Level Up Doctor Chapter 341

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Counterattack (5)

Purge. Trudging.

Benson was passing through the second floor hallway of the MHC main building.

Their hands were shaking nervously and they were busy touching each other, and their lips were dry as if they had been in a drought.

Eventually, I arrived at the assistant director’s office at the end of the hallway and stopped walking to catch my breath.

It didn’t feel good.

This was my first time being called by the Deputy Director of Medical Services, and I couldn’t remember doing anything particularly worthy of praise recently. There wasn’t much room to consider the call from the medical department director in a positive way.

‘are you okay. It’s not even Chief Yasada. Vice Director Song, who is a bit shy, can roast and boil as much as he likes.’

I consoled myself and knocked on the door.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Benson heads inside when he hears a voice telling him to come in.

The first thing that caught my eye was neither the simple appearance of the office nor Song Myeong-jin.

Yasada was sitting on the sofa, glaring at me as if he was going to eat me. Benson glanced at the creepy eyes that made him wonder if he was in a dream.

“hello. “There was also a head chief, the assistant medical director.”

“Sit there.”

At Song Myeong-jin’s gesture, Benson sat down on the sofa across from him.

I was not happy with the situation where the former head of cardiothoracic surgery and the current head of cardiothoracic surgery were sitting side by side and looking at him.

“Why did you call me at this hour?”

Benson was the first to open his mouth, unable to bear the discomfort of sitting on a thorn cushion.

“What do you think is the reason?”

“well. Since MHC received the highest grade in the EOB evaluation, isn’t it possible that they are trying to give us a reward?”

“You sound carefree.”

Yasada snorted and continued.

“Let’s cut out the nonsense and get to the point. The reason I called you today is to investigate an incident from a year ago. “Do you remember the patient’s name, Ben?”


Benson repeated the name and searched through his memories.

Ben. Ben. Ben.

After continuing to think about it, the nightmare that was buried deep in my heart came to mind. I tried to control my expression, but even so, my face automatically wrinkled and my forehead wrinkled.

Why is that name coming out of these two people’s mouths now?

A shiver ran down my spine from an ominous premonition.

[He was quicker than I expected. For your information, it would be a good idea for professors to be careful too. Mr. Choi is gritting his teeth at the professor. It looks like he plans to do it soon.]

The words Miguel said as he announced his intention to retire passed through my head like lightning.

Could it be that Choi Ki-seok designed all of this?

‘That can’t be possible. cancer. ‘This is ridiculous.’

Benson cleared his throat and tried to control his expression again.

“I have no idea. “Did something happen to that patient?”

“Your face is ten times thicker than I thought. “It won’t be a problem if I eat grilled meat on your face.”

“Head Chief. “Aren’t those words too harsh?”

“What’s worse is your behavior! You were Ben’s surgeon, and he lost his life because you forced the surgery. “If you had acknowledged your mistake and taken responsibility for it, there would have been no problem, but that wasn’t the case.”


“Now. Would you like to see this?”

Yasada handed the laptop on the table to Benson.

Benson checked the patient chart on his laptop and sighed.

The details and logs of chart modifications were clearly visible.

For a moment, I had the illusion that the surrounding scenery was falling apart.

“After the patient died, the medical records were arbitrarily modified. Of course, it was not revealed how the existing content differed from the revised content.”


“Do I need to explain further that it was a trick to avoid a medical lawsuit?”

“Ha ha ha ha ha.”

When Benson burst out laughing as if he had lost his mind, Yasada and Song Myeong-jin tilted their heads.

Soon, Song Myeong-jin, who had been silent, came forward.

“Benson. Be honest. Even though a doctor is a profession that deals with life, the fact that he is a human being does not change. That means anyone can make a mistake or misjudgment.”


“You can only become a real doctor if you admit your mistakes. “If you confess your mistakes here and take responsibility for this incident, I am willing to show some leniency.”

“Vice Director. What do you mean? “I did nothing wrong.”

Benson smiled coldly and continued.

“It was clearly my negligence to edit the medical record and not display the details of the modification. But any story other than that is completely unacceptable.”


“It is not my fault that the patient died. So, the only thing I am responsible for is the chart revision details.”

“Stop talking nonsense!”

Yasada continued speaking in exasperation.

“The patient received CPR two days before surgery and his vitals continued to be unstable thereafter. “If forcing surgery on a patient like this isn’t medical malpractice, then what is medical malpractice?”

“well. “I don’t know.”

“you. “It’s much worse than I thought.”

Song Myeong-jin frowned.

“It looks like they are trying to get over this by relying on Deputy Hospital Director Parker, but that will never happen.”

“You’ll know that when you see it. “I think this is the end of what I wanted to say, so I’ll just leave.”

Benson quickly got up and left the deputy director’s office.

His steps as he walked down the hallway became faster.

The confident demeanor that had appeared just a moment ago was gone, and both hands were busy searching for their cell phone. I held the phone with great effort, but my touch kept slipping because my hands were shaking.

‘no. I can’t collapse here. ‘How did I get here?’

Benson called Dong-Ajul to save him from the pit.

* * *

That evening.

Choi Ki-seok left the filming set, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

Unable to resist Ethan’s persistent suggestions, he made a cameo appearance in the drama.

The line was only one short line, but he stuttered and had a hard expression, so he ended up saying NG several times.

I was able to confirm once again the realization that a doctor should heal the patient and not snoop around for no reason.

The place he headed after leaving the filming set was the thoracic surgery intensive care unit.

“teacher. “Can I take a look at the chart for a moment?”


After asking the nurse for medical attention, I looked at Victor’s nursing records.

Victor received psychiatric consultation in the morning and his limbs were still restrained afterwards.

It was written that he received help from a nurse when eating and urinating, but that he spoke unintelligible nonsense every time.

Choi Ki-seok checked the chart and stared at the isolation room monitor.

Using the Eye of Hippocrates, nothing came to mind for his diagnosis.

What it meant was clear.

Choi Ki-seok shook his head and moved to the guardian’s waiting room.

Victor’s grandfather, Robert, who had become his sole guardian, was speaking with the police.

I waited until the conversation was over and approached Robert.

“Doctor Choi! Are you okay, Victor? “They said they couldn’t even visit me because I had a mental problem.”

“I’m sorry, but Victor needs to rest now. “It would be difficult for him to remain sane since his family died in that incident and he was the only survivor.”


Robert clutched his head with a painful expression.

Choi Ki-seok waited for him to control his emotions and then changed the topic.

“By the way, what did you talk about with the police?”

“I heard about the investigation being conducted. The police believed that the eldest son started the fire. “Based on the suicide note left at the scene of the fire and the text message he left me saying he wanted to end his life.”

Robert pounded his chest in frustration.

“I will not deny that my son had suicidal thoughts. But that doesn’t mean he’s the kind of guy who would kill his children along with them.”

“Is that what you said last time? “I remember it.”

“But the police told a strange story at the end. My eldest son took out life insurance, and my grandchild is supposed to receive the insurance money. “I asked if you knew anything about it.”


Choi Ki-seok rubbed his chin and was lost in thought.

When I heard the story about insurance money, something flashed through my mind.

“Robert is your grandson. So what do you think of Victor?”

“He’s a good guy. I’ve never had a problem since I was young. However, it seems like he started dabbling in gambling a year ago. Because of that, there was friction with my son. Of course, I don’t even touch gambling now.


“Dr. Choi. Now all I have left is Victor. “Please help my grandson get discharged from the hospital in good health.”

“I will do the best I can.”

Ki-seok Choi finished talking with Robert and returned to the dormitory.

As I took a shower and leaned against the back of the bed, all kinds of thoughts came rushing in like waves.

Among them, the most clear thing was the appearance of Victor, who caused a suicide commotion, and his empty diagnosis.

Sooner or later, we will have to fight a big war with Victor.

It was nice to see Robert shudder at the cruel truth, but I couldn’t ignore this incident.

Ki-Seok Choi, who was thinking about various things, opened a status window.

[Welcome to training mode. The training room can be entered up to five times a day and is based on previously recorded videos.]

[Please select a video and enter the training room (3/5)]

[You have chosen the teacher’s new surgery. The level of the auxiliary staff is top notch.]

A dazzling light enveloped my body along with a familiar voice.

Soon, Ki-Seok Choi took his place in front of the operating table, wearing surgical clothes.

There was a reliable virtual staff around him.

‘I need to find a way quickly.’

Choi Ki-seok’s legs shook without realizing it.

Even with Charlotte’s help, the teacher’s new surgery is still at a standstill.

Charlotte’s surgical method and her teacher’s surgical method.

This is because these two things clashed in the scope of surgery and the specific surgical process.

His homework is to connect these two things harmoniously.

“From now on, we will begin new surgery for dilated cardiomyopathy and heart failure.”


The virtual staff disinfected the surgical site and covered it with a cloth.

Followed by median sternotomy.

Preparation for surgery is completed by securing the surgical field of view with a retractor and turning on the heart-lung machine.

The first step in renal surgery is coronary artery bypass surgery.

Ki-Seok Choi was familiar with dissecting the internal thoracic artery and connecting it to the lower end of the coronary artery where the stenosis had occurred.

The series of processes proceeded smoothly like water.

If you count the number of CABG exercises performed in the training room, it would already be well over 100.

CABG was no longer his match.

After completing preparations for the surgery, Choi Ki-seok quietly looked down at the heart.

The problem starts now.

It is necessary to decide how to excise the non-functioning myocardium and how to connect the artificial blood vessels and tissues after resection.

If you choose the teacher’s surgical method, you can expand the scope of the surgery, but the difficulty of the surgery increases and it takes a lot of time.

Charlotte’s surgical method can reduce time and difficulty, but the scope of the surgery is reduced.


Choi Ki-seok closed his mouth like a lock and did not take his eyes off the surgical site.

It is time for a change in thinking.

Just like Kwon Il-soo used a retractor during nurse bar surgery.

While steel-like silence was weighing down Rosette, Choi Ki-seok nodded slightly.

Suddenly, a method worth trying came to mind.

Perhaps this method could cover both surgeries.


Before I could make up my mind, my hands began to move freely.

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Level Up Doctor

Level Up Doctor

Score 8.2
Status: Completed Type: Released: 2016 Native Language: Korean
Level-Up Doctor Growing up as an orphan, Jeong He-Jin didn’t open his heart to anyone. After giving his all to become a cardiothoracic surgeon, he got into an unfortunate accident, after which he woke up not as ‘Jeon He-Jin’ but as ‘Choi GiSeok’. And on top of that, he has to using his skills…? The accident changed his fate drastically… Can he become ‘the Greatest Cardiothoracic Surgeon’ as ‘Choi GiSeok’?


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not work with dark mode