Level Up Doctor Chapter 147

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Liberation (6)

“What were you trying to say, bro?”

“It’s no big deal.”

Choi Ki-seok shook his head and entered the building.

We arrived earlier than scheduled, but there were many people waiting. These are people who came to take number tickets first.

After chatting with Seongbeom Kang, it was soon my turn.

Ki-Seok Choi received a number ticket and completed identity verification. Afterwards, I entered the locker room and changed into my prosecutor’s uniform.

“what the.”

When I changed clothes and stood in front of the mirror, I burst into laughter.

He used to wear surgical scrubs and a doctor’s gown, but now he was wearing a short-sleeved T-shirt with the Military Manpower Administration logo, shorts, and slippers. If my colleagues had seen this, they would have been upset.

Choi Ki-seok turned to Kang Seong-beom and the staff at the desk.

“Would you like me to issue you a country love card and account?”

“No account required.”

Seongbeom Kang answered chicly.

“If it is not linked to your account, it will be inconvenient to use a public phone or a cyber knowledge information room. 9 out of 10 people receive this card.”

“I don’t care. I’m not going on active duty.”

“Ah yes.”

The female employee made a subtle expression in response to Kang Seong-beom’s answer.

Unlike Kang Seong-beom, Choi Ki-seok was issued a country love card with linked accounts.

There is little chance of him playing active duty. But there was no harm in getting it issued. If I get to level 4, I might be able to use it at the recruit training center.

Soon, the basic physical examination began.

The waiting time was boring because the queue was long.

“But are you hurting too?”

Seongbeom Kang pointed to the envelope in his hand.

“I had a heart transplant.”

“Wow, that’s amazing. Really? Are you feeling okay? Can you do your daily life?”

“As long as you take your medicine and take good care of yourself, you’ll be fine.”

“Then the sentence is also exempted. Kkkkkkkkk. Poor kids.”

Seongbeom Kang stared at the men receiving blood tests.

As time passed, urine tests, blood pressure measurements, and X-ray tests were completed, and a decision for each department remained.

Those with no health problems were ignored, and only those who brought medical records faced the Military Manpower Administration physical examination doctor.

After passing all the other departments, Ki-Seok Choi sat in front of the cardiology department.

“Are you sick?”

Taejin Lee asked with a sour expression.

“I had a heart transplant.”

“Heart transplant? What about the data?”

“Here it is.”

When Choi Ki-seok held out an envelope, Lee Tae-jin looked through the medical records.

His eyes trembled uneasily as he looked at Taejin Lee.

Lee Tae-jin’s decision determines military service.

At this moment, my heart could not help but shrink.

“You must be going through a lot. Are you taking your immunosuppressants well?”


“You look a little older. Are you a graduate student?”

“Well… I’m a resident in the Department of Thoracic Surgery at Uijin University.”

“You’re a doctor?”

Taejin Lee’s eyes widened.

“Daily life won’t be easy, but being a doctor… and a thoracic surgeon…”

“After receiving the transplant surgery, I wanted to go to a thoracic surgeon even more.”

“Hmm… Is the progress really that good?”

Taejin Lee rubbed his chin.

“Anyway, let’s go.”

I left at Taejin Lee’s gesture.

After all the tests were completed, only the military service decision remained.

Choi Ki-seok and Kang Seong-beom sat side by side and waited for the test results.

“Did you get a good verdict?”

“Of course. The doctor listened to me very well. The atmosphere was very friendly.”

Seongbeom Kang answered with a smile.

Beep beep beep.

[Congratulations. This is level 1 for active duty.]


Those who had been summoned earlier were judged to be active duty amid congratulations. Most of them turned away calmly, but some smiled as if they were crazy.

Just like the classic fighting game character Iori Agami….

“Mr. Kang Seong-beom, please come forward.”


Seongbeom Kang answered bravely and headed to the desk.

Data on disc surgery and aftereffects were perfectly prepared, and the atmosphere with the examining surgeon was good. So I was overflowing with confidence that I would not go on active duty.

When I put my Love for Country card on the reader, I heard an electronic sound.

Beep beep beep.

[Congratulations. This is level 3 for active duty.]

“As expected… huh?”

Seongbeom Kang checked the monitor and opened his eyes wide.

What kind of ghost talk is this?

I… I’m level 3!

“Hey. Something seems wrong.”

“The decision was made correctly. Please go back.”

“No, it’s really strange? Please let me check.”

“It’s just as it appears on the monitor.”

Kang Seong-beom grabbed his hair at the female employee’s words.

It was difficult to understand this situation. I was angry and approached the orthopedic surgeon to argue with him, but to no avail.

Eventually, I got tired of my own struggles and sat down.

“Choi Ki-seok.”


Choi Ki-seok moved to the desk and put the Love for Country card on the reader.

Beep beep beep.

[It failed. [This is the 2nd National Station.]

The moment I checked the monitor, I let out a sigh of relief.

The second civilian service does not receive basic training and only receives civil defense training once a year. If you do not attend, you only have to pay a fine, so there is no problem even if you live abroad.

“Wow. They said I failed.”

“i envy you.”

The people waiting stared at Choi Ki-seok with admiring gaze.

The sweetest rejection in the world is the rejection you receive at the draft inspection center.

“Hyung… I’m really jealous… Ah, you shouldn’t say things like this.”

“You promised me you would get a level 4, why are you doing that?”

“I don’t know. Could it be that they kicked me out to save a position for the politician’s son?”

Seongbeom Kang smiled bitterly.

“This… I have nothing to say.”

Choi Ki-seok patted Kang Seong-beom on the shoulder.

Afterwards, the two men finished their return and left the Military Manpower Administration. The boring and long examination was over and the sun was setting.

“Would you like to have dinner together? I’ll buy it.”

“I won’t eat what my brother buys me.”

Seongbeom Kang spoke in a joking tone.

“That’s just a joke and I have a prior engagement. I’ll go first.”

“Yes. You had a hard time.”

Choi Ki-seok did not ask for Kang Seong-beom’s contact information, and Kang Seong-beom also did not ask for his contact information.

We both knew very well that it was a passing relationship.


While heading to the bus stop, Jeong Seol-hwa received a message.

[There’s an after-party at the conference, and I can’t miss it. sorry. I don’t think I’ll be able to see you today.]

Ki-Seok Choi replied that it was okay and sighed.

With the promise broken, there was nothing left to do again.

‘okay. It’s the last day off, let’s get some rest.’

While I was relaxing, the phone suddenly rang. Because it was my first time seeing the number, I straightened my back without realizing it.


[Mr. Choi. How are you?]

“Who are you?”

[It’s me. Eungryong’s father.]

The other person’s answer made me laugh.

The person calling is none other than Han Seung-woo. While on duty for 100 days, I stitched his wounds instead of a plastic surgeon. I made a few calls after that but forgot to save the number.

“Why did you call me?”

[Does something really have to happen to call me? As I was looking at Eungryong, I suddenly thought of Teacher Choi.]

Han Seung-woo laughed heartily.

[If it’s okay, can we have dinner together tonight? Because I’ll shoot big.]

“If you shoot big, there’s no reason to refuse.”

[First, go over to Seocho-dong and call me again. I’ll send the kids.]

“I understand.”

Choi Ki-seok hung up the phone and took a taxi.

I was sad to go back home, but I got a call right away.

When he arrived at Seocho Station and called, a luxury car stopped in front of him.

“Are you by any chance Teacher Choi?”

A man got out of the passenger seat and asked. The man was wearing a suit and large sunglasses. He had such a nice appearance that I knew right away that he was from there(?).

“Oh yes. That’s right.”

“Let’s get in. Your brother is waiting.”

I got into the rear seat under the guidance of a man.

Eventually, the car passed through a narrow alley and arrived at the entertainment district. Although it was only 7 p.m., the signs of nightclubs and bars were emitting bright lights.

“I think I heard that Dr. Choi is a doctor. Is that correct?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“It’s great that you liked it, brother. I’m only talking about this because it’s just the two of us, but it’s not the first time that you’ve come out of the hospital acting out.”

“He was a bit mean-spirited when he met me. But I don’t think it was to the point where he would cause a fuss…” “

That’s because Dr. Choi was good at treating him. There’s even a doctor who broke his teeth after being beaten by my brother.”

“I see. I have a question.”

“You tell me.”

“What kind of person is Seungwoo?”

The information he knows about Han Seung-woo is fragmentary.

Based on his appearance in the emergency room and the subtle aura he gave in his conversations, we can only guess that he is a gangster.

“My brother is truly an amazing person. He worked his way up from the lowest level to the leader of the action without any support. Although he has a fiery personality, he takes good care of his subordinates, so everyone likes him. This is him. Please follow me.”

The man got off first and was escorted.

After going down the narrow, dark stairs, we arrived at a bar that had the atmosphere of a Japanese restaurant.

The kitchen was open and several guests were eating.

As I followed the man deeper into the store, I came into a large room.

“You can go inside.”


As soon as Choi Ki-seok went inside, Han Seung-woo jumped up from his seat.

“Teacher Choi. Are you here?”

“It’s been a while since I saw you. Eungryong, how are you doing?”

“Am. Of course. Now I even have a friend, Eungchil.”

Han Seung-woo showed his yellow teeth and held out both arms. The dragon tattoo, which was only on one arm, was engraved on both arms.

“Your friend looks good too.”

“Right? Come on, sit down.”

Soon, high-quality raw fish and side dishes were spread on the table.

In addition, women wearing clothes that exposed their breasts and thighs sat next to the two people.

“Would you like a drink?”

“Yes. Please understand that I cannot drink much because I had heart transplant surgery.”

“That can’t be helped.”

At Han Seung-woo’s glance, the women sitting next to him poured drinks.


Choi Ki-seok clinked his glasses and poured out his drink in one go.

“Does this taste unusual?”

“Of course I should. It’s expensive alcohol that my eldest brother bought from his trip to China.”

“Oppa, what does this person do? Looking cute is my style.”

“Hyunkyung says this bitch always has her style when she brings someone with her. But this friend is not someone you can mess with.”

“Why? What’s wrong with me?”

Lee Hyun-kyung, sitting next to him, looked at Choi Ki-seok and smiled.

Heavy makeup and strong perfume smell.

The alluring face and sexy outfit combined shook his heart.

“Oh my. You just rolled your eyes, right? It’s really cute.”

“Don’t be fooled? Dr. Choi is a doctor. He’s completely different from the rest of us.”

“Doctor? Where is the hospital?”

“You don’t have to know.”

As Han Seung-woo drew a line, Lee Hyun-kyung stuck out her lips. The

drinking party with Han Seung-woo began in earnest.

Rather than telling his own story, Choi Ki-seok listened to Han Seung-woo.

Gangster. It was because I had no contact with him.

Additionally, I hadn’t touched alcohol since my first drink.

‘If I become friends with someone like this, it will help me someday.’

Choi Ki-seok entered the conversation with that mindset. I wonder

how much time had passed.

The two people finished drinking and went outside.

“Your drinking capacity is amazing. I think you emptied two bottles by yourself.”

“That’s the way it should be. What I’ve realized while living in this neighborhood is that there’s no one who drinks easily but can’t work. ah. Except for Teacher Choi, of course.”

Han Seung-woo lit a cigarette.

“By the way, you don’t like Hyeon-kyung? “I assigned an ace to our business, but the response wasn’t very positive.”

“Because I’m not bright in this area. I also have a girlfriend.”

“Huh! To be naive. That’s a shame, by the way. Judging by Hyun-kyung’s reaction, it seems like he had the intention of going there.”

Han Seung-woo pointed to the motel behind him with his thumb.

“How about the second round?”

“I think we should go in now.”

“Well, Teacher Choi has to go to work, right?”

Han Seung-woo snuffed out the butt with his foot.

But just then.

Three large men entered the alley.

Unnervingly, their steps were pointed precisely at the two people.

“Our Seung-woo. It’s hard to see your face these days,

isn’t it ?” I cried.

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Level Up Doctor

Level Up Doctor

Score 8.2
Status: Completed Type: Released: 2016 Native Language: Korean
Level-Up Doctor Growing up as an orphan, Jeong He-Jin didn’t open his heart to anyone. After giving his all to become a cardiothoracic surgeon, he got into an unfortunate accident, after which he woke up not as ‘Jeon He-Jin’ but as ‘Choi GiSeok’. And on top of that, he has to using his skills…? The accident changed his fate drastically… Can he become ‘the Greatest Cardiothoracic Surgeon’ as ‘Choi GiSeok’?


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