Level Up Doctor Chapter 54

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I felt deceived by Kim Cheol-woo’s answer. However, Choi Ki-seok did not say anything else.

In any case, it is your own responsibility if you get caught.

If I had confidence in my knowledge, I would have pushed to the end.

After being asked about his knowledge of internal medicine, Kim Cheol-woo remained silent. Then he stopped his work and glanced at Choi Ki-seok.

Now that I think about it, the number of requests for electrocardiogram readings from the thoracic surgery department has decreased significantly recently.

One reason may be that thoracic surgeons are good at examining electrocardiograms, but the frequency has decreased too much.

One of the things that makes circulatory medicine ahead of thoracic surgery.

Isn’t that what electrocardiogram reading ability is?

“So, after you had the fixton, there weren’t many EKG readings from the thoracic surgery department?”

“I read most things myself.”


Kim Cheol-woo’s voice rose.

What kind of devilish nonsense is this when an intern reads an electrocardiogram?

“Then read this.”

Kim Cheol-woo threw the electrocardiogram test paper he had copied in the past to Choi Ki-seok.

Choi Ki-seok glanced at the test sheet indifferently.

“Atrial fibrillation due to dilatation of the left atrium… Seeing Q waves appearing at the inferior wall electrode, mitral regurgitation may be suspected.”

Choi Ki-seok answered clearly and stared at Kim Cheol-woo.

Kim Cheol-woo just frowned and made no reply.

If he had thought of him as just an intern, he would have been hit hard.

“This too.”

Kim Cheol-woo handed out the second test sheet.

Choi Ki-seok started reading with confidence, but he soon hit a wall.

It’s like I feel like I know something, but I don’t.

I felt frustrated as I encountered this case for the first time.

“I’m sure it’s tachycardia, but I’m not sure.”

“This patient has early excitatory tachycardia. Look for RS waves from V1 to V6.”

“there is.”

“Then it is early excitatory tachycardia. If there is no RS wave in that section, it is ventricular tachycardia.”

Choi Ki-seok nodded slightly at Kim Cheol-woo’s detailed explanation.

“That professor.”


“Could you please teach me how to read an EKG?”

Choi Ki-seok showed his shame and came forward.

An electrocardiogram is the beginning and end of a heart examination.

If you learn reading from Cheol-Woo Kim, you won’t have to suffer from electrocardiograms in the future.

“Your liver is properly swollen. Would you like the intern to teach the assistant professor an electrocardiogram?”


“That’s all you need to know.”

Kim Cheol-woo answered coldly and started searching for data for the paper.

But after talking with Choi Ki-seok, he strangely couldn’t concentrate.

‘He’s a really weird guy.’

Choi Ki-seok had a strange ability to attract people.

What can I say?

It was different from ordinary interns who endured each day exhausted.

His self-observation and direction were clear, and it seemed like he was trying hard to do something.

Kim Cheol-woo stood up and rummaged through his bookshelf.

Hwii profit. widely!

An old, thick notebook flew to the seat in front of Choi Ki-seok.


“This is the notebook I used to study with. You can look at it or not.”

Kim Cheol-woo said one word and left the conference room.

Choi Ki-seok followed Kim Cheol-woo’s back and looked down at the note again.

It’s that moment.


[A rare item has been acquired.]

[EKG standard]

– A note containing the essence of Kim Cheol-woo’s electrocardiogram reading ability. It is not available in bookstores.

– If you read it completely, your ECG reading ability will significantly increase.


Choi Ki-seok raised both his hands.

* * *

That afternoon.

Choi Ki-seok busily finished the treatment and settled down in the lounge.

On his lap lay the warm item he had obtained.

‘That’s awesome.’

Every time I looked at the note, an exclamation came out.

Attached to the notebook was an electrocardiogram result sheet copied by Kim Cheol-woo, with detailed readings underneath.

The reading was more detailed than any electrocardiogram book Choi Ki-seok had ever seen.

There were also special tips that Kim Cheol-woo learned.

Why is the item rare?

I could tell just by looking at a few pictures that the name was the standard electrocardiogram.

Choi Ki-seok read the note with a fire in his eyes.

He didn’t have any special orders, so he was able to look at the notes for quite some time.


Ki-seok Choi stretched his legs, left the lounge, and went to the thoracic surgery ward.

Although he had only been gone for two days, he wondered how everyone was doing.

“Super intern teacher!”

When he arrived at the station, Kang Hana shook his hand vigorously.

“Why did you go to the cardiology department? I wanted to see you.”

“Professor Song suggested something and I think it would be good to study internal medicine.”

“No. Come back quickly.”

Kang Hana continued her words at rapid fire.

“I started working as an intern and then started working as an intern, so I can’t stand it.”

“I agree too.”

As Kang Ha-na said, Lee Kyung-hye, who was next to her, agreed with her.

The explanation continued.

The intern who took Choi Ki-seok’s vacancy was not very good at dealing with the situation.

Yesterday, I received a claim from a patient after ABGA failed repeatedly, and the treatment speed was not very fast.

“Superintern teacher. I heard the thoracic surgery ward is in crisis. You need to save us quickly.”

“Why so much?”

Choi Ki-seok smiled and scratched the back of his head.

Trudging. Trudging.

Kang Seung-gi walked towards the station with the sound of footsteps.

He is the intern in charge of treating the thoracic surgery ward instead of Choi Ki-seok. Since he was a classmate of Uijindae, we had a certain degree of familiarity with him.

Kang Ha-na and Lee Kyung-hye quickly shut their mouths at his appearance.


“Uh, Kiseok.”

“If I don’t have treatment, should I have a cup of coffee?”

Kang Seung-gi nodded at Choi Ki-seok’s suggestion.

The two sat down in the lounge and drank coffee.

“How about thoracic surgery?”

“It’s hard, it’s hard.”

Kang Seung-gi stared at Choi Ki-seok with an expression of disgust.

“Especially because of you.”

“why me?”

Choi Ki-seok asked back in surprise.

Why are you putting yourself at risk when you don’t even work in thoracic surgery?

“People keep comparing you and me. They make a lot of noise about me being worse than you.”


“I’m also in my 6th month as an intern…”

Choi Ki-seok was speechless due to Kang Seung-gi’s grumbling.

Compared to Choi Ki-seok, Kang Seung-gi’s treatment was naturally inferior.

In the past, he had completed his third year of registration and was armed with various abilities.

“I’m being nice to you because I’m a fixton. There’s absolutely nothing you can’t do.”

Choi Ki-seok looked at Kang Seung-gi with the eyes of Hippocrates and said.

Kang Seung-gi’s abilities are definitely above average.

“How’s the atmosphere at the surgery?”

“Nothing happened? I heard that the manager and Professor Song don’t get along, but they don’t fight much.”


Choi Ki-seok made a bitter expression.

The fact that two people don’t fight isn’t necessarily a good thing.

This is because it could mean that Song Myung-jin has decided to go to Mayo Hospital.


When the call phone rang, Choi Ki-seok and Kang Seung-gi flinched at the same time.

“It’s my phone. I go first.”

Choi Ki-seok answered the call and left the lounge.

“This is Choi Ki-seok, a circulatory specialist.”

[Teacher. It’s a ward. Nasogastric tube insertion for patient Go Tak-hwan.]

“I’ll be right away.”

Choi Ki-seok received treatment tools from the circulatory medicine ward and headed to the hospital room.

Go Tak-hwan is a 50-year-old male patient.

“Elder. The teacher in charge prescribed treatment.”

“I can do it if I need to.”

As he explained about nasogastric tube insertion, Go Tak-hwan smiled kindly.

Choi Ki-seok made Go Tak-hwan sit on the bed and lowered his head. Afterwards, Go Tak Hwan’s body was covered with a large cloth and a curved bench was placed under his chin.

Swish swish.

Ki-Seok Choi measured the length of the tube and marked the appropriate area with a pen.

“let’s begin.”

He put on surgical gloves and lubricated the tube. Then he carefully inserted the tube into the patient’s nostril.

“Take a deep breath.”

The patient took a breath following Choi Ki-seok’s instructions.


He felt with his fingertips that the tube had entered the pharynx.


Ki-Seok Choi carefully inserted the tube every time the patient swallowed.

When the tube reached the previously marked area, he inserted a syringe and injected a small amount of air.

He confirmed a foamy sound in the fovea using a stethoscope.

Nasogastric tube insertion was successful.

The treatment was completed neatly by fixing the tube with plaster.

“Doctor. You’re good. When I was at another hospital, they had to force it in and it was very uncomfortable.”

“thank you.”

Choi Ki-seok finished cleaning up after himself and approached Na Cheol-beom opposite him.

“How are you feeling, old man?”

“What do you think? It tastes like death.”

Na Cheol-beom said while chewing chewy gum.

Choi Ki-seok informed the doctor in charge yesterday that Na Cheol-beom had been secretly smoking.

Afterwards, Na Cheol-beom started wearing a nicotine patch.

As if that wasn’t enough, he is seen buying gum at a convenience store and chewing it.

“Cheer up. Take this opportunity to quit smoking and become healthier.”

Choi Ki-seok used encouragement while speaking.

[The encouragement skill failed. Patient does not accept encouragement.]

I felt bitter about the failure alarm.

Choi Ki-seok has never smoked, so he doesn’t know the pain of quitting smoking. He can only imagine how great the pain will be if encouragement does not work.

Choi Ki-seok cleaned up the nasogastric tube and went around the hospital room.

He plans to take a look at the patient and go back to studying internal medicine.


He entered the last room and surveyed the patients with the eyes of Hippocrates.

At that moment, Choi Ki-seok’s eyes shook greatly.

The person whose gaze is fixed is none other than Lee Jeong-ah.

Lee Jeong-ah was sleeping with the blanket covering her face.


Choi Ki-seok’s face distorted.

He ran to the bed, rang the emergency bell and used his skills.

[Use awake CPR. The special buff lasts for 30 minutes.]

After using the skill, I immediately attempted chest compressions on Lee Jeong-ah.

puck! puck! puck!

Every time she applied pressure, Jeong-ah Lee’s body shook violently.

“What happen?”

“Weren’t you sleeping?”

The patients in the hospital widened their eyes in surprise at Choi Ki-seok’s sudden CPR.

Afterwards, nurses Shin Jaewon and Jeon Jiyoon entered the hospital room.

“Sir. What’s going on?”

“I… Jeong-ah. It’s ventricular fibrillation.”

At Choi Ki-seok’s words, Shin Jae-won and Jeon Ji-yoon’s faces became thoughtful.

“Use the ambulance bag and run to the intensive care unit!”


Jaewon Shin pulled the stretcher car. Choi Ki-seok performed chest compressions when the stretcher car stopped, and Jeon Ji-yoon squeezed the ambulance bag brought from the station.

‘Jeong-ya. please.’

Coarse drops of sweat from Choi Ki-seok fell on Lee Jeong-ah’s body.

* * *

Internal medicine intensive care unit.

Choi Ki-seok was looking down at Lee Jeong-ah, who was lying comfortably.

I almost got into big trouble.

Lee Jeong-ah wasn’t sleeping.

To be precise, he suffered acute ventricular fibrillation during sleep due to Brugada syndrome.

He didn’t know if he would have died in that state if he hadn’t looked through the eyes of Hippocrates. It was fortunate that he discovered Lee Jeong-ah’s abnormal signs and performed CPR in time.

Additionally, the awakening CPR buff played a significant role in this kill.

This is because Lee Jeong-ah’s recovery rate of spontaneous circulation was quite fast.


“How is Jeong-ah?”

The cardiology chief came into the intensive care unit and asked.

“CPR went well and he is in spontaneous circulation.”

“Thank goodness. Well done.”

The Chief tapped Choi Ki-seok on the shoulder.

“If it weren’t for you, our department would have been turned upside down.”

“I was lucky.”

“It’s not luck. It’s your interest in your patients and your ability to respond to emergencies.”

“What happens to Jeong-ah in the future?”

“I’m already on my way back after talking with Professor Kim at the outpatient clinic. I tried to calm him down with medication as much as possible, but since this is his third fainting, I don’t think that will work.”

“Then as expected…”

“Yes. It should be sweet.”

The Chief nodded slightly and added a word.


Proposal (7) Volume 2 completed

Choi Ki-seok looked down at Lee Jeong-ah without any answer.


It is also called ICD (Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator) artificial pacemaker.

It is mainly worn by patients with idiopathic ventricular fibrillation.

This is a device that returns the patient’s heart rhythm to normal by sending out a strong shock when ventricular fibrillation occurs.

The problem is that inserting an ICD makes daily life inconvenient.

You will need to visit the clinic regularly and have your ICD electronics changed.

That’s not all.

Always be mindful of electromagnetic interference and act cautiously.

In other words, the mace maker could be seen as Lee Jeong-ah’s lifeline and shackles at the same time.

“After all, there is no other way, right?”

“Of course. If you have it, there’s no need to put an ICD on a young child.”

A bitter smile appeared on the Chief’s lips.

He also doesn’t seem to be happy about inserting an ICD into Lee Jeong-ah.

“We will have to monitor the condition a little more, but treatment will probably be given within this week.”


“Aren’t you going?”

“I’ll look at Jeong-ah a little longer and then go back.”

Chief waved his hand at Choi Ki-seok’s words and left the intensive care unit.

Choi Ki-seok quietly stared at Lee Jeong-ah.

A gray emotion surged from deep within his heart.

The pain that Jeong-ah Lee will experience in the future and her sense of self-reproach that she cannot do anything for her are tangled together.

“Sir, what is a pacemaker?”

Lee Jeong-ah opened her eyes and asked.

“······You’re awake.”

“Yes. Since you two were talking.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you.”

“are you okay.”

Lee Jeong-ah’s eyes were sunken as usual.

Choi Ki-seok took a deep breath and explained to Lee Jeong-ah about her pacemaker.

Lee Jeong-ah kept her silence throughout her story.

She didn’t particularly show her feelings.

But those things actually made Choi Ki-seok feel sick. It would be convenient if I could at least lament in a refreshing way.

Why is it accepted so easily?

“If it’s something you have to wear… I can’t help it.”

“I’m sorry. There is no other way for me or the other teachers to do this.”

“What are you still sorry about from earlier?”

Lee Jeong-ah smiled for the first time.

“Teacher, you saved my life when I fell and you always worried about me. I can’t thank you enough.”


“thank you.”

Lee Jeong-ah gently wrapped Choi Ki-seok’s hand.

“And I’m fine. My thoughts have cleared up a lot while I was in the hospital.”



Lee Jeong-ah continued speaking calmly.

“I thought to myself when I saw someone who passed away from heart failure not long ago. Even though it’s hard, just being alive like this is a blessing. And if I keep being depressed, it’ll be difficult for my mom too. So from now on, I’ll try to smile more often.”

“I’m proud of you.”

“Do you know that now?”

Lee Jeong-ah and Choi Ki-seok looked at each other and smiled brightly.

Choi Ki-seok, who had been talking with Lee Jeong-ah, headed back to the ward.

She tried to comfort Lee Jeong-ah, but she thought that perhaps it was she who was comforted by her.

“Teacher! What on earth did you do during the round?”

A loud voice was heard from the station.

Nurse Lee Ji-won was scolding Nurse Shin Jae-won with her arms crossed.

“Don’t you know that patient Lee Jeong-ah has Brugada syndrome?”

“I know.”

“But what do you do if you just take a quick look? I told you clearly. Even if the patient looks like he or she is resting well, he or she may be in ventricular fibrillation, so we need to take a good look at the patient.”


“Is this a problem that can only end with sorry? The patient almost died!”


Shin Jae-won repeatedly lowered his head, but Lee Ji-won was unable to relieve his anger.

“Can we leave out patient Park Hyeonjae, Paulie?”

“Ah yes.”

Lee Ji-won found Choi Ki-seok and calmed down his anger. And he sat down and pounded away at his keyboard.

After treating the patient, Choi Ki-seok took Shin Jae-won to the break room.

“Are you having a hard time?”

“No. It’s all my fault.”

Jaewon Shin smiled weakly and accepted the can of coffee that Kiseok Choi handed him.

“I was only thinking about what I had to do, so I didn’t see the patient properly during the rounds. It’s all my fault.”


“Still, I survived thanks to Dr. Choi. If the patient had died…”

Shin Jaewon could not bear to continue his sentence.

Choi Ki-seok sat across from Shin Jae-won and drank coffee.

It can’t be denied that Jaewon Shin made mistakes, but he couldn’t blame him too much.

It may seem like a fancy hospital at first glance, but if you look inside, the working environment is extremely poor.

Not only doctors and nurses, but also medical support departments are having a day like war every day.

“It’s already over, so just shake it off. You can do better in the future.”


Shin Jaewon nodded his head.

“I don’t know if it would be rude, but may I ask how he came to be a nurse?”

“It’s okay. I hear this question so often that I’m starting to get tired of it.”

Shin Jaewon continued.

His mother was a nurse, and it is said that she was greatly influenced by her mother from a young age.

And while he was wondering if there was a job that would help others through volunteer work or other activities, he decided to become a nurse.

“The job is worth it, but it’s not easy to get by among female nurses.”


“For men, even if a problem arises, they can solve it over a drink. That’s not possible here. Most nurses are younger than me, but have a lot of experience.”

Choi Ki-seok quietly listened to Shin Jae-won’s lament.

At the same time, I often asked questions so that he could tell the inside story.

Even in this way, he wanted to relieve his frustration.

Doctors and nurses are equally staff who take care of patients.

After the conversation continued for about ten minutes, Shin Jaewon’s expression relaxed somewhat.

“Thank you, teacher. I think I will live a little better thanks to you.”

“I did something.”

“You are the first person to listen to my story since entering the hospital.”

Shin Jaewon got up from his seat and stretched coolly.

“Anyway, cheer up. You haven’t even been at the hospital for a year. You’ll do well once you gain a little more experience.”

“I guess so?”

“Yes. Besides, I endured the difficult military life, but it was about hospital work.”

“But honestly, I think the military is much more comfortable than working in a hospital.”

Shin Jaewon paused before continuing.

“Sir, are you going to go to the military hospital after finishing the register?”


“Then will you go after your internship?”

“Not even that.”

A gentle smile appeared on Choi Ki-seok’s lips.

That smile was one that only Ki-Seok Choi could make among the male interns in the hospital.


“You’ll find out the details later, but I might not go to the military.”


“I had a heart transplant. When I looked into it, I heard that it usually goes for level 4 or 5.”

“Oh, I see.”

“Let’s go in slowly.”

Choi Ki-seok took the lead and left the break room.

* * *

That evening.

It’s been a while since I finally got off.

Ki-seok Choi was busy studying internal medicine in his dormitory.

He spread out the recommended book on his left and wrote down the contents in the notebook next to him.

When he studied internal medicine, he felt like he was back in medical school.

Ki-seok Choi reviewed all the parts he had targeted for today, sat back on the bed, and looked at his EKG notes.

“That’s amazing.”

He looked down at his notes and chuckled.

Looking at this, I could see how intensely Kim Cheol-woo studied EKG.

Traces of hand stains and marks of agony.

It is clearly sweat and effort that made Kim Cheol-woo what he is today.

Choi Ki-seok looked at the ECG notes and then looked at his status window.

There is still no news about the link mission.

I had an ominous feeling that if I didn’t work harder, this mission would be in vain.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

“Kiseok. It’s me.”

“come in.”

The door opened and Kim Geon-woo, wearing sweats, came inside.

“What are you doing?”

“Studying electrocardiogram.”

Choi Ki-seok handed the EKG note he was looking at to Kim Geon-woo.

“Are you just going to stay in the dormitory and study during this golden summer?”

“What’s wrong with that?”

“You frustrating human being. Don’t live like that. Doctors are people too. If you’re a person, you should live like a person.”

Kim Geon-woo sat down on the bed and continued speaking.

“Come exercise with me.”

“work out?”

“There’s a new gym in front of the hospital. If you sign up this month, you’ll get a 20% discount. I became a member last week.”

“You go.”

Choi Ki-seok made a sad expression.

He has never really liked sports. Not only that, he didn’t even bother to go out and play.

But even going out and exercising…

For Choi Ki-seok, this is a terrible proposition.

“Don’t you know that a healthy mind resides in a healthy body? Even if you just go twice a week, it’s good for your body.”

“I got a transplant.”

“You just need to do some simple exercises. And do you know what’s funny? Why is it that you fly faster than other kids after saying you got a transplant?”

“I don’t like it anyway.”

“Let’s go, okay?”

Kim Geon-woo clung to me and whined, so I lost my concentration.

Choi Ki-seok sighed and folded his notebook.

“You little fly. Just leave for today. Don’t do this again?”

“Okay. Just go and see. Then you will change your mind.”

Choi Ki-seok left the dormitory with Kim Geon-woo and headed to the gym. Then, after signing up for membership, he changed his clothes and went to the training room.

Current time is 8:30 PM.

More people than expected were exercising.

It was Choi Ki-seok’s first time coming to the gym, so he looked around curiously.

“I came, I came.”

Kim Geon-woo laughed bitterly.


“Look over there.”

There was a woman where Kim Geon-woo pointed with his index finger.

She is a woman. She has just entered the gym and is warming up in front of the mirror.

The reason why Kim Geon-woo visits the gym.

The thought crossed her mind that it wasn’t 100 percent about exercise.

“Wow. Don’t you have a beautiful face and a beautiful body? I would sell my soul to date a woman like that.”

“But that won’t work?”

“Why? I’m also an intern at a university hospital. There’s nothing I can’t do if I want to seduce you.”

“So I said no. Shall I tell you why?”

Choi Ki-seok playfully touched Kim Geon-woo and approached the woman.

On the other hand, Kim Geon-woo watched Choi Ki-seok’s back blankly.

How on earth does this work?

“Hello Professor.”

Choi Ki-seok bowed his head and greeted Yoon Ji-hye, and Yoon Ji-hye saw Choi Ki-seok and opened her eyes.

“Do you go here too?”

“Yes. Starting today. I came with my classmate.”

As Yoon Ji-hye stared at Kim Geon-woo, Kim Geon-woo lowered his head with an awkward expression.

“Exercise hard.”

“Yes, professor too.”

Ki-Seok Choi finished his brief greeting and returned to Geon-Woo Kim.

“Hey. That person is a professor?”

Kim Geon-woo clicked his tongue and asked.

Jihye Yoon looked like she was in her mid to late 20s.

But if she’s a professor, doesn’t that mean she’s at least in her mid-30s?

Even after washing her eyes, she found it hard to believe.

“So wake up from your dream.”

“The long and short of it remains to be seen.”

Kim Geon-woo walked briskly and took a seat at a reasonable distance from Yoon Ji-hye.

“Let’s relax the body first.”


Choi Ki-seok imitated Kim Geon-woo’s movements.

We chatted on the way, and Kim Geon-woo said that he has been in shape at the gym for a long time. So now I know the exercises so well that I don’t need a trainer.

“Shall we try squats first? Watch what I do.”

Kim Geon-woo first demonstrated squats.

He sat with his back straight, his knees bent and his buttocks sticking out.

After repeating this about twenty times, his breathing became heavy and sweat beaded on his forehead.

“Do you think this is worth it?”

“Then give it a try.”

Kim Geon-woo smiled meaningfully.

Choi Ki-seok did squats, recalling Kim Geon-woo’s posture.

First, spread out your arms and straighten your back as much as possible. In that state, he slowly sits down with his buttocks pushed back.

“Stretch your back further. Sit deeper.”

He listened to Kim Geon-woo and corrected his posture.

After doing that about ten times, his knees started to hurt.

“Is this really a knee exercise?”

“It’s because you don’t pull out your butt properly. If you do it right, your thighs will hurt.”

Ki-Seok Choi attempted squats again.

“Stretch your back. Your back!”

“I told you to pull your butt back. Can’t you do it straight?”

Kim Geon-woo’s instructions were harsh.

Seeing Yoon Ji-hye’s attention on the way, it seemed like she wanted to show off her cool side in front of her.

But does that mean friends should scold each other like this?

Choi Ki-seok was a little angry.

“Now let’s go do some abdominal exercises.”

After the nightmare squat, the two people took a seat in front of the exercise equipment.

A little distance away, Jihye Yoon was exercising her shoulders.

Choi Ki-seok sat on the abdominal exercise machine before Kim Geon-woo gave a demonstration. It’s my first time going to the gym, but I immediately figured out how to use it.

“You go first?”


Choi Ki-seok answered calmly and used his skills.

[You have used Descent of the Tyrant. Since the target does not exist, the suppression effect is not effective.]

[Strength and agility temporarily increase slightly.]

Choi Ki-seok grinned and started doing his sit-ups.

ruler. Now it’s show time.

Proposal (7) Volume 2 completed

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Level Up Doctor

Level Up Doctor

Score 8.2
Status: Completed Type: Released: 2016 Native Language: Korean
Level-Up Doctor Growing up as an orphan, Jeong He-Jin didn’t open his heart to anyone. After giving his all to become a cardiothoracic surgeon, he got into an unfortunate accident, after which he woke up not as ‘Jeon He-Jin’ but as ‘Choi GiSeok’. And on top of that, he has to using his skills…? The accident changed his fate drastically… Can he become ‘the Greatest Cardiothoracic Surgeon’ as ‘Choi GiSeok’?


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