Level Up Doctor Chapter 63

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At the end (3)



The moment the two people’s eyes met, there was a lot of tension.

Choi Ki-seok was the first to speak.

“You came early.”

“Because I woke up early. Let’s talk for a moment.”

Nam Kang-jun organized the treatment items and started walking ahead.

Choi Ki-seok followed behind without saying anything.

What is the point of meeting Nam Kang-jun as a partner when I return to the thoracic surgery department?

I automatically frowned.

The two people pulled out a can of coffee and sat down on the sofa in the lounge.

“Did you become a complete superstar without me even seeing you? You caught a child abuse suspect, rescued an idol, and even made it onto the airwaves.”

“Are you jealous? Then you do the same as me.”

Choi Ki-seok responded with sarcasm, but Nam Kang-joon surprisingly remained calm.

“Going up is hard, but falling down is just a moment. Don’t be cocky.”

“What is arrogance? Besides, I don’t become sarcastic or make mean remarks as soon as I meet someone. Like everyone else.”

Choi Ki-seok took a sip of coffee and continued speaking.

“It’s almost time for Taeho to abandon you. Do you think it’s still useful?”

“Don’t worry about me, worry about yourself.”

The tense atmosphere continued for a while as the two people argued.

“Are you going to the ward? Are you going to assist in surgery?”


Nam Kang-jun answered Choi Ki-seok’s question like lightning.

“Wouldn’t working in the ward be more difficult?”

“I hate waiting for emergency services. I also hate dozing off in the operating room.”

“Then you work in the ward. I will assist in surgery.”

Choi Ki-seok was internally delighted.

I already missed the operating room while working in internal medicine.

However, I was able to assist in the surgery without much of a fight with Nam Kang-jun.

After drinking all the coffee, we went back to the conference room without worrying about who would go first. Since we were originally enemies and the division of roles had been completed, there was no reason to talk to each other.

Weeeeeee. Weeeeeee.

The sound of printing in the quiet conference room was unusually loud.

After finishing preparing for the conference, Ki-Seok Choi took a look around the ward.

Thoracic surgeon returned after a month.

I was curious about what kind of patients were doing.

‘That’s the patient.’

Ki-Seok Choi stared at a patient outside the hospital room.

The patient’s name is Koo Seung-dae.

He is 45 years old, and as a result of a regular health checkup at our hospital recently, abnormalities in his lungs were discovered. Through the detailed test results that followed, stage 1 lung cancer was confirmed.

Jo Ji-hwan is scheduled to undergo a lung resection using robotic surgery this morning.

As soon as he returned, he assisted Jo Ji-hwan in his surgery.

For some reason, I felt a chill down my spine.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Unlike before, Choi Ki-seok knocked and entered the single room. This time, the patient was awake.

“How are you feeling?”

At his greeting, the female patient turned her head and stared at Choi Ki-seok.

Big eyes that look like they are set with jewels.

White and transparent skin.

A sparkling light seemed to emanate from around her body.

The female patient is Kang Eun-ha, to whom Choi Ki-seok gave first aid.

“Oh yes I’m fine.”

Kang Eun-ha nodded slightly and looked closely at his doctor’s gown.

“Is your teacher Choi Ki-seok?”

“Ah yes.”

“Thank you. I heard that I survived thanks to Teacher Choi.”

“I just did what I had to do.”

Choi Ki-seok waved his hand.

“Aren’t you bored because you’re alone? You actually like meeting and talking to people.”

“Yes. It’s so frustrating that I feel like I’m dying… But how do you know that I like meeting people?”

Eunha Kang asked, blinking.

“That… I think I saw it in an article on the Internet a while ago.”

“I see.”

Kang Eun-ha passed on without saying anything, and Choi Ki-seok breathed a sigh of relief.

He needed to be careful about what he said because his current situation wasn’t set in stone.

“When will I be discharged from the hospital?”

Eunha Kang stared at the TV hanging on the wall.

Coincidentally, Super Venus’ stage was being performed on a music broadcast. Except for Kang Eun-ha, the other members did not suffer any serious aftereffects from the accident, so they took a short break and are now active again.

“I will ask the teacher in charge during today’s meeting.”

“thank you.”

My heart melted at Eunha Kang’s smile.

She was much prettier than he had ever known her in the past.

“I’ll just leave. Get some rest.”

Ki-Seok Choi returned to the conference room.

While I was looking at the ECG notes I received from Kim Cheol-woo, the teachers came into the conference room one by one.

“A long time.”

“Your face has become brighter and you seem to have gained weight.”

“Wasn’t it nice to have a good time at the internal medicine clinic? This is the beginning of hell again.”

The Regi teachers told Choi Ki-seok jokes and jokes, and Choi Ki-seok accepted them with a smile.

Seeing familiar faces made me feel like I was truly back.

“nice to meet you.”

Song Myeong-jin smiled and placed his hand on Choi Ki-seok’s shoulder, who was standing in front of the door.

“Yes, Professor.”

“How about studying internal medicine?”

“I learned more than I thought. Professor Kim Cheol-woo also gave me notes to study.”

“Isn’t this an ECG note?”

A smile appeared on Song Myeong-jin’s lips.

“How could the professor….”

“I, too, have been on the verge of being in debt to Professor Kim before. I think I have a lot of respect for Professor Choi when I hand him the notes. For reference, I received it freely, but when I return it, I can’t do it as I want.” Keep that in mind.”

Song Myeong-jin said a word and sat down.

Soon, the full-fledged thoracic surgery morning meeting began.

Since Nam Kang-jun uploaded the data, Choi Ki-seok had nothing to do. So, I looked at the Uiguk members through the eyes of Hippocrates.

What we will focus on is the newly acquired stat, Political Power.

‘You’re crazy.’

Choi Ki-seok’s gaze rested on Jo Ji-hwan.

Jo Ji-hwan’s political power was higher than that of any other person in the seven kingdoms.

It wasn’t for nothing that he pushed out Song Myeong-jin and became manager.

The person with political power just below Jo Ji-hwan is Jang Hyuk-pil.

Jang Hyuk-pil’s political power is 6.5.

It is at a level comparable to Jo Ji-hwan.


Choi Ki-seok’s eyebrows twitched.

The Jang Hyuk-pil he knows is a cool and cheerful man.

But when I opened the lid, I realized that his political power was comparable to that of Jo Ji-hwan. Then, it is said that there is something hidden behind the image of a good man…

Choi Ki-seok suddenly became curious about Jang Hyuk-pil’s inner thoughts.

“Then we will conclude the meeting.”

At the chief’s words, the teachers stood up one after another.

The rounds that followed ended successfully.

As the staff members scattered, Choi Ki-seok grabbed Song Myeong-jin.

“Professor. I have something to tell you.”

“Tell me.”

“You said you got a scouting offer from Mayo Hospital the other day. I’m curious how you decided on that.”

Choi Ki-seok looked around and asked in a mosquito-like voice.

The thing that bothered me the most throughout my time in internal medicine was Song Myeong-jin’s actions.

“I was supposed to give you an answer by this week.”

I wish Song Myung-jin had said that he decided to stay, but I felt a little disappointed.

“It’s outpatient time soon, so I’ll go.”

“Yes. Good luck.”

Choi Ki-seok watched Song Myeong-jin’s back as he walked away for a long time.

* * *

‘You’re here.’

Choi Ki-seok looked at the clock hanging on the station wall.

9:30 am.

The time has come for the first surgery of the day, Jo Ji-hwan’s robot-assisted lobectomy.


I finished what I was doing and went into a hospital room.

“Patient. How are you feeling?”

“are you okay.”

Gu Seung-dae answered in a calm voice. For someone about to undergo surgery, he looks quite relaxed.

“Now let’s go into the operating room.”

Choi Ki-seok led the bed and headed to the operating room.

The patient is a stage 1 lung cancer patient in relatively good condition.

Robotic surgery is much more expensive than regular surgery.

Looking at these two things, I was able to fully understand Jo Ji-hwan’s surgical style.

When I entered the operating room, the staff was gathered together and listening to Jo Ji-hwan’s story.

“The patient is here. Let’s start the surgery.”


The staff scrubbed and entered the rosette one by one.

Ki-seok Choi also went through disinfection procedures and headed inside, dragging the bed.

Seeing the robot next to the operating table gave me a new feeling.

Sometimes people mistakenly believe that robotic surgery is performed by artificial intelligence, but this is not the case at all.

In reality, a surgical camera and robotic arm are inserted into the patient’s body and the doctor performs the surgery while viewing the 3D image.

Robotic surgery had the advantage of preventing the doctor’s hand from shaking and allowing a three-dimensional view of the surgical site.

The downside is that it is expensive.

‘Is it a folding screen today?’

Choi Ki-seok chuckled and took a seat in the ceremonial place.

In the case of robotic surgery, there was no need for visual assistance. We are just filling up the seats in preparation for an emergency.

[Use the dragon’s eyes.]

[Provides the optimal field of view needed for surgery. You can use zoom-in mode and zoom-out mode.]

[Start shooting video mode.]

Ki-Seok Choi began to capture the panoramic view of the operating room with the eyes of a dragon.

There is no limit to the number of videos that can be saved with Dragon’s Eye, so almost all of the videos were being recorded when entering the operating room.

When I was in the circulatory department, I recorded videos of PCI and ICD insertion methods and kept them.

Soon the surgery began.

The anesthesiologist inserted a double tracheal tube and administered general anesthesia, and Choi Ki-seok laid the patient on his side.

Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

The first assistant thoroughly disinfected the patient’s chest and abdomen and covered it with a cloth.



At Jo Ji-hwan’s cry, the first assistant, Chief, raised the trocar. Then, he inserted the needle between the patient’s 6th intercostal space and examined the inside of the patient’s chest cavity with a camera. There was pleural adhesion at the end of the patient’s right upper lobe, but other than that

, There were no other adhesions.

‘Thank goodness.’

Choi Ki-seok sighed in relief.

Above all, no pleural fluid was detected in the patient.

Even in stage 1 lung cancer, if a small amount of pleural fluid is detected, the survival period is greatly reduced. If

pleural fluid is found, there is a high possibility that the cancer has metastasized. While

the first assistant was busy inserting trocars into the 3rd and 5th intercostal space, Choi Ki-seok started setting up the robot with the 2nd assistant. Attaching the necessary tools

and cameras to the robot arm.

“It’s done.”

Left . All preparations were completed by attaching forceps to the arm and a cauterizer to the right arm.

“What are you?”

Min-woo Han, a third-year assistant at Regi, tilted his head.

Intern Ki-seok Choi set things up as if he had experience assisting in robotic surgery. That’s because.

In terms of proficiency, it was comparable to his.

“Isn’t today your first time assisting with robot surgery? “How are you so good at helping out?”

“Well… a long time ago… “I have observed a surgery before.”

Ki-Seok Choi barely made an excuse. He

was looking forward to seeing a robot surgery for the first time in a long time, so he went too far.

Fortunately, Min-Woo Han did not ask any more questions and gave up his interest.

Weeeeee .

The curtain of the surgery rose.

Jo Ji-hwan skillfully handled the console and performed a lobectomy.


The electric cautery attached to the robot arm soothed the bleeding area.

Knock. Knock.

Jo Ji-hwan handled the robot console with his hand and put his feet on the ground. He stepped on the footrest and adjusted the position of the camera.

Its elaborate and neat appearance is reminiscent of a pianist.

Choi Ki-seok looked at Jo Ji-hwan and smiled bitterly.

Although not as good as Song Myeong-jin, he is also an excellent surgeon. However, his temperament is not right and Because of their greed for power, their surgical skills are buried.

I withdrew my gaze from Jo Ji-hwan and looked at the patient with the eyes of Hippocrates.

For a moment, a shiver ran down my spine.

Although the surgery was proceeding smoothly, the non-emergency condition suddenly turned into an emergency.

“Patient’s blood pressure . It’s dropping!”

Ki-seok Choi shouted after looking at the patient monitoring device.

Blood pressure, which had been normal at 130/80 mmHg, dropped to 40/20 mmHg, and heart rate also dropped to 50 beats per minute.

“Administer epinephrine and phenylephrine.”

“Yes. !”

Choi Ki-seok received the supplies from the disinfection nurse and administered an intravenous injection to the patient.

After administering the vasopressor, the patient’s blood pressure returned to normal.

‘My liver almost fell.’

Jo Ji-hwan personally inspected the patient’s condition and then took his place at the surgery console again. It

is unforgettable that he, who even performs lung transplant surgery, kills the patient by failing to perform a lobectomy. If he does

that, the position he has earned as chief may be shaken. Chi-i-ik.

I calmed down and pricked the bleeding area around the hilum with an electric cautery.

Chief, my blood pressure is dropping again!”


At Choi Ki-seok’s shout, Jo Ji-hwan nervously took his hand off the console.

What on earth was the problem? What do you mean?

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Level Up Doctor

Level Up Doctor

Score 8.2
Status: Completed Type: Released: 2016 Native Language: Korean
Level-Up Doctor Growing up as an orphan, Jeong He-Jin didn’t open his heart to anyone. After giving his all to become a cardiothoracic surgeon, he got into an unfortunate accident, after which he woke up not as ‘Jeon He-Jin’ but as ‘Choi GiSeok’. And on top of that, he has to using his skills…? The accident changed his fate drastically… Can he become ‘the Greatest Cardiothoracic Surgeon’ as ‘Choi GiSeok’?


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