Level Up Doctor Chapter 174

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Competition (2)

“What is that?”

“You can think of it as Korean noodles.”

“What? I was worried for no reason.”

Jennifer opened her face at Choi Ki-seok’s answer.

“Mr. Choi is here, so the handover begins.”

When Morgan looked at the monitor, he began to explain.

The total number of patients he treated yesterday was five.

Four of them were treated in the emergency room and discharged, and the remaining one was diagnosed with appendicitis and is hospitalized.

“There was a patient with appendicitis. Is that also a child?”

“Thanks to you, I had some trouble.”

Morgan answered triumphantly.

In children, it is difficult to differentiate between appendicitis, mesenteric lymphadenitis, and intussusception.

However, Morgan wisely overlooked this.

“Mike has an abscess due to inflammation. If we operate right away, there is a risk of peritonitis, so we are draining the pus through a drain. We will administer antibiotics and then perform surgery a few days later.”

“The only hospitalized patient has a microphone, right? Then I’ll take it.”

Morgan nodded at Choi Ki-seok’s words.

The first patient I received after entering Meijo.

The meaning was extraordinary.

Choi Ki-seok looked at Mike’s chart without realizing it.

“How do you feel about being on duty for the first time?”

“I’m not particularly impressed. I don’t even know the difference between Meijo and the hospital where I interned. I wonder if it would be a little different if I put on scrubs?”

“It’s a scrub… that’s it too.”

Choi Ki-seok nodded slightly.

“You worked hard. Get off work.”

“See you tomorrow, Morgan.”

Morgan left the duty room while being greeted by two people.

“So, Mr. Choi’s case was announced today, right? Are you prepared well?”

“You can look forward to it.”

As Ki-Seok Choi held his thumb, Jennifer covered her mouth and laughed. The two people talked and headed to the conference room on time.

Clap la la rock.

Choi Ki-seok sat down and quickly looked through the data. As a result, the blurry details became clear in my mind. The thesis was the easiest. It’s the effect of the title.

‘This is enough.’

I covered the material with confidence.

“good morning.”

As I was waiting for the meeting, a hand came to my shoulder along with a familiar voice.

I turned my head and saw Emma grinning.

“Ah, Emma. Good morning.”

“Mr. Choi. Your face is really swollen. Are you okay?”

Even Emma was worried when she saw her swollen face.

Choi Ki-seok had to laugh and repeat the same explanation.

As time passed, the morning meeting arrived.

After the inpatient briefing and surgery schedule, it was time to present the case.

The first person to present the case was a fellow at the Alang Department of Colorectal Surgery.

‘Meijo is tough.’

Ki-Seok Choi clicked his tongue as he looked at Alang standing on the podium.

At Uijin University Hospital, only interns and residents presented cases. This means that your skills are still not good enough so you should practice more. However, Meijo even had a specialist presenting the case.

In a way, I could only see it as amazing.

“From now on, I will tell you my knowledge about the latest treatment for colon cancer,”

Alang began.

The eight-minute presentation that followed was perfect, with nothing to add or subtract.

After the presentation, there was applause and there were no additional questions.

“Next will be Mr. Choi’s presentation.”

The gastrointestinal surgery chief who was conducting the conference called Ki-Seok Choi.

Choi Ki-seok stood on the podium, receiving cheers from his colleagues around him.

He was not at all afraid of the gazes of Meijo scholars pouring down on him.

I had enough preparation and chose a topic that would be beneficial to the listener.

“What are you doing? Not starting.”

As Choi Ki-seok remained silent, Smith came forward.

This is his trademark posture, with his legs crossed and his chin resting on his fist.

“Then, now I will give a presentation on living liver transplant surgery using laparoscopy.”

“What? Did I hear wrong?”

“Are you doing liver transplant surgery through laparoscopy?”

Just mentioning the topic made some doctors excited.

That’s how unconventional Choi Ki-seok’s subject matter is.

“Until now, living liver transplant surgery required a large resection of more than 50 centimeters for the donor and donor. However, a new surgical method using a laparoscope has recently been developed, and we would like to introduce it to you.”

Choi Ki-seok began to explain step by step.

It is a method of adding your own interpretation to a simple PowerPoint.

‘good. It works.’

A smile appeared on his lips.

I could feel it vividly through my skin.

As time goes by, the audience is falling in love with you.

In particular, Smith never took his eyes off of him throughout the presentation.

“This concludes the presentation. If you have any questions, please raise your hand.”

As soon as she finished speaking, Emma raised her hand.

“I listened carefully to the presentation. To be honest, I doubt whether the laparoscopic liver transplant surgery just announced is actually possible.”


“I know that even liver cancer surgery is attempted laparoscopically, but I have never heard of a case of liver transplant surgery being performed laparoscopically. Isn’t this a simple unverified theory?”

“That’s right. That doesn’t make sense.”

“Where did you pick up this strange paper?”

Several doctors nodded at Emma’s point.

In the case of laparoscopic liver cancer surgery, only the cancerous tissue needs to be carefully removed.

However, laparoscopic liver transplantation was not that simple.

This is because the healthy liver of the liver donor and the liver of the patient with impaired function must be removed without any damage.

“I also believe that laparoscopic liver transplant surgery is unrealistic. The surgical field of view is too narrow and there is no proper way to stop the bleeding when it occurs.”

Alan continued what he had previously said.

There was a light of contempt in his gaze towards Choi Ki-seok.

“Mr. Choi. Case presentations are not a joke. It’s not just a place to talk about papers that seem interesting. I hope you’ll pay more attention in the future.”

Several doctors applauded Alan’s advice.

However, Choi Ki-seok’s expression did not change at all. In addition, there were people who maintained such a grave expression.

They are Smith and the hepatobiliary pancreatic surgeons.

“I listened carefully to your questions. It may sound absurd, but there is a country that has actually succeeded in laparoscopic liver transplant surgery. All 10 cases performed so far have been successful, and I understand that the postoperative outcomes are very good.”

“Where on earth is that place?”

Alan frowned and asked.

“This is Korea.”


“I don’t know about you, but Korea has the world’s best technology in the field of living liver transplantation. In particular, Seoul Jasan Hospital boasts the largest number of surgeries in the world, including living donor liver transplantation, 2:1 liver transplantation, and blood type incompatibility liver transplantation.”

Choi Ki-seok explained why laparoscopic liver transplant surgery is possible.

Development of an ultrasonic hemostat that prevents hemostasis.

The skill of Korean surgeons who overcame the narrow surgical field of view.

These two are the key points to the success of surgery.



After the explanation, there was a long silence.

Little by little, everyone felt that Choi Ki-seok’s announcement was not nonsense.

“Lastly, I would like to say something to Dr. Allang. An extremely narrow prejudice against surgery can be an obstacle to medical development and patient health. I hope you will be careful about this.”

Choi Ki-seok responded to what Alang had said and returned to his seat.

“Do you think doctors in other departments don’t know that Korea is the mecca of liver cancer surgery?”

“That’s right. We also went to training not long ago.”

Several hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgeons spoke.

I don’t know about other surgeries, but when it comes to liver cancer surgery, even Mayjo gives up and goes to Korea.

Because he has shown remarkable achievements in liver cancer surgery.

“Hmm. Then, next will be a case presentation by Sydney, the hepatobiliary pancreatic surgeon.”

The Chief of External Surgery led the meeting again.

“Wow. Mr. Choi is so cool. Everyone looks like they just got punched, right?”

When Choi Ki-seok returned, Jennifer smiled brightly.

Choi Ki-seok also responded with a smile.

As I took a sip of water and stared at the table on the other side, I suddenly made eye contact with Alan.

A fire was burning in Alan’s eyes.

Following the morning meeting, the rounds ended.

Choi Ki-seok checked the time and entered a hospital room.

The first patient, Mike, was lying in bed watching TV.

‘Are these foreign kids?’

Laughter broke out.

I thought he would be a bright and green kid because he was 9 years old, but Mike had the energy of a Korean middle school student.

His large build compared to his age made him look even older.

“Hello Mike. This is the doctor in charge of you.”

“Hello, teacher. By the way, are you Japanese?”

Choi Ki-seok forgot what to say for a moment due to the unexpected question.

“No. Are you from Korea?”

“Oh, I see.”

Mike looked a bit disappointed.

“Why does it make any difference if the teacher is Japanese?”

“It’s not that in particular, it’s because I like Japanese comics.”

“What cartoons do you like?”


“Oh. That ninja cartoon?”

Choi Ki-seok nodded slightly.

I didn’t like comics, but I heard quite a bit about Naruto. Was it the message that a person who works hard cannot beat a golden spoon and a gold spoon cannot beat a golden spoon who works hard?

“Do you know Naruto too, teacher?”

“I didn’t see it, I just heard about it. They said it was fun.”

“Yes. It’s really fun! Teacher, you should definitely watch it too.”

Mike said excitedly.

Even though he looks old on the outside, he is still a child on the inside.

“How are you feeling?”

“It hurts a little here, but it’s bearable.”

“The teacher will take a look.”

Choi Ki-seok examined the drainage tube.

The condition of the drainage tube was good and the amount of drainage was not large. I thought I could remove it in the afternoon.

“How are you feeling, sir?”

“Very good. No need to worry.”

“But don’t I have to have surgery later?”

Mike asked with a worried look on his face.

“Of course you have to get it to get healthy. But I think Mike will be able to overcome it. Just like the friends from Naruto.”

“…Yes. I think I can do it.”

“Rest well and talk to me at any time if you feel uncomfortable.”

Choi Ki-seok gave encouragement to Mike and left the hospital room.

Trudging. Trudging.

After checking the time, my steps quickened.

As I hurried to the operating room, I saw a familiar face in front of Rosette A.

“I guess the professor hasn’t arrived yet?”

“It’s a little late.”

Emma paused before continuing.

“The case presentation today was great. Actually, like Alang, I thought Mr. Choi brought a strange paper… I’d like to apologize here.”

“Is that something to apologize for?”

Choi Ki-seok waved his hand as if it was no big deal.

While we were having a short conversation, Paul arrived at Rosette.

Paul was a middle-aged black man who worked as a professor of gastrointestinal surgery.

“You both came. “I’m running out of time, so I’ll give you a quick briefing,”

Paul continued.

The patient to be operated on today was suffering from advanced stomach cancer.

The stage is T3 N2 M0, stage 3 stomach cancer, type A according to the TNM classification.

The surgery will save part of the upper part of the stomach and the rest. It was planned to perform a total gastrectomy, which cuts out the stomach area, and a Billos type 2 surgery, which connects the stomach and jejunum. The surgeon was Paul. The first assistant was Emma. The second assistant was




The third assistant was to be Jose.

” sorry. There’s urgent treatment…”

Jose stood in front of the three people, dragging the bed the patient was lying on.

“Now that you’ve made an excuse, come quickly into the rosette.”

Paul cut off the conversation and started scrubbing, and the other three also started scrubbing.

“It’s your first scrub, aren’t you nervous?”

Emma rubbed the brush and stared at Choi Ki-seok.

“Are you nervous? what is that? Are you eating it?”

“Anyway, you’re good at telling jokes. I’m looking forward to the scrub as well.”



Ki-seok Choi shook his head and entered the rosette.

Now then, let’s show off our skills again.

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Level Up Doctor

Level Up Doctor

Score 8.2
Status: Completed Type: Released: 2016 Native Language: Korean
Level-Up Doctor Growing up as an orphan, Jeong He-Jin didn’t open his heart to anyone. After giving his all to become a cardiothoracic surgeon, he got into an unfortunate accident, after which he woke up not as ‘Jeon He-Jin’ but as ‘Choi GiSeok’. And on top of that, he has to using his skills…? The accident changed his fate drastically… Can he become ‘the Greatest Cardiothoracic Surgeon’ as ‘Choi GiSeok’?


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