Level Up Doctor Chapter 319

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Attack of the Residents (2)

“Sam. I don’t know much about urological surgery. However, I hope that the surgery is carried out in a way that is good for the patient’s progress.”

“It’s about the patient’s progress… I understand. 3-0 vicryl.”

Sam nodded and took the needle holder in his hand.

The cleanest treatment method in the current situation is orchiectomy.

Attempting to save a ruptured testicle could actually result in side effects such as inflammation. However, after hearing Choi Ki-seok’s words, I decided to practice suturing.

“First, we will ligate the lower part of the torn testicle and restore the tunica albuginea. 3-0 vicryl.”


Sam’s testicular suturing procedure began.

Ki-Seok Choi used forceps to fix the testicles so they wouldn’t move, and sometimes used suction to secure the surgical field of view.

‘you are good.’

There was a faint smile on his lips.

Sam was shaking as he said he had never had testicular surgery before. But when he actually got into practice, he was showing off skills that would have slapped a second-year resident.

This shows how much of an impact confidence has on surgery.

“I will finish the suturing on this side. Mr. Choi performs the same treatment on the opposite testicle. Just up to the stage before suturing. “We’d better get it over with as quickly as possible.”

“All right.”

Choi Ki-seok took a deep breath and held the scalpel in his hand.

His eyes were fixed on Justin’s scrotum.

The scrotum, which was originally the size of a walnut, was swollen like a balloon due to bruises and hematomas.

Although it was my first time receiving urological treatment, I was not overly scared.

No matter what department it is, the principles of surgery are the same.

Cut, cut, connect, and paste.


When an incision was made on the surface of the scrotum, thick blood flowed through the gap. Choi Ki-seok used a suction device to suck blood and then completely sucked out the blood that had accumulated in his scrotum.

Bleep. Bleep.

An ominous electronic sound.

When I quickly turned my attention to the patient monitoring device, I saw that the vitals were falling vertically.

Treatment of both testicles is progressing smoothly.


Ki-seok Choi looked at Justin with the eyes of Hippocrates and bit his lip.

“Mr. Choi. What’s wrong? “Did you touch a blood vessel?”

“no. That’s not it… I think I have a torsion in my testicle. “My vitals keep dropping.”

“shit. “I’m going crazy and jumping up and down.”

The wrinkles on Sam’s forehead deepened.

Testicular torsion.

It is a disease in which the spermatic cord that supplies blood to the testicles is twisted, preventing blood from being delivered to the testicles normally. If torsion is not resolved in time, the testicles may suffer permanent damage or become necrotic.

“How’s the condition of your testicles?”

Sam asked a question as he continued the testicular suturing procedure.

As the will to save the patient burned, multitasking that was normally impossible became possible.

“What is your condition?”

“Tell me the direction in which the spermatic cord is twisted and the color of the testicles.”

“The spermatic cord is twisted counterclockwise, and the testes and epididymis are slightly black.”

“First, manually reduce the spermatic cord, pull the testicles out of the scrotum, and pour warm saline solution. “When blood flow returns, the testicles will change color.”

“If the color doesn’t change….”

“Then there’s really no way. “The only option is to cut off the testicles.”

At Sam’s words, the atmosphere in the operating room became heavy, and Choi Ki-seok immediately inserted his finger into the scrotum incision as if he had made up his mind.

I didn’t want it.

Justin living with one testicle.

It is a living hell for the groom-to-be.

Choi Ki-seok placed his thumb and index finger on the spermatic cord and turned it clockwise. This is to relieve the twist by moving the spermatic cord in the opposite direction of the torsion.

‘It’s not that easy.’

Contrary to my anxious feelings, the twisted spermatic cord was not resolved.

Rather, it spun around as if taking medicine and then returned to the state of salt water.

Choi Ki-seok composed himself and calmly rotated the spermatic cord with his fingers again.

However, this time, unlike before, he even used his right finger.

The right finger held the lower end where the spermatic cord was twisted, and the left finger turned the torso clockwise.

Eventually, the spermatic cord, which had been spinning like a treadmill, returned to its original position.

I successfully completed my first urological treatment.

Without even having time to feel proud, Choi Ki-seok pulled the testicles and epididymis out of the scrotum. Then, the testicles and epididymis were wrapped with gauze soaked in warm saline solution.

It means he did everything he could.

“Mr. Choi. Are you finished with the treatment? “What color are your testicles?”

“I feel like my blood is slowly flowing. “It’s more pink than before.”

“good job! Just wait a moment. “The suture surgery has just been completed here, and all that needs to be done is fixing the testicles.”

“Your vitals are not normal yet. “How do I do this?”

“First, let’s administer only clapinin IV. “Now that the salt spread has been resolved, your vitals will gradually return to normal.”

“All right.”

Ki-Seok Choi followed Sam’s instructions and then watched Justin’s testicles.

The testicles, which had taken on a deathly black color, soon regained their original shine.

“Treatment of the left testicle has been completed. Now we only need to treat the right testicle.”

Sam and Choi Ki-seok switched places and continued the surgery.

Soon, orchiopexy and orchiopexy performed on the right testicle were successfully completed.

Justin’s vitals soon returned to normal, and both testicles survived safely.

The bride-to-be, who almost became a eunuch, was rescued after going through many hardships.

“Thank you for your effort.”

“Everyone worked hard.”

“Phew… I thought something really big was going to happen. “If the surgery had failed, the deputy hospital director would have criticized me.”

Ki-Seok Choi and Sam Illini looked at each other and said something.

The faces of the three people, who had thrown off their heavy burdens, looked much more relaxed.

“The total surgery time is two hours. This is an unbelievable result for a surgery performed by three residents, including Ilina. “I never thought a miracle like this would happen in this world.”

Sam put his hands together without realizing it.

Although the anxiety over the patient was as vivid as a minute ago, the surgery was already successfully completed.

I could only see that the god of medicine was looking down on me.


Choi Ki-seok and Sam left the simple operating room side by side.

“Look at that. “I said I could do it, right?”

“thank you. Mr. Choi. Thanks to you, I was able to muster up the courage to kill him. If it weren’t for Mr. Choi, I would have been shaking and ruined the surgery. And the patient…”

Sam was speechless due to his terrible imagination.

“It’s natural for anyone to be scared when going through a situation like Sam’s. But it’s also clear that there are times when you have to face your fears. “This would have been a huge help to Sam.”

“that’s right. “It was very helpful.”

“I’m hungry. Should I have a snack?”

“Why not?”

The two walked to the break room with relaxed steps.

* * *

As the sun went down, a dark night came.

People stayed in their rooms and chatted with friends or stood on the deck and enjoyed the view of the Hudson River.

Today’s MHC examination schedule has been completed.

Peace came for a long time to the patients and staff.

Choi Ki-seok accessed the training room while lying on the bed in the guest room. After choosing a lesson video with Kim Doo-jin, I started practicing the piano.

If not today, when can I focus on playing?

I finished practicing the piano five times in a row, thinking of Jeong Seol-hwa, who would later inspire me.

“Whew… it’s hard.”

I leaned against the back of the bed and looked at the wall in front of me.

After Justin’s surgery, I felt relaxed, but I didn’t feel very good.

There was a problem that had not yet been resolved.

That is the Curse of the Rivera Man, the third mission of the cursed cruise ship.

If this cannot be resolved, there can be no peace in the true sense of the word.

‘Rivera Man’s Curse… What does this mean?’

Choi Ki-seok stared at the status window, lost in thought.

Considering that the difficulty of the mission gradually increases, it is clear that it is a formidable problem.

While worrying about this and that, I left the cabin and stood on the deck.

The cruise ship was sailing leisurely through the Hudson River.

The gentle waves of a river are created as a boat moves forward with a generous full moon in the sky.

The classical music playing on board added to the charm.

It would have been nice to be here with Jeong Seol-hwa.

Suddenly, I felt such regret.

“Were you here?”

I turned my head when I heard a familiar voice and saw Parker approaching.

A soft smile appeared on his lips.

“I was just getting some air.”

“I heard from Sam about the patient with a ruptured testicle. “The surgery was successful?”

“yes. “If you visit the outpatient clinic a few times after the checkup schedule is over, there will be no problem with your sexual function.”

“good job.”

Parker stood next to him and put a hand on his shoulder.

“If a patient who came for a cruise checkup turned out to be a eunuch, who on earth would use our checkup? “It almost caused a catastrophe.”


“By the way, I didn’t know you had talent in urology?”

“I haven’t done much. “I got a lot of help from Sam.”

“ha ha ha. “To be humble… Asians don’t know how to show off themselves.”

There was a moment of silence, and Choi Ki-seok began to cry.

“Vice hospital director. “Have you seen the tutor?”

“I was just chatting with the tutor just a moment ago. “That friend suddenly made a huge decision.”


“The price of Daraprate is going to be cut in half. “I couldn’t help but believe my ears.”

“This is a truly unconventional decision. “I never imagined that he would do that…”

Choi Ki-seok pretended to be surprised.

Although he had more influence on the tutor’s decision than anyone else, there was no need to reveal it.

‘Charles will like it.’

I could still vividly recall Charles venting his anger over the Daraprate incident.

I hoped that this incident would relieve his anger a little.

[An announcement will be made. A fire has now broken out in a room on the first basement floor. We would like to inform you once again. A fire has now broken out in a guest room on the first basement floor.]

[General passengers should calmly move to the deck, and emergency and medical staff should immediately come to the guest room on the first basement floor. We inform you once again. Now in the guest room on the first basement floor.]

Choi Ki-seok and Parker’s eyebrows rose to the sky at the unexpected broadcast.

If it’s a hot topic on cruise ships, wouldn’t it be the biggest accident ever?

“I will go to the scene.”

Choi Ki-seok left the scene with his gown waving.

The time has come to conclude the final chapter of the cursed cruise ship mission.

* * *

The hallway of the room on the first basement floor was a mess.

Passengers were rushing down the hallway, pushing each other, screaming and yelling.

Gray smoke and hot fire billowed behind the rushing passengers.


Sprinklers hanging from the ceiling sprayed water, but it was not enough to extinguish the flames.

“Haa… haa….”

Jenny, who arrived at the scene, stamped her feet.

I had some free time on the deck, leaving my daughter sleeping.

But what is this?

The news was heard that a fire broke out as if out of the blue.

Jenny quickly glanced at the passengers who had left the cabin.

Unfortunately, there was no sign of his daughter Jane among them.

For a moment, my heart sank.

“hey. “My daughter is still in there.”

“Rescue workers are preparing to suppress the situation. Please wait a minute.”

“Are you telling me to wait now? “It looks like someone is going to die?”

“I’m sorry, but all I can say is to ask you to wait.”

“That’s Okay. “I won’t open my hands to you, so just let me in.”

“It’s not possible. “It’s too dangerous!”

Jenny couldn’t go inside because the staff used force.

As the smoke coming out of the hallway became thicker, her chest became completely black.

But it is that moment.

A man arrived on scene and spoke with agents.

This is Choi Ki-seok, who saw thoracic surgery.

“teacher. I think Jane couldn’t get out of the guest room. “Please save Jane.”

Jenny clung to Choi Ki-seok as if grasping at straws. At this, Choi Ki-seok’s eyes shone sharply.

“All right. Please leave Jane to me. What is your room number?”

“It’s number 120.”

“I’ll go now.”

“Doctor Choi! What are you talking about? Do not do anything until the emergency personnel are ready to deploy. “If you act hastily, a bigger accident may occur.”

Choi Ki-seok did not respond to the field agent’s words, but instead poured water all over his body and wet a handkerchief.

He declared his intention to jump into the field.

“Doctor Choi! Can’t you hear me? “Running into a fire scene is suicidal!”

The field agent blocked the entrance, but Choi Ki-seok pushed the agent away with his strength and ran through the smoke-filled hallway.

Belatedly, his voice came back like an echo.

“Don’t worry about me, I won’t die.”

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Level Up Doctor

Level Up Doctor

Score 8.2
Status: Completed Type: Released: 2016 Native Language: Korean
Level-Up Doctor Growing up as an orphan, Jeong He-Jin didn’t open his heart to anyone. After giving his all to become a cardiothoracic surgeon, he got into an unfortunate accident, after which he woke up not as ‘Jeon He-Jin’ but as ‘Choi GiSeok’. And on top of that, he has to using his skills…? The accident changed his fate drastically… Can he become ‘the Greatest Cardiothoracic Surgeon’ as ‘Choi GiSeok’?


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