Level Up Doctor Chapter 268

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Training (1)

“Chief, are you serious?”

“Then, would you call a resident in training and tell a joke?”

Robert smiled and continued speaking.

“MHC’s goal is to train high-class thoracic surgeons. Of course, the training process cannot be the same as Meijo’s thoracic surgery department. Outpatient treatment is performed on a rotation basis and starts tomorrow.”

“How long is the treatment time?”

“It’s about 4 hours from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. It’s not that long, so don’t worry too much.”

After the explanation, there was a heavy silence.

Originally, outpatient treatment at university hospitals was only available to residents who had completed their major course. But I never thought that a resident still in training would see outpatient treatment.

The attendees looked at each other and exchanged mesmerized expressions.

“It’s too early to be surprised. I have two more news to tell you.”

Two of Robert’s fingers were not folded yet.

“Now, the second piece of news is about the surgery. Isn’t this the information you’ll be most curious about?”


“You can perform surgeries at MHC, although there is a condition that you must get permission from Head Chief Yasada.”

“Does this mean you can perform any surgery if the Head Chief gives permission?”

“In principle, yes.”

Robert nodded to Choi Ki-seok’s question.

“Residents who wish to perform surgery can submit a letter of intention to perform surgery to Head Chief Yasada. Please note that even if you do not wish to perform surgery, you must complete the prescribed number of surgeries.”


“Experience grows a person. That is the direction of Head Chief Yasada’s education. If anyone has any objections, please do not ask me, but directly to Head Chief Yasada.”

As Robert drew the line, several residents trembled.

Inversely proportional to Yasada’s reputation is his attitude toward his subordinates.

Yasada was famous for harassing subordinates and catching them like rats.

He realized that even if he raised an objection, it would not work.

“Finally, thirdly, you will be working as a team from this moment on.”

Robert’s explanation continued.

MHC residents form teams of four people.

This team continues until the end of the major and develops each other’s skills through close communication.

“From now on, we are announcing the groups. First, it is Group A. Group B is Ki-Seok Choi, Emma, Charles and Jeremy. Ivan…” The

moment Group A was called, the eyes of the four people who were talking on the bus crossed.

“It’s in order of grades, right?”

Charles, who was sitting in front of him, looked back and muttered, and Choi Ki-seok nodded without answering.

He too was thinking the same thing as Charles.

Meritocracy commonly used in the United States.

It wasn’t much different from the hospital.

After the group presentation was over, the residents left the conference room.

After touring the building and facilities of MHC with Robert, I finally visited the thoracic surgery department.

MHC Thoracic Surgery is twice as neat and sophisticated as Meijo Thoracic Surgery. If there were no stations and beds, you wouldn’t even think of it as a hospital.

“Okay, this concludes the orientation. From now on, group activities will begin. Please fill out the outpatient and on-call work schedules for each group and submit them before today’s work day. Do you understand?”


The sergeants who responded courageously dispersed.

Choi Ki-seok visited the second conference room at the end of the hallway with his team members.

Because we made clear statements first on the bus, the conversation atmosphere was friendly.

“Now, let’s name the team and come up with a work schedule, right?”

Charles rolled the pen in his hand.

“It would be a good idea to come up with a team name first. Would something be good? Something like Heartbeat seems like a good idea.”

“Isn’t it too mediocre? It seems like it might overlap with other groups. Code Blue… Ah, this is too boring. What do you think, Mr. Choi?”

The eyes of the three people were focused on Choi Ki-seok.

“I don’t know if it’s treatment, but I’m new to this kind of thing. In any case, you should be able to tell that I’m majoring in thoracic surgery just by hearing the team name.”


“Let’s see. How about ECMO?”

“I’ll write it down first. I’ll write down all the ideas first and then decide on the best one.”

Emma started taking notes.

Soon, the struggle to come up with a team name began.

From the symptom terms such as chest pain, palpitation, and arrhythmia to the name of the surgery, Norwood Saber Maze surgery, etc.

Various names came to mind, but none could satisfy everyone.

When everyone is having such a hard time.

Jeremy, who had not said a word until now, opened his mouth.


His words spread through the conference room like an echo.

“CPR? Doesn’t that feel good? It’s a treatment that restores the heart and lungs, and it also feels like it’s saving an emergency patient’s life.”

“I like it too.”

“me too.”

When the team name was decided on CPR, Jeremy smiled.

He looks satisfied with his performance.

Jeremy, who spoke so little that I couldn’t even remember his voice, seemed cute for the first time.


[Team CPR has been formed.]

[Affiliation: Team CPR]

[Team tendency: Patient-centered]

[Team level: 1/5]

[Cohesion: 1.5/5]

[Treatment level: 1/5]

[Team special ability: None ]

Team information displayed in the status window.

As the team had just been formed, its abilities were poor. However, I was confident that I would make this team, made up of MHC alumni, the best.

Emma aims to become the world’s best female thoracic surgeon.

Charles wants to reform the medical field beyond hospitals.

Jeremy plays shyly.

With these colleagues, you will be able to overcome any difficulty.

“It starts with our group for the outpatient shift tomorrow, right?”

“Why do you want to be on duty?”

“Uh. I think it would be better for me to stand first. I’ll figure out the trick and let everyone know.”

“Thank you, us.”

Charles snapped his fingers cheerfully.

After completing the work schedule and chatting, the working hours passed by.

Choi Ki-seok had dinner with his colleagues and moved to the dormitory.

This is my first outpatient treatment.

When I remembered that I could perform any surgery with Yasada’s permission, my heart was already pounding.

I’m glad I came to MHC.

* * *

That evening.

Song Myeong-jin returned to his office after having dinner with Yasada and other executives.

I was tired, but there was still work to do.

While reading various documents related to MHC, a smile appeared on his face.

At that moment, the team name and work schedule of the new residents who had started working as a team caught my eye.

‘Everyone, please prove it. ‘I’m not wrong.’

Song Myeong-jin’s eyes sparkled as he read the document.

It was Song Myeong-jin who planned this residency training course.

Even team activities between residents’ early outpatient treatment and the motivation to liberalize surgery.

This is a training method that would never be possible in Korea, but it was possible with MHC.

Until recently, he was a cardiothoracic surgeon representing Meijo, and now holds the position of deputy director of medical services.

There was a force to push for this innovative curriculum.

The dice has already been cast and all that remains is to wait for the results.

I can only hope that the residents, including Ki-Seok Choi, complete their training well and grow into excellent surgeons…

‘There is a long way to go.’

Song Myeong-jin took off his reading glasses and rubbed his eyes.

It got busier after leaving the operating room.

In the operating room, you only have to focus on the patient, but taking care of all other aspects, including education, required more mental energy.

After finishing the paperwork, Song Myeong-jin picked up his cell phone.

A beeping sound that continues for a long time.

Today, it seemed like the other person wasn’t planning on answering the phone at all.

Just as I was about to give up and press the end button, I heard a voice on the other end.

[Professor Song. No, do I have to call them ‘Deputy Medical Director’ now?]

“What meaning does a title have? After all, these are people who save people’s lives.”

[You still sound naive.]

There was a hint of laughter in the other person’s voice.

[Did you call to talk about that again today?]

“That’s right.”

[I have told Mr. Choi time and time again, but I am satisfied with my current life. Don’t try to drag me out anymore.]

“I know very well that you don’t mean what I’m saying right now. Everyone has to be in a place that suits them. The place I’m in right now doesn’t suit me.”

[That’s Professor Song’s idea.]

After a moment of silence, Song Myeong-jin continued.

“I recently retired.”

[Uh… retirement? Why?]

The other person’s voice wavered for the first time.

“I decided to entrust the future to young surgeons. I thought it would be more profitable to create better surgeons than me rather than running around until my feet were sweaty.”


“And you are the right person for that job. There is no one else but you.”

[There are a lot of world-class doctors in Meijo. Why is Professor Song so obsessed with me?]

“It’s simple. Because you are better than them. You know very well that fame and skill are not necessarily proportional.”

The other person remained silent in response to Song Myeong-jin’s words.

“I’m asking you once again to be shameless. Please give me your strength.”

[…I can’t help it if Professor Song asks me this much. Liu Bei tried to persuade Zhuge Liang, but how good of a person am I to refuse any more requests?]

“Then are you listening to my request?”

[Let’s settle this matter soon and move to New York. Instead, you have to pass the USMLE, so it may take a little longer.]

“Thank you, Professor Kwon.”

Song Myeong-jin hung up the phone and sighed.

One piece of the puzzle for the MHC has just been completed.

* * *

Early morning the next day.

Choi Ki-seok was sitting in front of the computer and checking his emails.

A new start in my life as a thoracic surgeon.

Accordingly, Song Myeong-jin decided to organize and send the latest papers as he did during his time at Uijin University.

“Of course. It’s the professor.”

Ki-Seok Choi slowly read the paper attached to the email.

Maybe it was because of my mood, but the level of the paper seemed to have jumped several levels compared to before. Among them were renal surgeries whose effectiveness has not yet been proven.

[The paper was the easiest]

– If you study consistently and hard, there is a moment when your eyes open. From then on, everything becomes easy.

– Paper comprehension increases significantly.

– Understand the claims and evidence of the paper and easily identify logical blind spots.

With the help of the title, I read through the paper and sent a review.

His opinion on new surgery is skeptical.

This surgery has the advantage of shortening the surgery time, but the postoperative outcome was expected to be poor.

“Shall we go soon?”

Choi Ki-seok put on a gown and visited the thoracic surgery ward.

“Hello, Dr. Choi.”

“Nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

The nurses at the station greeted us warmly, and Ki-Seok Choi exchanged greetings and exchanged brief statements.


After finishing the conversation, I went into the duty room.

Ivan, who had worked the night shift yesterday, stared at him with a tired expression.

“What’s wrong? Were there many patients yesterday?”

In response to Choi Ki-seok’s question, Ivan lowered his head helplessly.

“Ha… it burned white.”

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Level Up Doctor

Level Up Doctor

Score 8.2
Status: Completed Type: Released: 2016 Native Language: Korean
Level-Up Doctor Growing up as an orphan, Jeong He-Jin didn’t open his heart to anyone. After giving his all to become a cardiothoracic surgeon, he got into an unfortunate accident, after which he woke up not as ‘Jeon He-Jin’ but as ‘Choi GiSeok’. And on top of that, he has to using his skills…? The accident changed his fate drastically… Can he become ‘the Greatest Cardiothoracic Surgeon’ as ‘Choi GiSeok’?


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