Level Up Doctor Chapter 42

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Toward a Higher Place (6)

Yoon Ji-hye resembles actress Kang Sa-rang.

There is no need to say that she is pretty, and I could feel some kind of elegance in her every action.

It was close to his ideal type.

“Are you okay too?”


Choi Ki-seok trailed off.

I saw him for the first time today and it wasn’t our first conversation so I didn’t have anything to say.

If I were to make an assessment, Yoon Ji-hye is someone to watch out for.

Because along with Jang Hyuk-pil, he is the person that Manager Jo Ji-hwan was attracted to.

“When I saw Teacher Yoon, my heart felt like it was going to explode. His looks and body made me think, ‘Wow!’”

Min Joo-hyuk only said what he had to say, as if Choi Ki-seok’s opinion was not important in the first place.

“Teacher Yoon is pretty.”

“Not just pretty, but absolutely adorable.”

“You don’t smile and have a blank expression all day?”

“That’s also part of the charm.”

Minjoohyuk laughed heartily.

“What do you think, Professor Jang?”

Choi Ki-seok changed the topic.

“Professor Jang? I talked to a classmate from Baekjin University on the phone and he said he has good skills and a nice personality. He’s a nice person.”

Why did that good person come under Manager Jo Ji-hwan?

Choi Ki-seok could barely hold back what he wanted to ask.

In the midst of a moment of silence, Ki-Seok Choi opened his mouth.

“Senior. What will happen to Uiguk in the future?”

Choi Ki-seok asked seriously.

Honestly, I was scared.

Jang Hyuk-pil and Yoon Ji-hye’s major is cardiac surgery.

There was a high probability that Ki-Hwan Cho brought in two people to take out Myung-Jin Song.

Physical strength: 6/10

Diagnosis: 3/10

Surgical treatment: 3/10

Medical treatment: 2/10

Reputation: 6

Active skill: None

Passive skill

[Tightrope Walking Lv.2]

– Sensitively aware of power relationships within the hospital. By acting like this, you gain favor and trust from your superiors.

– As the level increases, the favorability and loyalty you gain increases significantly.

– The maximum level is 3.

Minjoohyuk has a unique passive called tightrope walking.

He has great insight into the political trends within the country.

I was curious.

How does he read the current situation?

“It is still too early to judge.”

Minjoohyuk paused before continuing.

“It will depend on whether Professor Jang remains the manager’s puppet or not.”

* * *

The next morning.

Choi Ki-seok carried out his schedule as usual.

I woke up early, looked at my thesis, and later practiced surgery on a cow heart in my hideout.

“It’s definitely different from what you see.”

Choi Ki-seok fumbled around holding a surgical tool.

I am attempting CABG surgery alone while watching the video I filmed yesterday.

Because it was a difficult surgery, it was not easy to watch and follow.

The point is that he cannot use both hands freely like Song Myeong-jin.

There are no assists.

Although these two things held him back, Choi Ki-seok overcame the difficulties without saying anything.

No, I enjoyed it.

The fact that he became Song Myeong-jin’s disciple.

The fact that there is an environment like this where you can practice alone.

The fact that the CABG surgery process can be checked again and again.

All of this is a blessing that helps him grow.

I didn’t dare to get annoyed or complain.

“it’s a shame.”

Choi Ki-seok checked the time and made a sullen expression.

CABG never got off the ground.

I wanted to have some fun now, but the time came when I had to go up to the ward.

After finishing the cleaning, I went up to the ward.

* * *

A long-awaited break.

Choi Ki-seok bought pear juice at an herbal medicine store near the hospital and headed to Song Myeong-jin’s studio.

Meanwhile, I examined myself in medical mode.

Occupation and specialty: Resident/thoracic surgery Physical

strength: 3/10

Diagnosis: 8/10

Surgical treatment: 5/10

Medical treatment: 3/10

Reputation: 6




Choi Ki-seok checked the status window and laughed.

Thanks to practicing with cow intestines every day, my surgical procedures were taken to the next level.

It is a huge achievement to have raised the figure in just one month.

A lot of hard work and Song Myeong-jin’s student buff.

The synergistic effect of these two is the cause of the increase in treatment level.


While walking down the street, Choi Ki-seok experienced his eyes being focused on a woman without realizing it.

The woman appeared to be in her mid-twenties and wore a neat dress.

Just looking at her appearance, it wouldn’t be surprising to say she was a celebrity.

Not only Choi Ki-seok but also other men around were busy stealing glances at the woman.

“Yes. We’re all here.”

The woman spoke in a calm voice and headed toward Uijin University Hospital.


While paying attention to the woman, I bumped into a passerby who was walking in front of me.


Choi Ki-seok apologized and went on his way.

I thought to myself that I was a fool.

While I was thinking about this and that, I arrived at my destination.

Ding dong!

When I rang the bell, I heard a familiar voice.

“What’s going on?”

Song Myeong-jin looked at Choi Ki-seok with a surprised face.

“I have something for you. Please take this.”

Ki-Seok Choi handed out a box of pear juice to Myeong-Jin Song.

Song Myeong-jin has been showing signs of fatigue a lot lately. So I thought I should take care of my health at least in this way.

“I’m done, so Teacher Choi eats.”

“No. I bought it for you, professor. And you usually cough a lot. They say pear juice is good for coughing.”

“Hehe. That’s right.”

Song Myeong-jin scratched the back of his head and received a box of pear juice.

“Thank you. I will eat well.”


“If I’m not busy, can we talk for a bit?”


Choi Ki-seok went inside and sat down on a chair at the dining table.

Song Myeong-jin’s studio apartment was simple.

It felt like a humble scholar from the Joseon Dynasty living with only the necessities.

Looking at this room alone, no one would imagine that it is the room where an associate professor of thoracic surgery lives.

But what is more important is not the simple interior of the studio.

This is the kind heart of Song Myeong-jin, who took a seat next to the hospital.

Song Myeong-jin waited in the studio in case an emergency patient appeared.

I only go home once a week.

“Have you had dinner?”

“Yes. I just ate.”

“Then let’s have a quick drink.”

Song Myeong-jin put down a soju bottle and a plate with some nuts on the table.

“I didn’t know the professor would ask me out for a drink.”

“is it so?”

Song Myeong-jin filled Choi Ki-seok’s glass, and Choi Ki-seok also filled Song Myeong-jin’s glass with alcohol.


Drinking glasses clinked in the air.

Choi Ki-seok swallowed his soju in one gulp. But after drinking, he looked confused.

“Professor. This…”

“That’s right. It’s just water. You can’t drink alcohol when you never know when an emergency patient will come, right?”

Song Myeong-jin spoke while eating nuts.

“This way, we can at least create the atmosphere of drinking.”

“As expected, the professor is great.”

Ki-Seok Choi admired Myung-Jin Song once again.

Additionally, it was a pity that someone so capable and caring for patients was not treated well.

Originally, Song Myeong-jin should have become the head of the thoracic surgery department…

“It’s a new thing to say now, but I think Mr. Choi is truly amazing.”

“Compared to you, professor, I am a new person.”

“No, I can see that your skills are improving. You may not know it, but the speed at which you read papers and the content of your comments are comparable to those of most experts.”

“That’s too much praise.”

“And what I like most of all is that posture.”

Song Myeong-jin pointed to Choi Ki-seok’s left hand.

Choi Ki-seok continued to use his left hand when drinking alcohol or picking up snacks.

In other words, this is evidence that people consistently practice writing with their left hand in their daily lives.

“If you have that kind of passion, you’ll use both hands sooner than you think.”

“Ah yes.”

Choi Ki-seok scratched the back of his head with a puzzled look on his face.

These days, using my left hand has become a habit, so I don’t even feel the need to use my left hand in particular.

The conversation deepened as we drank glasses, or rather, glasses of water.

Stories about going back to the hospital, stories of thoracic surgeons, stories of patients, etc.

There were so many topics that the conversation did not stop.

“Professor. What do you think of the new people today?”

Choi Ki-seok changed the topic.

“Anyway, Manager Jo Ji-hwan is trying to do something to the professor…”

“are you okay.”

Choi Ki-seok spoke slurred, but Song Myeong-jin nodded as if he knew everything.

“What we need to care about is the patient. There is no need to think about other aspects.”


“That ends the story.”

Song Myung-jin concluded the topic.


In the middle of the conversation, Song Myeong-jin’s cell phone rang.

The two looked at each other with nervous expressions. The warm atmosphere that had existed up until now had suddenly disappeared.

“It’s a home phone.”

“thank god.”

At Song Myeong-jin’s words, Choi Ki-seok relaxed his body.

It is the inevitable fate of a surgeon to have a dry mouth and feel nervous every time the phone rings.

“Hello. Uh, it’s me.”


“I’m having a drink with Mr. Choi.”


“Wait a minute.”

Song Myeong-jin hung up the phone and made a video call to his wife.

When his wife and two daughters appeared on the cell phone screen, a big smile appeared on Song Myeong-jin’s face.

There was a bright energy in the voice on the phone.

It feels like all the happiness in the world has come to this place.

Ki-Seok Choi smiled at the sight of Myung-Jin Song being happy.

I felt with my own skin that Song Myeong-jin was also a human being, the pillar of the family and the father of two daughters.

“Mr. Choi. Come here and see.”


Choi Ki-seok sat down next to Song Myeong-jin and bowed to Song Myeong-jin’s wife.


[yes. hello. I heard a lot about Teacher Choi. Please take care of my husband. My husband says his life is getting better these days because of Teacher Choi.]

“Hmm. Why are you saying such nonsense?”

[You’re in trouble because you’re not honest. Good job and see you on the weekend]

“Okay. See you next time.”

After the video call ended, the room became quiet.

Song Myeong-jin looked down at his phone and emptied his drink, as if he was disappointed about the call.

“How do I look to Teacher Choi?”

“I think he is a person worthy of everyone’s respect, both for his skills and his heart.”

“Thank you for saying that, but that’s not really true.”

Song Myeong-jin sighed and continued.

“If you gain something, you have to lose something. I devoted my whole life to medical skills, but I couldn’t leave any memories with my family.”


“I was in the operating room when my first and second children were born, and I was abroad when my wife was sick.” ”

·· ····.”

“That’s not all.”

Song Myeong-jin paused before opening his mouth.

“I am constantly checked by other doctors, and some are trying to tarnish my reputation. Do you know what this means?”

Choi Ki-seok did not dare to answer.

How could Song Myeong-jin’s life, which has been through countless honors and ups and downs, be defined in one word?

“A doctor who only cares about medical skills is lonely. My body is tied to the hospital and my mind is tied to the patient. There are jealous colleagues everywhere, ready to bite at any moment. Professor Choi, can you endure all of this?”

Song Myeong-jin’s tone contained a hint of provocation.

“I can endure it.”

Choi Gi-seok made eye contact with Song Myeong-jin and began to cry.

“Earlier, the professor said that if you gain something, you have something to lose. You did it, right? I’m willing to lose everything if I can become the best thoracic surgeon.”

“I like your guts,”

Song Myeong-jin smiled.

“That’s why I’m telling you, if possible, get married as soon as possible.

” “This?”

Choi Ki-seok asked back like a fool at the sudden change of topic.

“Even if the world abandons Mr. Choi, shouldn’t there be at least one person who will protect Mr. Choi? If it weren’t for my wife, I wouldn’t have come this far.”


“I’ll search diligently from now on. That one person.”

Afterwards, Song Myeong-jin told the story of his love affair with his wife, and Choi Ki-seok listened quietly. This was

the first time he heard Song Myeong-jin’s human story.

Without realizing it, he was immersed in the story.

Time passed by as if it had been stolen.

“Professor . . Then, I’ll see you next time.”


Song Myeong-jin stood in front of the front door and tapped Choi Ki-seok on the shoulder.

Choi Ki-seok left the studio and headed to the hospital.

Through today’s conversation, I got a little more insight into the doctor Song Myeong-jin and the human Song Myeong-jin. .I

thought that I should create more opportunities like this in the future.

“I am the only person who will protect you even if the world abandons you…. “I can’t believe the professor said such a mean thing…”

Choi Ki-seok burst out laughing and walked leisurely.

But when he arrived in front of the hospital, he found Kang Ha-na on the crosswalk across the street.

Given that she was wearing civilian clothes, it seemed like she was going to work at night.

Plastic bags containing late-night snacks were held in both hands, as if to take care of the juniors.

“Super intern teacher!”

Kang Ha-na shouted in a bright voice.

Choi Ki-seok waved goodbye and stayed in front of the crosswalk.

Since we already met, we plan to go to the hospital together. .

Eventually, the traffic light turned green.

“Hmph. It’s so heavy, I’m dying.”

Kang Hana crossed the crosswalk with a frown, and Choi Ki-seok also turned towards Kang Hana from the other side. At

that very moment,

a large truck rushed into the crosswalk. Of course, in the direction where Kang Hana was.

Choi Ki-seok’s heart skipped a beat. “Teacher Kang!”


Ha-na blinked at Choi Ki-seok’s shout. Then she belatedly looked at the truck that was approaching her.


The plastic bag fell out of her hand.

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Level Up Doctor

Level Up Doctor

Score 8.2
Status: Completed Type: Released: 2016 Native Language: Korean
Level-Up Doctor Growing up as an orphan, Jeong He-Jin didn’t open his heart to anyone. After giving his all to become a cardiothoracic surgeon, he got into an unfortunate accident, after which he woke up not as ‘Jeon He-Jin’ but as ‘Choi GiSeok’. And on top of that, he has to using his skills…? The accident changed his fate drastically… Can he become ‘the Greatest Cardiothoracic Surgeon’ as ‘Choi GiSeok’?


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