Level Up Doctor Chapter 120

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Team Saber, the second (4)

“Was it Kiseok?”

Jo Ji-hwan showed a surprised expression. In fact, this is the first time Choi Ki-seok came to see him alone.

“Yes, Chief.”

“Sit there.”

Jo Ji-hwan finished his work and sat down opposite Choi Ki-seok.

The two people stared at each other for a while as if they were engaged in an exploratory battle. The first to speak was Jo Ji-hwan.

“I had a good time with the surgery yesterday. Thanks to you, the surgery time was shortened.”

“My role was not that big, because Professor Jang and Teacher Kim were quick to suture.”

“Well, there is something like that.”

Jo Ji-hwan rubbed his chin and continued.

“If something good happens in the future, tell me in advance.”

“I’m not sure what you’re talking about.”

“You mean yesterday’s news? You went outside the hospital for a moment and helped a woman give birth?”

“Ah. Yes, something like that happened a few days ago.”

Choi Ki-seok belatedly remembered Park Gwang-soo.

Park Gwang-soo said he would publish an article about what he did outside. However, this was sent as news rather than an article, and Jo Ji-hwan seems to have seen it.

“If I had known in advance, I could have published your news in the hospital newsletter. Wouldn’t it be funny if something that made the news was buried in the hospital?”

“I’m sorry. I don’t think it’s a big deal… so I’ll tell you in advance from now on.”

“Ahm. That’s right. By the way, what’s your business?”

Jo Ji-hwan’s eyes became sharp.

This is Jo Ji-hwan, a 100-level perseverant.

He must have already realized that he didn’t come here to be alone with nothing to do.

Choi Ki-seok took a deep breath and calmed his mind.

A frozen heart is useless in this situation, and you must overcome the difficulties with your own strength.

“There is a big problem in our department. I would like to borrow your wisdom to solve the problem.”

“There’s a problem I don’t know about?”

Jo Ji-hwan openly expressed his discomfort.

“That’s right. The Chief is continuously sexually harassing new nurse Lee Ye-rim. I think measures are needed.”

Choi Ki-seok handed the cell phone that played the CCTV video to Jo Ji-hwan, and Jo Ji-hwan frowned and looked down at the video.

A silence as heavy as lead followed.

The air in the manager’s office became tense, as if it might burst at any moment.

Eventually, Jo Ji-hwan returned the cell phone to Choi Ki-seok.

“Clearly this is a problem I wasn’t aware of.”


“I will call a teacher and talk to him.”

“Chief, I’m sorry, but may I ask what kind of punishment there will be?”

Ki-Seok Choi asked a specific question.

In the past, he would have answered that he understood and waited for Jo Ji-hwan to be treated. However, as political power increased and awareness of political power increased, behavior changed.

At best, you can’t just make room and skip over the most important matters.

“Do I have to report such trivial things?”

Jo Ji-hwan’s eyebrows twitched.

“I understand the Chief may be uncomfortable, but I want to hear it. I am also one of the people who witnessed the Chief sexually harassing me.”

“Hmm… Sexual harassment in hospitals is not something to be taken lightly.”

Jo Ji-hwan took a pause and then continued.

“But this is the first time a teacher has been caught engaging in sexual harassment. This time, I will give him a harsh reprimand, but next time he is caught again, I am thinking of expelling him.”

“Professor. There is such clear evidence that we can’t end it with a disciplinary action.”

Choi Ki-seok suppressed his boiling insides and spoke calmly.

If you show your emotions here, you will get a backlash from Jo Ji-hwan.

“It’s not like I don’t know. But you know very well that if things get bigger, the thoracic surgery department will turn into a beehive, right?”


“This can be overlooked if the parties involved remain quiet. So, I’m just asking about this matter. Instead, I’ll make sure the teacher I did doesn’t do the same thing again.”

“It is natural that sexual harassment does not recur. However.”

Choi Ki-seok continued speaking.

“That alone does not solve the shame and humiliation this nurse felt. Strong punishment is needed.”


Jo Ji-hwan remained silent in response to Choi Ki-seok’s words.

Meanwhile, I got up and made some coffee. The strong scent of coffee enveloped the manager’s office.


Jo Ji-hwan placed coffee on the seat in front of him and Choi Ki-seok.

“Is this all your doing? I think you got here by instigating the nurse, and so is the video.”

“That’s right.”

“You’re very brave. I spent 15 years in the thoracic surgery department at Uijin University, but this is the first time I’ve seen anything like this.”

Jo Ji-hwan took a sip of coffee and continued speaking.

“It’s good to be brave, but have you ever thought about the end of a whistleblower?”


“The evidence is clear, so we can file a complaint with the Ethics Committee and punish Teacher Han. But what happens next?”


“If the thoracic surgery department becomes a beehive, will I leave you alone?”

Jo Ji-hwan shot an evil look in his eyes.

It is a blatant threat.

“I’ll say it again, don’t think of making a big deal out of it. The lung cancer symposium is next month, and the heart clinic remodeling is just around the corner. Sprinkling red pepper powder on our department is unacceptable.”

“Chief. Actually, I have a clever idea.”

“Mysterious eye?”

“Yes. I think the manager and I can both be satisfied if we use that method.”

“You sound interesting.”

Jo Ji-hwan rubbed his chin and gave me a look that told me to speak quickly.

“How about sending a teacher to the branch (affiliated hospital) at the end of this month?”

“To the branch?”

“That’s right. Wouldn’t it be okay to send it to the branch first and then have this nurse sue a teacher? Then, even if the sexual harassment itself occurred in the thoracic surgery department of our hospital, the incident would break out in Incheon.”

Choi Ki-seok’s words were powerful.

If something happens at a branch, the impact of the incident will have less impact on the headquarters.

In addition, it can also prevent Lee Ye-rim from being retaliated against by Han Min-woo while at work.

“I will tell this nurse well. If this case proceeds as a personal lawsuit rather than a hospital matter, the damage to thoracic surgery will not be significant.”


Jo Ji-hwan’s expression relaxed somewhat.

“Is that all you want?”

“It’s a bit weak, but there’s one more thing. Even if you go to the branch, you won’t be able to stay there for long, but I hope Teacher Han goes to the Incheon branch.”

“It’s revenge.”

Jo Ji-hwan nodded slightly.

The Incheon branch has the worst working environment for thoracic surgery among hospitals affiliated with Uijin University.

“If we send one teacher, how many people will be lacking?”

“You don’t have to worry.”

Choi Ki-seok brought up a story about Seo Ji-hoon, who is being discharged this month, and special selection. He added that rather than keeping the incompetent Han Min-woo, it would be better to raise Seo Ji-hoon and see the future.

“I will proceed with this matter as you say. But be prepared if sparks fly in the thoracic surgery department.”

“OK. Thank you.”

Choi Ki-seok bowed his head and left the manager’s office.


[Political power increases by 1 level to 5.]

[Once you climb the White Tower, you have succeeded in your mission. 1000P as a reward.

Gives P. We give you a unique item level-up stone (randomly).]

I heard the notification, but I didn’t have time to check it.

When I placed my hand on my chest, my heart was still pounding.

I just acted calmly, but I was so nervous throughout the negotiation that I felt like I was going to die.

“Teacher. How did it go?”

Yerim Lee, who was waiting outside, asked.

Choi Ki-seok walked down the hallway with Lee Ye-rim without answering.

“Don’t worry, everything is fine.”

“Really? Thank you, Teacher Choi. I really…”

Ye-rim Lee stood there and sobbed, and Ki-seok Choi quietly patted her on the back.

* * *

“You got a kick.”

Jo Ji-hwan chuckled and leaned back on the sofa.

Choi Ki-seok had left, but it felt like he was still sitting across from me.

This is because of the presence he showed throughout the conversation.

In fact, when Choi Ki-seok came to visit, there was no particular emotion.

I believed that no matter what problem he brought, I would be able to control him on my own.

Isn’t there a saying that one is the disciple of one’s teacher?

I imagined a picture that appealed to emotions and morals, but eventually exploded because of its own temper.

But what?

Choi Ki-seok attacked in a completely unexpected way.

In the beginning, he used straight balls like Song Myung-jin, but later he threw breaking balls like Jang Hyuk-pil. That’s a breaking ball that fills the strike zone in his chest.

Certainly, in the current situation, it is wise to throw out Han Min-woo. “

I never thought you would have calculated

the T.O (Table of Organization) that would be created when Han Min-woo was sent to the branch . Did you learn it from Jang Hyuk-pil?”

Jo Ji-hwan muttered as he put his mouth to the cold coffee.

Choi Ki-seok’s growth today was surprising.

It’s hard to believe that he is a disciple of the foolish Song Myeong-jin.

I felt like I might have to pay attention to not only Jang Hyuk-pil but also Choi Ki-seok when carrying out my work in the future.

“Well, they’re both in the palm of my hand.”

Jo Ji-hwan smiled sinisterly.

* * *

Morning four days later.

Choi Ki-seok was concentrating on practicing his housework in his hideout.

The surgery being practiced today is tricuspid valve reconstruction.

The tricuspid valve is a valve located between the right atrium and the right ventricle. It is composed of three sides and is called the tricuspid valve.


I tightened the suture needle with the needle holder and began sewing the valve annulus.


I frowned without realizing it.

I had seen the surgery and even the video of the surgery countless times, but the actual experience was different.

The state of the suturing of the valve annulus being reconstructed was not very good.

The sutures were not uniform and there were some parts that were somehow sloppy.

Ki-Seok Choi then touched up the anterior and posterior septal lobes.

The old tissue was removed with a scalpel and the remaining healthy tissue was connected to improve the condition of the valve leaflets.

Lastly, the height of the cord tendon attached to the papillary muscle was maintained to prevent the valve from being pulled into the right ventricle.

Ki-Seok Choi pursed his lips when he saw the tricuspid valve he had reconstructed himself.

If I had to grade it, it would be a surgery worth 70 points out of 100.


[Tricuspid valve surgery skill has increased by 1. The skill level of the tricuspid valve has some influence on the skill level of other heart valve surgeries.]

[Tricuspid valve reconstruction: 1.5/5]

I finished the review, taking comfort from the fact that the mastery level has increased.


When I arrived at the ward, Yerim Lee greeted me warmly.

After negotiating with Jo Ji-hwan, her expression began to brighten.

Of course, that small change made Choi Ki-seok happy.

“Teacher. I have something to tell you for a moment…”

“Then shall we go over there?”

The two people settled down in a deserted place.

“Is there any problem? I heard that the Chief knew that he was going to the branch and caused harm…”

“Actually, it’s the opposite.”

Lee Ye-rim paused before continuing.

“Yesterday, a teacher came to me and apologized. He said he was sorry for bothering me all this time. So, I’m wondering if you can just look at it this once…”

“That’s pointless.”

Choi Ki-seok scoffed openly.

When Han Min-woo said he regretted his mistake, a passing mutt laughed at him.

“I’ve become a little weak because I’ve been crying so hard. . How about Mr. Choi?”

“Mr. Lee. You should never just ignore it. Think about what that person did to you.”

Plop. Plop.

As the two people were talking, Han Min-woo came over to them.

“Kiseok. “Let me see for a moment.”

“I have nothing to do.”

“Please. Please, just this once!”

Han Min-woo desperately prayed.

Choi Ki-seok asked for Lee Ye-rim’s understanding and took a seat with Han Min-woo in the duty room.

A cold wind blew between the two people as they faced each other.

“I’m really sorry for all this time. I will beg you like this, so please forgive me just once.”

Suddenly, Han Min-woo knelt down.

Seeing him begging like this, it seems that Jo Ji-hwan was notified in advance that he would go to the branch.

“I did something bad to you and to this teacher. I will make sure this never happens again in the future. So please forgive me. Huh?”

“Do you know that you did something wrong?”

“I feel it keenly.”

Han Min-woo bowed his head and continued.

“You have to convince this teacher well. This teacher will also listen to what you say. If I get dumped as a branch and get sued, it’s completely over for me.”

Choi Ki-seok looked down at Han Min-woo, who was kneeling for a while.

“Are you truly sorry for your mistake?”

“Am. That’s right!”

“It seems like that when I see a senior with strong pride come out like this. Then I will especially forgive you for this incident.”

“Really? Thank you, Ki-seok.”

Han Min-woo cried, and Choi Ki-seok calmly walked and stood in front of the door of the duty room.

“Ah… I changed my mind in the meantime. As expected, punishment suits a senior.”


“I hope you have a good time at the branch. .”


As Choi Ki-seok left, Han Min-woo lowered his head.

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Level Up Doctor

Level Up Doctor

Score 8.2
Status: Completed Type: Released: 2016 Native Language: Korean
Level-Up Doctor Growing up as an orphan, Jeong He-Jin didn’t open his heart to anyone. After giving his all to become a cardiothoracic surgeon, he got into an unfortunate accident, after which he woke up not as ‘Jeon He-Jin’ but as ‘Choi GiSeok’. And on top of that, he has to using his skills…? The accident changed his fate drastically… Can he become ‘the Greatest Cardiothoracic Surgeon’ as ‘Choi GiSeok’?


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