Level Up Doctor Chapter 27

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Emergency Man and Woman (3)

“Wow… it’s real.”

Yang Mira nodded with admiration.

Kang Yong-tae’s pH was 7.5 in a urine test and he tested positive for ketones.

That means Kang Yong-tae

is suffering from




A is not also known as to the average person.

The official name of the disease is alcoholic ketonacidosis.

If left untreated, gastritis or pancreatitis may occur.

“How did you know you had ketoacidosis?”

“I thought you knew just by looking at it?”

Choi Ki-seok spoke half jokingly, half seriously, and picked up the phone.

“Doctor. We’re in the emergency room, and the results are back. It appears that the patient has alcoholic ketoacidosis.”

[Are you sure?]


When Choi Ki-seok reported the test results, the on-duty internal medicine doctor remained silent for a long time.

[Please mix thiamine with 5D/W.]

“Okay. Then, can I continue taking notice tonight?”


The on-call physician at the internal medicine department abruptly hung up.

“Patient and guardian. Please come this way.”

Choi Ki-seok called Kang Yong-tae and Ko Jin-hee. And then he started explaining the test results.

As the specific name of the disease came out, the two people’s faces became increasingly hard.

In particular, Kang Yong-tae, who was overflowing with confidence, was even more scared.

“Ketoacidosis is not a serious disease. It was discovered relatively quickly. For now, get IV fluids at the hospital today and rest.”

By the time Kang Yong-tae was given the necessary treatment, it was 2 a.m.

Only then did the patients calm down.

“I think the teacher is the most talented intern teacher I’ve ever seen… and the best fantasies I’ve ever had.”

Normally, in the wee hours of the morning, you should have the pleasure of chatting with each other and enjoying some leisurely time.

There was nothing like that today.

The emergency room beds, which were overflowing with space, were also quite full with patients.

“It’s unfair. I’m not really a fanta.”

“It seems like a cowardly excuse…”

Yang Mira crossed her arms and stared at Choi Ki-Seok with a gloomy expression.


At 4 a.m. it suddenly started raining.

The rain was so thick that I could hear the cool sound of rain even inside the emergency room.

“Teacher Yang. The fight of the century has begun.”

“Why are we having the fight of the century?”

Yang Mi-ra shrugged her shoulders at Jo Yun-ji’s words.

“You really don’t know?”

“Is there something to be said for a showdown this early in the morning?”

“Fanta and Yubi Muhwan are together.”

Jo Yoon-ji smiled and continued speaking.

“I’m bored. Would you like to make a bet with me? Who will win? The loser gets to buy a late-night snack.”

“Okay. I’ll bet on Fanta.”

“Then I am Yu Bi Mu-hwan. No matter how much I am a fanta, I cannot beat Yu Bi Mu-hwan.”

The match of the century began with two people betting.

Is this Choi Ki-seok, who brings patients?

Or is it rain that drives away patients?

Indeed, the winner is…

* * *

The night shift is finally over.

Ki-Seok Choi handed over the money to the morning worker and went to the bathroom.


When I washed my face with cold water, I came to my senses.

It is true that the maximum physical strength has increased and the physical strength recovery ability has improved with Yeokhwadan.

Still, working overnight was difficult.

The good news is that it is now off.

Choi Ki-seok arrived at the dormitory and threw himself on the bed. However, I felt uncomfortable as if the bottom had not been cleaned. There was definitely something I had to do and not forget…


Ki-seok Choi got up and went back to the emergency room.

I looked around the bed and there was no one who wanted to see it.

“Doctor. Where has patient Yongtae Kang gone?”

“They said it would be okay to send it to the internal medicine department. I just left.”

“thank you.”

Choi Ki-seok quickly left the emergency room.

Fortunately, Kang Yong-tae was smoking a cigarette in an alley near the hospital.

“Hello Teacher.”

Ko Koon-hee recognized Choi Ki-seok and spoke to him, and Choi Ki-seok also bowed his head.

“I guess you came out for a moment after work?”

“Yes. I have to see you for a moment.”

“I was really thankful earlier. If it wasn’t for the teacher, I wouldn’t have even known my husband was sick.

“I just did what I had to do. “Did you listen carefully to what I said when you left?”

“Yes. “I told you to stop drinking for a while and eat a lot of meat.”

“That’s right. You must protect it. Because treating an illness is something that doctors and patients work together on.”

“Hmm… I was in a lot of trouble at night.”

Kang Yong-tae joined in the conversation.

His complexion was good, perhaps due to a good night’s rest.

“It’s okay. If you have some free time, could we talk for a moment nearby?”

“Is there a problem with your husband?”

“That’s not the case, but I have something I’d like to tell you separately.”

“Well, then, let’s go to a cafe.”

Kang Yong-tae took the lead excitedly. .

The three sat down at a nearby cafe.

Although it was early in the morning, it was crowded with office workers taking out coffee.

Kang Yong-tae fiddled with the vibrating bell and stared at Choi Ki-seok.

I didn’t know it when he was drunk, but Choi Ki-seok was tall and had a nice persona.

His impression is what is commonly called a likeable type.

If he had an unmarried daughter, he would want to introduce her to her. However, contrary to that feeling, his hand rarely left the vibrating bell. The intention was to

meet him personally even after the treatment was over.

It is difficult to know that . “What do you

have to say?”

“No, since you’re not a patient, I’m outside the hospital, so I’ll call you brother. I hope you don’t find what I’m about to say too uncomfortable. If I had thought about it, I would have been sleeping comfortably in bed by now.”


“I’ll tell you straight.”

Choi Ki-seok’s eyes became intense.

Kang Yong-tae and Ko Koh-hee felt the change in atmosphere and looked dry. I swallowed my saliva.

“How about taking the alcohol treatment training provided by our hospital?”

“Alcohol treatment?”


Choi Ki-seok nodded slightly.

The explanation continued.

The psychiatry department at Uijin University Hospital offers alcohol treatment. We run a center. The treatment period is usually two months, during which time you will be provided with room and board in a psychiatric ward. The

cost is approximately between 1 million and 1.5 million won.

“So, are you telling me to go to a psychiatrist?”

“Do you need to wear colored glasses to a psychiatrist ? There is no need. These days, it is one of the departments that many people visit.”

“Huh, really.”

Kang Yong-tae smiled bitterly.


Just then, the vibrating bell rang and Go Hee-hee brought coffee for the three people.

Kang Yong-tae sucked down the hot coffee and drank it. “

From what I see, ketoacidosis is not a problem for the elderly. You can regain your true health only if you quit drinking.”

“Good doctor. Thank you for coming out and thinking about me. It’s not enough to be hospitalized for drinking.”

“Do you really think so?”

Choi Ki-seok asked.

“When I looked at the chart, I saw that he was taken to 119 in a drunken state twice a week.” ”

That’s true, but he can drink as much as he wants. “You can control it as much as you want.”

“Everyone says that. But if your environment doesn’t change, your habits won’t change either. You need to receive proper abstinence training at a treatment center.”


Kang Yong-tae lowered his head and sighed.

In fact, he tried to act strong on purpose.

He knew well that his condition was not normal. I got it.

Lately, it’s not that he’s drinking, but alcohol that’s drinking him.

His hands are shaking even when he’s not doing anything.

Insomnia has continued for a long time, and there’s discord with his family.

Alcohol is eating away at his life like a bug.

Of course , he doesn’t drink alcohol. I tried it, but it didn’t last more than a day and I tried soju again.

“I was a little tempted after hearing the story about the doctor. Still, I’m not confident. “I think I’ll just waste my money.”

“No. “Elderly people can do it.”


“It may be difficult on your own, but the medical staff at our hospital and I will help you.”

Choi Ki-seok spoke and used encouragement. Kang Yong-

tae is the light that only he can see. Wrapped around.

[Uses the encouragement skill.]

[The target’s immunity, resistance, regeneration and confidence increases significantly.]


[Congratulations. The encouragement skill has risen to the maximum level 5.]

[A skill branch has appeared. Encouragement skill You can learn by choosing one of the two higher types.]

[A new stat gem has been opened.]

An alarm rang frantically.


Choi Ki-seok couldn’t hide his bewilderment. For the first time in a long time, a notification hit him like a storm.

“Are you listening to me?”

“Ah. I’m sorry, but can you tell me again?”

Choi Ki-seok took a sip of coffee to hide his embarrassment.

“Hmm. I mean treatment. I’ll take this opportunity.”

“Are you sure?”

“How come you like the doctor more than my wife?”

“This person is real!”

As Goh Koon-hee glared, Kang Yong-tae snapped.

The couple agreed to alcohol treatment. After that, the conversation calmed down.

Not only that, the couple even showed their willingness to go to a psychiatrist today.

“This is the first time I’ve seen a doctor who cares even outside the hospital. Thank you.”

“No. Please receive treatment diligently, and I will visit you when the time comes.”

Choi Ki-seok said goodbye to the two people and returned to the dormitory.

The first thing he did while lying in bed was to check his skills.

As expected, two active skills were created above the encouragement skill as announced.

[Descent of the Tyrant Lv.0]

– Makes the patient obey the doctor’s surgery recommendation and other treatment instructions.

– Strength and agility temporarily increase.

– Obedience value and physical stats increase depending on the level.

– Up to 3 levels . Grows to

[Wind of Healing Lv.0]

– When receiving medical treatment, recovery speed increases by 20%.

– Recovery speed increases depending on level.


Choi Ki-seok groaned. He wiped his chin with tears in his eyes.

As the saying “skill divergence point” suggests, once you learn one skill, you cannot learn the other.

The problem is that both are useful skills.

The Descendance of the Tyrant is for patients who put doctors down or for patients who are frogs. It was useful to use.

On the other hand, Wind of Healing is a highly versatile skill. It

takes a while to increase recovery only when performing internal treatment.

Still, this skill could also be seen as a skill for patients.

20% increase in recovery speed . cannot be ignored.

I withheld judgment about the skill and looked at the gem item.

The gem was located below the rapport stat.

Nine star-shaped symbols were punched out, as if an elementary school student was doing homework to get a stamp.

Looking at the shape, the gem looked like it was wearing an item. It looks like he is also wearing it.

You will have to get the gem to find out more details.

“I guess I have something else to do.”

* * *

That evening,

Ki-seok Choi was preparing for a conference in the conference room.

Next to him, Sul-hwa Jeong, who had finished his shift, was in the emergency room. I was reading a related book.

“Whoa. “I can’t concentrate.”

I took my hand off the keyboard.

It’s been 30 minutes since I started working, but I haven’t gotten anything done. I

started working right after dinner, but I felt tired and kept thinking about other things.

“Me too.”

Jeong Seol-hwa put down the book and stuck out her mouth.

There was silence for a moment, but Jeong Seol-hwa suddenly started shaking.

“What’s wrong?”

“It’s nothing.”

Jeong Seol-hwa smiled and took something out of her gown pocket.

It’s an ear pick.

“My roommate from earlier, teacher. I decided to cut your ears off. You keep putting this in your robe.”


“Do you want me to open your ears?”

Jeong Seol-hwa asked shyly.

Since he couldn’t concentrate anyway, Choi Ki-seok readily accepted.

“Come on. Lie down here.”

Seolhwa Jeong sat on the sofa and lightly patted her thigh.

“I’ll just lie down on the sofa.”

“No. Then, you have to bend down even more.”

Due to Jeong Seol-hwa’s insistence, Choi Ki-seok had no choice but to lay his head on her thigh. He

was in a bad mood.

When he was young, daycare teachers pierced his ears, and after becoming an adult, they roughly swabbed his ears. It was just a matter of picking it.

This is the first time something like this has happened.

Square. Square.

The ear picker started to scratch his ear coolly. But Choi Ki-seok couldn’t concentrate on that.

Jeong Seol-hwa’s hair and hot breath that came down long and tickled his cheek. This bothered me.

My face heated up for no reason.

“There’s not as much as I thought? Now turn around.”

Choi Ki-seok made eye contact with Jeong Seol-hwa while turning towards Jeong Seol-hwa.



Jeong Seol-hwa and Jeong Seol-hwa looking down at Choi Ki-seok. Choi Ki-seok looked up at Jeong Seol-hwa while receiving a knee pillow. A

strange tension flowed between the two.

“Well… if you stay like that, you won’t be able to hear me.”

“Ah. I’m sorry.”

Choi Ki-seok quickly turned to Jeong Seol-hwa.

Jeong Seol-hwa dug his ear and Choi Ki-seok just quietly left himself there.

What is it? This

is the first time I felt my heart pounding.

“Now. It’s over now.”

“Thank you.”

Choi Ki-seok stood up, feeling sorry in his heart.

“I’ll dig it up now.”

“I’m fine…”

“Lie down quickly. Do it!” As

Choi Ki-seok sat on the sofa and tapped his knee, Jeong Seol-hwa shyly lay down on his lap and turned her body to the side. As she swept her

long hair to the side, her bright red ears were revealed.

Choi Ki-seok bent down and dug Jeong Seol-hwa’s ear.

I started working as carefully as I could for fear of hurting her ear.

However, while digging her ear, Jeong Seol-hwa’s body shook slightly.

“It’s Seol-hwa. “You can’t move.”

“I know that. It tickles so much.”

Jeong Seol-hwa’s voice trembled.

Her body didn’t stop shaking.

“If you keep doing this, you’ll get hurt.” “Now

… wait a minute.”

At Jeong Seol-hwa’s words, Choi Ki-seok stopped picking his ears.

His knees . Jeong Seol-hwa’s cheeks suddenly turned red as if they were about to explode.


“Are you okay now?”


After taking a deep breath, Jeong Seol-hwa lay down on Choi Ki-seok’s lap again. Then, she placed both hands. I held my mouth tight and held back the tickling.

It was so cute that Choi Ki-seok smiled without realizing it.

“Now turn around.”

At Choi Ki-seok’s words, Jeong Seol-hwa turned to Choi Ki-seok.


“·· …”

The two people locked eyes again.

Choi Ki-seok suddenly thought that Jeong Seol-hwa’s eyes were very pretty. She

had such pretty eyes, but since she had been wearing horn-rimmed glasses that covered her face, her appearance was bound to die…

Square. Square.

The ear picking started again.

Jeong Seol-hwa must have completely overcome the tickling and was as quiet as a newborn.

“It’s all over.”

“Huh? “Yes, thank you.”

Jeong Seol-hwa stood up.

Maybe it was because they had dug each other’s ears.

Choi Ki-seok felt a little closer to her.

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Level Up Doctor

Level Up Doctor

Score 8.2
Status: Completed Type: Released: 2016 Native Language: Korean
Level-Up Doctor Growing up as an orphan, Jeong He-Jin didn’t open his heart to anyone. After giving his all to become a cardiothoracic surgeon, he got into an unfortunate accident, after which he woke up not as ‘Jeon He-Jin’ but as ‘Choi GiSeok’. And on top of that, he has to using his skills…? The accident changed his fate drastically… Can he become ‘the Greatest Cardiothoracic Surgeon’ as ‘Choi GiSeok’?


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