Level Up Doctor Chapter 130

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Saber Surgery (1)

“Are you okay?”

Choi Ki-seok knelt down and looked at Yang Ji-hyeon’s condition.

Physical strength: 4/10

Main symptom: Difficulty breathing / cramps

Painful area: Lungs / Bronchi

Diagnosis: Asthma

Current status: Emergency Progress

: Poor Past history

: None

After checking the condition, I came to my senses.

First, he supported Yang Ji-hyun’s upper body with one arm and made it at a 15-degree angle. He then tapped her shoulder with his other hand to check if she was conscious.

“Huhhh… Hmm.”

Yang Ji-hyeon barely breathed and narrowed her eyes.

Being conscious is a blessing in disguise.

“Don’t be too scared and just breathe slowly. You can do it, right?”


“Now. Breathe in slowly and exhale slowly.”

Choi Ki-seok took a deep breath and searched Yang Ji-hyun’s clothes. A small container was caught at the tip of my busy fingers.

Yang Ji-hyeon had a portable inhaler.

Expected hit!

Choi Ki-seok removed the inhaler cap, shook it, and placed the inhaler in Yang Ji-hyeon’s mouth. And I pressed the top button just as Yang Ji-hyun was taking a breath.

“Jihyun. Hold your breath and take it slow.”

Yang Ji-hyeon followed Choi Ki-seok’s instructions.

After using the inhaler over time, Yang Ji-hyeon’s complexion returned.

His breathing was normal and his eyes were alive.

“Excuse me, could you please bring me some lukewarm water?”

“Huh? Sure.”

Jo Ji-hwan went to the bathroom and got some water from the bottle.

Choi Ki-seok encouraged Yang Ji-hyun to drink the water that Jo Ji-hwan brought.

Drinking lukewarm water helps expel phlegm.

“Cough. Cough.”

When Yang Ji-hyeon coughed so much that her body shook, sticky phlegm stuck to the floor.

“Are you okay now?”


Jihyun Yang nodded weakly.

Choi Ki-seok roughly checked Yang Ji-hyeon’s pulse, breathing, and temperature and examined her condition with the eyes of Hippocrates.

With prompt first aid, the symptoms disappeared.

“I’ll take Jihyun to the ambulance. I think you two can go to work.”

“I understand.”

“I’m the vice president’s nephew, so take care.”

Association president Nam Sung-cheol, Jo Ji-hwan, and Jinseong University’s head of thoracic surgery went into the bathroom.

“Didn’t you say that that friend was a famous first-year student at Uijin University? Did you say his name was Choi Ki-seok?”

Nam Nam-cheol came out of the bathroom and opened his mouth.

“Yes. He is a very talented friend. After all, he has made a name for himself ever since he was an intern. He is now a member of Professor Jang’s saber team.”

“A year after Reggie got Saber surgery?”

“I thought you would be surprised. When Professor Jang said he would use that guy as an assistant, I thought I was going crazy. But he has more than enough skills to do that.”


Namseongcheol rubbed his chin.

Choi Ki-seok’s treatment we just saw was top-notch.

After realizing that Yang Ji-hyun had an asthma attack, he showed off a treatment worth 100 out of 100 points.

“It certainly doesn’t seem like an average bet. But that’s true.”


“I think I heard that that friend is Professor Song’s student… It may be okay now, but will you be able to control it later?”

“Don’t worry. It’s up to you to tame the people below.”

“I know that you are good at manipulating people. However, it is not good to let down your guard too much. Professor Song had a very upright style, so he suffered, and that kid…”

Nam Seong-cheol trailed off.

Suddenly I remembered Choi Ki-seok intentionally allowing a shot in the soccer final.

“I will be careful.”

“Okay. Prepare in advance so you don’t get stabbed in the back.”

Nam Nam-cheol walked in front and the two people followed him.

Meanwhile, Choi Ki-seok is moving in an ambulance with Yang Ji-hyun on his back.

“Jihyun had asthma. You didn’t know.”

“Because I didn’t tell you.”

Yang Ji-hyeon answered calmly and continued.

“Uncle… No, thank you, brother.”

“I didn’t do anything special. Well, anyway, isn’t it inconvenient to have asthma?

“But I’m fine now.”

Yang Ji-hyeon’s brave reply was heartbreaking.

Choi Ki-seok knew very well that the daily life of asthma patients was inconvenient.

Asthma patients Not only is it difficult to manage her symptoms, but she also lives with the fear of not knowing when and how a seizure may occur. As she

grows older, the burden will be even greater for young Yang Ji-hyeon.

While walking while talking, they reached the ambulance.

Choi Ki-seok was in the emergency room . I told the doctor on standby about the situation so far and asked him to look after Jihyun Yang.

Currently, he is only in his first year of

registration. Only if he gets a sign from the doctor on standby that he is okay will the people around him feel at ease.

“I think he’s okay now, right? Let her get some rest.”


Choi Ki-seok took Yang Ji-hyun and moved to the bench.


ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-tap the sound of footsteps was heard, and when I turned my head, Park Sun-jae was running towards me.

“Haa… Haa… Ji-hyun. I heard you fell?”

“Uncle, I’m okay.”


Park Sunjae hugged Yang Jihyeon tightly.

“I’m sorry. “I brought him with me and didn’t even pay attention to him.”

“It’s okay.”

“First aid was over and he was treated in the ambulance, but he says there’s nothing wrong now.”

“Thank you, Ki-seok.”

Park Sun-jae stared at Choi Ki-seok.


[With Park Sun-jae] Rapport has risen to level 2 faith.]

NEW [Park Soon-jae (Medical Worker): Rapport Level 2 – Faith]

[You have obtained the right to request a favor by successfully completing the hidden mission ‘My Precious Nephew.’ If you make a personal favor to Park Soon-jae, you will receive 80% of the favor. There is a chance that the player’s request will be accepted.]

* * *

The sports competition ended safely around sunset.

Except for Yang Ji-hyun’s seizure, there were no unusual events.

No one was injured during the sports competition, and the atmosphere of the competition was friendly throughout.

Choi Ki-seok He took the wheel instead of the drunk Jo Ji-hwan and Kwon Il-soo.

‘It’s a good thing you came.’

This is a general review after looking back at the sports conversation.

First of all, you impressed the thoracic surgeons with your amazing goalkeeping skills. In addition, you treated Yang Ji-hyun in front of the president of the association, and thanks to that, you even got a favor from Park Soon-jae. It was a day with great results.

Professor. Am I a worse person than Jang Hyuk-pil?”

Kwon Il-soo, perhaps intoxicated, asked directly.

“Don’t say nonsense. “As a sergeant, your abilities are the best in our department.” “

But why are I and Jang Hyuk-pil competing? Shouldn’t I be the associate professor?”

“I know how you feel. “But,”

Jo Ji-hwan paused before continuing.

“It’s right that you personally appoint Professor Jang and become an associate professor. Imagine that you became an associate professor through my nomination. “Will Professor Jang, who came in first, stay still?”


“I’ll take special care of you, so get the Norwood team together. Then everything is ok.”


“What do you think? Kiseok, do you think the same as me?”

“Yes. As expected, you are the manager.”

Choi Ki-seok answered as if he had been waiting and stared at Kwon Il-soo.

Kwon Il-soo was smiling as if he liked Jo Ji-hwan’s answer. I could

only sigh at the sight of him trusting Jo Ji-hwan. I can’t believe

I fell for such an obvious sugarcoat. …

Moreover, it is a disadvantage to reveal your true feelings under the influence of alcohol like now. It is a mistake to think that the other person is also speaking his true feelings just because you are speaking your truth. This is especially true if the other person is Jo Ji-hwan. In Choi Ki-seok’s opinion, Jo Ji-hwan is Jang Hyuk-


and He was weighing Kwon Il-soo.

In other words, he is not on anyone’s side.

If he were on his side, he would probably be the one who successfully completes the project surgery first.

Suddenly, I felt sorry for Kwon Il-soo, who did not have the political power to match his surgical skills. His teacher

left for the United States from him. The appearances overlapped.

After a while, Choi Ki-seok dropped Jo Ji-hwan and Kwon Il-soo out of the car and got into a taxi. The

long-awaited outing was coming to an end.

* * *

The next day.

Choi Ki-seok finished practicing his housework at the hideout and went up to the ward.


When I entered the conference room, Youngho Lee was practicing suturing.

“Have you finished the treatment?”

“Yes. It was finished 30 minutes ago.”

“It’s pretty good? You’re doing very well.”

Lee Young-ho smiled brightly at Choi Ki-seok’s praise.

Choi Ki-seok sat next to him and watched him suturing.

Although the speed was slower than in the past, the accuracy has improved. He seems to be keeping the advice he gave a while ago.

He worked hard . I felt proud when I saw my student practicing.

“By the way… shall we talk about the impressions?”

“Okay… the impressions?”

“Okay. The review you sent last night.”

Choi Ki-seok told Young-ho Lee to read the paper and send him a review, just as Song Myeong-jin had done for him.

“I looked at it this morning and it’s in a complete mess?” ”


“You summarized the content well too. “It wasn’t done and I didn’t even research the data?”

“Well… I was busy practicing suturing… Instead, I did a lot of suturing.”

Youngho Lee held out a box containing the dolls that had been sewn up so far.

“I did the suturing as per the sutures. The thesis must be read as written. Just having good manual skills doesn’t mean you’ll be a great swordsman. It is important to know what the surgical trends are these days and what surgical methods are less burdensome to patients.


“I know it’s hard, but pay more attention. Then your skills will improve.”

While I was talking with Youngho Lee, Minjoohyuk came into the conference room.

“Hello, senior.”

“Hi. How was the sports day yesterday?”

Min Joo-hyuk sat next to Choi Ki-seok and asked.

“It was nice to get some fresh air outside for the first time in a long time. I also enjoyed playing soccer and saw a lot of doctors at other hospitals.”

“I’m glad you liked it. I was sorry for ordering it for no reason.”

“No. If you think about it, it’s much harder to convince Jihoon than to go to the sports competition.”

“Damn. Thank you for thinking that way.”

Min Joo-hyuk tapped Choi Ki-seok on the shoulder.

After a while, the morning meeting and rounds ended.

Normally, the staff would have dispersed, but today was different.

All staff, including Jo Ji-hwan, headed to the third floor of the annex.

“Wow. This is awesome.”

“It’s a completely new world.”

The staff exclaimed in exclamation as they looked around the heart clinic that was being remodeled.

In the past, the heart clinic was a gloomy space filled with gray walls and old furniture. However, during the remodeling, the atmosphere changed 180 degrees. The overall atmosphere was overflowing with sophistication, and all the fixtures were new.

“The major remodeling has already been completed. The heart clinic will probably open in earnest in about two weeks.”

Jo Ji-hwan took a pause and then continued.

“As everyone knows, the cardiology clinic is the future of our department. If operated well, it will serve as a stepping stone to surpassing the thoracic surgery departments of the Big 5 hospitals.”


“Isn’t everyone curious? Why did I, who prefer safe surgery, allow the Saber and Norwood teams?”

Jo Ji-hwan changed the topic.

“Suppose our department becomes famous for Saber surgery and Norwood surgery. Then, from the patient’s perspective, he or she would want to have surgery in our department, which can perform difficult surgeries with ease. Isn’t that right?”

“That’s right.”

“So, this project has a lot of risk, but the gain is also big. You both understand, right?”

Jo Ji-hwan’s gaze turned to Jang Hyuk-pil and Kwon Il-soo.

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

“Yes. Okay.”

“What is the current progress of the Norwood team?”

“We are practicing surgery every other day. We will begin case surgery as soon as we find a patient.” ”

What about Saber?”

“We have already secured a case patient. “I did,”

Jang Hyuk-pil continued with a gentle smile.

“I will perform Saber surgery this Wednesday.”

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Level Up Doctor

Level Up Doctor

Score 8.2
Status: Completed Type: Released: 2016 Native Language: Korean
Level-Up Doctor Growing up as an orphan, Jeong He-Jin didn’t open his heart to anyone. After giving his all to become a cardiothoracic surgeon, he got into an unfortunate accident, after which he woke up not as ‘Jeon He-Jin’ but as ‘Choi GiSeok’. And on top of that, he has to using his skills…? The accident changed his fate drastically… Can he become ‘the Greatest Cardiothoracic Surgeon’ as ‘Choi GiSeok’?


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