Level Up Doctor Chapter 205

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That evening.

Choi Ki-seok was standing at the dormitory window, looking out.

Although the surgery lasted ten hours, I was not tired.

This is thanks to the patient’s physical strength recovery effect.


A sigh passed between my lips.

Suddenly, I remembered the time I was giving CPR to Jace.

This was the first time I gave up on a patient.

After receiving the awakening CPR buff and killing them for about 30 minutes, they will usually become conscious.

But Jace wasn’t like that.

I didn’t expect my vitals to return, and the electrocardiogram continued to show a dangerous curve.

The fear of losing Jace grew like a snowball, and eventually even the passive skill of Frozen Heart lost its effectiveness.

“There’s still a long way to go.”

Choi Ki-seok bit his lips tightly.

It was Smith who saved Jace.

It was his persistence to never give up on his patients.

Even though all the staff, including himself, had given up hope, Smith desperately hoped for Jace’s recovery.

What if Smith wasn’t there?

What if Jace died during surgery?

Was it the illness that killed Jace or the doctor’s incompetence?

Choi Ki-seok thought it was the latter.


I checked my shaking cell phone and saw that Smith had called.

“Yes, Head Chief.”

[Are you sleeping?]

“No. I was thinking about surgery today.”

“Then come to the office.”

Smith just said what he had to say and hung up.

What on earth was Smith thinking of calling me at a time well past midnight?

Choi Ki-seok visited the office with curiosity.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

When I knocked, I heard a voice telling me to come in.

Smith sat on the sofa in the Oval Office, with Todd across from him.

Ki-Seok Choi greeted the two people and sat down next to Todd.

“You two weren’t sleeping. Let’s at least have a cup of coffee.”

Smith got up and made three cups of coffee.

Steam rose from the cup. The fragrant smell of roasted coffee wafted through the office.

“After a difficult surgery, wouldn’t you be sad if it just passed away? It’s a little late, but let’s clear things up among ourselves.”


“All right.”

Choi Ki-seok and Todd answered at the same time.

“Aren’t you tired, Professor?”

“I would be lying if I said no. I was fine right after the surgery, but when I returned to the office, my arms and legs were shaking. I guess I’m old now too.”

Smith joked in response to Choi Ki-seok’s question.

“I understand you talked to a few people after the surgery. I’m curious what you talked about.”

Todd took a sip of his coffee and asked a question.

“It’s an obvious story. How did you learn about laparoscopic surgery in Korea? I wish you could teach us too. Smith is amazing, as expected. Since the surgery was successful, it was full of praise.”

“I also have one question.”


“I’m curious as to why you were allowed to observe this surgery.”

Choi Ki-seok’s eyes sparkled as he asked the question.

Allowing Smith to observe is a decision that goes beyond common sense.

Even if the surgery is a skilled surgery, it is uncomfortable to show it to others.

Because you may find fault and make mistakes.

However, Smith allowed observation of an extremely difficult surgery, one for which he had not even practiced.

“It’s difficult to say that. There are circumstances from above.”


“Just know that I didn’t decide to have surgery to brag or show off.”

“All right.”

In a moment of silence, Smith adjusted his posture.

I crossed one leg and placed my hand on my chin. In addition, he leaned forward towards Choi Ki-seok and Todd.

Just by changing my posture, the atmosphere in the office changed 180 degrees.

“Mr. Choi, how was the surgery today?”

“I felt a lot of inadequacy. Especially when I think of the time when I gave up on CPR, my face still gets hot.”

“What else?”

When Choi Ki-seok added a few things about what he felt, Smith nodded slightly.

“Good posture. Today’s experience will be beneficial. Todd?”

“I… I wasn’t much different from Mr. Choi. I arbitrarily decided that the patient was dead and stopped CPR… and I made a few mistakes during the surgery…” Todd continued as if making excuses


“That’s enough. That’s enough. Stop!”


“Todd, that’s not what I really want to hear.”

Smith’s eyes became as sharp as an eagle.

“Did Paul order it?”

“Huh? What are you saying all of a sudden…”

“I’ll ask you one last time. Did Paul order it?”


Todd couldn’t answer easily and swallowed dryly.

A suffocating silence oppressed the office.

Even Choi Ki-seok, who was watching the two, couldn’t let go of his tension.

“You intentionally harvested the wrong blood vessels for the graft and intentionally caused bleeding when suturing the gallbladder. Isn’t that right?”

“Ah… no. Absolutely not. I lost concentration at that time…”

“Look me in the eye and tell me straight!”

Todd shivered at Smith’s words.

I still couldn’t make eye contact with Smith.

“Actually… Professor Paul has a vacant full professor position and he said he would recommend me. On the condition that I help Professor Paul…”

“You bastard.”


Smith slammed his fist on the table.

No matter how much he hates himself, Paul is an unforgivable person who plays with a patient’s life.

“Todd. You’re an accomplice too.”

“Well… I was wrong. If you forgive me once, I will never do it again…”

“There are two types of people in the world. One is a person who can make a new start even if they make a mistake, and the other is a person who will never be saved. “He’s an impossible human being.”


“You are the latter. There will be no promotion as long as I am Head Chief.”

“Professor! Please give me one chance.”

“Stop fighting and get out. Before you get beaten up.”

As Smith lashed out, Todd hurriedly left the office.

‘Is that what happened?’

Choi Ki-seok nodded slightly.

Looking back, Todd’s treatment and actions were not that good.

It was the same during graft extraction, and during CPR, public opinion was raised to stop CPR, and during gallbladder fusion, bleeding was caused due to a mistake.

“Mr. Choi.”

Smith’s gaze turned to Choi Ki-seok.

“Honestly, I wanted you even more after surgery today. I was a little disappointed when they stopped CPR, but other than that, you were flawless.”


“Especially this one.”

Smith imitated a thoracotomy heart massage.

“If I had called the thoracic surgeon later, it would have been too late. The patient could have survived because of you.

” No, it’s not. I…”

“There’s no need to be ashamed. “What you did well is a good thing.”

“Thank you.”

“After the surgery today, I wanted you even more. Of course, even so, we can’t force you to specialize in general surgery.”

Smith paused before continuing.

“I want you to do well, so I’ll give you some advice.”


“Doctors only have to take good care of their patients. It’s not. You have to be able to look after your fellow doctors too.”

“You mean your colleagues?”

“Yes. This means that you have to take a close look at your real colleagues and the people who pretend to be your colleagues. If you entrust your back to a colleague, you will feel secure, but if you entrust your back to a person pretending to be a colleague, you will get stabbed.” “….” “The reason


can be where I am right now is because I am good at distinguishing between people.” ”

Then, distinguishing between people . Are there any other tips?”

“Of course. “Doctors can be broadly divided into three categories,”

Smith continued his explanation.

As his past experience increased, Choi Ki-seok was able to easily understand what he was talking about.


[You have completed the hidden mission of caring for the Head Chief. New Stat disposition has been opened.]

After the explanation was over, a notification rang.

Ki-Seok Choi looked at Smith with the eyes of Hippocrates. The newly created disposition was located at the top of the stat window.

Tendency: [Patient-centered]

Smith’s tendency was patient-centered.

He If you look at the words and actions that have been said and done so far, this is a fully predictable result.

Then, Todd’s tendency to run out of the office a little while ago…

“What are you thinking like that?”

“S-… I’m sorry. I suddenly remembered something I had forgotten.”

“What kind of person do you think I am?”

“I am a person who cares about patients.”

“Are you doing this on purpose because it is in front of me? Or do you really think so?”

“I think you are a person who truly cares for patients.”

Smith smiled at his unwavering answer and look in his eyes.

“I hope you will keep your advice in mind and show great performance in the future.”

“Thank you. Head Chief.”


[A rapport has been formed with Smith.]

NEW [Smith (Medician): Rapport Stage 2 – Faith]

While the two were talking, the night deepened.

* * *

The next afternoon.

Choi Ki-seok I was going around the ward checking on the patients.

Then, I stopped in front of a single room at the end of the hallway.

This is the room where Ravin Williams was supposed to be admitted, but he did not come to the hospital yesterday.

The nurse said that I contacted him several times, but he never answered the phone.

Suddenly, I was worried that something untoward had occurred.

After checking all the patients, Choi Ki-seok stood in front of the ward bulletin board.

On the bulletin board, there was a document recruiting applicants for medical volunteer work for next week. It is

literally medical volunteer work that is unpaid and requires dividing one’s own time. .

So far, there is only one applicant, Emma.

“Mr. Choi.” Hello.”

As I was writing down my name on the document, I heard a familiar voice. I turned my head and saw Jose waving his hand.

“Nice to meet you, Jose. I think this is my first time seeing you today?”

“I’ve been scrubbing since morning.”

Jose finished speaking and sighed, feeling grounded.

Unlike usual, his face was covered in dark clouds.

“Is it because of what happened yesterday?”

“… Yes.”

Jose lowered his head.

After dropping a tray of liver yesterday, he was hit with the invisible hand debuff.

It lasted a whopping month.

“Ever since the Head Chief said he would give me the lowest intern evaluation, I can’t do anything. “I don’t think so.”

“If I were Jose, I would feel the same way.”

Choi Ki-seok nodded and prepared a categorical imperative.

[But maybe what happened yesterday can be helpful. Those who were pointed out by the head chief. They are clear now. You know you’re good at your job, right? I think you’ve been vaccinated.]


The light emanating from Choi Ki-seok’s body enveloped Jose.

[The target’s confidence and ability to deal with patients increases significantly. Special buff regeneration due to level 4 rapport. Essence of is added.]

[Essence of Regeneration: Stamina and mental recovery ability are doubled.]

[Duration: Two months]

“Thank you. As expected, Mr. Choi is the only one who gives it to me.”

“That’s enough.”

A smile appeared on the lips of both people.

“Ah. And I was so busy that I forgot to talk about it. “This week is the last week for my general surgery practice.”

“It’s a shame. “I don’t think there will be another intern who has worked as hard as Jose.”

“I just want to say thank you. I will make sure to hand over the matter. Don’t worry.”

After finishing the conversation with Jose, Choi Ki-seok returned to the medical office.

Jennifer and Morgan Ethan Rahul were sitting in a circle, and there was a pizza in the center.

“I was just about to call you. Good timing, right?”

“I was supposed to eat it. “There is.”

Choi Ki-seok sat next to Ethan.

While eating pizza, various conversations were exchanged, including the liver transplant surgery that took place yesterday.

As each person had a lot to accumulate, the conversation did not stop.

‘It just worked out.’

Choi Ki-seok carefully looked at the four people with the eyes of Hippocrates.

It was an opportunity to use the new stat tendencies he gained warmly last night.

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Level Up Doctor

Level Up Doctor

Score 8.2
Status: Completed Type: Released: 2016 Native Language: Korean
Level-Up Doctor Growing up as an orphan, Jeong He-Jin didn’t open his heart to anyone. After giving his all to become a cardiothoracic surgeon, he got into an unfortunate accident, after which he woke up not as ‘Jeon He-Jin’ but as ‘Choi GiSeok’. And on top of that, he has to using his skills…? The accident changed his fate drastically… Can he become ‘the Greatest Cardiothoracic Surgeon’ as ‘Choi GiSeok’?


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