Level Up Doctor Chapter 66

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Last stage (6)

If you keep still like this, you will become a picture of someone eavesdropping on a story.

As he was about to leave, Kang Eun-ha spotted Choi Ki-seok and motioned to him.

“Come on in.”

The man made a shocked expression at Kang Eun-ha’s sudden behavior.

Choi Ki-seok, who was wondering what to do, entered the hospital room.

“Hello, this is Na Tae-il, manager of Super Venus.”

The man introduced first.

“This is intern Choi Ki-seok. I don’t know if I interrupted an important conversation for no reason. Actually, I came because I have something to tell you, Eunha.”

Choi Ki-seok cleared his throat and continued speaking.

“It’s not confirmed yet, but I think Eunha’s discharge date will be around next week.”

“Ah. That’s good.”

“At that point, well, I think it’ll be okay.

Kang Eun-ha and Na Tae-il looked satisfied.

“Please keep talking. I’ll just go.”

Choi Ki-seok obediently left the hospital room.

I was curious about what the two were fighting about, but I didn’t think it would be polite to delve deeper.

“Super intern teacher!”

As they were passing by the station, Kang Ha-na waved her hand happily. Choi Ki-seok also smiled and greeted.

“Is today night?”

“Yes. “I’m guarding the night today.”

Kang Ha-na made a pun using the words “night,” which means working at night, and “knight,” a knight.

Even in English, it’s not normal to make old-man jokes. If

you put Kang Hana and a chef famous for old-man jokes together, it’s quite a sight to see. I felt like a picture was coming out.

“Super intern teacher. Are you close with teacher Kangjun?”

“We were classmates in college, but now we are enemies. Why?”

“Hey. I was going to ask you to introduce me if you’re close.”

Kang Ha-na looked tearful and continued.

“But why did you become my enemy?”

“It’s complicated when I talk about it. Anyway, the important thing is that Teacher Kang must not give Kang Jun his feelings.”

Choi Ki-seok paused and then continued.

“From what I’ve observed, he is by no means a good guy. Even if we date, only Teacher Kang gets tired.”

At Choi Ki-seok’s explanation, Kang Ha-na narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms.

A naughty smile appeared on her lips.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“I think I understand now. Super intern teacher. Are you jealous that I like teacher Kangjun? Isn’t that right?”

Kang Hana raised her nose and puffed up.

“It’s pure advice.”

“It’s not advice, it’s more like estrangement…”

“If Teacher Kang wants to believe that, I won’t stop you. Instead, Kangjun will never do it! You know I’m a super intern, right? You have nothing to lose by listening to me.” As I

was chatting with Kang Ha-na, Nam Kang-jun came towards me from afar.

Judging from his actions, it seems that he was not a nobleman in his past life.

“I was going to call you, but it worked out. Senior Min asked me to have a late-night snack.”

“Hello. “Mr. Nam.”

Kang Ha-na looked at Nam Kang-jun and greeted him politely.

In front of Choi Ki-seok, Kang Han-na, who had been acting like a tomboy just a moment ago, suddenly turned into a young lady.

Choi Ki-seok couldn’t keep his mouth shut at the change.

Does she really have feelings for Nam Kang-jun?

“Just like before . “I said hello.”

“Ah. That’s…”

Kang Ha-na blushed and hesitated at Nam Kang-jun’s point out.

This was also something Choi Ki-seok had never seen before while working as a thoracic surgeon.

The shock doubled.

“Senior Min is in the duty room, right? Let’s go.”

Choi Ki-seok dragged Nam Kang-jun’s arm and went to the conference room.

The moment he turned around, he met Kang Ha-na’s stinging eyes, but he just ignored them. Even if the relationship between these two people deepens, it is absolutely against it.

“Oh, are you here?”

As Choi Ki-seok entered the duty room, Min-hyuk smiled.

“Hello. senior. “I couldn’t say hello to you properly today because my surgery schedule was different.”

“It’s okay, it’s okay. Sit over there.”

Minjoohyuk pointed to the bed across from him.

“Man. Welcome back. Do you know how worried I was that you might quit the thoracic surgery department and go into cardiology? I’m so glad to be back like this.”

“Once a thoracic surgeon, always a thoracic surgeon.”

“Not just cancer. As expected, Choi Ki-seok is a man. Loyalty!”

Choi Ki-seok just laughed at Min Joo-hyuk’s over.

His desperation to escape from being the youngest member of the thoracic surgery department was felt.

“Our kid. What do you want to eat?”

“Can I choose?”

“Uh-huh. What are you doing? Choose quickly.”


Choi Ki-seok decided on bossam as the late-night snack and ordered it at the restaurant.

The three of them talked about various things about the hospital and turned on the TV.

Min-joo-hyuk’s hand changed the channel frantically.

Eventually, the channel stopped at a charity concert on a music channel.

“You don’t know love!” I don’t know anything!”

The stage of a girl group with a tough image is in full swing.

Min Joo-hyuk couldn’t take his eyes off the screen with his mouth open, and neither did Choi Ki-seok.

The meal began in earnest as the late-night snack arrived.

“I’m sure I’m scared of TV . “He said.”

Minjoo-hyuk sighed after drinking his drink.


“Professor Jang, you appeared on ‘Morning Garden’ today under your name. They said they were getting a lot of calls from the thoracic surgery outpatient department. The number of patients who have appointments for treatment has been full for almost two months.”

“Is just one TV appearance so effective?”

“It’s because you don’t know anything. It’s not just that, it’s huge.”

Minjoo-hyuk continued, making a fuss.

“This is something I picked up, so don’t tell me. They say that Professor Jang’s appearance this time was largely due to Manager Cho’s influence. Aren’t you saying that by promoting Professor Jang like this, you will eventually kick out Professor Song?” ”


“As expected, the manager is a high-ranking person. “I know how to make people bleed.”

“Professor Song won’t sit still either. Because he has a stronger network than anyone else in the field of thoracic surgery.”

“That’s the problem.”

Min Joo-hyuk clicked his tongue in response to Choi Ki-seok’s answer.

“In the first place, the more well-known a person is, the more likely he is to collapse at the slightest shock. Even if you show the slightest loophole, people around you will attack you like a swarm of bees. Let’s give an example.”


“Let’s say the patient that Professor Song operated on dies. What kind of reaction do you think will happen then?”

“It is impossible for any doctor to save a patient 100%. Even if Professor Song performed the surgery, the patient could die.”

“That’s your naive thought.”

Minjoo-hyuk flicked his fingers left and right.

“People who hate the professor will rush in like a swarm of bees and peck at the professor. He said that the surgery so far had been a success. The funny thing is that as such words become more and more common, people actually believe them.”

“It’s dirty.”

“The reality is that it’s inherently dirty and shitty. But if you want to survive, you also have to step into this.”

Minjoohyuk showed a bitter expression.

“For your information, you currently have two positions. One is Professor Song’s student and the other is our hospital’s star intern. So, think carefully about how you will survive and how you will grow in the future.”

“You look cool today.”

Ki-seok Choi was truly impressed.

Min-ho Min-hyeok’s political power is not high for no reason.

“I am naturally cool. Anyway, stop nagging me and clean up after yourself.”

Min Joo-hyuk received a call and left the duty room.

His absence filled the duty room with cold silence.

Choi Ki-seok and Nam Kang-jun just cleaned in silence.

“What’s your relationship with Seol-hwa?”

The cleaner said. When it was over, Nam Kang-jun opened his mouth. His gaze was sharp towards Choi Ki-seok.

“Why should I tell you that?”

“Because Seolhwa likes you. If you don’t have feelings for Seolhwa, don’t shake her. I was hurt because he was a delicate child.”

I could feel the sincerity in Nam Kang-jun’s words.

Now that I thought about it, I remembered hearing from Jo Tae-ho that Nam Kang-jun liked Jeong Seol-hwa.

“Don’t worry. Because it has nothing to do with you.”

Nam Kang-jun gritted his teeth at Choi Ki-seok’s cold reply. Then he tapped him on the shoulder and left the duty room. * * *



Song Myeong-jin was resting in his studio after finishing his work.


The moment he felt a vibration. My whole body stiffened, but that only lasted for a moment.

After checking the number, I regained my composure.

“It’s been a long time. How are you?”

A smile appeared on Song Myeong-jin’s lips as he connected the call.

Cha Hyun-seok, a classmate from medical school who is now working at an American hospital, called.

Cha Hyun-seok’s major was neurosurgery.

Although his talent in surgery was average, he spoke English. I’m doing well and I like hanging out with people, so I’m the best among my classmates.

[Of course I’m doing well. But you said you can’t say goodbye?]


“Hyuncheol told me about you a while ago. I heard that some bastard like Jo Ji-hwan got your position through trickery?]

“I don’t care. I became a doctor to treat patients, not to become a manager.”

[Tsk tsk. [The blocked thoughts are still there.]

Cha Hyun-seok clicked his tongue and continued.

[How can you not find a doctor like that? A guy whose surgical skills are as good as yours, but also excellent at managing people. If there was a guy like that, this floor would be fun.]

“It might happen soon.”

[Is this the disciple you are raising? I don’t believe it. If he stays under you, he’ll only cost you more money. In the end, Song Myeong-jin’s fight comes out.]

There was a moment of silence between the two people.

[I’ll be blunt because it doesn’t suit my personality to spin around. You go.]

“Go… where?”

[Mayjo Clinic.]

Cha Hyun-seok continued speaking rapidly.

[The scouting conditions are good, so why stay at the crappy Uijin University Hospital? They don’t treat you according to your skills. Am I wrong?]


[Don’t say nonsense like it’s for the sake of our country’s medical community, just go. Go away in peace.]

Cha Hyun-seok’s words shook my heart.

The desire to leave for the United States, which had barely been suppressed, revived.

[You are making a one-sided sacrifice. And that’s a sacrifice that no one recognizes. But if you do that, some patients may survive, but you yourself will die?]

“That’s not true.”

[You probably want to believe that’s not the case!]

Cha Hyun-seok’s voice grew louder.

[Honestly, I like you and respect you. Your surgical skills are amazing and your care for patients is more beautiful than anyone else’s. But sometimes I tell you to live for yourself. Do what you want!]

“I got a call.”

Song Myeong-jin stared at the call phone on the sofa.

Colphone was shaking his head like a tantrum.

[It seems like just the right timing. So let me ask you one last question. What do you want to do now? Do you want to stay at Uijin University Hospital? Or do you want to go to Meijo?]

“Hang up.”

[Hey bastard…]

Cha Hyun-seok said something, but I calmly hung up and answered the phone.

As expected, an emergency patient occurred.

I put on a gown and rushed to the hospital like lightning.

[Do you want to stay at Uijin University Hospital? Or do you want to go to Meijo?]

Cha Hyun-seok’s words echoed in my head, but I shook my head and dismissed them.

When we arrived at the emergency room, Min Joo-hyuk was stomping his feet while looking down at the male patient.

“What about the patient?”

“This is a patient attending the circulatory department outpatient department. He is complaining of severe chest pain. I ran a test just in case and suspected aortic dissection…” “I will check.

Song Myeong-jin carefully reviewed the test results. The gentle expression began to gradually become distorted.

“Teacher, I feel like I’m going to die from pain!”

The patient was rolling around on the bed, frowning, and Minjoohyuk approached the patient and reassured him.

“It’s an aortic dissection. Let’s go into surgery right away! The patient is in pain, so give him Ulmite as an IV.”


Minjoohyuk performed the necessary treatment and received consent from the patient’s guardian. Then I called the operating room and anesthesiology department and scheduled the surgery.


Song Myeong-jin had no reaction to Min-hyeok Min’s answer.

I just stare blankly at the emergency room wall.

As if I had lost my mind.



“Professor. You have to go to the operating room now.”

“Oh. I’m sorry.”

Only then did Song Myeong-jin come to his senses.

As Choi Ki-seok came down to the emergency room, Min-hyuk Min and Choi Ki-seok dragged the bed side by side and headed to the operating room.

And in front of him was Song Myeong-jin, walking ahead.

“Hey, the professor is strange today.”

Min Min-hyeok pointed to Song Myeong-jin with a nod.

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Level Up Doctor

Level Up Doctor

Score 8.2
Status: Completed Type: Released: 2016 Native Language: Korean
Level-Up Doctor Growing up as an orphan, Jeong He-Jin didn’t open his heart to anyone. After giving his all to become a cardiothoracic surgeon, he got into an unfortunate accident, after which he woke up not as ‘Jeon He-Jin’ but as ‘Choi GiSeok’. And on top of that, he has to using his skills…? The accident changed his fate drastically… Can he become ‘the Greatest Cardiothoracic Surgeon’ as ‘Choi GiSeok’?


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