Level Up Doctor Chapter 30

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Emergency Man and Woman (6)

“What’s going on?”

Upon entering the station, nurse Kang Ji-yeon stared at Choi Ki-seok.

“Can I visit patient Kang Yong-tae who is hospitalized?”

“Visiting is not allowed with anyone other than relatives.”

“I understand that the family has already come to visit. I received permission from the patient and family before coming.”

“Hmm… just a moment.”

Kang Ji-yeon made phone calls here and there and sent a sign that it was okay to visit. Accordingly, the ward guardian checked Choi Ki-seok’s snacks and other brought-in items.

“thank you.”

Choi Ki-seok said hello and walked down the ward hallway.

When I walked using the eyes of Hippocrates, I was able to experience a unique experience.

Patients who seemed fine on the outside were suffering from emotional denial disorder, depression, and schizophrenia. I wondered who would be able to tell the difference between these people and normal people if I wasn’t in a psychiatry department.


An unfamiliar voice came from behind me.

As I ignored it and walked, I heard a voice calling me again.

“Me by any chance?”


When I looked back, there was a handsome young man in his 20s standing there.

The young man narrowed his eyes and stared at Choi Ki-seok.

“Hey, teacher. You cursed at me just now, right?”


Choi Ki-seok was stunned by the young man’s question.

Are there people in this world who curse without opening their mouths? It was completely absurd, but after confirming the young man’s illness, I realized why he was like this.

“Be honest. You cursed at me.”

“I’m seeing that person for the first time today. There’s no reason to swear.”

“I’m lying. I saw everything.”

The young man smiled and approached Choi Ki-seok.

It looked like a villainous detective forcing a confession from an innocent citizen.

“Tell me. Did you swear?”

“Well, no…”

“Hey. Are you doing that again?”

Someone got between Choi Ki-seok and the young man.

This is Kang Yong-tae.

“Mister. This teacher swore at me.”

“Damn. Stop swearing and go take a bath. The smell is killing me.”

“Is it that much?”

“It’s so serious. To the point of swearing.”

“So is that so?”

The young man tilted his head and returned to the hospital room.

“Whew… Brother. Thanks to you, I survived.”

“Well, I have to do this to survive here.”

Kang Yong-tae laughed.

While I couldn’t see him, Kang Yong-tae’s complexion improved.

If he used to be the grumpy guy next door, now he looks like the CEO of a company.

Choi Ki-seok followed Kang Yong-tae to the visiting room.

The visiting room is located in the center of the hallway and is a place where you can take off your shoes and sit comfortably. It was quite spacious, but there were a lot of visitors so it felt narrower than I thought.


“hello teacher.”

Ko Koh-hee and her son Kang Ji-yong, who were seated first, said hello.

Choi Ki-seok also bowed.

“I didn’t expect you to come and visit me. I’m touched. There really won’t be another doctor like this in Korea.”

“No. There are many doctors who treat patients warmly.”

Choi Ki-seok waved his hand and released snacks.

Afterwards, a full-scale conversation with Kang Yong-tae continued.

Kang Yong-tae was adapting to alcohol education much better than Choi Ki-seok had feared.

He even said that although the closed psychiatric ward was frustrating, it was actually a good thing because he was able to quit drinking and smoking.

[Failed to use encouragement skill. The target already has maximum confidence and resistance healing power.]

Choi Ki-seok actually laughed at the skill failure.

Kang Yong-tae was already in such good condition that he did not need encouragement.

The progress seen through the eyes of Hippocrates is also good.

“Thank you. If the doctor hadn’t paid attention, I wouldn’t have been able to change like this.”

“You made better decisions than me.”

“It was the doctor who made me make that decision.”

Kang Yong-tae nodded slightly and continued speaking.

“Because you’ve cared so much for me, I should definitely stop drinking from now on. I won’t have to call 911 again in the future.”

Kang Yong-tae’s large hand wrapped Choi Ki-seok’s hand.

At that moment, Choi Ki-seok had to see it.

The process by which the light emitted from Yongtae Kang’s hand seeps into his own hand.


[You have obtained the rare gem for the first time.]

* * *

That afternoon.

Ki-Seok Choi woke up after taking a nap for the first time in a while.

Enjoying some time off for the first time in a while.

I stared out the window while eating the bread I bought as a snack.

After using the Eye of Hippocrates, the newly acquired gem was placed on the gem window.

[Rare Gem: Increases kill accuracy by 1.5 times.]

I obtained my first gem while helping Yongtae Kang.

The accuracy of treatment in medical practice has achieved a gem that is quite good for life.

If you get more gems in the future, you will be able to make up for any shortcomings in your abilities.

“Oh. Look at my mind.”

Choi Ki-seok hit his forehead with his hand.

Unfortunately, I left the laptop I needed to prepare for the conference in the emergency room.

I had no choice but to head to the emergency room.

“Teacher. Why did you come when it’s off?”

“I left my laptop behind.”

In response to Lee Mi-young’s question, Choi Ki-seok took his laptop and looked around the emergency room.

Although the number of patients is not large, the overall atmosphere feels calm.

‘Well, that’s bound to happen.’

A bitter smile appeared on Choi Ki-seok’s lips.

A few days ago, while talking with Jeong Seol-hwa, I heard that she rejected Hong Seong-hoon’s confession.

The atmosphere in the emergency room was bound to be low pressure.

“Hey. Fuck. Are you kidding me!”

The patient’s swearing pierced my ears.

When I turned my head, I saw Jeong Seol-hwa treating a skinny man.

“If you’re a doctor, did you look at the treatment properly like a doctor? Huh? You said I was sick!”

The patient’s voice grew louder. However, Hong Seong-hoon, who was working with him, showed no signs of taking action to extinguish the fire. Is he trying to get some shallow revenge in this way?

Choi Ki-seok approached Jeong Seol-hwa with long strides.

“Mr. Jeong. What’s going on?”

“The patient said he was sick and asked me to take Demerol unconditionally…”

“What are you again? Huh?”

The patient opened his eyes and stood up. When I looked closer, I saw a dragon tattoo on my neck.

“Doctor Jeong. I’ll take care of this patient, so you can do something else.”

Choi Ki-seok sent Jeong Seol-hwa away and sat in the treatment table instead.

“I ask you, what are you?”

“I’m a doctor too. I need to see a doctor, so please calm down and take a seat.”

Ki-Seok Choi examined the patient with the eyes of Hippocrates and reviewed the medical records.

Stamina: 6/10

Main Symptoms: None

Painful Area: None

Diagnosis: None

Current Status: Non-Emergency

Progress: Good Past

History: Appendiceus Surgery

[Entered Runaway Mode]

– Maintains arousal and increases strength and agility.

After examining the patient’s condition, Choi Ki-seok frowned.

Kim Tae-young, who was causing a stir, was in extremely good condition.

In short, he is a felon who is not in any pain.

I looked at the chart just in case, and there was a record of having received treatment at an orthopedic surgeon a week ago.

What is interesting is that the orthopedic department did not provide any special treatment to Kim Tae-young.

“There is no need for anything else. Just give me Demerol.”

“Demerol is not a drug that can be given to patients if they want it.”

“Fuck, I’m so fucking sick. So, hurry up and let go!”

Damn it!

As Kim Tae-young kicked the treatment chair, the atmosphere in the emergency room became even more hostile.

The other patients were cautious and kept their distance, and the staff also watched the situation with scared expressions.

Demerol is a narcotic pain reliever.

Taeyoung Kim is probably addicted to Demerol and is going around hospitals doing things like this.

“Hey! I will die from pain and take responsibility for this.”

Taeyoung Kim’s eyes rolled over.

He is grinning and looks like he is about to hit Choi Ki-seok at any moment.

Amid the tense tension, Choi Ki-seok strengthened his decision.

[The Tyrant’s Descent skill was selected as the higher-level encouragement skill.]

[The Tyrant’s Descent skill is used.]

– Makes the patient obey the doctor’s recommendation for surgery and other treatment instructions.

– Temporarily increases strength and agility.

When the skill was used, an invisible bright red aura erupted from Choi Ki-seok’s body.

Taeyoung Kim must have sensed an aura and looked embarrassed.

“I know the hospital is a place for you to complain!”

Choi Ki-seok shouted with a force he didn’t know existed.

Other patients and staff were startled by the loud noise and started shaking.

“What…what? Suddenly.”

“If you came here to get treatment, listen to the doctor. If you’re going to play drums and janggu by yourself, why did you come to the hospital?”

When Choi Ki-seok came out strong, Kim Tae-young could not come to his senses.

The doctor in front of me is the first to come out strongly in this way when asking for Demerol.

Moreover, I may have been mistaken, but the doctor felt big, like a giant.

A cold sweat broke out down my back.

“Ah… no, I’m sick. Just give me one Demerol and I’ll go.”

“No. Go back!”

Choi Ki-seok pointed to the emergency room door with his index finger.

“No… So…”


As Choi Ki-seok shouted again, Kim Tae-young left the emergency room with a sob.

And that too, while paying expensive emergency management fees.

As the patient left, the emergency room suddenly became quiet.

“Wow. Teacher Choi is cool.”

“I saw it again.”

When Lee Mi-young praised Choi Ki-seok, other staff members also praised Choi Ki-seok.

Kim Tae-young had a good physique, a dragon tattoo, and even a rough mouth.

Not only the staff but also the patients were scared, but Choi Ki-seok bravely kicked out Kim Tae-young.

Choi Ki-seok just smiled shyly at the sudden outpouring of praise.

* * *

That evening.

A full moon rose above the black sky.

As a strong wind blew, the branches of the street trees swayed as if dancing.

Choi Ki-seok and Jeong Seol-hwa visited a restaurant near the hospital.

Ki-Seok Choi was off and Seol-Hwa Jeong was free because her shift was over.


The meat was cooked golden brown.

“You were surprised during the day, right?

Choi Ki-seok poured a drink into Jeong Seol-hwa’s glass. Thinking about what happened during the day, you can’t help but want to drink.

Even though Choi Ki-seok can’t drink together yet.

“It’s okay now. You also came on time.”

Jeong Seol-hwa emptied her glass and continued.

“Thank you. If it weren’t for you, there would have been a big problem.”

“Of course. Seol-hwa is dangerous, so you can’t just sit still, right?”

In response to Choi Ki-seok’s answer, Jeong Seol-hwa lowered her head as if embarrassed.

“This week is my last day working in the emergency room. Time goes by so quickly.”

“That’s right. It seems like just yesterday that I came here to see the cherry blossoms.”

Choi Ki-seok chuckled and continued.

“What are you going to do next month?”

“Me? Ophthalmology.”

“It’ll be worth it.”

“Yes. Compared to the pediatric ward or the emergency room, it’s heaven.”

“Kiseok, what about you?”


“What? Where is the thing that only I am curious about?”

In response to Jeong Seol-hwa’s protest, Choi Ki-seok informed her of the class she would attend next month.

“Now. Ah~”

After hearing the answer, Jeong Seol-hwa offered meat ssam to Choi Ki-seok.

Choi Ki-seok took the ssam and ate it without using his hands.

Since he had received something, he also gave Jeong Seol-hwa some ssam. Jeong Seol-hwa shyly opened his mouth and ate the ssam.

” oh my. They eat beautifully. How long have you two been dating?”

A kitchen aunt, who was passing by, smiled happily at the two of them.

Emergency Man and Woman (7) Volume 1 completed.

“We’re not dating.”

“Really? I think they look good together…”

“Is that so?”

Choi Ki-seok calmly passed on the conversation, and Jeong Seol-hwa lowered her head with a bright red face.

Amid a moment of silence, Jeong Seol-hwa held out her notebook.

” Look at this.”

There were two diagnoses written in the notebook.

One of them was the diagnosis that Jeong Seol-hwa determined during treatment.

The other was the diagnosis made by the doctor on duty who received the notification.

After examining the notebook, the difference between the two was not significant. Jeong Seol-hwa ‘s diagnostic ability is that great.

“Isn’t that amazing? I can quit being an intern and see a doctor.”

“Not to that extent.” Jeong Seol

-hwa twisted her body as if embarrassed.

Choi Ki-seok used the Eyes of Hippocrates on Jeong Seol-hwa for the first time in a long time.

Occupation and major: Intern/General

physical strength: 6 /11

Diagnosis: 5/10

Surgical treatment: 2/10

Medical treatment: 2/10

Reputation: 4

Active skill: None

Passive skill

[Warm Touch Lv.3]

– The treated patient’s wound recovery and disease resistance increase. – The higher the level, the more the number

increases and additional bonuses are given.

– Grows up to level 3.

Rapport Formation

Choi Ki-seok (Medician): Level 4? Trust

Yang Mira (Medician): Level 2? Faith






[Wearing rare gem: Growth power 1.5x]

Jeong Seol-hwa has always had high diagnostic power.

However, after coming to Daejeon, her diagnostic power jumped one notch, and not only that, but also rose to the passive level.

The basis of her rapid growth is her growth power of 1.5. The gem that raised the stomach must have played a big role.

But how did Jeong Seol-hwa obtain the growth power gem?

The two spent time talking about the crazy hospital.

But when it was time to get up, Jeong Seol-hwa was fully stretched out.

Every time she spoke, her tongue curled. I was exhausted and couldn’t even control my body properly.

The problem was that tomorrow was off.

“Seolhwa, I have to go now.”

“Sir. I want to drink more.”

Jeong Seol-hwa made a low noise and shook her head.

Choi Ki-seok calculated the cost of the drink and tried to support Jeong Seol-hwa, but he was so weak that he ended up carrying her

on his back. The voluptuous and soft feel of my back.

The hot breath on the nape of my neck. My heart sank.

Choi Ki-seok returned to the hospital carrying Jeong Seol-hwa on his back.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

“Is there anyone?”

He hit the door of the women’s duty room with his elbow, but there was no response. He had no choice

but to search through Jeong Seol-hwa’s bag . I found the key to the duty room.

When I opened the door and went inside, there was no one there.

Choi Ki-seok laid Jeong Seol-hwa on the bed and bent down to cover her with a blanket. But that was the moment. “Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa This? This? I mean this. I opened the door and went inside and there was no one there. Choi Gi-seok laid Jeong Sul-hwa on the bed and bent down to cover her with a blanket.

But that was just the moment.


? He pulled her.

In a sudden movement, Choi Ki-seok’s body was placed on top of Jeong Seol-hwa’s body. In addition, their lips lightly brushed. It

felt like dew-covered flower petals were touching.

His mind turned white and he could not think of anything.

Without realizing it, Choi Ki-seok I rubbed my lips with Jeong Seol-hwa.


I woke up when I heard footsteps in the hallway.

I stood in front of the door and peeked my head out, and the person who heard the footsteps went into another room.


I sighed naturally.

But what did I just do?






_ After sitting down, I gathered my supplies and headed to the shower room.

I felt strange.

I only had a few days left to work in Daejeon.

Although I didn’t like Reggie, who I worked with, most of the other staff members were kind and skilled.

I thought we bonded . I can’t believe I had to leave…


Warm water poured out of the shower.

It felt good, like my whole body was melting.

‘Was it an illusion?’

Jeong Seol-hwa tilted her head as she recalled yesterday’s events.

She could barely remember Choi Ki-seok carrying her on her back. But after that, she couldn’t remember anything. There was only

one thing.

The illusion, not the illusion that she had kissed someone, vaguely remained. .

‘Couldn’t it be Kiseok?’

Jeong Seol-hwa chuckled.


The door opened and Yang Mira came into the shower room.

Yang Mira and I often ran into each other in the shower room, so it wasn’t too awkward.


“Good morning.”

Yang Mira sat next to Jeong Seol-hwa. “ I heard

you had a drink with Mr. Choi yesterday? Did you lose a lot of Jindo?”

Yang Mira’s surprise question left me momentarily speechless.

“Ji… Jindo? “Kiseok and I are friends.”

“There’s no use in turning away. “It’s so obvious,”

Yang Mi-ri continued, laughing.

“Mr. Choi is an idiot who only cares about patients and medical care. So, you can’t wait for it to come to you.”


“Teacher Jeong says you have to push hard. Did you know?”


Jeong Seol-hwa blushed and lowered her head.

“It’s a shame. Even if Mr. Choi saw you naked, it would be over in one go.”

Yang Mira glanced at Jeong Seol-hwa’s body darkly, and Jeong Seol-hwa quickly turned her back. “I

don’t know!”

* * *

The morning of leaving Daejeon.

Choi Ki-seok I was busy getting acupuncture.

Even though it was only a month, I had a lot of experience here.

I worked with a skilled nurse, earned the title of Fanta, fought with a patient, and gained new skills. I heard

a lot of bad and good things in a short period of time.

So. Perhaps that’s why he wasn’t all that relieved to be leaving.

Choi Ki-seok went down to the emergency room with his luggage.

Then Seol-hwa Jeong came, so he said goodbye to the staff together.

The staff all regretted saying goodbye to the two people.

Choi Ki-seok is the best of all time. Because they were interns and Jeong Seol-hwa was also an A-level intern,

“You both had a hard time. Especially Teacher Jeong…”

Yang Mira trailed off.

“It’s okay now.”

“Then I’m glad. This is a gift.”

Yang Mira held out a shopping bag.

“What is this?”

“Don’t ask, check it yourself.”

Choi Ki-seok received the shopping bag and looked at the items inside.

The gift prepared by Yang Mira was two pairs of Crocs shoes.

The Crocs shoes were It was a type of sandal that was comfortable to wear and had

good ventilation. “By the way, those are couple shoes.”

Ki-Seok Choi belatedly checked the accessories on the shoes.

Both were white Crocs, but one Crocs had a male bear accessory and the other had a female rabbit accessory.

Choi Ki-Seok While looking at these Crocs, Mira Yang approached Jeong Seol-hwa and whispered.

Jeong Seol-hwa’s cheeks turned red.

“What are you talking about without me?”

“It’s a conversation between women, so Teacher Choi doesn’t need to know. Go quickly before it gets crazy.”

Mira Yang pushed her back, forcing her to leave the emergency room. After

receiving greetings from the emergency room staff, Ki-seok Choi and Seol-hwa Jeong got into the car.

“It’s a shame.”

Seol-hwa Jeong stuck her head out the window and looked at the hospital. I saw it.

The hospital was getting smaller.

“Most of them were good people.”

“I hope to see staff like that in the future.”

While the signal stopped, Choi Ki-seok glanced at Jeong Seol-hwa.

“Crocs. Do you like it?”


Jeong Seol-hwa continued shyly.

“Kiseok. Are you going to wear these to work too?”

“I got them as a gift, so I should. Even the slippers I was wearing already looked similar.”

“You can never leave out the teddy bear!”


Choi Ki-seok burst out in laughter.

“But what did you say to Teacher Yang at the end?”

“Ah. “That? It’s a secret.”

Jeong Seol-hwa put her index finger to her mouth.

Emergency Man and Woman (7) Volume 1 completed.

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Level Up Doctor

Level Up Doctor

Score 8.2
Status: Completed Type: Released: 2016 Native Language: Korean
Level-Up Doctor Growing up as an orphan, Jeong He-Jin didn’t open his heart to anyone. After giving his all to become a cardiothoracic surgeon, he got into an unfortunate accident, after which he woke up not as ‘Jeon He-Jin’ but as ‘Choi GiSeok’. And on top of that, he has to using his skills…? The accident changed his fate drastically… Can he become ‘the Greatest Cardiothoracic Surgeon’ as ‘Choi GiSeok’?


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