom and stay healthy.”

Lee Joo-hee chuckled and moved her head as if she understood what he was saying.

Phew. Phew.

Lee Joo-hee started gesturing in the air.

When he stretched out his finger, wondering if he wanted to play, Lee Joo-hee held his finger tightly.

Right at that moment!


[You have obtained the Legendary Item Scroll: Beyond Time.] [1000

P.P. will be paid

as a reward for acquiring the first Legendary item .]

As I was blankly looking at the status window, Lee Joo-hee giggled and continued playing with his fingers.

“Joohee. You?”

* * *

The next evening.

Choi Ki-seok took a taxi and left the hospital.

A half off was followed by a sweet full off.

Normally, I couldn’t go far because I was on the operating table, but I specifically asked Kim Geon-woo to go out.

Because I was invited to dinner by Song Myeong-jin.


I checked the items I got yesterday through the status window.

NEW [Legendary Scroll: Beyond Time]

– This is a consumable item.

– Abilities cannot be confirmed with sealed items.

– A secret key is required to unlock the seal. The secret key can be purchased from the store.

The more I looked at the item, the more my curiosity grew like a snowball.

The subtitle, “Beyond the Expectations of Time” given by the name “Legendary Item,” also encouraged curiosity.

‘It’s still a long way to go before I can write it.’

Choi Ki-seok rubbed his chin and muttered.

Currently, only gem boxes can be purchased in stores.

It takes more time to get the secret key.

If the secret key is a device that unlocks legendary items, the required P.P.

will not be easy.

I leaned back and moved to the store.

If you add up the P.P obtained through kills

and the P.P obtained as a reward,

it is

1150 P.P.

I thought it would be a good idea to roll around a gem box.

‘let’s go!’

Choi Ki-seok boldly chose a rare gem box.


You have acquired a rare gem box by spending 600 P.P. Opening the rare gem box.]


As the box was opened, light that only Choi Ki-seok could see spread out in all directions.


[congratulations. You have obtained a low-level gem.]

NEW [Level: Yawn count increases by 1.5 times]

“Ah. Fuck.”

Choi Ki-seok cursed without even realizing it.

What a ridiculous gem it is to increase the number of yawns.

It is true that gacha (Japanese for randomly selecting items) is merciless.

Choi Ki-seok decided never to touch the gem box again. There will be endless things to do through

P.P in the future

, so I couldn’t waste it like this.

While I was checking the status window, the taxi arrived at my destination.

Choi Ki-seok packed his bag and headed to an apartment near the station. Not long after I rang the bell, the door opened.


“Nice to meet you, Mr. Choi.”


Song Myeong-jin and his family all gathered to welcome Choi Ki-seok.


Choi Ki-seok bowed his head and went inside. And he handed me the bottle of drink he had brought with him before he came.

“Why did you bring such things?”

“Empty hands are empty.”

“Come over here.”

Song Myeong-jin’s wife, Son Jeong-suk, led him into the kitchen.

The moment I saw the food on the kitchen table, my eyes widened.

The large table was so full that there were no empty seats. The types of food were diverse, from Korean to Chinese to Japanese.

“Professor. This is…”

“Don’t feel pressured, think of it as your home.”

A smile appeared on Song Myeong-jin’s lips.

Afterwards, Choi Ki-seok had dinner with his family.

Because Son Jeong-suk led the atmosphere comfortably, we talked and ate food without any awkwardness.

“Would you like a drink?”

After the meal was over, Song Myeong-jin stared at Choi Ki-seok.

“Yes, of course.”

“It’s okay if you refuse. I know Mr. Choi’s physical condition well.”

“It’s okay. I will control the amount I drink.

It’s been quite a while since I had the transplant surgery.

Since I was in good condition with various items and gems, I decided that I could drink without overdoing it.


The glasses clashed.

The two The person emptied his glass in one go.

“It’s good. “I’m glad

that I can drink alone with Mr. Choi. ”

Ki-seok Choi poured a drink for Song Myeong-jin and continued.

“Have you decided on a date to leave?”

“I just got a call from Manager Cho. They said they’ve found a replacement… I think he’ll probably leave sometime next week.” ”

Ah. “Yes,”

Choi Ki-seok answered in a downcast voice.

Although parting is heartbreaking, I have to let my teacher go.

Song Myeong-jin was having painful days due to conflicts within the thoracic surgery department and the death of a patient.

“It’s unfortunate, but I can’t help it.”

Song Myeong-jin said bitterly . He smiled brightly and continued,

“Even if I’m in the U.S., I will regularly send papers and necessary information to Professor Choi, so don’t worry about that.” “Thank you.” ”


should be the one to thank you.”

The two of them drank again . We bumped into each other and emptied our glasses.

“You know, Mr. Choi, I have a very single-minded temperament. He often clashes with people around him.”

“I don’t think so.”

Song Myeong-jin blinked at Choi Ki-seok’s bold answer.

“Professor, you always did your best for your patients. So you just clashed with some doctors who wanted to take advantage of patients.”

“Thank you for saying that.”

Song Myeong-jin fiddled with his drink, avoiding Choi Ki-seok’s gaze.

A faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

“Anyway, what I wanted to say is Choi . It was really nice to meet the teacher. “If Dr. Choi had not been by my side, I would have rushed out of medical school right away,”

Song Myeong-jin expressed his sincerity while drinking alcohol. If

Choi Ki-seok had not shown consideration for patients and passion for medicine, it moved his heart.

So he revived his original intention and continues to this day. He was able to treat it.

Maybe it was because he was Choi Ki-seok’s student all this time.

“I was happy to be able to work with the professor, too. Thanks to you, I feel like both my skills and mindset have grown.”

The two looked at each other and shared a warm look.

You never know when a situation like today will come again. As a result, they tried to capture each other’s images for a longer period of time.

“Ah, Professor. I have prepared a gift for you.”

“A gift?”

“wait a minute.”

Choi Ki-seok took out a small box from his bag and held it out.

“what it this?”

“Please confirm it.”

Song Myeong-jin unwrapped the box that Choi Ki-seok held out. Then, classy-looking glasses appeared.

“The glasses you were wearing broke recently. I went to the optician with them. The prescription is the same as those glasses, but I’m not sure if they will fit well.”

Song Myeong-jin started wearing worn-out spare glasses when his existing glasses broke.

I didn’t even think about getting new glasses.

Choi Ki-seok felt sorry for that sight, so he bought new glasses.

“Is it good?”

Song Myeong-jin tried on his glasses and smiled. There were no scratches on the lens, so objects looked much clearer.

“Thank you so much, Mr. Choi.”

“No. Next time, I’ll bring you a much better gift.”

Choi Ki-seok smiled happily after seeing Song Myeong-jin happy.

The conversation between the priests continued until midnight.

Because we spent a long time together, we had endless things to talk about. It was a shame that we didn’t have enough time to talk.

“Then let’s go in.”

“Yes, Professor.”

I said goodbye to Song Myeong-jin and left the apartment. Suddenly, I looked up and a full moon appeared in the night sky.

I want to become a doctor who shines for someone like the moon.

Choi Ki-seok suddenly had this thought.

* * *

Autumn has passed and winter has come.

The days became shorter and the cool wind became harsher.

Song Myeong-jin took a position at Mayjo Clinic, and the Department of Thoracic Surgery at Uijin University ran without any problems.

Ki-Seok Choi worked diligently despite being a maltern (late-year intern).

Ward work and surgical assistance were always perfect.

Song Myeong-jin, who went to Meijo, continued to send me papers, so I read them like I used to.

Cow hearts were also delivered every day, so we practiced at home in our hideout.

The master’s disciple buff did not stop. Although their bodies are separated, their hearts are connected.

Also, on days when I was on duty, I worked hard to study English.

As time passed, I took the residency exam and had an interview for residency at the Department of Thoracic Surgery at Uijin University.

It was Choi Ki-seok, who had already proven his ability by performing fix turns.

Since the interviewers were Jang Hyuk-pil and Yoon Ji-hye, passing was a given.

Unfortunately, there was only one applicant for thoracic surgery, Ki-Seok Choi.

This year, along with urology and obstetrics and gynecology, it has firmly maintained its status as a department to be avoided.

Just like that, winter passed and spring came.

Choi Ki-seok woke up to the alarm. After taking a shower in the bathroom, I stared at the doctor’s gown hanging on the wall.

A change occurred in the pocket of the gown.

[Thoracic Surgery Choi Ki-seok]

Different affiliation than before.

Ki-Seok Choi has now become a resident. It was a new life as a doctor.

A path that has not been taken in the past.

This time I will walk to the end.

Choi Ki-seok put on a gown and headed to the ward. There was a lot of work to do in the morning.

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Level Up Doctor

Level Up Doctor

Score 8.2
Status: Completed Type: Released: 2016 Native Language: Korean
Level-Up Doctor Growing up as an orphan, Jeong He-Jin didn’t open his heart to anyone. After giving his all to become a cardiothoracic surgeon, he got into an unfortunate accident, after which he woke up not as ‘Jeon He-Jin’ but as ‘Choi GiSeok’. And on top of that, he has to using his skills…? The accident changed his fate drastically… Can he become ‘the Greatest Cardiothoracic Surgeon’ as ‘Choi GiSeok’?


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