Level Up Doctor Chapter 77

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The miracle you hope for (5)

Choi Ki-seok, who was examining the gem box, left the duty room and found a single room in the thoracic surgery ward.

Ko Yong-jin was lying on the bed with a chest tube inserted.

He looked to be in his early 50s, but his body had no flab at all. Just by looking at it, one could sense a stately style or a gentlemanly atmosphere.

Considering that I was staying in a single room, it seemed like I could afford it financially.

Suddenly, I became curious about what kind of person Yongjin Lee was.

“I’m not sleeping.”

Yongjin Lee quietly opened his eyes.

“How are you feeling?”

“It’s better than before, but this is so uncomfortable.”

Ko Yong-jin frowned and pointed to the chest tube with his index finger.

My chest was slightly opened and a tube was inserted there, so I couldn’t help but feel frustrated…

“I know it’s going to be uncomfortable, but just be patient. I have to keep drawing blood out through the tube.”

Choi Ki-seok checked the state of the drainage.

Check whether the tube is twisted or bent or whether the drainage bottle is full of blood.

Patients who have had a chest tube inserted need to be especially careful.

If done incorrectly, blood may flow back.

“If possible, take deep breaths and cough often. That way, your lungs will expand early.”

“That’s kind of you.”

A smile appeared on Ko Yong-jin’s lips.

His gaze suddenly rested on the chest pocket of Choi Ki-seok’s gown.

“Is Teacher Choi an intern?”


“If I can care about people like me even outside the hospital, I will become a real doctor later.”

“That’s not necessarily true. My colleagues and seniors scold me for being a fantasist.”

“Fantara… People around you may not like you.”

Choi Ki-seok tilted his head in response to Yong-jin Ko’s answer.

The conversation was natural, but at the same time it was not natural at the same time.

“Do you know what Fanta means?”

“It means riding a patient. It’s been quite a while since I ate hospital food. I know that much slang.”

“If you don’t mind, may I ask what department you work in at the hospital?”

“You will find out sooner or later. Whether Mr. Choi likes it or not.”

Yong-jin Lee said something meaningful.

After a moment of silence, Yong-jin Ko opened his mouth.

“What is the most difficult thing about working these days?”

“Nothing in particular.”

“You’re saying there’s nothing difficult about being an intern? That can’t be possible, right?”

“To be exact, it’s not that there are no difficulties at all. But it’s bearable.”

Choi Ki-seok answered calmly.

First of all, the intern’s biggest enemy, lack of sleep, was no match for him.

Due to the effects of reverse healing and patient wishing, I was always maintaining a certain level of physical strength.

Not only that, but any treatment was carried out with ease.

There is only one thing that is frustrating.

Even though there are many things you can do yourself, you should only do what others tell you to do.

“Mr. Choi is really unique.”

“I still hear stories like that a lot.”


“There is one thing that has been difficult these days…”

“What is it?”

Yong-jin Ko showed interest with his eyes shining.

“It’s not a story to tell the patient. It’s an internal story at the hospital.”

“Tell me openly. Maybe I can help you?”


Choi Ki-seok thought about it and eventually confessed his true feelings.

I knew it wasn’t right to talk about the hospital to a patient I didn’t know.

But I couldn’t bear the frustration. There was no time to go anywhere and complain.

A story about Lee Joo-hee, who underwent tetralogy of Fallot surgery, and the child’s parents.

He told the story of how he accidentally connected with a celebrity agency and planned a charity concert, but it failed.

Ko Yong-jin listened to Choi Ki-seok’s story without any response.

After the explanation was over, I just rubbed my chin.

“I said something unnecessary to the patient. I’m sorry, but I hope you can pretend I didn’t hear it. Get some rest and I’ll see you tomorrow when I’m disinfecting.”

Choi Ki-seok returned to the duty room.

* * *

The next morning.

Choi Ki-seok woke up in the duty room.

While studying English in bed, I fell asleep.

As I absentmindedly glanced around the duty room, I saw Min Joo-hyuk sleeping and snoring in the bed across from me.

Since I was sleeping with my stomach out, I covered him with a blanket and went outside.

Afterwards, we gathered the necessary supplies from the station and began treatment.

The first treatment is an enema.

Although the level of difficulty is not high, it is one of the treatments that interns hate the most. This is because the treatment area is the anus, and sometimes there are patients who make serious mistakes.


As I entered the hospital room, I made eye contact with the patient Yang Soon-jae, who needed treatment.


Yang Soon-jae looked at the treatment items in Choi Ki-seok’s hand and sighed.

“I heard you’ve had a hard time for a few days. You should enjoy your work today.”


Yang Soon-jae nodded with a nervous expression.

Ki-Seok Choi pitched a tent around the patient and then began work.

First, Yang Soon-jae was made to lie on her side with her knees folded and she wore surgical gloves.

The buttocks were then covered with a perforated cloth.

Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

Sufficient lubricant was applied to the anus and the tube to be inserted into the anus.

“Ah… I don’t like it.”

Yang Sun-jae watched the preparation process and shuddered.

“It just takes a moment, you know.”

“I’m more scared of what I know.”

The grumbling of Yang Soon-jae, who was over 60 years old, was just cute.

“Here we go. Take a deep breath and relax.”

Ki-seok Choi slowly pushed the tube in his hand into Sun-jae Yang’s anus.

Then he lifted the container containing the enema solution above his head.

When the forceps holding the tube were released, the enema solution flowed down the tube and into the anus.


Yang Soon-jae twisted his body.

“You know you shouldn’t go to the bathroom right away if you have a stomachache, right? Hold it in and then go when you feel like you really can’t hold it in.”

Choi Ki-seok’s voice was powerful.

[You have used the Tyrant’s Descent.]

[You have imprinted patience on the patient’s urge to defecate.] [

You have obtained 2 P.P. through enema treatment . 3

P.P. was saved

due to the rare gem’s additional 1.5x compensation effect .]

[Part of the physical strength is recovered through the patient’s vitality effect.]

Choi Ki-seok checked the alarm and left the ward.

After thinking about it yesterday,

I came to the conclusion that there was no need to focus on P.P.

Anyway, 80% of hospital work is treatment.

As you go along, P.P

naturally accumulates.


It would be better to save up and later buy good items other than gem boxes.

Choi Ki-seok started with the enema and continued the rest of the treatment. Being able to earn


and recover my stamina was the icing on the cake.

We finished preparing for the meeting in unison and started studying conversation in the conference room.

Since he was the only one in the conference room, he studied conversation in peace.

It was awkward to study with slurred pronunciation, but I persevered.

How much time has passed?


The door opened and Nam Kang-jun came in.

There was hardly any change in expression on his face after being harsh with the patient.

“Let’s talk.”

“I’m busy.”

“It’ll just take a moment.”

As the two people’s gazes collided, there was a tense atmosphere.


Choi Ki-seok closed the textbook and followed Nam Kang-jun to the break room.


As he sat down on the sofa, Nam Kang-Jun pulled out a can of coffee and handed it to him.

Choi Ki-seok took a sip of coffee without saying anything.

“I was sorry about what happened last time.”

Nam Kang-jun sat across from Choi Ki-seok and opened his mouth.

“I guess I really went crazy back then. What did I do to the patient?… I still feel dizzy when I think about that time.”


“I don’t know if you will believe it, but since then I haven’t been able to sleep because of nightmares.”

Nam Kang-Jun has definitely become more gaunt than before. It was so lifeless that it felt like a living corpse.

“So what do you want to say?”

“I just wanted to apologize to you again. I have nothing else to say.”

“I’m not a priest. Don’t confess out of the blue.”

Choi Ki-seok continued calmly.

“Even as a human being and as a doctor, your actions were truly inhumane. You will have to live with what you did for the rest of your life.”

“I know.”

Nam Kang-Jun lowered his head.

In the midst of heavy silence, Nam Kang-Jun began to cry.

“Everything went wrong after you got the heart transplant. Our gang is completely broken and Tae-ho hates you. I also lost Seol-hwa to you.”

“So this is all my fault?”

“No. I’m just curious what will happen to our bad relationship.”

“You and Taeho are the ones who were anxious because you couldn’t start a fight. Don’t hold on to me for no reason.”

Choi Ki-seok’s voice rose.

The person who wanted to apologize was getting on my nerves.

“I won’t see Taeho anymore.”

“You want me to believe that?”

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t believe it. I didn’t ask you to believe it.”

Nam Kang-Jun stood up.


The can of coffee he threw hit the trash can and bounced off.

“You’re out of luck. Anyway, continue to be careful from now on.”


“I let go of you, but not Taeho. I don’t know when or how I will retaliate against you. One thing is for sure, next time I will use much more vicious tactics.”

“Do whatever you want.”

Choi Ki-seok snorted.

“Next time, I won’t sit still. I will pay you back with interest for what you did this time.”

“Please do so.”

Nam Kang-Jun added another word and left the conference room.

Choi Ki-seok slowly drank his coffee and threw the empty can into the trash can.


The can went neatly into the trash can.

* * *

The morning meeting of the thoracic surgery department has begun.

Min Joo-hyuk, who was on duty after Nam Kang-jun’s thesis presentation, summarized and relayed what had happened overnight.

“There is only one special patient we received overnight. The patient’s name is Ko Yong-jin. Last night, around 9 p.m., he went to the emergency room with a hemothorax. A chest tube was intubated and he was admitted to a single room.”

“Go Yong-jin?”

Jo Ji-hwan’s eyebrows twitched.

“Are you by any chance an acquaintance?”

After reading Jo Ji-hwan’s reaction, Minjoo-hyuk asked back.

“He’s not just an acquaintance. He’s the person who will be the director of the medical department at our hospital starting next week.”

“Ji… Are you the medical director?”

Minjoohyuk opened his eyes wide.

The Deputy Director of Medical Services is literally the head of the various medical departments within the hospital. He could be seen as the hospital’s third-in-command, following the hospital director and deputy hospital director.

If a mistake had been made during treatment yesterday, a major accident could have occurred.

“I never thought I’d go to the emergency room without even telling you.”

Jo Ji-hwan tapped the table with his index finger.

“You didn’t make any mistakes yesterday, right?”

“Yes. The chest tube was intubated properly and his current condition is good.”

Min Joo-hyuk briefed the patient’s condition in a rapid-fire manner. Only then did Jo Ji-hwan nod his head as if he was relieved.

After the surgical patient briefing, the full-scale rounds began.

The first place the medical staff visited was, of course, the single room where the employees were located.

“Hello? Deputy Director.”

Jo Ji-hwan approached Yong-jin Ko with a friendly smile.

The two had already met each other at a meeting two days ago.

“The manager is here.

” “If you weren’t feeling well, it would have been better if you had called me in advance. Then, wouldn’t we be able to pay more attention?”

“I haven’t even officially taken office, but I don’t want to be a nuisance already.”

“What a nuisance. “What are you talking about?”

Jo Ji-hwan waved his hand and continued.

“Did you have any inconveniences with yesterday’s treatment?”

Jo Ji-hwan’s question made Min Joo-hyuk and Choi Ki-seok very nervous.

The other person was not just a patient, but the vice director of the treatment department. I understand. If you complain, very hot sparks will fly out.

“Of course,”

Yong-jin Lee continued with a smile.

“In particular, Dr. Choi saw me uncomfortable outside the hospital and helped me all the way to the emergency room. That was the best service I received yesterday.”

“Good job. Doctor Choi.”

Jo Ji-hwan looked at Choi Ki-seok and showed a gummy smile.

While Jo Ji-hwan and Ko Yong-jin were talking, someone came into the room.

It was the hospital director, Cho Yang-ki.

He must have heard about Ko Yong-jin’s admission belatedly.

Hospital director Cho Yang-ki and thoracic surgeon Jo Ji-hwan, the manager and his younger brother, and a new medical department director, gathered together in one place. A truly extraordinary scene unfolded.

Choi Ki-seok felt suffocated for some reason.

“Hello? How are you? Director of the hospital.”

Jo Yang-ki nodded slightly at Jo Ji-hwan’s greeting. Then, he stood next to Jo Ji-hwan and stared at Yong-jin Ko.

“How are you feeling?”

“Very good. You don’t have to worry.”

The conversation between the people standing at the core of the hospital’s power continued.

The staff just tensed their hearts and gave appropriate reactions.

“Then I’ll leave.” As

the story ended, the hospital director turned around and stared at Choi Ki-seok . There was hostility that could not be hidden in his calm eyes.


was the hospital director suddenly acting like this?

Afterwards, the round ended normally. Since

the surgery had started in the morning, Choi Ki-seok dragged the patient’s bed and headed to the operating room.


When he got on the elevator, his cell phone rang. It rang.

When I looked at the number, it was the vice hospital director.

“Yes, vice hospital director.”

[Mr. Choi. That’s it! That’s it!]

“Yes? What do you mean….”

[We decided to hold a charity concert. During the meeting this morning, the chairman reversed yesterday’s decision!]

Lim Byeong-cheol’s voice rang in my ears like an echo.

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Level Up Doctor

Level Up Doctor

Score 8.2
Status: Completed Type: Released: 2016 Native Language: Korean
Level-Up Doctor Growing up as an orphan, Jeong He-Jin didn’t open his heart to anyone. After giving his all to become a cardiothoracic surgeon, he got into an unfortunate accident, after which he woke up not as ‘Jeon He-Jin’ but as ‘Choi GiSeok’. And on top of that, he has to using his skills…? The accident changed his fate drastically… Can he become ‘the Greatest Cardiothoracic Surgeon’ as ‘Choi GiSeok’?


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