Level Up Doctor Chapter 53

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Proposal (5)

When I went down to the emergency room, I saw Nam Ji-hwang treating a patient.

When I heard the story, I was told that the patient was given nitroglycerin, but there was no improvement in his symptoms.

“Professor Cheon said he would be coming soon…”

Nam Ji-hwang could not finish speaking.


The patient suddenly clutched his chest and fell limp on the bed.

Nam Ji-hwang looked down at the patient with surprised rabbit eyes, and Choi Ki-seok urgently attached to the patient.

The patient’s condition seen through Hippocrates’ eyes was unusual.

“Sir! CPR.”

[Use the Must Save skill. All stats temporarily increase by one level.]

Puck! puck! puck! puck!

Ki-Seok Choi started with chest compressions.

Every time he pressed the patient’s chest, the patient’s body trembled like waves.

Nam Ji-hwang, who came to his senses after hearing Choi Ki-seok’s words, squeezed an ambu bag by his side.

As the air sac expanded and contracted, oxygen was supplied into the patient’s body.

“Here. Surveillance device!”

At Nam Ji-hwang’s cries, a nearby nurse rushed over like lightning and attached a monitoring device to the patient.

Artificial respiration through chest compressions and ambulance bag.

With prompt fluid treatment, the patient recovered spontaneous circulation faster than expected.

There was no need to use a defibrillator.

“Wow. I’m cold.”

Nam Ji-hwang wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand.

When the patient suddenly collapsed, it seemed as if his heart had dropped. For most patients, chest pain subsides just by taking nitroglycerin. Even if the pain doesn’t subside, at least I didn’t suffer a cardiac arrest like this patient did.

The shock of my first case never went away.

“good job.”

Nam Ji-hwang lightly tapped Choi Ki-seok on the shoulder.

If Choi Ki-seok had not taken the initiative, he might have hesitated and missed the right time for treatment.

“No. What should I do?”

Choi Ki-seok checked the status window with a embarrassed expression.

When the patient returned to normal, an alarm sounded.

[The Must Save skill has risen to Lv.3. Special mode First Aid Master is now available.]

[Need to Save Lv.3]

– When treating an emergency patient and performing treatment with high difficulty, all abilities temporarily increase.

– Depending on the level, the ability level increases and a special mode is created.

– Grows up to level 5.

– Special mode first aid master has been opened.

Choi Ki-seok checked the special mode.

[Awakening CPR: Special buff lasts 30 minutes]

– When performing treatment related to breathing, the patient’s ability to accept breathing increases by 30%.

– When you perform chest compressions, the blood circulation speed doubles and your ribs do not break.

– When using a defibrillator, the patient’s heart recovery rate increases by 1.5 times.

[Awake Burns and Surgical Treatment]

[Awaken T.A

Patient Treatment]

[Awaken Obstetric Treatment]




I was surprised by the more specific and diverse buffs than I expected.

I thought that if I just used this buff at the right time, I could become a first aid master.

“How is the patient?”

Cheon Tae-jin, who remained in the hospital, came down to the emergency room.

“I gave him nitroglycerin, but he went into cardiac arrest. After about 5 minutes of CPR, he returned to spontaneous circulation.”

“Get the consent form and come up.”


Taejin Cheon left the emergency room first.

After receiving consent form from the guardian, Choi Ki-seok headed to the cardiovascular angiography room, dragging the bed with Nam Ji-hwang.

PCI preparations have already been completed in the imaging room.

A disinfection nurse and Cheon Tae-jin were on standby, and various surgical tools were placed inside the imaging room.

It was literally a situation where only the patient had to come.

“let’s go.”


Choi Ki-seok and Nam Ji-hwang scrubbed and entered the training room.

PCI started right away.

Taejin Cheon administered local anesthesia to the patient and inserted a catheter through the femoral artery.

Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

Cheon Tae-jin moved his hands carefully.

Each time this happened, the conduit moved deeper through the blood vessels.


Ki-seok Choi swallowed dryly and moved the monitor.

Although it seems simple at first glance compared to surgical surgery, catheter surgery also requires considerable difficulty.


Cheon Tae-jin barely uttered a word.

The catheter, which had been calmly pushed in, arrived at the ascending aorta.

“Insert contrast agent.”


Contrast medium flowed into the conduit under Cheon Tae-jin’s instructions.

As time passed, the contrast agent spread into the blood vessels and imaging continued. As a result of the examination, it was discovered that the left anterior inferior artery was narrowed by a blood clot.

“I need to put a stent in too.”


Nam Ji-hwang handed the second catheter equipped with a balloon and stent to Cheon Tae-jin. Taejin Cheon carefully inserted the catheter while looking at the fluoroscope and monitor.

The catheter soon reached the area where it was blocked by a blood clot.

As the balloon began to inflate, Stant slowly grew in size.

The stent was firmly established in the blood vessel wall, and the blood vessel that had been narrowed by a blood clot was comfortably expanded.


Choi Ki-seok sighed in relief.

As Hippocrates observed the progress, the patient’s condition changed to good.

PCI was accomplished successfully.

Taejin Cheon let out the air from the balloon and removed the stent.

PCI was successfully completed using an arterial hemostasis device.

“Patient to MICU (Medical Intensive Care Unit).”


Choi Ki-seok left the cardiovascular angiography room and moved the patient to the intensive care unit.

Then, I received a call from Nam Ji-hwang and headed to the ward conference room.

The image of Cheon Tae-jin inserting the catheter was still vivid in his mind.

“I want to try it too.”

Choi Ki-seok walked and imitated inserting a catheter.

* * *

After PCI, Nam Ji-hwang, Choi Ki-seok, and Yang Jin-seok gathered in the ward conference room.

The first midnight snack time in the internal medicine ward has arrived.

Today’s menu is pig’s feet set and pizza.

The three ate their late-night snack as if they were crazy.

The appetites of two tired interns and a first-year resident who had just started their residency were enormous.

Even though we ordered a fairly large amount, the food ran out quickly.

“Whoa… I think I’ll survive.”

Nam Ji-hwang stroked his bulging stomach.

“Did you eat a lot?”


Ki-Seok Choi and Jin-Seok Yang answered at the same time.

“What do you think our department is like? Tell me honestly.”

“I like it because I have a lot to learn.”

Choi Ki-seok answered first.

To be honest, studying drugs was frustrating. However, it is also the study related to the heart that he is most interested in. It was well worth overcoming.

“It was a folding screen, but I also felt something when I saw PCI.”

“Oh, so you’re going to quit thoracic surgery and come to our department?”

“Not really.”

“Tch. I thought so. What about you?”

Nam Ji-hwang’s gaze rested on Yang Jin-seok.

“I looked into a lot of departments, but I don’t think I have the constitution for internal medicine.”

“Then where do you want to go?”

“If possible, go to plastic surgery…”

Yang Jin-seok’s voice became like the sound of a mosquito.

“Hey, no. Give up plastic surgery.”


“Although its popularity has waned, plastic surgery was in the top three for residency application rates last year. I’m sorry to say this, but unless you have something special, you can graduate from another university.”

Nam Ji-hwang spoke slurred, but everyone understood what he meant.

“Don’t think about making a fuss and go to another department. How about thoracic surgery where Kiseok is?”

“Oh, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to survive thoracic surgery.”

Yang Jin-seok nodded his head in disapproval and expressed his disapproval.

The formula ‘thoracic surgery = dog hard work’ has not changed.

How could it be that even though it is a university hospital, there was not a single applicant for residency every year?

There was a high probability that Ki-Seok Choi would be the only applicant this year.

“Anyway, take care of yourself. Don’t focus too much on our hospital and look into other hospitals.”


There was a moment of silence, and Choi Ki-seok began to cry.

“Senior. I have a question.”


“That’s Professor Kim. I think he really hates surgery. Is there a reason?”

Choi Ki-seok asked what he had been curious about all day.

During the meeting, the sharp hostility that Kim Cheol-woo showed toward the surgeon continued to bother me.

“Oh. That? The professor’s parents died during heart surgery. From then on, he said he was nervous about surgery.”

“Is the hospital where you had the surgery our hospital?”

“I heard that’s not the case.”

After listening to the story, I felt like I knew why Kim Cheol-woo was averse to surgery.

However, although the situation needs to be investigated in more detail, it is questionable whether the patient’s death can be simply blamed on the surgery.

“You can clean up after yourself.”


Kim Cheol-woo headed to the duty room, and Choi Ki-seok and Yang Seok-jin cleaned up the trash.

Just like that, a day passed at the internal medicine clinic.

* * *

The next morning.

Choi Ki-seok woke up earlier than usual and read the paper.

When I was in surgery, my main routine was reading papers and practicing surgery, but when I entered internal medicine, studying internal medicine was added.

In order to digest all three, I had no choice but to get up quickly.


I yawned and looked at the paper Myeongjin Song had sent me.

Although it was an overseas paper, I was able to understand the content without difficulty thanks to Buff.

Ride, ride, ride. Click!

I sent a review and sent the file.

But that’s the moment.


[You have earned the new title ‘Thesis was the easiest.’]

[Thesis was the easiest]

– If you study consistently and hard, there is a moment when your eyes open. From then on, everything becomes easy.

– Paper comprehension increases significantly.

– Understand the claims and evidence of the paper and easily identify logical blind spots.

Choi Ki-seok checked the title and laughed.

The title description is exactly as it is.

I read the paper regularly while receiving the buff, and at some point, reading the paper became easier.

I also learned how to grasp the overall context rather than understanding each piece of content.

“You did one thing.”

I stretched out and headed to the hideout.

It was 5 a.m. after practicing CABG with a fresh beef heart.

Ki-seok Choi quickly finished his ward work and read an internal medicine book recommended by Nam Ji-hwang in the conference room.

Today I brought a special notebook and wrote down the contents of the book.

For the first time in a long time, I felt like I was back in medical school.

How much time has passed?


The door opened and Kim Cheol-woo entered the conference room.


“Are you here already?”

Kim Cheol-woo looked Choi Ki-seok up and down and continued speaking.

“Study internal medicine?”


“Don’t do anything unnecessary. You said you were a thoracic surgeon named Fixton. Anyway, when I see a patient, I’m going to start thinking about it.”

“Not necessarily,”

Ki-Seok Choi answered without being intimidated.

He thought that the thoracic surgery department and the cardiology department were partners in managing the patient’s heart.

Depending on the patient’s condition, they would take the necessary treatment. There is no need to show one side or the other.

“You’re good at answering,”

Kim Cheol-woo said sarcastically as he sat down and tapped on his laptop. A

quiet atmosphere continued, but Kim Cheol-woo was the first to speak out.

“What do you do when a patient with acute pericarditis comes? ”

In response to Kim Cheol-woo’s question, Choi Ki-seok closed the book.

He showed his will to answer with knowledge without reading the book.

“Since you did not mention the exact case, I will first talk about viral pericarditis, which is the most common case. First ,

we examine the patient with an electrocardiogram

and chest

When I answered clearly, Kim Cheol-woo adjusted his posture.

There was a look in his eyes that said, ‘Look at this guy

. ‘

“So I use colchicine.”

“What about pericarditis after myocardial infarction?”

Kim Cheol-woo was speechless at his question.

When using drugs, various situations must be taken into consideration, but a special situation was given.

Choi Ki-seok squeezed his head as hard as he could.

To Kim Cheol-woo : I wanted to show you that I was sincerely studying internal medicine.

“You don’t know that far, right?”

“Oh, no.” “

Then what is your answer?”

Choi Ki-seok paused and barely managed to utter a single word.

“Rain.” Avoid anti-inflammatory drugs and steroids and give aspirin.”

“Are you sure? Are you confident? The patient’s life depends on your medicine. It’s not just dangerous to hold a scalpel.” ”

Honestly, I’m not confident.”

Choi Ki-seok’s honest answer created a heavy atmosphere in the conference room.

Kim Cheol-woo said Choi Ki-seok After staring, he withdrew his gaze and muttered indifferently,

“That’s the correct answer.”

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Level Up Doctor

Level Up Doctor

Score 8.2
Status: Completed Type: Released: 2016 Native Language: Korean
Level-Up Doctor Growing up as an orphan, Jeong He-Jin didn’t open his heart to anyone. After giving his all to become a cardiothoracic surgeon, he got into an unfortunate accident, after which he woke up not as ‘Jeon He-Jin’ but as ‘Choi GiSeok’. And on top of that, he has to using his skills…? The accident changed his fate drastically… Can he become ‘the Greatest Cardiothoracic Surgeon’ as ‘Choi GiSeok’?


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