Level Up Doctor Chapter 48

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New Wind (6)

The duty room that evening.

Min-hyuk Min was staring at the monitor.

I just checked in at the emergency room and sent in the test results.

The patient’s name is Seongju Kang.

He is 27 years old and

is a T.A (traffic accident) patient.

It is said that he is conscious, but is complaining of severe breathing difficulties and chest pain.

The pulse dropped to 70 beats per minute, but all other vitals were normal.

There were no special abnormal signs in the blood test.

However, I was concerned that pleural effusion was visible on the chest X-ray.

“Senior. Why are you doing this?”

Choi Ki-seok spoke.

I’m a patient with T.A. It’s a bit of a pain. I’ll have to go down first.”

“Shall I go with you?”

“You just stay. You’re not helping.”

“Maybe I can help with some chores.”

In response to Choi Ki-seok’s insistence, Min-joo-hyuk said yes.

I arrived at the emergency room and faced the patient.

There were some bruises, but he looked fine.

“Teacher. My chest is so tight. It’s hard to breathe.”

Seongju Kang complained with a frown.

“Would you like to take off your clothes?”

As Seongju Kang took off his clothes, Minjoohyuk checked the sound with a stethoscope.

Although respiratory sounds were decreased in the lower left chest, no crackles or wheezing were heard.

I had a headache.

There are no obvious abnormalities on examination, but the patient complains of severe pain.

“Shall we call Professor Song?”

Choi Ki-seok approached and whispered softly.

“this time?”

“I think you’ll come if I say it’s an emergency patient.”

“This patient is not an emergency.”

“But wouldn’t it be better to be sure? Just send it back and if there’s a problem…”

“You should call me.”

Min Joo-hyuk ordered Choi Ki-seok to contact him and asked the patient to wait for a while.

Soon, Song Myeong-jin rushed to the emergency room in a huff.

“Are you this patient?”


“Let’s look at the test results.”

Song Myeong-jin sat in Min-joo Hyeok’s seat and looked at the monitor.

There is a contrast between the nervous Min-hyuk and the relaxed Choi Ki-seok. “

I think we need to do a C.T scan and upper gastrointestinal angiography

to accurately determine the condition .”

“Yes. Please do whatever you can.”

At Song Myeong-jin’s words, Kang Seong-jin nodded with a pained expression.

How much time has passed?

When the test results came out, Song Myeong-jin called Min Joo-hyuk and Choi Ki-seok together.

“Do you see this?”

Song Myeong-jin’s index finger pointed to one side of the monitor.

“The left diaphragm here is disconnected and thickened, right? And

the stomach fundus is not observed on this

U.G.I (upper gastrointestinal angiography).”

“Then maybe…”

“The patient has a traumatic diaphragmatic hernia.”

Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia.

This is a disease in which the diaphragm is torn due to a traffic accident or other accident, and the stomach or intestines enter through it.

If the patient had been left alone, the dislodged organ could have become blocked or twisted, causing serious complications or even death.

“Well done Notty.”

Song Myung-jin tapped Min Joo-hyuk on the shoulder.

“If you don’t know something, you should ask your superiors to find out exactly what the patient’s condition is.”

“Ah yes.”

“Why are you laughing all of a sudden?”

“Ah, yes. I think it’s my first time being praised by Professor Song.

Min Joo-hyuk’s answer was clear.

The reason he laughed was because Choi Ki-seok gave a thumbs up behind Song Myeong-jin’s back.

In fact, Choi Ki-seok encouraged him to noti . If he hadn’t contacted Song Myeong-jin directly, he would have sent him back after just giving him simple treatment.

But Choi Ki-seok gave the credit to Min-joo-hyuk.

He’s a cute kid.

“Patient. “I have something to tell you.”

Song Myeong-jin talked to the patient.

He explained the test results and said emergency surgery was needed.

As the family arrived at the emergency room at the right time, they received a consent form for surgery and began emergency surgery.

Surgeon Myeong-jin Song, first assistant Min-ju. Hyuk Second Assistant Disinfection Nurse Ki-Seok Choi.

Four people went into surgery like this. The

full-scale surgery began as the anesthesiologist administered anesthesia.

“When the diaphragm is ruptured, a thoracotomy or laparotomy can be performed. However, in this case, it is better to

perform a thoracotomy.”

Just saying, don’t be distracted by the surgery. This is a surgery I will have to do someday. I must use this opportunity to learn. If you have that mindset, your skills will improve quickly.” Perhaps it is

because the surgical staff are simple.

Song Myeong-jin gave golden advice.


Song Myeong-jin took the scalpel handed to him by the disinfection nurse. He cut the skin.

After performing a posterolateral thoracotomy for about 20 minutes, the patient’s organs were revealed.

There was pleural fluid in the left pleural space, and the herniated stomach fundus was stuck in the thoracic cavity.

Song Myeong-jin removed the pleural fluid and picked up a scalpel. Swoosh

. Ugh.

With the delicate movements of his hands, the fundus of the stomach that was attached to the chest cavity came off.

Afterwards, the fundus of the stomach was returned to its original position and the diaphragm was reconstructed.

‘As expected of you, Master.’

Ki-Seok Choi was amazed as he watched the surgery.

Myeong-Jin Song was not a surgeon, but rather a magician. He handled the surgical tools as if he were possessed, and when the treatment was completed, the surgical site returned to its original state.

“Now. The surgery is now over.”

The surgery ended as Song Myeong-jin closed the chest.

The patient was sent to the intensive care unit, and the three gathered in the medical office and had a late-night snack.


“I got a call and I’ll go.”

“Okay. Thank you for your hard work.”


As Min Joo-hyuk left, only Song Myeong-jin and Choi Ki-seok remained in the medical office.

“You did well earlier.”

Song Myeong-jin smiled and looked at Choi Ki-seok.

“Huh? “I didn’t do it…”

“Do you think I don’t know? Teacher Choi encouraged Teacher Min to do noti.”


“Uh-huh. I know Mr. Min, but if Mr. Min was alone, I would never have said anything.”

Choi Ki-seok was completely dumbfounded by Song Myeong-jin’s point.

He never thought that Song Myeong-jin would see right through that.

“That’s right…”

Song Myeong-jin . After taking a sip of this water, he continued,

“What if? What if.”


“What would it be like if I left the hospital?”

Song Myeong-jin’s question was calm, but the aftermath was severe. Choi Ki-seok felt like he had been hit on the head with a hammer.

“Suddenly. Why are you doing this? Are you doing this because of Manager Jo Ji-hwan?”

“Just whatever. “I just want to think about it.”

“I don’t even want to think about it,”

Ki-seok Choi continued, speaking rapidly.

“I can’t even imagine the cardiothoracic surgery department at Uijin University without the professor. The professor is an indispensable person.”

“I am grateful that Professor Choi said that.”

“I really feel that way.” “I

will pretend that I did not hear what was said today.”

Song Myeong-jin changed the topic.

Choi Ki-seok cleaned up and went to the ward. I watched Song Myeong-jin’s back as he left the hospital.

“What would it be like if I left the hospital?”

Song Myeong-jin’s words kept ringing in my ears.

* * *

The next afternoon.

Choi Ki-seok finished his surgery schedule and was resting in the lounge.

“Ha… ·····.”

I checked the status window and sighed.

[Piece of Heart (1/2)]

I got the mission after a long time, but there was a long way to solve it.

It was difficult to get close to Jihye Yoon, and it was difficult to have deep conversations with the nurses. It was difficult.

Should I give up on this mission?

I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately. I was

getting up from the sofa and felt a vibration inside my gown.

Choi Jun-gi.

My younger brother called me after a long time.

“Uh. What’s going on?”

[Mom brought me medicine. Come to the hospital lobby.]


Choi Ki-seok hung up the phone and headed to the first floor lobby.

If you receive a heart transplant, you will have to take immunosuppressants for the rest of your life.

In the meantime, your parents will mainly take care of you. He came to the hospital, talked to us, and gave us medicine, but today his younger brother came especially. Choi Ki-

seok and Choi Jun-ki originally did not get along well.

If Choi Ki-seok followed his parents’ wishes and took the elite course, Choi Jun-ki is following his own path.

Choi Ki-seok took his parents’ side and did not like Choi Jun-ki, and Choi Jun-ki hated Choi Ki-seok for that.

“Are you here? “Okay.”

When we arrived at the lobby, Choi Jun-gi held out a bag of medicine.

“Isn’t it hard to be an intern?”

“It’s worth it.”

Choi Ki-seok answered as he took the bag of medicine.

“Since I’m already here, I’d like to have a cup of coffee.”

“I’m busy. .”

“I’m busy too.”

Choi Ki-seok forcefully dragged Choi Jun-ki and took a seat at the cafe.

After the car accident, I gained a new life and a new family. I still felt awkward and distant, but I wanted to get along.

‘Okay then.’

Choi Ki-seok started with the eyes of Hippocrates. He

often checked that his parents were healthy, but it had been a long time since he checked his younger brother’s condition.

“Why are you looking at me so intently?”

“No. Just.”

Choi Ki-seok cleared his throat and continued.

“I heard you got your Korean food certification a while ago? “It’s pretty good, right?”

“Of course. Do you think I said I wanted to become a chef without thinking?”

“Do your best. You’ve always been good with your hands.”

Choi Jun-gi blinked in surprise at Choi Ki-seok’s words.

“Has the sun risen in the west? Why are you doing this all of a sudden? “Before, you calmly told me to go to college?”

“In the first place, thoughts change.”

Choi Ki-seok smiled and changed the topic to cooking.

Choi Jun-gi found it awkward at first, but soon he started talking about cooking like a torrent

. Eyes sparkling all the time.

Diverse cooking knowledge.

Choi Jun-ki’s passion for cooking was no less than Choi Ki-seok’s passion for medicine.

Why didn’t Choi Ki-seok see this side of his younger brother in the past?

“That’s right. Next time, bring a lunch box.”

“A lunch box? Why?”

“Let’s try your cooking. A chef competes with his cooking, not with his mouth, right?”

“It’s so delicious that it can be blackened, right?”

A smile appeared on Choi Jun-ki’s lips.

The corners of Choi Ki-seok’s mouth rose as he saw his younger brother smile for the first time.

Sometimes anticipation means something. It can make people feel burdened, but sometimes it can make people feel like they are receiving attention.

In the current case, it is the latter.

As Choi Ki-seok receives the attention that he did not receive from his parents, Choi Jun-ki seems to open his heart a little.

While talking, Choi Ki-seok is on his phone . I checked the time.

“I have to get up soon.”

“I guess I’ll be busy.”

The two of them got up at the same time.

“I’ll bring a lunch box next time I come, so look forward to it. Because I’m going to completely turn things upside down.

“Please do so.”

Choi Ki-seok wrote words of encouragement to Choi Jun-ki and headed to the ward.

* * *

That evening.

Ki-Seok Choi was knitting in his dormitory.

Even though I was working with my left hand, the speed was quite fast.

If someone were to see Choi Ki-seok, they would mistakenly think that he is naturally left-handed.


Choi Ki-seok let go of the crochet hook.

A finished fur glove was placed on his lap.

He looked down at the fur gloves with satisfaction and put them into a small box.

While knitting, I unintentionally created many works.

What I have made so far are two mufflers and three gloves.

Next time, I plan to try a handmade sweater.

If I practice like I am now, I will probably be able to give gifts to Uiguk people and acquaintances in the winter.

I was leaning against the back of the bed and sighing when the damn phone rang.

I looked at the number and it was a thoracic surgery call.

[This is the teacher’s ward. Please insert the patient’s poly.]

“What about Ji-seok?”

[I called, but you didn’t answer.]


Choi Ki-seok had no choice but to go up to the ward.

Kwon Ji-seok was all good, but he had a habit of staying silent.

As he entered the hospital room carrying a set of urine lines, a male patient in his fifties stared at Choi Ki-seok.

This is Hwang Yong-hak, the patient who needs to have a urine line inserted.

“The teacher in charge prescribed treatment because he was having difficulty urinating.”

“Are you going to put that in again? Can’t you just not do that? It hurts….”

Hwang Yong-hak avoided Choi Ki-seok’s gaze.

Even if you were a doctor, there was no way you would feel good about exposing your genitals and receiving treatment in front of other people.

“I understand the senior’s feelings, but it is necessary treatment.”

Choi Ki-seok pitched a tent around Hwang Yong-hak.

While the catheterization set was being prepared, Hwang Yong-hak took off his pants without saying anything and exposed his genitals.

Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

Choi Ki-seok disinfected the area around his genitals and applied a coating.

In that state, I held the patient’s genitals with one hand and the catheter with forceps with the other hand. Afterwards, lubricating jelly was applied to the catheter.

The catheter was slowly inserted into the genitals.


Hwang Yonghak frowned.

“You’re doing well. Relax and hold on for a little while.”

Choi Ki-seok pushed the urine line deeper. Then, I felt the front of the catheter touching the urethra. I tried ballooning by injecting an injection.

The treatment ended safely.

If ballooning is performed before the catheter enters the bladder, urethral rupture may occur, but this has not occurred.

“Thank you for your effort.”

After greeting the patient, I washed my hands at the station and disposed of the catheter set.

When I went into the bathroom to do some business, my body became stiff.

A middle-aged patient was lying on the floor.

Physical strength: 2/10

Main symptom: Apnea / Cardiac

arrest Affected area: Heart

Diagnosis: Acute myocardial infarction / Hypertension / Diabetes / Angina

Current status: Emergency

Progress: Very poor (Near death)

History: Hypertension

“Here’s the patient!”

Ki-seok Choi shouted at the top of his voice and ran to the patient.

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Level Up Doctor

Level Up Doctor

Score 8.2
Status: Completed Type: Released: 2016 Native Language: Korean
Level-Up Doctor Growing up as an orphan, Jeong He-Jin didn’t open his heart to anyone. After giving his all to become a cardiothoracic surgeon, he got into an unfortunate accident, after which he woke up not as ‘Jeon He-Jin’ but as ‘Choi GiSeok’. And on top of that, he has to using his skills…? The accident changed his fate drastically… Can he become ‘the Greatest Cardiothoracic Surgeon’ as ‘Choi GiSeok’?


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