Level Up Doctor Chapter 112

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Team Saber (2)

“Team Norwood…”

Jo Ji-hwan said, crossing his arms.

Normally, Kwon Il-soo would have said that he would perform the procedure, but today he mentioned the Norwood team.

I felt like there was something different going on.

“You know I hate table death, right?”

“I know.”

“Still, why bother having surgery?”

“Once the heart clinic is renovated, the team I lead will perform Norwood surgery. Compared to Norwood, this number of patients is in the pharmacy department.”

Kwon Il-soo stepped forward confidently.

“I am opposed to Professor Kwon’s surgery.”

At Hyukpil Jang’s declaration, the conference room became cold again.

“For this patient, stent insertion is more appropriate than surgery. Hasn’t he already had surgery for tetralogy of Fallot? There is no reason to take risks in thoracic surgery.”

Jang Hyuk-pil’s eyes were fixed on Kwon Il-soo. It is a provocation to say if you have more to say.

“Professor Jang. Do you think complete recovery is possible with medical treatment?”


“Look at the test results carefully. The tetralogy of Fallot surgery I had previously was a sham.”

Kwon Il-soo pointed out the limitations of medical treatment, citing the pulmonary valve regurgitation that occurred after surgery and the fact that the right ventricle was still thick.

“The fundamental treatment for this patient is surgery. If the director gives permission, I will begin the surgery today.”


Jo Ji-hwan frowned and rubbed his chin.

“Okay, then let’s send a consultant to the cardiology department. If a stent is available, we will treat it with a stent. Otherwise, let’s leave it to the Norwood team.”

“Chief. This patient does not need collaborative treatment…”

“Professor Kwon, didn’t you hear me? First of all, let’s call for collaborative treatment.”

When Jo Ji-hwan growled, Kwon Il-soo lowered his head.

After a while, the meeting ended and rounds continued.

“Are you trying to disturb me like this?”

While walking down the hallway, Kwon Il-soo glared at Jang Hyuk-pil.

Hyukpil Jang intentionally interfered with the Norwood team’s surgery.

Even though the patient could be operated on without collaboration, Jo Ji-Hwan was used to make him undergo collaboration.

What if a stent is available in an internal medicine clinic?

Norwood’s team’s preliminary surgery goes to waste.

“You mean slander. That’s absurd.”


“I just considered the cardiology department’s perspective.”

Jang Hyuk-pil smiled leisurely.

“Our thoracic surgery department will not fall into your hands. I will make sure to stop it.”

Kwon Il-soo passed ahead of Jang Hyuk-pil in his stride.

Unlike the meeting where there was controversy, the rounds ended without incident.

Since he had some free time, Choi Ki-seok drank coffee in the break room.

“It’s a real war. It’s a war.”

I muttered, remembering the meeting.

Upcoming thoracic surgery remodeling.

Because of this, the war of nerves between Jang Hyuk-pil and Kwon Il-soo was becoming more intense. In today’s case, Jang Hyuk-pil gave Kwon Il-soo a blow, but there is no guarantee that this will happen in the future.

Because Kwon Il-soo is no easy feat either.

Kwon Il-soo’s political power is lower than Jang Hyuk-pil’s, but his surgical skills are superior.

Past experience and know-how cannot be ignored either.

Choi Ki-seok took a sip of coffee and opened the status window.

The first thing we looked at was Baragi, a patient with level 4 reinforcement.

These days, in order to make up for the lack of physical strength, a more strengthened patient base is needed. If you provide treatment or assistance, the amount of stamina recovered will increase.

‘Shall we go?’

Choi Ki-seok rubbed his hands and started working.


When the patient’s wish and the strengthening stone were placed on the strengthening machine, bright light poured out.


[The reinforcement was successful. The recovery effect of the Patient Hope (+5) item increases by 32%.]

Choi Ki-seok smiled in satisfaction.

The success rate of reinforcement from level 3 to level 10 is 70%. I decided to keep running without failure.

[The reinforcement was successful.]

A success sound rings in succession.

Ganghwa has never slipped.

Before I knew it, Ganghwa Baragi had reached level 10 and was giving off a subtle glow.

Ki-Seok Choi was contemplating whether to reinforce more and then turned off the status window.

From level 11 or higher, the enhancement probability is reduced to 50%, and if enhancement fails, all existing enhancements are lost.

I didn’t want to push myself any further.

Ki-seok Choi emptied the remaining can of coffee and called Seol-hwa Jeong.

[Yes, honey. What’s going on?]

“Are you busy right now? Or I just wanted to see you for a moment.”

[Hmm… I think I can spare about 20 minutes?]

“Then come to the obstetrics and gynecology ward. I’ll see you there.”

After hanging up the phone, I headed to the obstetrics and gynecology ward.

Reasons for visiting the obstetrics and gynecology ward.

This is to check the condition of the mother who gave birth yesterday. As I was loitering in front of the station, I saw Jeong Seol-hwa running towards me.

“Come slowly. You won’t get hurt.”

“It’s because I want to see you as much as possible.”

Jeong Seol-hwa looked at the nurses and whispered softly.

Choi Ki-seok laughed heartily at her lovely words. If there weren’t people around, I would have showered her with kisses.

The two walked down the hallway side by side and entered the single room where Na Yoon-jeong was.


“hello teacher.”

Na Yoon-jeong and her husband Choi Min-hyeop were greeted by two people.

“How are you feeling?”

“I’m a little tired, but I’m okay.”

“Thank you so much for what happened yesterday. Thanks to you two, my wife didn’t have any trouble.”

Minhyeop Choi bowed his head.

“No. I was just doing my job. As for the baby you gave birth to…” “I

checked and there was nothing wrong with it. Although it weighs a little less than other children, it is healthy.”

Na Yoon-jeong smiled brightly and continued.

“You might feel a little uncomfortable bringing up something like this in your first meeting… aren’t you two lovers?”

“you’re right.”

Choi Ki-seok tightly held the hand of Jeong Seol-hwa, who was standing next to him, and Jeong Seol-hwa lowered her head with a face as red as a crimson poem.

“Somehow I thought so. Am I right?”

“It’s true.”

Minhyeop Choi scratched the back of his head with an embarrassed expression.

“Actually, we made a bet about the two of you yesterday. I thought you two were just close friends…” “

Ugh. Are you suddenly showing me signs that haven’t been there since you were dating?”

Na Yoon-jeong scolded Choi Min-hyeop.

“You can tell just by looking at them that they like each other. They get along really well.”

“thank you.”

“I think the two of you will have a good relationship and eventually get married. Even though it looks like this, my view of couples is accurate.”

“They both deserve it because they are both good-looking men and good-looking women.”

Choi Min-hyeop, who had been silent, added a word.

But it is that moment.


[You have received the blessing of a special buff lovebird couple.]

[Seolhwa Jeong’s affection for the player increases by 200%. The buff lasts until you break up.]

“If it’s okay, would you like to go see my child?”

“Thank you for your permission.”

The two followed Choi Min-hyeop to the neonatal room.

After going through simple disinfection procedures, I was able to go inside and see my child.

“The teachers who saved you are here. I need to say hello.”

Choi Min-hyeop said while holding the child in his arms. Then the child smiled brightly and waved his hand as if he understood what was being said.

“Wow. It’s so cute.”

Jeong Seol-hwa touched the child’s hand, not knowing what to do.

“This guy is pretty because he takes after his mom.”

Choi Min-hyeop laughed.

The two played with the child for a while and then left the obstetrics and gynecology ward.

* * *

Operating room.

Choi Ki-seok, Kim Tae-sik, Han Min-woo, and thoracic surgery intern Ji Hyun-seok were gathered in one place.

“Is this enough to understand?”


“Don’t be nervous because it’s your first surgery. I’ve already done thoracotomy and other surgeries.”

Taesik Kim lightly tapped Minwoo Han on the shoulder.

This concludes the pre-surgery briefing.

Gourd. Gourd. Gourd. Gourd.

The staff all finished scrubbing and entered the rosette.

Kim Tae-sik took his place at the patient’s bedside, Han Min-woo took the position of surgeon, and Choi Ki-seok took the first assistant position.

Today’s surgery is pleural peeling.

A pus-filled chest caused by various diseases is called an empyema. If the empyema is not removed and remains in the body for a long time, it forms a thick and solid layer.

Pleural peeling is a surgery that removes the pus layer and drains the pus.

“We will begin pleural peeling now. Anesthetist.”

When Han Min-woo called, the anesthesiologist put the patient under general anesthesia.

Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

As Choi Ki-seok sterilized the patient’s chest and put a cloth on it, Kang Ha-na handed the scalpel to Han Min-woo.

Minwoo Han moved the scalpel without hesitation.

The skin from the bottom of the neck to the solar plexus cracked like a piece of paper.

“I’m making an incision in the sternum.”

Choi Ki-seok cut the sternum in half using a chainsaw. Then Ji Hyun-seok quickly handed over the retractor.

Ji Hyun-seok was definitely in better condition than Kang Sang-joong.

With Choi Ki-seok and Ji Hyun-seok pulling the retractor, the full-scale surgery began.

Minwoo Han used a scalpel to cut open the lower part of the lung where the empyema was present.

Yellow, thick pus flowed from the incision site, and Choi Ki-seok sucked it out with a suction device.

“The pus is all gone.”


Minwoo Han moved the scalpel again.

Minwoo Han held forceps in one hand and a scalpel in the other and carefully removed the pus layer covering the pleura layer.

‘You’re better than I thought.’

Choi Ki-seok watched the treatment and sighed in relief.

No matter how talented he was, the Chief seemed to be the Chief. We cannot ignore past experiences.

bang. bang. bang.

The peeled-off layer of pus fell off into the curved plate.

While the surgery was proceeding without incident, Han Min-woo’s scalpel went to a completely wrong place.

“Han Minwoo!”

Taesik Kim raised his voice.

The scalpel that was supposed to cut away the pus layer was pointed towards the diaphragm. If this continues, the diaphragm will rupture.

But at that very moment!

Ki-Seok Choi blocked the path of the scalpel using a suction device.

A medical accident was barely avoided.

“Ah… I’m sorry.”

“Are you out of your mind? Why are you confusing the empyema layer with the diaphragm!”


Minwoo Han answered in a voice as loud as a mosquito.

Pleural peeling continued again.

The thick layer of pus covering the pleura had all disappeared. Even the pus inside the pus layer was removed.

“Kiseok, you are the one to close it. Han Minwoo, you can look at me.”

Kim Tae-sik left the rosette first, blowing a cold wind, and Han Min-woo opened his eyes and stared at Choi Ki-seok.

“Fuck. Can’t you help me properly?”

“Can’t you even straighten your house?”

Ki-Seok Choi accepted without losing.

The guy who broke the bank gets angry, and that’s exactly what happens now.

“Teacher Han. Are you taking out your anger on Teacher Choi for doing something well? If Teacher Choi hadn’t come forward, my diaphragm would have been torn.”

“Haa… Now even the nurses are being fucked.”

“Then why don’t you act like the damn thing?”

“…Let’s see how long you two can set it up.”

Minwoo Han said in a semi-threatening tone and left Rosette.

“funny. Is there such a thing?”

As Kang Ha-na raised her middle finger behind Han Min-woo’s back, Choi Ki-seok burst out laughing.

“He’s that kind of person, so we’ll put up

with it.” “That’s true, but if something like that happens, we all have to take responsibility.”

Kang Hana said . He stuck out his lips sharply.

Soon, Ki-Seok Choi stood in the position of the surgeon and started suturing. His

hand movements were light and the sutured area was stitched evenly. For him, who was capable of high-level blood vessel suturing, suturing the skin was no task.

“As expected, Mr. Cho Regi . “As soon as

the suturing was completed, Kang Hana stuck out her thumb.

* * *

After the surgery, Choi Ki-seok went straight up to the ward.

His steps were unusually light.

Thanks to the assistance of a patient who had received 10 levels of strengthening, his physical strength improved. I recovered tremendously.

The fatigue I felt when I started work was gone.

“Mr. Choi. There was someone who came to see me when I entered the operating room. I said I would wait at the cafe on the first floor.”

“Thank you.”

Choi Ki-seok expressed his gratitude to Lee Ye-rim and continued.

“Are the Chiefs still gathering these days?”

“Uh… not much these days.”

Lee Ye-rim looked at him . He avoided it and answered,

“I understand.”

Without further questioning, Choi Ki-seok went down to the cafe on the first floor.

He didn’t want to forcefully bring up something he was reluctant to say.

Someday, the opportunity would come.

“It’s been a long time.”

When he arrived at the cafe, An unexpected person greeted him.

It was reporter Park Gwang-soo of KTB broadcasting station.

Park Gwang-soo published articles on various incidents at Uijin University, including the child abuse case.

“Yes, hello. How have you been?”

“I’m doing very well. Have you gained a lot of weight?”

“But what happened today…”

“Professor Choi would know better, right? Please sit down first.”

Park Gwang-soo smiled and offered a chair.

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Level Up Doctor

Level Up Doctor

Score 8.2
Status: Completed Type: Released: 2016 Native Language: Korean
Level-Up Doctor Growing up as an orphan, Jeong He-Jin didn’t open his heart to anyone. After giving his all to become a cardiothoracic surgeon, he got into an unfortunate accident, after which he woke up not as ‘Jeon He-Jin’ but as ‘Choi GiSeok’. And on top of that, he has to using his skills…? The accident changed his fate drastically… Can he become ‘the Greatest Cardiothoracic Surgeon’ as ‘Choi GiSeok’?


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