Level Up Doctor Chapter 304

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Impossible (6)


Choi Ki-seok was moving to a hospital room after stopping by the hospital.

I am on my way to check the gift I received from Kwon Il-soo.

‘Sounds like a professor.’

A smile spread across my face as I recalled my conversation with Kwon Il-soo.

We were able to get a glimpse of a cross-section of his personality by expressing the patient as a gift.

Patients are a headache to doctors who are just waiting for payday, but to doctors who want to improve their medical skills, patients are a gift.

After all, doctors tend to grow as they experience more diverse cases.

Choi Ki-seok’s steps as he walked down the hallway became faster.

Kwon Il-soo’s gift on his return was special. So much so that I want to rip off the packaging right away.


When I opened the door and entered the hospital room, I saw a newborn and a guardian lying on a bed.

The patient’s name is Kelly.

The guardian’s name is Marilyn.

“My name is Kelly’s doctor, Ki-Seok Choi. It’s nice to meet you.”

“Oh yes. Hello.”

Marilyn answered in a slurred voice.

As I said hello, I made eye contact with Marilyn, and her eyes were slightly relaxed.

Are you tired from making a living?

Or is there another reason?

The guardian’s first impression was not very good. I know it’s a definitive judgment and a preconceived notion, but it’s rare for me to remember seeing someone with the right kind of eyes.

“You must have been surprised. You were admitted to the hospital unexpectedly on your first visit.”

“In some ways, it may have been a good thing. Since he was hospitalized, leave the child with his mother… No, just pretend you didn’t hear what he just said.”

Marilyn waved her hand.

“…Okay. I’ll take a look for a moment.”

Choi Ki-seok listened to Kelly’s lung and heart sounds with a stethoscope and checked her temperature and pulse again.

As expected, vitals are normal.

This means that the child is not suffering from an infection.


After using the Eye of Hippocrates, a small sigh escaped his mouth.

The disease Kelly suffers from is June syndrome.

In other words, it is called congenital limited thoracic growth disorder.

It is a rare disease that affects 1 in 100,000 newborns. Children with this disease do not have rib cage growth. As a result, the heart and lungs are pressed against the ribcage and cannot grow, leading to death.

Of course, this was Choi Ki-seok’s first encounter with the disease.

“What about Kelly? The outpatient medicine professor said she might need surgery.”

“The current situation is not that bad.”

“So the professor lied?”

Marilyn’s eyebrows rose like mountains.

“Please listen to me to the end. Her condition is good, but surgery is essential. If Kelly is left like this, her heart and lungs will be pressed against her ribs and will not function properly.”

“How much does the surgery cost?”

“I can’t say for sure because the surgical method has not yet been decided. However, since it is a rare disease, the cost will not be small.”

“Tch. I don’t even have enough money to drink…”

Marilyn grumbled in a voice as loud as a mosquito.

“Did you just say alcohol?”

“Yes. Alcohol. When people are having a hard time, they can drink. Is there a problem?”

“You’re using slang.”

Choi Ki-seok used the Eye of Hippocrates on Marilyn and delivered a heavy blow.

At this, Marilyn’s expression hardened.

“Uh… what a slang word. It’s literally alcohol. Is there any other alcohol?”

“It makes no sense for a person hospitalized at MHC to not have enough money to drink. That means the alcohol the guardian spoke of is not ordinary alcohol.”

When Choi Ki-seok pretended to give an injection, Marilyn opened her mouth wide.

“When did you start using drugs?”


“If you don’t want to talk, just listen. It may sound boring, but you need to quit drugs. It’s for the sake of Kelly’s future and Marilyn’s future.”

“What do you know…”

Marilyn raised her head and stared at Choi Ki-seok.

A bright fire was burning in his dull eyes.

“You were born into a good family, graduated from a good university, and lived a comfortable life. What do you say you know? What do you know about me!”

“I do not know.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“I don’t know. I don’t know the inside story of Marilyn. But I do know that if I don’t change my current habits, I will be destroyed someday.”

Choi Ki-seok and Marilyn’s gaze clashed tightly.

A silence as heavy as lead enveloped the hospital room.


Kelly suddenly starts crying.

In response, Marilyn took Kelly in her arms and began to comfort her.

“Get out. I don’t want to see your face anymore.”

“Okay, then. Bye.”

Choi Ki-seok left the hospital room and scratched the back of his head.

I had a bitter argument with Marilyn, but I had no regrets.

Because she too was a patient who needed treatment.

Today I will be satisfied with draining the pus from her heart and prepare for further treatment.

“long time no see.”

As I was returning to the medical office, Yasada approached me from across the street.

“Hello Head Chief.”

“I heard that the symposium Katarina held at Uijin University was excellent. Are you proud that the symposium held in your home country ended well?”

“Honestly, I can’t say no.”

Choi Ki-seok smiled and continued speaking.

“Head Chief, if you don’t mind, I’d like to speak with you for a moment.”

“As you wish.”

The two moved to Yasada’s office and sat facing each other.

“What do you want to say?”

“I’d like to tell you about Kevin, who suffers from pectus excavatum. He fell and suffered rib fractures and diaphragm damage, so his surgery date was pushed back, but his condition has improved a lot now. So…” “You want to have nurse bar surgery.

Yasada answered one beat quickly.

“you’re right.”

“I wouldn’t have hesitated if it was a normal nurse bar surgery. But doesn’t Kevin need double nurse bar surgery?”

“you’re right.”

“Hmm… Double nurse bar surgery for a first-year resident…”

Yasada rubbed his chin.

As the name of the surgery suggests, double nurse bar surgery is twice as difficult as nurse bar surgery.

As the number of treatments required increased, there was a high possibility that complications such as aortic rupture occurred during the treatment.

“I am confident that I will do well. I have already observed the nurse bar surgery performed by another team and read many related papers. If my guardian gives permission, I would like to begin the surgery as soon as tomorrow.”

“You have an impatient personality.”

“Kevin’s hospital stay has been too long. We don’t want the surgery to be delayed any longer.”

“Well, if that’s the case… give it a try. I’m curious how far you can climb without slipping.”

“Thank you Head Chief.”

“Thank you to Dr. Song. It was Dr. Song who created the resident guidance system.”

“But doesn’t the Head Chief give permission?”

“Isn’t that true too?”

Yasada burst into laughter.

“Since we’ve already met each other like this, I thought I’d give you homework too.”

“If it’s homework…”

“There’s a lung cancer surgery for a VIP patient in four days. I’d like you to be the first assistant.”


[The third of the twelve tasks has been activated.]

[First task: Successful VATS assistance/success!]

[Second task: Balloon angioplasty for achalasia patient/success!]

[Third task: Severe lung cancer surgery [Surgical Assistant]

When I checked the notification window, the third mission caught my eye.

In terms of progress, the twelve tasks are still in the ‘stage’ stage.

If I already start assisting with lung cancer surgery, what happens to the difficulty level of the remaining nine?

Worry and excitement shook my heart at the same time.

“Then I’ll just go.”

“Okay. Have a good day at work.”

Choi Ki-seok left his office with relieved steps.

* * *

The next morning.

Choi Ki-seok sat in the break room and pictured the nurse bar surgery process that would unfold in a moment.

From yesterday evening to this morning, I trained in the training room, watched old surgery videos until I got sick of them, and even used PVP mode to prepare for today.

Failure was impossible.

Eventually, he gathered his thoughts and moved to Kevin’s hospital room.

“Dr. Choi. Are you here?”

“hello teacher.”

Kevin and his guardian recognized him and greeted him, and Ki-Seok Choi also greeted him with a smile.

“Aren’t you overdoing it? It seems like you’re stuck with Kevin all day.”

“Of course I should. It was my fault that Kevin got hurt.”

The guardian bit his lip.

The guardian still remembers the incident in which Kevin fell while trying to get a drink of water on his own. So, except when I went to the bathroom, I stayed close to Kevin.

“Kevin, how are you feeling?”

“Rice… it’s not good.”

Kevin continued, avoiding his gaze.

“Doctor. I just don’t want to have surgery.”

“Now? Why?”

“I’m scared. If I close my eyes, I don’t think I’ll ever get up again. There was an article on the news yesterday about someone who died during surgery…”


Choi Ki-seok approached Kevin and placed his hand on the child’s shoulder.

“I once told my teacher that my wish was to play and swim comfortably like other friends.”


“We need Kevin’s courage to make that wish come true. And if Kevin is strong, he will be able to overcome the scary surgery. Don’t you think?”

After finishing speaking, Choi Ki-seok used encouragement to Kevin.


Kevin’s expression brightened as the radiance from his body enveloped him.

“…I’ll try, sir.”

“Yes. The teacher will take responsibility and help you stay healthy.”

While there was silence for a moment, someone opened the door and entered the hospital room.

I am the third assistant intern for today’s surgery.

“You’re here. All the staff are gathered in the operating room. All you have to do is the patient and Mr. Choi.”

“Is it already that time? Is Kevin ready too?”


Choi Ki-seok dragged the bed and moved to the operating room with the intern.


After the surgery briefing, the staff take their seats in the rosette.

Choi Ki-seok’s eyes naturally scanned the staff preparing for the surgery.

The first assistant for today’s surgery is Chief Resident Robert.

The second assistant is Jeremy and the third assistant is an intern.

“It hasn’t been long since the pulmonary artery stenosis surgery was completed, but you’re working again?”

Robert’s eyes were smiling as he looked at him.

Robert already has experience performing Nurse Bar surgery and was specially present to observe Ki-Seok Choi’s surgery.

“Hahaha. I’m the original trouble maker.”

“Trouble makers are not ordinary trouble makers either. Isn’t they at stage 4 in terms of cancer?”

“Chief, you’re going too far. Even so, you’re comparing it to cancer.”

“sorry. Did I go too far?”

The staff who overheard the two people’s conversation burst into laughter.

Thanks to this, the tense atmosphere in Rosette eased somewhat.

“The surgical tools are ready.”

The disinfection nurse behind him said one word.

Where did you go ? It sounded like a voice I had heard before, and just as I was about to speak to him, the anesthesiologist announced that general anesthesia was over.

Of course, surgery came first rather than personal curiosity.

Choi Ki-seok, who had sharpened his mind, looked down at Kevin.

“From now on, double nurse bar surgery for pectus excavatum . Let’s start.”

“We’re going to start disinfecting.”

Jeremy disinfected both sides of Kevin’s chest and covered it with a cloth.

So Ki-Seok Choi received a scalpel from the disinfection nurse and started making an incision.


The scalpel is used to split the skin on the hands. Touch.

I somehow felt good today.

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Level Up Doctor

Level Up Doctor

Score 8.2
Status: Completed Type: Released: 2016 Native Language: Korean
Level-Up Doctor Growing up as an orphan, Jeong He-Jin didn’t open his heart to anyone. After giving his all to become a cardiothoracic surgeon, he got into an unfortunate accident, after which he woke up not as ‘Jeon He-Jin’ but as ‘Choi GiSeok’. And on top of that, he has to using his skills…? The accident changed his fate drastically… Can he become ‘the Greatest Cardiothoracic Surgeon’ as ‘Choi GiSeok’?


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