Level Up Doctor Chapter 322

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Attack of the Residents (5)

“Does Justin Franklin go to Templar?”

Choi Ki-seok opened his mouth without realizing it.

Franklin Templer is one of America’s largest investment companies and is headquartered in New York.

It provides various funds to customers and is also an expert in investment consulting.

“Besides, you’re a senior financial manager?”

“I have been interested in management since I was young. As a result, I naturally ended up on Wall Street.”

“okay. I don’t think it’s something I want to talk about here, but there’s something I’d like to get help with later when I’m completely cured. “I’m having difficulties with things like running the company and purchasing stocks.”

“Dr. Choi’s consultation is welcome 24 hours a day. Of course, the consultation fee is free.”

After finishing speaking, Justin smiled.

But it is that moment.


[You have acquired a new passive crown prince of the prostate.]

[Prince of the prostate]

– Justin suffered from a temporary disability in his sexual function due to an unexpected accident. One day, something miraculous happens to him in despair.

– Prostate function significantly increases. Working at night increases the chance of having a second generation and reduces the rate of birth defects in the second generation.

Choi Ki-seok, who confirmed the passive ability, could not hide his laughter.

Perhaps because he saved Justin from almost becoming a eunuch,

the reward was different from usual.

“Just words alone give me strength. Well then, I’ll just leave. “I hope you both have a relaxing time.”

Choi Ki-seok left the hospital room and moved to the staff-only room.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

When I knocked, I heard a voice telling me to come in.

When I went inside, I saw Jane and Jenny lying on the bed watching TV.


Jane ran to him and fell into his arms, and Choi Ki-seok spun around in place while hugging Jane.

Jane’s joyous squeals echoed throughout the room.

“Are you in any pain?”

Ki-Seok Choi asked as he placed Jane on the floor.


“Isn’t it nice to be brave? “I think Jane will grow up to be a brave and great person.”

“I think so too.”

Choi Ki-seok just laughed at Jane’s witty answer.

“You’re here, Dr. Choi.”

“yes. Suddenly, I think of Jane and Jenny. “It’s a staff-only room, so it’s very inconvenient, right?”

“no. “This is enough.”

Jenny paused before continuing.

“But it’s so strange. “The fact that Jane and I can remain so fine even after going through such a big incident.”

“Couldn’t it have been heaven’s care?”

“I have no religion? “If there was a God in the first place, this painful fire wouldn’t have happened, right?”

Jenny’s answer was cynical.

In fact, the reason the two people maintained their mental health was thanks to the rabbit nurse. Since I resolved the debuffs inflicted on the mother and daughter as a rabbit nurse, it was possible to spend a normal time.

Jane barely survives the fire.

Jenny is worried about her daughter.

Under normal circumstances, the two people would not have been able to shake off the pain of the fire yet.

“It’s too late, but thank you for saving Jane. I tried to say hello, but Dr. Choi seemed too busy…”

“It’s okay. “It’s okay because Jane is safe.”

“lol. teacher. thank you.”

The silence that came after one conversation was over. It was Jenny who spoke first.

“Dr. Choi. “Do you know what kind of person I am?”

“Those are meaningful words.”

“Actually, I am one of the EOB evaluators. “I’m in charge of MHC Cruises.”

Choi Ki-seok’s body shook at her words.

I completely forgot about the incident as it happened all day long.

This is the EOB period.

“You were surprised, right?”

“It would be a lie to say no. “I had no idea that we would be deploying personnel to evaluate a checkup costing more than several thousand dollars.”

“Don’t underestimate the American College of Thoracic Surgery. “What a thorough place.”

“Anyway, I’m curious why you suddenly revealed that you were an EOB evaluation team. “Shouldn’t it be hidden until the original evaluation is over?”

“Mr. Choi saved my daughter’s life. “I didn’t want to get carried away.”

Jenny took out a folder from her bag and held it out, and Ki-Seok Choi took it and looked at the documents inside.

The document listed items that judged the contents of the examination from various angles, and the number reached as many as five pages.

This means that the EOB evaluation is that thorough.

“I’m going to have to work hard to fill out all these questions.”

“I feel like my head is already going to explode.”

Jenny frowned and changed the topic.

“If Mr. Choi hadn’t saved Jane, Cruise’s examination would probably have received the lowest score.”

“It’s the lowest point… Even considering that a fire occurred, I don’t think our examination was the worst.”

Choi Ki-seok tilted his head.

The facilities, treatment schedule, and CS of the doctors at the cruise checkup were excellent. This is because Parker put a lot of effort into this project as it was his first project at MHC.

But why did Jenny try to give it the lowest score?

“I have bad memories of MHC. “My husband died during surgery at MHC.”


“Trying to give the evaluation the lowest score was a personal revenge. So, even if the MHC treatment was as fantastic as heaven, the evaluation was bound to be harsh. Well, that was overlooked because of Mr. Choi’s performance.”

Jenny’s voice sank.

“Mr. Choi would also feel bad if the place where he works gets a bad evaluation, right?”

“of course.”

“I guess that won’t work either. Something like revenge.”

“Could I hear your husband’s story in detail?”

“That doesn’t bring the dead back.”

“The misunderstanding can be resolved.”

Choi Ki-seok’s eyes shone sharply.

‘That’s strange. Why should I…’

Jenny felt pressure as if her whole body was being constricted.

I was just making eye contact with Choi Ki-seok, but I couldn’t use my strength as if I had met the Grim Reaper.

“If it’s uncomfortable to talk about my late husband, I won’t ask any more questions. But I hope you know that I can be of help in any way.”

“Phew… okay. You can just say it. “Please open your eyes.”

Jenny’s explanation continued.

Her husband, Ben, suffered from atrial fibrillation and tricuspid valve stenosis.

Atrial fibrillation.

This is the most common type of arrhythmia and is a disease in which abnormal electrical stimulation occurs in the atria, causing the pulse to beat very irregularly.

Tricuspid valve stenosis refers to a disease in which the valve between the right atrium and right ventricle is narrowed for various reasons.

“Ben had tricuspid valve surgery at James Hopkins. It seemed okay at first, but after two years, I started complaining of pain again. The second place I visited was MHC. “MHC had just opened, so it’s been almost a year.”


“Ben died while undergoing Maze surgery (atrial fibrillation surgery). They say an emergency suddenly occurred…”

Jenny began to sob as she remembered that time.

Choi Ki-seok wordlessly walked to her side and patted her shoulder.

The pain she must have felt at that time seeped into his heart.

“They said it was definitely not a difficult surgery. “You said you don’t have to worry…”

“Jenny. “You don’t have to force yourself to say it.”


Jenny gathered her emotions by wiping her tears with the handkerchief Choi Ki-seok gave her.

It was refreshing and my heart felt empty after crying.

“It started from then. I distrusted MHC. Wouldn’t Mr. Choi have done the same if he were in my position? “Can you give good marks to the hospital that took your husband’s life?”

“Cancer. “I completely understand.”

Choi Ki-seok looked at Jenny’s expression and asked a question.

“Do you by any chance remember the builder’s name?”

“Sure. How could I forget his name? “The builder’s name was… Benson.”


“Do you know Dr. Choi?”

“It’s impossible not to know that he is an outpatient professor of thoracic surgery.”

Choi Ki-seok pretended to be as calm as possible.

I already had a bad relationship with Benson over a case of a patient with pulmonary artery stenosis.

But he was also connected to Ben’s death…


[You have obtained the hidden mission: The Sorrows of Those Left Behind. If you clearly determine the reason for Ben’s death and convey it to Jenny, you will receive a special reward.]

Choi Ki-seok, who checked the status window, nodded slightly.

I could feel it intuitively.

That there must be foul-smelling incidents and conspiracies hidden in this incident.

If it was the Benson he knew, he could have done enough behind-the-scenes tricks.

“jenny. I know my words may sound harsh, but… during surgery, there are cases where patients die due to unexpected events. “Sudden bleeding may occur, and the test results may be different from the actual condition of the surgical site.”


“But Jenny still doesn’t seem to understand why her husband died.”

“yes. that’s right.”

“So, let me check for you. Did an accident really occur or was it a man-made disaster? “If only that were certain, you would feel at ease, right?”

Jenny nodded at his words.

Ki-Seok Choi left the hospital room after sufficiently comforting Jenny.

* * *

The next morning.

A new morning has dawned for Cruise’s checkup.

Although a disturbing fire broke out last night, the atmosphere on the cruise ship was not as bad as expected.

Parker promised compensation to passengers and announced plans to provide free check-ups next year, which most passengers were satisfied with.

Free time after the morning meal and lecture.

Ki-Seok Choi stood on the deck and looked out at the Hudson River.

‘It was a good catch.’

Choi Ki-seok grits his teeth despite looking at the beautiful scenery.

It was because of the thoughts about Ben and Benson that filled his head.

Although it was too early to jump to conclusions, it was undeniable that Benson was responsible for Ben’s death.

The surgeon failed to convince the guardian of the patient’s death?

From there, a foul smell wafted out.

If it were said that Benson had covered up the medical accident, the pain he suffered during the pulmonary artery stenosis incident would have been returned to him several times over.

Choi Ki-seok hoped that the cruise ship would dock as soon as possible.

Because the EMR on the cruise ship could not fully review the patients’ charts.

“What are you thinking like that?”

A hand came up to my shoulder along with a familiar voice.

I turned my head and saw Leon grinning.

“There’s one more troublesome thing going on.”

“The fire is over?”

“I’m usually like that. “Aren’t you tired, Leon?”

Choi Ki-seok’s eyes turned to Leon.

Choi Ki-seok was not the only one who underwent surgery last night.

Leon operated on a patient for several hours with a subdural hemorrhage.

The actual treatment time for Leon was several times longer than that.

“I feel like I will survive after taking a nap. I’m only saying this now, but I’m a bit seasick. “During the surgery, I was sweating because the motion sickness medication had worn off.”

“wow. That’s great mental strength. “If it were me, I wouldn’t have done it like Leon.”

“Thanks for the compliments. By the way, did you see the morning news?”

“I guess the cruise ship fire was covered in the news?”

“There is that, but there is actually an even more shocking incident.”

Leon calmly held out his cell phone.

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Level Up Doctor

Level Up Doctor

Score 8.2
Status: Completed Type: Released: 2016 Native Language: Korean
Level-Up Doctor Growing up as an orphan, Jeong He-Jin didn’t open his heart to anyone. After giving his all to become a cardiothoracic surgeon, he got into an unfortunate accident, after which he woke up not as ‘Jeon He-Jin’ but as ‘Choi GiSeok’. And on top of that, he has to using his skills…? The accident changed his fate drastically… Can he become ‘the Greatest Cardiothoracic Surgeon’ as ‘Choi GiSeok’?


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