Level Up Doctor Chapter 355

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Adventure (1)

That evening.

Choi Ki-seok was enjoying dinner in the banquet hall inside MHC.

It was an event to celebrate the successful completion of the teacher’s new surgery, or Hope Surgery, and everyone who observed the surgery participated without fail.

“Congratulations, Dr. Song.”

“This surgery will be the greatest feat ever achieved by MHC.”

“We will use Dr. Song’s surgical method as soon as a case arises.”

Sergeants from all over praised Song Myeong-jin, and Song Myeong-jin received their praise with an embarrassed expression on his face.

‘cancer. ‘It’s worth it.’

Choi Ki-seok, who was sitting at the same table as his teacher, nodded slightly.

Hoff’s surgery is groundbreaking in many ways.

The most important of these is the scope of surgery.

Because the scope of myocardial resection is wide, many patients requiring heart transplantation were able to fall into the category of HOPE surgery.

The cost-effectiveness was also great.

The cost of HOPE surgery was only one-third of the cost of existing artificial heart or heart transplant surgery.

This means that patients with financial difficulties can now undergo surgery.

There was a reason why the sergeants unanimously praised him.

“But how did Dr. Song come up with the idea to develop new surgery? “Normally, one would not think of resecting the myocardium to such an outrageous extent.”

“It naturally came to my mind as I saw patients who were tired of waiting for a heart transplant and hesitant to undergo surgery due to cost issues.”


“Isn’t surgery for the benefit of the patient from beginning to end?”

“As expected of Dr. Song. “Since Hope’s surgery has been performed, how about returning to Surgeon?”

“ha ha ha. well.”

When Song Myeong-jin used a surprisingly sly speaking style, some of the sergeants burst into laughter.

“I think your focus is too much on me. “The person who made the biggest contribution to this surgery is Dr. Choi here.”


“I was the one who came up with the idea for the surgery, but it was Dr. Choi who completed it. Dr. Choi should also be given the praise he deserves.”

“You must be joking.”

David, who came from Germany, stared at Choi Ki-seok with a disapproving expression.

“Watching him assisting in surgery, he definitely had skills, but… isn’t a resident a resident after all? “I don’t think it’s a vessel capable of completing a surgery like this.”

“David. “Do you think I completed the surgery myself and put Dr. Choi in charge?”

“That’s the way it is.”

“I don’t think there’s any reason for that.”

“There is only one reason.”

When David raised his index finger, the other soldiers’ eyes lit up as if they were curious.

“Isn’t Dr. Choi the successor to Dr. Song? “If the successors are supported at a gathering of veterans from all over, that is meaningful enough.”

“Hmm… That makes sense.”

“Well, everyone knows that Dr. Song is altruistic.”

Most of the staff seemed to agree with David’s words, and Song Myeong-jin pounded his chest in frustration.

“Dr. Choi. Say it with your own mouth. “Is it really Dr. Choi who completed this surgery?”

Choi Ki-seok could not easily respond to David’s sharp ball.

The surgeons from all over the place seemed unable to believe at all that they had developed surgery. In this situation, saying that the surgery was completed would only be laughed at.

What’s even more difficult is that you can’t move out like this.

The teacher would be a liar if he said he was not involved in the surgery.

In a word, a dilemma.

“What are you doing like a honeyed mute?”

“Oh, I’m really sorry. “For a moment, another thought occurred to me.”

Choi Ki-seok acted naturally and continued speaking.

“If you are asking about my role in this surgery… I helped Professor Song complete the surgery. “We thought together about whether there was a better surgical method.”

“what. “If that’s the case, I could probably do a residency.”

“Dr. Song. “Your love for your students is very special, isn’t it?”

At his answer, the sharp atmosphere softened.

This is because he gave an answer that suited the tastes of the scholars without denying Song Myeong-jin.

Only Song Myung-jin, who knows the truth, is boiling in his heart.

‘professor. If I had done the live surgery, it wouldn’t have ended like this.’

Choi Ki-seok had a terrible idea and trembled.

If a live demonstration had been performed in person, this would not have been a place to celebrate the surgery, but rather a place to be bitten by the surgeons.

No matter how open foreign doctors are, they will not take kindly to the fact that a resident developed a new surgery and even demonstrated it himself.

“But Dr. Choi was great.”

Clara, who had been silent, cried out.

“I just started majoring in thoracic surgery, and I was first in this type of surgery. “It’s something that not everyone can do.”

“I completely agree with that. Honestly, I was touched by the way he helped Dr. Song both materially and spiritually.”

“Before I heard that you were a resident, I always thought you were a fellow.”

As the topic changed to Choi Ki-seok, Choi Ki-seok did not know what to do.

Isn’t it common to hear constant praise from thoracic surgeons around the world?

After agreeing with their stories for a while, I left the dinner party.

“Where are you running away like that?”

I turned my head when I heard a familiar voice and saw Charlotte.

Charlotte is an eccentric internist I met at a symposium at Uijin University and a benefactor who introduced me to a new direction in new surgery.

“I can’t stay any longer because I’m so shy.”

“It’s an honorable position, but I have to endure it.”

“I’m not used to this kind of thing…”

When Choi Ki-seok pretended to be weak, Charlotte burst into laughter.

“Your perseverance is amazing.”


“Honestly, I thought Mr. Choi would use my surgical technique. “It was a surgery that killed two birds with one stone: surgery time and difficulty.”

“Charlotte worked hard to think about it with me… but I feel sorry for that. However, I could never compromise on the scope of the surgery. “The scope of surgery is the number of patients receiving surgery.”

“I’m even sorry. Thanks to you, a fantastic surgery was born? So, to what extent do I have a part in this surgery?”

“Of course.”

There was warmth in the eyes of the two people as they stared at each other.

“Honestly, I was worried about whether or not to join in the conversation earlier. “Because no one believes that Mr. Choi developed the surgery.”

“good job. “If Charlotte had taken my side, the atmosphere would have been ridiculous.”

“But you still don’t want to reveal the truth? “If it were me, I would have been willing to fight with other soldiers.”

Charlotte, who watched the surgical development process, expressed her frustration on Choi Ki-seok’s behalf.

“I will continue my career as a doctor and develop better surgeries. and.”


“It is satisfying enough just to watch Master receive the spotlight from other teachers. “He is someone who fully deserves it.”

“what. If Mr. Choi says that, I have nothing to say, but…”

While the conversation was paused for a moment, someone approached us.

The moment he identified the other person, Choi Ki-seok’s face brightened.

The main characters are Jeong Seol-hwa and Kim Tae-sik.



Choi Ki-seok opened his arms and hugged Jeong Seol-hwa, who came close to her.

My heart raced at the sight of my lover whom I had not seen in a long time.

“Does this make me feel like a saboteur? Let’s talk well and see you later.”

“Thank you, Charlotte.”

After Charlotte left, a conversation was held between Choi Ki-seok, Jeong Seol-hwa, and Kim Tae-sik.

“Sir, it’s been a really long time. “I wasn’t able to say hello, but I went to a symposium before and saw Saber performing surgery.”

“You dirty bastard. “If you’re at the symposium, just say hello and leave.”

Kim Tae-sik playfully touched Choi Ki-seok’s side.

“It’s a snowflake. What happened to you? Why are you here…”

“Of course I came to see you. “I deliberately didn’t contact you to surprise you.”

Jeong Seol-hwa fell out of his arms and widened the distance.

“It was rewarding to come and cheer in person. This surgery went really well. “Professor Song and you were both really cool.”

“Of course it has to be cool. “Who is this guy?”

Jeong Seol-hwa’s cheeks turned red at Choi Ki-seok’s words.

“Ugh. I can’t look at you because my eyes are so cold. “If you keep doing this, I’m leaving?”

“no way. “Why are you doing this?”

“So, I’m telling you to be nice to me too. “I’m so jealous of the folk tales that I’m going crazy.”

Kim Tae-sik’s joke made the atmosphere even more cheerful.

“The new surgery went well. “To be honest, I had no idea that cardiomyopathy and heart failure could be approached in this way.”

“I’m still dumbfounded. “I had always doubted whether the surgery would really work this way.”

“what. There is no development without doubt. “I happen to have a case at the thoracic surgery department, and I’ll have to try out new surgery as soon as I get back.”

“If you are a senior, if you make an artificial transplant well in advance, there will be almost no chance of failure.”

“I agree. “I was worried about the difficulty level because it was a new surgery, but surprisingly it was at a level that was worth considering.”

Choi Ki-seok talked with Kim Tae-sik and Jeong Seol-hwa about the surgery that took place today.

A loved one and a respected senior.

As I was conversing with them in Korean, I felt like I was in Korea.

As time passed, the dinner ended.

Choi Ki-seok made a date with Jeong Seol-hwa tomorrow, when he was off, and visited Song Myeong-jin’s office.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

When I knocked, I heard a voice telling me to come in.

When I went inside, I saw Song Myeong-jin leaning back on the sofa.

It was obvious that he was exhausted from the arduous surgery and the dinner that followed.

“Mr. Choi. “I haven’t seen you since the middle of the dinner party. Where have you been?”

“Teacher Kim Tae-sik of Uijin University and Seolhwa came and talked. I was planning to come back right away, but the conversation got longer…”

“It’s possible if you meet old colleagues. sit down please.”

Ki-Seok Choi, sitting on the sofa, stared at Myung-Jin Song.

“You had a hard time today.”

“Sorry, there were more professors than me.”

“I knew you would say that.”

Song Myeong-jin smiled and continued speaking.

“By the way, why did you do that earlier? It is a fact known to heaven and earth that Dr. Choi completed the surgery. “Wasn’t it okay to say it confidently?”

“Looking at the soldiers’ reactions, they didn’t seem to believe me.”

“That’s it…”

“I think it’s better now to tell them what they want to hear. Because there is nothing good about incurring unnecessary hatred. But I think their doubts will disappear as I become a fellow and rise to a higher position.”

“Hmm… So you saw the future. “I didn’t think of that.”

Song Myung-jin rubbed his chin.

“I think you have more to tell me. is not it?”

“Of course there is.”

Choi Ki-seok took a deep breath and steadied his words.

It was clear that the teacher already knew the fact and was asking the question.

Since I had no intention of hiding or lying in the first place, I thought now would be a good time to reveal the truth.

“Actually, I became the majority shareholder of Mayjo a few days ago. “I attended the general shareholders’ meeting this morning.”

His explanation continued.

He honestly confessed the process from winning the Powerball to becoming the majority shareholder.

Song Myeong-jin was speechless throughout the story.

Occasionally, he would just nod his head while muttering.

“It happened without my knowledge. I always feel this way, but I think Mr. Choi’s life has been incredibly eventful. “How can things like that keep happening?…”

“I’m always dizzy, too.”

“what. Anyway, I feel relieved. “If Mr. Choi is the majority shareholder, MHC will not go astray.”

“yes. “I can promise you that one thing.”

“I believe it. And…”

Song Myeong-jin raised his thumb and smiled.

“It was great that they passed the motion to fire Parker. He was an unpleasant person.”

Choi Ki-seok just laughed at the sudden, fastball that was unbecoming of a teacher.

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Level Up Doctor

Level Up Doctor

Score 8.2
Status: Completed Type: Released: 2016 Native Language: Korean
Level-Up Doctor Growing up as an orphan, Jeong He-Jin didn’t open his heart to anyone. After giving his all to become a cardiothoracic surgeon, he got into an unfortunate accident, after which he woke up not as ‘Jeon He-Jin’ but as ‘Choi GiSeok’. And on top of that, he has to using his skills…? The accident changed his fate drastically… Can he become ‘the Greatest Cardiothoracic Surgeon’ as ‘Choi GiSeok’?


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