Level Up Doctor Chapter 155

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Preparing for farewell (1)

“I was wondering how the professor would proceed with this surgery.”

“Well, it’s definitely a troublesome case.”

Jang Hyuk-pil scratched his cheek at Choi Ki-seok’s words.

“Once the team members gather, let’s talk.”


While the three were talking, the rest of the staff filled the space.

Soon, the meeting for Hwang Ki-jeong’s surgery, which would be his fourth Saber surgery and the most difficult of all, began.

“Let’s start the briefing now.”

Taesik Kim stood in front of the screen holding a pointer.

Patient Hwang Ki-jeong visited an outpatient cardiology clinic after feeling shortness of breath and chest pain while filming an entertainment show. And through various tests, I was diagnosed with left ventricular aneurysm.

Afterwards, additional tests were performed urgently due to dysphagia while waiting for surgery, and stage 2 primary esophageal cancer and tracheal stenosis were added.

“If you look at the situation, it’s as if they came to remove the lump and then put the lump back on.”

After finishing his presentation, Taesik Kim smiled bitterly.

He returned to his seat and Jang Hyuk-pil came up to the podium.

“The principles of saber surgery. Would you like to tell me, Ki-seok?”

“If there is a pre-existing condition, we treat that condition first and then perform Saber surgery.”

“The reason is?”

“This is to ensure that other diseases do not affect the heart surgery.”

Hyukpil Jang nodded and glanced at his teammates.

“The important thing is whether it is right to insist on the principle in this case. If tracheotomy, esophageal reconstruction, and saber surgery to remove tracheal stenosis are performed separately, the patient’s physical strength will not be able to withstand it.”


“Of course, there is a way to lengthen the interval for each surgery, but it is not a very good method. The patient’s heart is getting worse due to the effects of complex diseases.”

“I have the same thoughts as you, Professor.”

“I feel the same way.”

Kim Tae-sik and Kang Ha-na added a word each.

“So, after much thought, I came to a conclusion. Let’s go for this surgery through collaborative surgery. What do you think?”

Jang Hyuk-pil’s words spread like an echo.

Collaborative surgery means performing surgery jointly with other departments.

Until now, Saber surgery has never been performed as a collaborative surgery in Korea.

“I am against it.”

Anesthetist Shin Areum raised her hand.


“Professor, don’t you mean that we will perform all three surgeries in one day?”

“you’re right.”

“Completing tracheotomy, esophageal reconstruction, and Saber surgery in one day is a huge burden on the patient. I think it would be better to perform other surgeries first while taking care of the patient’s heart.”

“I disagree with Mr. Shin’s opinion.”

Choi Ki-seok, who had been silent, came forward.

“If you look at the nursing records, you can see that patients often call the nurse and complain of chest pain. The number was so frequent that Dr. Kim, the attending physician, prescribed painkillers through PRN (when necessary).”


“Here, let’s combine the recovery period after tracheotomy and the recovery period after esophageal reconstruction. Then, at least one month is needed to perform Saber surgery safely.”

“It’s longer than I thought.”

“I think if we wait another month we’ll have an emergency.”

“I also have the same thoughts as Teacher Choi.”

Even Yoo Byeong-se, an artificial heart rate technician, agreed with Choi Ki-seok.

Collaborative surgery received overwhelming support in the majority vote that took place shortly thereafter.

“Now, we will explain the outline of the surgery and allocate roles.”

Hyukpil Jang continued speaking.

The first surgery, tracheotomy.

The surgeon performing this surgery is Park Yong-il, a pulmonary esophageal surgeon.

The first assistant is Taesik Kim and the second assistant is Jihoon Seo.

In addition, assistant parts Shin Ah-reum, Yoo Byung-se, and Kang Ha-na participate in all surgeries.

“According to the original plan, Ki-seok was supposed to be the second assistant, but Professor Park asked that he want to use Ji-hoon. You understand that much, right?”


Choi Ki-seok answered calmly.

Because there is no one in the country who does not know that Park Yong-il is supporting Seo Ji-hoon.

The second surgery, esophageal reconstruction.

This surgery is performed jointly by thoracic surgery and gastrointestinal surgery.

If the esophagus is resected in thoracic surgery, the stomach and esophagus are connected in gastrointestinal surgery.

In the thoracic surgery department, Kim Tae-sik, who previously performed a tracheotomy, will remain as first assistant.

When it comes to the gastrointestinal surgery part, Kim Tae-sik appears and Choi Ki-seok becomes the first assistant.

Additionally, Seo Ji-hoon will remain as second assistant.

“Professor. Do I assist in gastrointestinal surgery?”

Choi Ki-seok asked back in surprise.

When it comes to gastrointestinal surgery, it is normal for staff there to assist. I don’t know if it’s a second assistant, but it would be absurd to be the first assistant.

“I came to see Professor Myeong-Woon Jeong during the day. I asked him to perform a collaborative surgery, and he asked me to appoint you as an assistant. Otherwise, he said he would not perform the surgery himself.”

“Ah… I understand.”

Choi Ki-seok belatedly nodded.

Myungwoon Jeong is an associate professor of gastrointestinal surgery.

He had the passive ability to ignore the weak and the eagle eye skill, and had a great influence on him during his early days. I never thought we would meet again like this, even though our majors were different.

“Once the gastrointestinal surgeon completes the esophageal reconstruction, we will meet again and perform the Saber surgery. Does anyone have any questions?”


“Good. Let’s do well in the surgery in two days.”

The meeting ended with Jang Hyuk-pil’s fighting spirit.

Choi Ki-seok clenched his fists as he left the conference room.

Saber’s surgery, which is the last before leaving for Meijo, will definitely be successful.

* * *

Early morning on the day of the final saber surgery.

Choi Ki-seok leaned against the back of the dormitory bed with his eyes closed.

I am looking at the videos I have shot with the eyes of a dragon.

The first thing to be regenerated was a tracheotomy.

A video of Park Yong-il performing the procedure was saved.

Choi Ki-seok watched the video once while possessing Park Yong-il, and watched it again while possessing him as the first assistant.

As I watched the video with concentration, I became absorbed.

‘Come to your senses.’


I lightly slapped my face and looked at the next video.

We reviewed the esophageal reconstruction surgery in the thoracic surgery section with Park Yong-il, as well as the gastroesophageal suturing and Saber surgery that were filmed not long ago.

Ki-Seok Choi finished studying the video and went to the hideout.

When I opened the Styrofoam box in front of the door, a fresh pig stomach was revealed.

‘mister. thank you.’

A smile appeared on my lips.

To practice surgery, I asked a butcher for a pig’s stomach for the past two days.

Thankfully, the man sent me the gift without saying anything.

Choi Ki-seok took the Styrofoam box and entered the hideout. After quickly completing the surgery setup, I started practicing at home on the gastrointestinal part of the esophageal reconstruction surgery.


The scalpel moved slowly.

With elaborate movements, the stomach gradually took on a new shape.

Also known as design.

This involves cutting some of the tissue in the stomach to better connect it to the esophagus and saving the nerves and blood vessels.

Ki-Seok Choi pretended to connect the stomach he had finished designing to the esophagus.

After all, practice is practice.

It cannot be the same as the actual situation.

The exercise ended by connecting the stomach to the virtual esophagus and performing a single anastomosis.


I wiped the sweat from my forehead.

Although I was fully prepared, there was one thing that was disappointing.

The problem is that Dragon’s Eye’s new effect, Water and All, will not be activated today.

Throughout the practice, I did not feel the floating feeling that is characteristic of Mula Ilche.

“I can’t help it.”

After cleaning up, I went to the thoracic surgery ward. However, while walking down the hallway, I ran into Hwang Ji-yeon.

“Senior. Hello.”

I nodded lightly at Hwang Ji-yeon’s greeting.

“Today is the day of the joint surgery, right? I think you must be very nervous. The patient is marathon hero Hwang Ki-jeong.”

Hwang Ji-yeon smiled and pushed her long hair behind her ear.

“I’m not particularly nervous, right? I’m sure it will be successful.”

“As expected, senior! It’s cool. Hey… please at least try this. It’s the soy milk I just bought at the convenience store.”

When Hwang Ji-yeon opened the lid of the drink and held it out, Choi Ki-seok put his mouth to the bottle.

“Give me the lid. I’ll drink the rest later.”


Choi Ki-seok took the drink and entered the conference room.

Youngho Lee is practicing suturing today as usual.


“good morning.”

“Why soy milk? You don’t usually eat anything in the morning.”

“Jiyeon gave it to me, so I took it.”

Choi Ki-seok put the drink he had put in his gown into the drawer.

“If you’re not going to eat it, give it to me. Don’t keep it hidden like that.”

“No. Don’t drink it. Never!”


“There is such a thing.”

Choi Ki-seok looked down at his drink and closed the drawer.

* * *

Surgical observation room.


The door opened and the thoracic surgery staff, including Jo Ji-hwan, went inside. As the collaborative surgery was in progress, some of the gastrointestinal surgery staff also came to observe.

“I’m so nervous for no reason.”

Jo Ji-hwan sat down and placed his hand on his heart.

Today’s surgery is monumental in many ways.

It is the first time that surgery has been performed on a celebrity like Hwang Ki-jeong, and it is also the first time that collaborative surgery has been added to a difficult surgery such as Saber surgery.

If this surgery is successful, Uijin University Heart Clinic will suddenly emerge as the best heart clinic.

“Professor Kwon, what do you think of today’s surgery?”

Jo Ji-hwan’s eyes turned to Kwon Il-soo, who was sitting next to him.

“I think the success of the tracheotomy and esophageal reconstruction will determine victory or defeat. The Saber team’s Saber surgery is fully established.”

“Hmm… If the surgeons are Professor Park and Professor Jeong, I don’t think there’s much to worry about…”

Jo Ji-hwan muttered quietly.

What I’m worried about now is not the surgery, but the patient.

Whether a patient will tolerate three different surgeries well or suffer from complications after surgery.

“How’s the Norwood team doing these days?”

I changed the topic to relieve my anxiety.

“We recently received the fourth case at the outpatient clinic. I think the surgery will begin sometime next week.”

“I know Professor Kwon’s skills, but I’m always nervous. If I fail even once… you know?”

“Yes. I will keep that in mind.”

Kwon Il-soo lowered his head.


While we were talking, the rosette door opened and the patient and staff appeared.

* * *

Operating room.

The Saber surgery staff, Yong-il Park, and Ji-hoon Seo, whom he brought with him, had a short briefing.

“It won’t be easy. To reduce the burden on the patient, the surgery time will have to be shortened as much as possible…”

Park Yong-il frowned.

Pulmonary Esophageal Surgery Gastrointestinal Surgery Thoracic Surgery.

It is not usual to perform these three areas of surgery one after another. It is obvious that if one surgery goes wrong, it will have a big impact on the next surgery.

“I’m sorry for putting such a burden on you.”

“No. I also think it’s better to get the surgery done in one go.”

Park Yong-il calmly responded to Jang Hyuk-pil’s words.

“But why doesn’t Professor Jeong come here?”

“Surgery is going on in the rosette next door. They said they would finish in an hour and then join us.”

“That’s good. I was worried that there might be a puncture. In gastrointestinal surgery, the only person who can make today’s surgery successful is Professor Jeong.”

“I agree,”

Hyukpil Jang answered briefly and looked at the staff.

“Then, let’s do our best and begin the surgery with the first team. One, two, three. Fighting.”


A loud cry spread throughout the operating room.

Surgeon Park

Yong-il, first assistant

Kim Tae-sik, second assistant Seo Ji-hoon,

third assistant Lee Young-ho,

disinfection nurse Kang Ha-na,

heart-lung technician Yoo Byeong-se, and anesthetist

Shin A-reum. .

After finishing the scrub, the first team headed to the rosette.

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Level Up Doctor

Level Up Doctor

Score 8.2
Status: Completed Type: Released: 2016 Native Language: Korean
Level-Up Doctor Growing up as an orphan, Jeong He-Jin didn’t open his heart to anyone. After giving his all to become a cardiothoracic surgeon, he got into an unfortunate accident, after which he woke up not as ‘Jeon He-Jin’ but as ‘Choi GiSeok’. And on top of that, he has to using his skills…? The accident changed his fate drastically… Can he become ‘the Greatest Cardiothoracic Surgeon’ as ‘Choi GiSeok’?


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