Level Up Doctor Chapter 38

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Heading to a higher place (2)

because the effect was unbelievable.

According to the explanation, you won’t die if you jump onto a road or fall off a cliff.

“It’s almost time for surgery.”

Choi Ki-seok walked down the hallway of the hospital room and stretched.

Right at that moment.

Tatak. Tatak. Tatak.

The sound of urgent shoes was heard.

Song Myeong-jin had just turned down the hallway and was coming this way.

“Patient Kang Dong-ho’s condition has worsened. The surgery will begin early, so prepare immediately.”

Song Myeong-jin spat out words rapidly.

His usual relaxed appearance was nowhere to be seen.


Choi Ki-seok answered bravely and entered the hospital room in the center of the hallway.

Kang Dong-ho was lying helplessly in bed.

“Patient. I went into surgery a little earlier than scheduled.”


Kang Dong-ho nodded with difficulty and took the prayer beads that had been placed on the table in his hand.

“Sir. I’ll be okay, right?”

Kang Dong-ho stared at Choi Ki-seok with sunken eyes.


“Sir. Please take care of my husband.”

Kang Dong-ho’s wife bowed her head, and Choi Ki-seok also bowed his head in return.

Choi Ki-seok led the patient’s bed and moved to the operating room.

Since I had asked Oh Hye-jeong to look after the ward work in advance, there was no problem in joining as a surgical assistant.

After scrubbing, I left the patient in the operating room and went outside.

The staff who will be participating in today’s surgery, including Song Myeong-jin, are gathered in the supply room and are briefing on the surgery.

A team that removes the lungs of a brain dead person.

Lung transplant team.

Because two teams were operating at the same time, the number of surgical staff was quite large.

‘It’s finally starting.’

Choi Ki-seok tapped his cheek and pounded his spirit.

The surgery to be performed today is a single lung transplant.

This is a surgery in which one side of the lung of a brain-dead person is removed and transplanted into the recipient’s lung.

Among lung transplants, the level of difficulty is relatively low, but that wasn’t necessarily the case today.

First of all, the patient’s condition is not good.

Also, the surgeon is Song Myeong-jin, a heart surgeon.

“Okay, let’s go in now.”

At Song Myeong-jin’s words, the staff dispersed and started scrubbing. And then they dispersed into individual rosettes.

‘teacher. please.’

Choi Ki-seok followed Song Myeong-jin into the operating room and prayed earnestly.

Please save Kang Dong-ho safely.

Please give Jo Ji-hwan a blow for playing with his life.

* * *

B Rosette.

A man was lying dead on an operating room bed.

Medical staff in uniforms surrounded the area in a circle.

The doctors’ eyes, revealed through their masks, were heavier than ever.

Today’s surgery is the fifth lung transplant surgery performed at Uijin University Hospital’s Thoracic Surgery Department.

The meaning was extraordinary.

Amidst the tense atmosphere, a man’s voice was heard from behind a tent in a corner of the operating room.

“I’m going to have a good time today.”

The main character of the voice is Lee Min-jun, a second-year anesthesiology resident.

Seolhwa Jeong was standing next to him.

“It’s rare to see a lung transplant surgery, right?”


Jeong Seol-hwa nodded slightly.

Now that I think about it, I remembered that Choi Ki-seok said last night that he was going into surgery on a lung transplant patient.

If you see that he is not here, he must be waiting in the rosette next to you.

Jeong Seol-hwa once again thought that Choi Ki-seok was no ordinary intern.

Lung transplant surgery is a major surgery that takes nearly 7 to 10 hours.

Usually, people rarely volunteer for such surgery.

Unless you’re a weirdo like Choi Ki-seok.

I suddenly felt sad.

The fact that his head and heart were filled with only passion for medicine.

“Here we go.”

At Lee Min-jun’s words, Jeong Seol-hwa turned her attention to the operating table.


The surgeon held a scalpel and made an incision in the mid-abdomen.

Then, a sternotomy was performed using a saw.


The sound of bones breaking echoed through the operating room.

The surgeon took a scalpel and cut the lower lung ligaments on both sides of the brain dead person and peeled off the area around the esophagus.

For transplantation, the joint connected to the lung had to be severed.


As per the surgeon, cardiac arrest fluid was injected through a cannula.


When the aorta was occluded with vascular forceps, the heart, which had been beating vigorously, gradually slowed down.

“How about over there?”

“Professor Song said he has just entered the operating room. I think he will be ready by the time the lungs are removed.”

The surgeon nodded at the second assistant’s words.

“Isn’t it unreasonable for even Professor Song to take on the challenge of lung transplantation? Even if you earn a lung transplantation fellow, the level of difficulty is different between general lung surgery and lung transplant surgery…”

The first assistant, who had been silent, finally said a word.

“I guess you did it because you wanted to call me Professor Song? You had no choice but to do it because you said you were transferring the patient.”

The surgeon smiled bitterly and removed the heart and one lobe of the lung.

Finally, the lung was carefully placed in the icebox.

Now their job is done.

Patient’s life and death.

The battle of power between Song Myeong-jin and Jo Ji-hwan.

After some time, the ending will appear in one way or another.

“You’re the youngest. Pass it to the next rosette.”


The intern carried the icebox and moved to the next rosette.

* * *

Song Myung-jin and other medical staff entered the operating room one after another.

Choi Ki-seok stood in his place and looked at the staff.

It is to examine the condition of the medical staff through the eyes of Hippocrates.

Physical strength: 4/10

Main symptom: Headache/dizziness

Part of pain: Head

Diagnosis: Anemia

Current status: Non-emergency

Progress: Average Past history

: None

Most of the patient was in good condition, but the condition of the disinfection nurse was disturbing.

My physical strength dropped below half and I was anemic.

“Teacher. Are you okay?”

“Huh? What is it?

” I thought you were feeling a little unwell. The surgery takes quite a while, so it would be better to shift with someone else.”

“No. The schedule is full, so there’s no one to shift.”

The disinfection nurse smiled weakly.

“Thank you for your concern, but cases like this are common when you work in the operating room.” ”

I understand. Cheer up.”

Ki-Seok Choi gave encouragement to the disinfection nurse as he stepped back and also used encouragement to the other staff members.


A bright light visible only to Ki-Seok Choi enveloped the staff.

“From now on, we will begin the unilateral lung transplant surgery.”

Myeong-Jin Song . The words rang softly in the operating room.

The fateful hour has finally arrived.

Ki-Seok Choi used the dragon’s eyes.

[Use the dragon’s eyes. It provides an optimized field of view for surgery. Use zoom-in and zoom-out modes. Possible.]

I will show Song Myeong-jin the perfect view he sees.


The surgical area was disinfected.

“Scalpel.” Myeong-

jin Song took the scalpel and attempted a thoracotomy between the fifth ribs.

It was still before the brain-dead person’s lungs arrived.

It was necessary to do the necessary work before that.

After completing the thoracotomy, Song Myeong-jin removed the pulmonary artery and temporarily tied it off.

Afterwards, the blood gas test began immediately.

“The patient’s condition is not good. pH 6.98 PaO2 223mmHg PaCO2 127mmHg Pulmonary artery pressure is 85/26mmHg.”

Before starting the full-scale surgery, a bad news came from the anesthesiologist.

“Prepare the heart-lung machine.”

The staff members were busy following Song Myeong-jin’s instructions.

The first assistant When the cannula was inserted into the artery and the right atrium, the extracorporeal circulation technician started the heart-lung machine. With the sound of the machine


extracorporeal circulation began.

“Let’s continue.”

Myung-jin Song examined the patient’s condition and removed the pulmonary vein and artery.

The hand movements were light and precise.

Once the scalpel had been used, there was no need to apply the scalpel again.

Knotting with both hands was like magic.

‘It was crazy.’

Choi Ki-seok was just amazed by his teacher’s skill.

Usually, surgeons lose physical strength as they get older.

But that was not the case in Song Myeong-jin.

“The timing is good.”

Song Myeong-jin looked at the entrance to the operating room.

Just as he was preparing for the surgery. When it was finished, the lungs of a brain-dead person arrived.

“Here they are.”

The Rosette intern next to him held out an icebox containing the lungs, and Ki-Seok Choi took the box.

At that moment, the air in the operating room became heavy.

Among the staff members present, there was no one who did not know the meaning of this surgery. There was no one there.

“Lung transplantation starts now. Everyone, come to your senses.”


The staff responded in unison to Song Myeong-jin’s words.

“There is no need to be nervous just because there is an audience. We just have to do our job. Do you understand?”


The answer continued once again.

Ki-Seok Choi found the word “audience” strange and raised his head slightly.

Several people were gathered in the operating room for tours set up on the second floor.

The person standing at the front among them was Jo Ji-Hwan. Cho Ji-hwan, head of the Department of Thoracic Surgery.

Choi Ki-seok checked the overlock on his gown using the zoom-in mode of the dragon’s eye. It was amazing, but


had no choice but to admit it.

What would be the point in him, a mere intern, denying the person the hospital recognized?

Choi Ki-seok said . I ignored Jo Ji-hwan and focused on the surgery.

Let’s make the surgery successful and flatten Jo Ji-hwan’s nose.

That’s the best option for now.


Song Myung-jin cut the pulmonary artery, pulmonary vein, and bronchus in order to remove one lung.

Surgery The process was flowing so naturally.

Looking at it until now, no one would have thought he was a heart surgeon.

But at that very moment,

the body of the disinfection nurse who was managing the surgical tools began to sway.

“I’m sorry.”

Disinfection . The nurse apologized and kept her position, but her body stumbled again.

“Are you okay?”

“Nurse Kim. Come to your senses.”

Despite the shouts of Song Myeong-jin and the first assistant, the disinfecting nurse was unable to control her body and fell down again.

Not backwards, but towards the patient.

Everyone was shocked at the sudden situation.

At that moment, Choi Ki-seok quickly stretched out one arm and helped the nurse fall over. I stopped him from falling.

Fortunately, there was no disaster where the nurse collided with the patient.

The staff all sighed in relief. If

the nurse had fallen squarely on the patient, the surgery would have been ruined.

“Sir. Please open up the surgical site for me.”

“Huh? “Uh.”

Choi Ki-seok walked out of the operating room, supporting the nurse.

The thing he was worried about happened. The disinfection nurse collapsed due to lack of stamina and anemia…

“What…what’s going on?”

The head nurse in the operating room looked alternately at Ki-Seok Choi and the disinfection nurse and blinked.

“Nurse Kim collapsed during surgery.”


“I’ll lay you down on the sofa first.”

Choi Ki-seok used the eyes of Hippocrates and placed the sterilizing nurse on a sofa in the corner of the operating room.

And quickly checked her vitals.

“Your vitals are normal. They said you had anemia before going into the operating room, but I think that’s why you fainted for a moment.”


The head nurse breathed a sigh of relief at Choi Ki-seok’s words.

“Rather, please send just one intern to the operating room.”

“Why are you an intern? There’s Professor Choi.”

“I have to act as a disinfection nurse.”

The head nurse looked astonished at Choi Ki-seok’s declaration.

“Doctor Choi is going to be a disinfection nurse? Are you saying that because you don’t know how specialized operating room work is?”

Disinfection nurses must have thorough knowledge of the surgery they are performing.

You must be able to handle the items and instruments used in surgery well and must always maintain sterile conditions.

That’s not all.

While ward nurses usually complete their training within one year, operating room nurses undergo much longer training.

This means that the work is professional.

This is definitely not a position that can be replaced by a fresh-faced intern who just arrived at the hospital.

“So do you have a replacement?”

“Well… there are no emergency surgeries because they keep happening…”

“But the head nurse can’t go in. If so, the operating room will be completely empty.”


“Please attach at least an intern as soon as possible. The staff and I will handle the rest.”

Choi Ki-seok returned to the operating room like lightning.

Other people might think it was absurd, but he had a secret weapon.

For the patients and for Song Myeong-jin.

Soon, an intern who would replace Choi Ki-seok entered the operating room.

The lung transplant surgery was undergoing its second development.

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Level Up Doctor

Level Up Doctor

Score 8.2
Status: Completed Type: Released: 2016 Native Language: Korean
Level-Up Doctor Growing up as an orphan, Jeong He-Jin didn’t open his heart to anyone. After giving his all to become a cardiothoracic surgeon, he got into an unfortunate accident, after which he woke up not as ‘Jeon He-Jin’ but as ‘Choi GiSeok’. And on top of that, he has to using his skills…? The accident changed his fate drastically… Can he become ‘the Greatest Cardiothoracic Surgeon’ as ‘Choi GiSeok’?


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