Level Up Doctor Chapter 273

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Training (6)

The faces of the three people stiffened at Wang Jin-pyeong’s angry voice.

Choi Ki-seok became the first assistant earlier than any other resident in the Mayjo.

It also proved that its suturing ability is outstanding.

The problem is that this moment is the CPR team’s first training meeting.

When the professor in charge said that education was useless, it was natural for the atmosphere to become cold.

“Mr. Choi. I apologize.”

Emma said something to Choi Ki-seok, who stood up from his seat.

“No, you can’t do that.”


“I’m sorry, but I don’t really need training.”

Ki-Seok Choi walked up to the podium with great strides.

“I think I just heard that you were going to miss training. I guess I heard wrong, right?”

“Yes. You heard correctly.”

“…Well. Meijo’s goal is to focus on patients and skills, so it doesn’t matter as long as you have skills…”

Katarina crossed her arms and stared at Choi Ki-seok.

“Instead, I would like you to clearly demonstrate your skills.”

“What should I do first?”

“Unfold all ten sutures in the surgical manual. Only five sutures are knotted.”

“All right.”


Choi Ki-seok held the suture needle in the needle holder and looked down at the model.

Suddenly, the Tears of Soul item that I completed a few days ago crossed my mind. Although it is not a suitable place to use the item, I wanted to check its power.

[You used the Soul Tear item. The super awakening effect is applied.]

[Super awakening effect: The surgical treatment level temporarily increases by 3 levels. The duration is half a day, and when the hyper-awakening effect ends, you will temporarily fall into exhaustion.]

[Surgical treatment: 11 (8+3)]

When the item was used, an unknown power surged throughout the body.

‘Is this what it feels like?’

According to his experience, the level of surgical treatment is limited to level 10.

But now Choi Ki-seok has gone one step further.

In vulgar terms, it is like transcending human beings.

“What are you doing? Are you not confident? Then go back now.”

“No. I was just about to start.”

Choi Ki-seok’s hand finally moved.

Whirly rirric.

That wasn’t a sound coming from the mouth.

It wasn’t even a sound I could hear.

Nevertheless, everyone who watched him suturing heard the sound.

Choi Ki-seok’s hand movements were like the wind.

Just as the wind blows and his hair blows, a knot is completed each time he moves.

‘What… what is it? This?’

Wang Jin-pyeong finally rubbed his eyes.

No matter how sloppy the suturing was, it was impossible to keep up with this speed.

An even more unbelievable fact.

Even during this time, Ki-Seok Choi’s suture spacing was even and the knots were neat.

After the interrupted suture, continuous suture, horizontal mattress suture, etc.

Meanwhile, Ki-Seok Choi consistently maintained his speed and accuracy even as the difficulty of suturing increased.


Even though I was suturing it with my own hands, I couldn’t believe it at this moment. Instead of the hands following the head, the head was following the hands.

Time passed and the exam ended.

Ten knots of different sutures.

A total of 50 knots were completed in just seven minutes.

“Professor. Are we done now?”



“Ah. Um… Okay, I pass. Mr. Choi doesn’t need to participate in suturing practice.”

Katarina said with an expression as if she had just woken up from a dream.

“I apologize once again if you felt my attitude was arrogant. However, the purpose of training is to improve your skills, and I have decided that the current training is not helpful in improving my skills. I have come forward in this way out of necessity, so I hope you understand.”

“It’s okay. I understand it now. Mr. Wang.”

“Yes, Professor.”

“Mr. Choi is an exception to suture training. Instead, give him free time.”

“Wouldn’t there be a problem of fairness with other motivations?”

“This is not a matter that requires standards of fairness. Did you see the stitching just now?”

“…All right.”

Jinpyeong Wang nodded slightly.

“Mr. Choi, please know that exclusion only applies to suturing practice. You must properly attend case presentations and other team activities.”

“thank you.”

“Then Mr. Choi is free to go.”

Choi Ki-seok said goodbye to his teammates and left the conference room.

Even though the angular stones fit the bill, it was a good thing they stepped forward.

Otherwise, I would have wasted time practicing at a level that was not appropriate for my level.

‘Phew… Anyway…’

He frowned and placed one hand on his forehead.

Exhaustion, a side effect of the hyper-awakening effect, was coming.

Although I only used it for a few minutes, I felt dizzy and nauseous.

How much more painful will it be if you use the item to its limit?

Just imagining it made my body tremble.

Choi Ki-seok moved to the break room and picked up his cell phone. There was a brief beep and the person on the other end answered the phone.

[huh. Kiseok.]

“Seolhwa. I want to see you.”

[I miss you too.]

“It hasn’t even been two weeks since we broke up. It can’t be like this already.”

A week before the end of his orthopedic training, Choi Ki-seok received a reward vacation and went to Korea.

The sweet 4-day, 3-night trip to Jeju Island I spent with Jeong Seol-hwa at that time was still vivid in my mind.

[I’ll take a vacation for a month. I’ll go to America then.]

“Okay. Come quickly.”

[Our Kiseok. Are you being particularly spoiled today?]

There was a hint of playfulness in Jeong Seol-hwa’s voice.

“That’s because I miss you. Usually, I just tolerate it.”

Choi Ki-seok continued speaking slowly.

“Is your father healthy?”

[huh. Thanks to. You had a regular checkup recently and there were no problems.]

“I’m glad.”

[thank you so much. Ki-seok, the treatment became easier because you called your dad Mayjo. Even now, when I think about that time…]

“Oh, that’s nothing. And later, when we get married. It was the right thing to do so that I wouldn’t be called a thief taking away the folktale.”

Jeong Seol-hwa burst out laughing at Choi Ki-seok’s joke.

[miss you. Really.]

“Me too.”

[By the way, did you hear the news about Uijin University?]

“What news?”

[Just yesterday, Deputy Hospital Director Cho Ji-hwan became the hospital director.]

Choi Ki-seok was speechless at the unexpected news that Jeong Seol-hwa delivered.

I recognize Jo Ji-hwan’s political power and resourcefulness, but I had no idea that he would already become hospital director.

Was there a stat increase while I wasn’t seeing him?

[Doctors have a lot to say about hospital director Jo Ji-hwan. [Some people are worried that the hospital is going out of business.]

“You don’t have to worry too much.”

[I’m serious? You also hate hospital director Jo Ji-hwan. When I think about my work at the thoracic surgery department…]

“That person may be different from what we think. If he has reached the level of director of the hospital, it is time for his behavior to change.”

[Strange. I don’t know what you’re talking about.]

“You’ll find out soon enough.”

Ki-seok Choi stood up after talking on the phone with Seol-hwa Jeong for some more.

But just then Song Myeong-jin came into the lounge.

“Teacher Choi. Were you here?”

“Oh yes, Professor.”

“I understand it’s team training time now…”

“That’s where things get complicated.”

He scratched the back of his head and explained what happened in the conference room.

At this, Song Myeong-jin held his stomach and laughed.

“Good job. If you’re at Teacher Choi’s level, it’s long past time to practice with models.”


“If it’s okay, can I talk to you for a moment?”


Two people sat on the sofa and stared at each other.

“It’s a little early, but how do you feel about starting your training at MHC?”

“The training environment seems to be better at MHC than at Meijo. I talked to Chief Yasada, and he said the professor personally created the curriculum for me…” “That’s right.

Song Myeong-jin nodded and continued speaking.

“It is no exaggeration to say that all curriculum is centered around Mr. Choi. Do you remember what I told you when I was in Korea? That I would make sure you would never regret training in the United States?”

“Yes. I remember.”

“You can think of that as an extension of what you said.”

“Thank you. Professor, I will achieve even more as you watch over me with affection.”

“Hehe. That’s a bit awkward. Aren’t you trying to get ahead of me too quickly?”

Song Myeong-jin joked.

“Professor. It’s not something I’d like to talk about, but… wasn’t it too early that you let go of the surgery?”

Choi Ki-seok asked the question he had been holding back.

In fact, I was looking forward to learning surgery directly from Song Myeong-jin and assisting him.

But the teacher unexpectedly placed a scalpel.

That made Choi Ki-seok sad for a long time.

“There is a saying that you should leave when you applaud. I think that is correct. And just because we don’t perform surgery doesn’t mean that our care for patients diminishes.”

“So, how are you doing these days?”

“I have more things to do. There are two things I’m most concerned about.”

Song Myeong-jin spread his index and middle fingers wide.

“One of them is the development of artificial hearts.”

“An artificial heart?”

“Yes. The artificial hearts currently in use have many problems. Not only are they expensive, but they also break down frequently. The battery charging time is also short. So we are developing a 4th generation artificial heart.”

“It’s a 4th generation artificial heart… that’s a big deal.”

“Actually, this is something we have been working on since I was at Meijo. A prototype will probably be released within a few months.”

Song Myeong-jin paused before continuing.

“However, there is a big problem with the 4th generation artificial heart I am developing.”

“The problem is…”

“It is more difficult to transplant than other artificial hearts. Compared to existing surgeries, the difficulty will be more than double.”

“I will try my best too.”

“Hahaha. Yes, I would appreciate it. No matter how good the artificial heart is, it is useless if it cannot be transplanted.”

“I’m curious what other projects you are working on.”

“Actually, that’s why I asked to see Mr. Choi.”

Song Myeong-jin took a breath.

“Mr. Choi, why do we transplant hearts to patients with heart failure?”

“Transplant surgery is performed when the heart’s ability to receive blood or pump blood is severely reduced. Patients who cannot undergo saber surgery mainly receive heart transplantation.”

“That is correct. To put it more simply, patients who cannot undergo surgery will receive transplants. But I would like to expand the scope a little further.”

“Are you saying that surgery will replace a heart transplant?”

Song Myeong-jin nodded to Choi Ki-seok’s question.

“That’s right. Not long ago, we created a surgical method that was a step forward from saber surgery.”

Choi Ki-seok looked surprised at Song Myeong-jin’s words.

A new heart failure surgery that surpasses Saber surgery… I

have never heard anywhere that such a surgery is being researched or in development.

“I… are you sure?”

“You won’t believe it, will you? “I was like that at first, too,”

Song Myeong-jin continued, laughing.

“Even if the 4th generation artificial heart is cheap, there will be many patients who will not be able to afford the price. We created a new surgery for those patients.”


“I hope Dr. Choi can complete that surgery. “Professor Choi will be able to do it well.”

“I think it would be better for the professor to do it himself. I still have a lot to learn…”

“There is no difference between me and Dr. Choi in terms of having a lot to learn. This is a new surgery.”

Amid heavy silence, Ki-Seok Choi spoke first.

“I don’t know how the surgery developed by the professor is performed. “I’m curious.”

“I said seeing is worth seeing, so let’s get up together.”

Ki-Seok Choi followed Song Myeong-Jin to the operating room.

What was the new surgery developed by the teacher?

His curiosity grew.

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Level Up Doctor

Level Up Doctor

Score 8.2
Status: Completed Type: Released: 2016 Native Language: Korean
Level-Up Doctor Growing up as an orphan, Jeong He-Jin didn’t open his heart to anyone. After giving his all to become a cardiothoracic surgeon, he got into an unfortunate accident, after which he woke up not as ‘Jeon He-Jin’ but as ‘Choi GiSeok’. And on top of that, he has to using his skills…? The accident changed his fate drastically… Can he become ‘the Greatest Cardiothoracic Surgeon’ as ‘Choi GiSeok’?


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