Level Up Doctor Chapter 336

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Telephone failure (7)

The next morning’s meeting ended successfully.

Ki-seok Choi sat down at his desk after talking with his classmates at Uiguk.

Click. Click.

The moment I checked my personal email, my hands tightened.


The medical records room sent Venn chart details and access IP.

Ki-Seok Choi first checked the attached document.

[Mr. Choi. This is Baker from the medical records department. After checking the information, I am also a bit embarrassed. This is my first time experiencing a case like this. Now I think I understand why you asked for the patient chart twice.]

..[I relayed this information to the director of the medical records office during the meeting this morning. The manager also seemed to be deeply interested. I would like you to report to us the process of handling the problem.]

A calm smile appeared on Choi Ki-seok’s lips as he read Baker’s email.

The big picture was drawn.

There is a big picture that can bring justice to Benson, who has neglected his patients and only focused on his own career.

Choi Ki-seok looked at Ben’s chart with shining eyes.

The further he scrolled, the more serious his face became.

It’s a situation where something happens.

It was true that Benson had manipulated Ben’s chart.

Ben was not feeling well a week before the surgery.

His vitals were unstable and he complained of chest pain, so he continued to take painkillers.

In the end, he even received CPR two days before the surgery.

The epinephrine found in the drug record was used precisely at this time.

Even though Ben’s condition was not good, Benson pushed ahead with the surgery, saying it was not difficult, and as a result, Ben lost his life.

It’s like bringing a disaster upon yourself.

After the patient died, Benson falsified medical records.

From the nursing record, information about the patient’s condition and CPR treatment were omitted, and part of the surgery record was also modified.

The chart correction IP and correction details sent from the medical records office are indispensable evidence.

Even more scandalous.

The point is that even though the chart was modified, the modification details were not displayed at all.

This is a clear violation of medical law.

“This is why Jenny suffered.”

Choi Ki-seok rubbed his chin.

After my husband died, taking the chart off meant nothing.

Because the chart in Jenny’s hand had already been manipulated by Benson.

From her perspective, she would have faced a situation where her eyes were opened and her nose was cut.

Anyway, at this point one thing is certain.

The point is that Benson manipulated the chart arbitrarily and did not indicate the changes.

Choi Ki-seok immediately went to Yasada’s office.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

When I knocked, I heard a voice telling me to come in.

When we went inside, Yasada was sitting on the sofa drinking coffee.

“What’s going on this morning?”

“I have something brief to tell you.”

“Your expression doesn’t look simple at all?”

Yashada chuckled and pointed to the sofa across from him, and Choi Ki-seok sat across from him.

“So what do we want to talk about?”

“It’s about Professor Benson.”

“Benson… hearing that name wakes me up in the morning. Is this good news? “Is this bad news?”

“Good news for the Head Chief and me, bad news for Professor Benson. “It might be a death sentence.”

Ki-Seok Choi’s explanation continued.

He briefly told the story of the deaths of Jenny and her husband, Ben, whom he met during a cruise checkup.

Yasada’s expression darkened by the minute as he listened to the story.

He answered silently and took a sip of coffee after finishing his explanation.

“I can’t just ignore this incident.”

“yes. The doctor changed the patient’s chart, not intentionally manipulated it to suit his taste. “This behavior directly contradicts the patient-centered spirit of MHC.”

“I didn’t like it since I was a patient with pulmonary artery stenosis, but I got it right. “Can I check the patient chart from here?”

“of course.”

Choi Ki-seok sat in front of Yasada’s desk and accessed the hospital portal with his own ID.

Eventually, Yasada looked closely at the chart he had floated.

“Forcing surgery when the patient is in this condition… is insane. “It makes me want to look into that person’s head.”

Yasada clicked his tongue and continued speaking.

“Mr. Choi, get out of here.”

“yes? “What do you mean by that?”

“I will solve this case. “If you, a resident, step forward hastily, you might get some bad press at the hospital.”


“I understand how things work. So you can rest assured.”

“All right. “I only trust the Head Chief.”

“okay. Please give me a chance to scold that obnoxious person.”

Yasada’s joke made the atmosphere in the office even more cheerful.

Choi Ki-seok wasn’t the only one who disliked Benson.

“Head Chief, I have one more question.”

“say it.”

“What happens to Jenny now?”

“Hmm… I’ll have to see how things progress, but I need to present a compensation plan that the hospital can provide.”

Choi Ki-seok nodded to Yasada’s answer.

As there was a moment of silence, Yasada changed the topic.

“By the way, leave some time around 2pm tomorrow. “The ABD channel sent me an email saying they would like to interview you.”

“Why me…”

“Is this such a surprise? I think it’s actually too late? There aren’t many doctors who are at the center of attention as much as you are. “It deserves enough attention from broadcasting stations.”

“yes. “I will leave some time aside.”

Choi Ki-seok finished talking with Yasada and left the office.

Light steps, as if they had wings.

If Yasada joins in to eradicate Benson, things will become much easier.

What kind of face will Benson make if he imitates Rambo and gets hospital disciplinary action?

Just imagining that expression already made me excited.

Choi Ki-seok, who was walking down the hallway, spotted Miguel approaching from the other side.

He was walking with his shoulders slumped and looking at the ground. Then, he spotted Choi Ki-seok and smiled weakly.

“Mr. Choi are you busy?”

“no. “Do you have anything to say?”

“Let’s at least have a cup of coffee.”

In response to Miguel’s surprise offer, Ki-Seok Choi sat down with him at a cafe on the first floor.

The weather outside was sunny.

The morning sunlight was dazzling, and a ray of wind swayed the grass and branches of the garden as if dancing. The lobby was full of dynamism as employees flocked to work.

“You hate me?”

Miguel smiled wryly and fiddled with his coffee cup.

“Honestly, I can’t say no.”

“It’s worth it. Since I came here as a teaching fellow, I always found fault with everything. But I hope you stop hating me now.”


“Because I’m going to quit MHC soon.”

Ki-Seok Choi’s expression did not change at all when he heard Miguel’s words as if he were confessing.

I already knew.

No, it wasn’t just that he already knew, it was Choi Ki-seok himself who made him leave the hospital.

“You’re surprisingly calm, aren’t you? “I thought you would faint from surprise.”

“I was somewhat expecting it.”

“I see.”

Miguel continued speaking with a confused expression.

“I’m saying this now, but I blamed Mr. Choi a lot when I decided to leave the company. If it weren’t for you, things would have gone smoothly. “I thought I wouldn’t have to be stressed.”


“But last night, a thought suddenly occurred to me. “When I bullied my juniors and other residents, I wonder if they felt the same way I do now.”

“I’m glad you know now.”

“I guess that’s really true. “It’s not wrong to say that you have to experience it to know.”


Miguel decided to resign after being hit by the uncomfortable thorn debuff that he used on other doctors.

This seems to have made him reflect on his past.

Seeing as how he could feel guilt and shame, it seemed like he wasn’t an incorrigible, spoiled person.

At least it’s not Benson’s level.

“Mr. Choi. Do you know why I treated my successors poorly?”

“I do not know.”

“Actually, I’m not very skilled as a sergeant. But when I saw my juniors working hard and growing, I started getting more and more nervous. “I felt like my position was being threatened.”

Miguel drank his coffee and continued talking.

“So I was at a standstill and eventually changed direction. I don’t need to be a great person. Put down the people around you. “Then I might stand out.”


“But that was the wrong conclusion. Putting others down didn’t mean I was going up. Mr. Choi. “Is my realization too late?”

“no. As always, this moment is the most important. Miguel came to enlightenment as quickly as he could. The question is whether things can change from now on.”

“It’s going to change from now on… I’m not sure if things will get better once we leave the MHC or Meijo line. “To be honest, it wasn’t the right place for me.”

Miguel nodded slightly.

“Anyway, after sharing my inner story, I felt at ease. thank you. “For listening to a boring story.”

“As long as it’s not about catching a pod, you’re always welcome.”

“okay. “Let’s get along well for the remaining time.”


As the heart-warming conversation continued, Choi Ki-seok’s call phone trembled.

“wait a minute.”

Choi Ki-seok took out a call phone from his gown and connected the call.

“This is thoracic surgeon Kiseok Choi.”

[teacher. This is the thoracic surgery intensive care unit. Can you come up for a moment? There’s a problem with Victor’s patient.]

“I’ll go up right away.”

Choi Ki-seok asked for Miguel’s understanding and hurried to the intensive care unit.

The intensive care unit was noisy.

Amid the shouting, nurses and security guards were camped out in one area.

The main character at the center of the scene was none other than Victor.

He is the only survivor of a family gas inhalation incident not long ago.

“Everyone get out. “Get out of here!”

Victor threatened the staff with a syringe in his hand, and the staff were busy calming him down.

“I’m going to die, so don’t stop me.”

“First, put down the syringe.”

“What can I do to survive alone? What on earth does that mean? “I’m going to follow my brother and father!”


Ki-Seok Choi joined the staff and looked at Victor.

“Calm down.”

“Do I look serious? “Everyone in my family died except me?”


“Leave me alone. “If I die, it’s all over.”

“Your grandparents are in the waiting room. “Have you considered their feelings?”

Victor trembled at Choi Ki-seok’s words.

“I know it’s hard, painful, and sad right now. But not this way. Victor’s family in heaven would not want him to pass away like this. “Am I wrong?”


“First, put down the syringe. And speak slowly.”

Ki-Seok Choi persistently persuaded Victor and used the Eye of Hippocrates on him.

The purpose is to find out Victor’s mental state and provide appropriate treatment.

Considering the situation, I could have used skills or items such as Pain Killer or Rabbit Nurse.

Soon, Ki-seok Choi’s body froze as he looked at Victor.

How should we interpret this completely unexpected result?

He had no other respiratory diseases and symptoms. Psychiatric areas such as suicidal impulses and depression were also extremely normal.

So why does a sane person attempt suicide?

A thought suddenly occurred to me, and a cold sweat ran down my spine.

‘This kid?’

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Level Up Doctor

Level Up Doctor

Score 8.2
Status: Completed Type: Released: 2016 Native Language: Korean
Level-Up Doctor Growing up as an orphan, Jeong He-Jin didn’t open his heart to anyone. After giving his all to become a cardiothoracic surgeon, he got into an unfortunate accident, after which he woke up not as ‘Jeon He-Jin’ but as ‘Choi GiSeok’. And on top of that, he has to using his skills…? The accident changed his fate drastically… Can he become ‘the Greatest Cardiothoracic Surgeon’ as ‘Choi GiSeok’?


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