Level Up Doctor Chapter 285

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Halfway through (6)

Choi Ki-seok stared at Wang Jin-pyeong with a mesmerized expression.

I wondered if the phrase “lightning falls from a dry sky” would be used at a time like this.


Is Wang Jin-pyeong simply known as James Hopkins?

“Hey, don’t make boring jokes. I’m tired right now after the treatment.”

“It’s no joke.”

Wang Jinpyeong continued speaking seriously.

“Actually, I received a scouting call about a month ago. I was interested in studying cardiothoracic surgery at James Hopkins. At first, I thought it was nonsense, but…” “….” “The more I refused, the better the conditions got.


Chief “I’ve met him and he seems like a pretty nice person.”

Choi Ki-seok had no answer to Wang Jin-pyeong’s words.

The unexpected news made his hair turn white.

“Senior. Are you really going?”

Wang Jin-pyeong and Choi Ki-seok, who nodded in response to the question, only then realized the seriousness of the situation.

“If you don’t mind, I’d like to hear the terms from James Hopkins.”

“First of all, they said they would raise the salary and guarantee a perfect training environment.”

“There is no place that has an environment like MHC. It provides residents with not only outpatient treatment but also the opportunity to find a home.”

“James Hopkins will soon change that way.”

Wang Jin-pyeong answered calmly, and Choi Gi-seok gulped down the coffee on the table.

A doctor is also a distinct profession.

If there was a place that offered good conditions, I could easily change jobs.

‘I never thought James Hopkins would keep me in check like this. Even hospital director Jo Ji-hwan didn’t go this far.’

Choi Ki-seok bit his lip without realizing it.

“Have you looked at the reputation of the James Hopkins Heart Clinic? I believe it has declined significantly since Chief Clara came in.”

“When I met him, he was a really nice person. People with abilities usually suffer a lot from up and down. I guess it’s a similar story.”

“It looks like you’ve completely made up your mind.”

“That’s right.”

Jinpyeong Wang continued speaking.

“I’m sorry for creating this situation. I also wanted to be at MHC as much as possible, but… it’s not working out the way I wanted.”

“No. I respect my senior’s wishes. But…”


“If you have made up your mind, prepare well. Neither James Hopkins nor Clara Chief are easy people. And please grow as if you are worthy of the rest of us at MHC.”

“Thank you, Mr. Choi.”

There was silence for a moment, and Wang Jin-pyeong carefully opened the rhyme.

“But, Mr. Choi…”

“I don’t want to hear that story.”

When Choi Ki-seok cut Wang Jin-pyeong off mid-sentence, Wang Jin-pyeong rolled his eyes as if embarrassed.

“Do you know what I’m going to say?”

“Aren’t you asking us to go to James Hopkins together?”

“How… how…”

“It’s obvious that it’s James Hopkins’ plan. First, he creates a rift in the MHC by siphoning off a few doctors on good terms. After that, he brings in the rest of the doctors.”

Choi Ki-seok continued speaking rapidly.

“That’s exactly why I told my senior not to be at ease. He is now a doctor and a salesperson. If we don’t get the MHC doctors out, Chief Clara might get picked on.”

“You’re talking too harshly!”


Jinpyeong Wang slammed the table with an angry face.

It felt like the sound of his breathing would reach my face at any moment.

“You might think I’m being abusive, but I’m just saying what’s going to happen.”

“I didn’t know Mr. Choi was this kind of person. He said something rude about someone I wouldn’t see in the future…”

Wang Jin-pyeong got up and left the lounge.


Choi Ki-seok sighed as he looked at the place he had disappeared to.

James Hopkins Heart Clinic and Clara.

Neither of them are easy opponents.

Failure to deal with their continued operations could put MHC’s existence in jeopardy.

After finishing his worries, Choi Ki-seok left the lounge and found a hospital room.

Jamie, who suffers from Williams syndrome and heart disease, and his guardian Samuel were having a conversation.

“Hello Teacher.”

Jamie spotted him first and bowed his head.

Even though he was not in good physical condition, his friendliness and sociability were still there.

“Nice to meet you, Dr. Choi.”

“Yes. Hello. You were reading a book to Jamie.”

“I’ve been so busy that I haven’t played with him properly. Reading books is a bit awkward, but I like it because he likes it.”

“Dad, now please read something else. That one.”

Jamie pointed to another book on the table.

“Jamie. Are you having any difficulties or feeling unwell?”


“I have to tell the teacher the truth. Isn’t it difficult to breathe?”

“…a little.”

Jamie’s voice became quiet.

“Teacher, I see that the cyanosis has gotten a little worse?”


“It means Jamie’s heart is a little worse.”

“Doctor Choi. Does Jamie really need surgery? I looked into it and heard that pulmonary artery stenosis and coronary artery disease can be treated non-surgically.”

Samuel joined the conversation.

“That’s true, but it also depends on the case. In Jamie’s case, coronary artery disease can be resolved with non-surgical treatment. However, pulmonary artery disease requires surgery.”


“Non-surgical treatment is possible when only the pulmonary valve is narrow. Jamie’s pulmonary artery branches and the upper and lower parts of the pulmonary valve annulus are narrow overall.”

“Your head hurts because you’re saying such difficult things. Are you saying that surgery is unavoidable?”

“Yes, it is.”

Samuel bowed his head at Choi Ki-seok’s words.

“Dad. I’m okay.”


“Charlie said that if I just close my eyes and sleep, it’s over.”

“Who is Charlie?”

“That guy over there.”

Jamie’s index finger pointed to the empty bed on the other side.

“Jamie is right. The surgery won’t be easy, but I will do my best to help you.”

“Hehe. I never thought I would get comfort from my daughter.”

Samuel smiled awkwardly and scratched the back of his head.

“I’m sorry, but the surgery schedule has been pushed back a bit. The professor in charge of the surgery has a tight surgery schedule. Still, I will make sure Jamie gets the surgery as quickly as possible.”

“Yes. Please take care of me.”

After finishing his conversation with the father and daughter, Choi Ki-seok went to another hospital room.

Kevin, who suffers from pectus excavatum, and his guardian were sleeping side by side.

There was sadness in his eyes as he looked at the two people.

If it weren’t for the rib fracture caused by the fall, he would have already had Nusbar surgery…

When I looked at Kevin’s condition with the eyes of Hippocrates, the defect came to mind.

This probably means that the ribs haven’t been put together yet.

He quietly left the hospital room and stood by the window.

The sky is full of dark clouds, as if it is about to rain.

* * *

Early morning the next day.

Choi Ki-seok accessed the training room from the dormitory.

[You entered the training room (number of entries: 4/5)]

[You chose Song Myeong-jin’s new surgery as your surgery. You selected the Staff Assist difficulty level. Since the video was filmed using a cadaver, special effects are used in practice.]


Once the setup was complete, the surgical environment was set up.

Ki-Seok Choi put on surgical gloves and looked down at the patient.

After receiving the mission from my teacher, I was practicing renal surgery twice a day.

Nevertheless, progress was hardly made.

‘Well, it doesn’t make sense to complete it so quickly.’

The teacher’s new surgery is a groundbreaking surgery that can largely replace heart transplant surgery. It is absurd to complete such a surgery in just a few weeks.

“The surgery starts now.”

The virtual staff moved busily at Choi Ki-seok’s words.

After skin disinfection and incision, coronary artery bypass surgery followed. As it was the surgery I was most confident in, the speed and accuracy of the surgery were unrivaled.

New surgery after completing CABG.

Choi Ki-seok raised his stats with the Must-Save skill and set out to carry out the operation.


The myocardium and surrounding areas that were not functioning properly were cut out with a scalpel.

Hand movements have become more cautious than before.

Now I have the know-how that the resection must be clean so that partial transplantation is convenient later.

How much time has passed?

Ki-Seok Choi entered the field of cardiovascular and tissue transplantation in earnest.

This is the part that can be said to be the flower of new surgery.

The speed of surgery must be increased to delicately connect blood vessels and tissues and reduce the burden on patients.


The suture needle was tightened using the needle holder and the anastomosis was started.

‘I have to complete Master’s surgery. please!’

The lives of many patients depend on this surgery. The teacher’s surgery will be a ray of light for those who cannot receive a heart transplant due to difficult family circumstances.


The cheerful sound of scissors.

Ki-Seok Choi completed the anastomosis of major blood vessels and sewed up the detailed blood vessels.

It was a treatment of incomparable difficulty to coronary artery bypass surgery, but I gritted my teeth and proceeded. After completing the vascular anastomosis with great difficulty, the myocardial tissue transplantation began.

Unlike before, we have reached the end of the surgery.

I suddenly looked at the clock and it showed 10 o’clock. Ten hours have passed since the surgery began.

Choi Ki-seok was able to realize with his whole body how amazing Matthew was, who performed the conjoined twins surgery.

As time passed, the new surgery was completed.

[Master’s new surgery has been completed. The final rank for surgery is F. Patient has died.]

Vision returns to normal with evaluation.

Choi Ki-seok looked up at the ceiling with a dejected expression.

There was no way to hide the feeling of emptiness and bitterness that the patient had died despite all the hardships he had endured.

‘are you okay. We’re taking it one step at a time. ‘You finished the surgery today.’

He consoled himself and visited the thoracic surgery ward.

Eventually, after the patient was handed over, the morning meeting began. Unlike usual, Yasada stood at the podium and led the meeting.

“Today I would like to announce important news to everyone.”

The staff murmured at Yasada’s words.

It’s shocking that Yasada personally leads the meeting, but there’s important news…

“The atmosphere is unusual. Is a bomb going to explode again?”

“Maybe it’s a good thing.”

“I know very well that it won’t happen.”

Charles shook his head in response to Choi Ki-seok’s answer.

I had a good feeling about Charles, perhaps because he had high political power.

“The first news to deliver is cruise medical treatment. Starting at the end of this month, MHC will launch a cruise ship on the Hudson River and conduct health checkups there. It may be a nuisance, but two people must be sent to work on the cruise ship every week.”

Yasada’s announcement was met with mixed emotions.

Some staff responded that there was a new vacation, while others grumbled that work had increased.

“Once dispatch is decided, there will be a change in the on-duty schedule, so please be careful. The dispatch order is as follows. Starting with team CPR, then team heartbeat…” Yasada’s name


“We are first.”

“If it’s okay with everyone, can I go first? “I’ve wanted to go on a cruise at least once.”

Emma showed a surprisingly proactive attitude.

“I don’t care.”

“Me too.”

As Choi Ki-seok and Charles gave in, Jeremy and Emma were selected for the first cruise treatment.

“The next news is this time . The news is that EOB will start from mid-month. Everyone knows what EOB is, right?”


“Mayjo’s motto of patient-centeredness continues at MHC. I know everyone is doing well, but please pay special attention to CS (customer satisfaction) and focus more on treatment.”

Yasada explained the detailed instructions for EOB and came down from the podium.

‘It’s EOB… the work has increased again.’

A wrinkle appeared on Choi Ki-seok’s forehead.

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Level Up Doctor

Level Up Doctor

Score 8.2
Status: Completed Type: Released: 2016 Native Language: Korean
Level-Up Doctor Growing up as an orphan, Jeong He-Jin didn’t open his heart to anyone. After giving his all to become a cardiothoracic surgeon, he got into an unfortunate accident, after which he woke up not as ‘Jeon He-Jin’ but as ‘Choi GiSeok’. And on top of that, he has to using his skills…? The accident changed his fate drastically… Can he become ‘the Greatest Cardiothoracic Surgeon’ as ‘Choi GiSeok’?


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