Level Up Doctor Chapter 106

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Preparation (2)

Choi Ki-seok swallowed his saliva as he watched Jeong Seol-hwa.

What he found out with the eyes of Hippocrates, Jeong Seol-hwa found out with his own power…

While Jeong Seol-hwa and Kim Cheol-woo were waiting, a surgical staff member approached and handed them surgical gloves.

So the two people took off their old gloves and put on new ones.

‘Our folktale. ‘That’s awesome.’

Choi Ki-seok stuck out his tongue.

It was like that.

The reason the patient suddenly had a seizure was because of a latex allergy.

During surgery, latex gloves are usually worn.

However, I suffered anaphylactic shock from the latex in the imaging room.

This means that as long as you change your gloves, there will be no problem.

PCI continued with Choi Ki-seok in attendance.

Seolhwa Jeong followed Cheolwoo Kim’s instructions and inserted the catheter into the patient’s thigh artery.

A cautious and calm appearance.

I couldn’t believe it was my first procedure.

“I think this will be enough.”

Seolhwa Jeong looked at the monitor and opened her mouth,

“No. A little higher.”

“Is this enough?”

“Okay. Ballooning (inflating the balloon inserted into the stent).”


Jeong Seol-hwa slowly inflated the balloon.

As the blood crusts blocking the blood vessels were pushed out to the walls, blood flow became smoother.

“Professor. I still have a stricture. What should I do?”

“Let’s raise the guide wire a little higher and do ballooning.”

“All right.”

Under Kim Cheol-woo’s instructions, Jeong Seol-hwa took additional measures. Then, even the remaining blood clots stuck to the wall.

“I’m going to finish up.”

Seolhwa Jeong removed the balloon and catheter, leaving behind a metal mesh in the blood vessel.

This ended the short but long PCI treatment.

“Mr. Kim, please check ACT (Activated Blood Clotting Time).”

“350 seconds.”

“It’s longer than I thought. Please give me additional aspirin and heparin. If I do something wrong, acute obstruction may occur.”

“Is it pretty?”

Kim Cheol-woo smiled brightly as he watched Jeong Seol-hwa’s additional treatment.

“Can I do this alone?”

“No. If the professor hadn’t been watching, I wouldn’t have been able to do it.”

“Anyway, good job. I’ll go to the outpatient clinic.”

“Yes. Thank you for your hard work.”

Seolhwa Jeong bowed her head in greeting.

“Good job. It’s really awesome.”


Jeong Seol-hwa came out of the training room and smiled.

“You identified the latex allergy and treated it perfectly. I’m sure Professor Kim will be very pleased.”

“Okay then.”

The two people left the photography room talking.

After confirming that the hallway was empty, Choi Ki-seok hugged Jeong Seol-hwa tightly. And then I slapped my butt.

“Good job, baby.”

* * *

That afternoon.

Ki-seok Choi finished his surgical scrubs and headed to the ward.

My steps were unusually light.

Although it was only 3 p.m., today’s surgery schedule was complete. As long as there are no emergencies, you can have plenty of time for yourself.

When I arrived at the ward and was looking around the room, a man caught my eye.

A tall young man with a dark blond face.

He is Michael, the foreign patient that Min Joo-hyuk requested.

Before talking, I looked at Michael’s chart on the conference room computer.

The diagnosis is Barrett’s esophagus.

Barrett’s esophagus is a type of benign tumor in the esophagus.

This can turn into cancer, so it must be removed through surgery or endoscopy. According to the chart, I am scheduled to undergo an esophagectomy by Professor Yong-il Park sometime this week.

“Okay, shall we go?”

Ki-seok Choi relaxed his neck and headed to the three-person room where Michael was.

“Hello, this is your doctor, Choi Ki-seok.”

Michael’s body shook as he heard Choi Ki-seok’s greeting.

“Do you speak English?”

“It’s not that great, but we can communicate.”

“Wow. Oh my God. That’s it. What more could you ask for?”

Michael showed exaggerated gestures one after another. He seemed very happy to have met someone he could communicate with.

“How are you feeling?”

“I feel a little sick, but I’m okay. To be honest, I was surprised when I was told that I would need surgery after the checkup. I didn’t think I needed surgery.”

“Usually reflux esophagitis turns into Barrett’s esophagus. Even after surgery, you need to continue to manage it.”


Michael gave a sullen expression.

“What brings you to Korea?”

“I’m curious about the country called Korea. I had a Korean girlfriend when I was in college. Well, we’re broken up now.”

“Oh my…”

“But the Korean language seems really difficult. There are things like using honorifics and dialect. I feel like my head is going to explode.”

Michael added an explanation.

In the United States, languages of other countries are ranked on a level of difficulty, and Korean, along with Chinese, Japanese, and Arabic, is classified as an extremely difficult language.

“I’m studying English. My goal is to go to Meijo Hospital.”

“Wow. Meijo Hospital is nice. I know a doctor who works at Meijo. It’s really cool. If I go to Meijo in the future, I’ll introduce you to him.”

“Then it’s good for me.”

Choi Ki-seok smiled.

“And teacher. If you have some time, would you like to study? I think it would be good to talk once in English and once in Korean.”

“I was already planning on talking about that.”

“Well, since we spoke in English now, let’s speak in Korean in the evening.”

“is it so.”

“Doctor. See you later.”

Choi Ki-seok burst out laughing at Michael’s Korean greeting.

Afterwards, I went around the ward, checked on the patients, and took care of errands in the duty room. After administering additional prescriptions to inpatients and studying English in the remaining time, the workday was over in the blink of an eye.


I stood up and stretched.

I was hungry and went to buy some snacks when I found the conference room door open.

“Teacher. Didn’t you get off work?”

Choi Ki-seok went inside and sat across from Kim Tae-sik.

“The work isn’t done yet.”

Kim Tae-sik was practicing suturing with a stuffed toy on his desk.

Simple interrupted suture, continuous suture, encapsulated suture, depressed suture, etc.

Various suturing techniques were being used on the doll.

“The teacher is unusual in practicing with dolls.”

“This helps a lot more than I thought. It might be better than getting an organ.”


Choi Ki-seok tilted his head.

In the meantime, he has been improving his suturing skills by using cow hearts and knitting.

“It’s not difficult to get a doll and it’s easy to clean up after it. Plus, you can practice anytime, anywhere.”

Kim Tae-sik talked with Choi Ki-seok and finished suturing the sac.

Unnoticed, he shows extraordinary skills.

“How do you practice with dolls?”

“Nothing much. Just practice the suturing techniques used during surgery one by one.”

Kim Tae-sik held out a doll.

Indeed, it is true.

The doll had simple interrupted sutures on the arms, a wrapper suture on the abdomen, and continuous sutures on the face.

Since I had never practiced each type of suturing method, I thought this method would be quite helpful.

It’s that moment.


[Special mission ‘Learn Skills 2’ has been created. When you use various suturing skills on a plush toy, a new skill, high-speed suture, is created.]

[Broken plush toy (0/150)]

I was glad to hear the alarm.

I’ve already been coveting Kim Tae-sik’s high-speed zip-do skills.

This is because speed is more important than accuracy in emergency surgeries where seconds are at stake.

“Can I try it too?”

“There’s no reason not to.”

Kim Tae-sik took out a teddy bear from a dresser on one side of the conference room and threw it.

“There’s a lot here, so use it if you need it.”

“thank you.”

Choi Ki-seok took out the bag he had kept and performed the suturing technique.

Although the skill level was much lower than that of a cow heart, it was definitely easier to practice with a doll.

I also liked that you had to choose the suture method you wanted rather than unfolding the suture method needed for the surgery.

So, practice with your heart.

I thought it would be a good idea to practice individual suturing with a doll.


The suture was cut with scissors.

“Teacher, your methods are all good, but there is one drawback.”


“I’m scared that the doll will appear in my dreams.”

Kim Tae-sik giggled at Choi Ki-seok’s joke.

The teddy bear, which had undergone all kinds of suturing techniques, became more fearful than Chucky.

The two people had a quick conversation and practiced suturing.

How much time has passed?

Choi Ki-seok finished sewing one doll, forgetting that he was hungry.

[Broken Plush Toy (1/150)]

When I looked at the status window, a number rose in the mission window.

‘Even if you do three things a day, it’s 50 days. ‘I have to work diligently, right?’

Choi Ki-seok put down the needle holder from his hand.

“Oh. By the way, a patient came in earlier.”

“What patient?”

“The heart transplant patient that Professor Jang mentioned. The surgery will begin as soon as a donor is found.”

“Yes. That will be the start of the real war.”

“That’s right. Sooner or later, patients suitable for Saber surgery will come in.”

“Aren’t you nervous, teacher? If this heart clinic fails, the director won’t be quiet…”

“Not really.”

Taesik Kim shrugged his shoulders with an expressionless face.

“Fighting conflicts within the medical department are none of my business. What’s important to me is whether I can make patients healthy and to what extent my skills will work.”

Choi Ki-seok smiled, thinking it was a Kim Tae-sik-like answer.


The door opened and Jang Hyuk-pil entered the conference room.

“You two are here? What were you doing?”

“I was practicing suturing with Kiseok.”

In response to Kim Tae-sik, Jang Hyuk-pil stared at the teddy bear placed on the table.

“You practiced really well.”

“Kiseok’s suturing skills are extraordinary, aren’t they? To be honest, I think I could do the surgery with this.”

“I think the same.”

“No. I still have a long way to go.”

Choi Ki-seok didn’t know what to do with the praise from the two people.

He may not have any rivals among the residents, but in front of them, he is still just a growing bud.


The call phone I had kept in my gown trembled.

“Yes, thoracic surgery. Okay, I’ll come down right away.”

Choi Ki-seok stood up and continued speaking.

“I’ll just go now. A patient came to the emergency room.”

“If it’s not a big deal, don’t take too long.

“I understand.”

I answered Jang Hyuk-pil’s words and went down to the emergency room.

The patient waiting for treatment was Shin Joo-il.

He was 52 years old and was complaining of severe chest pain.

Choi Ki-seok looked at the chart and looked at the eyes of Hippocrates. Stamina

: 3/10

Main symptoms: Difficulty breathing / Chest pain / Nausea

Painful area: Heart

Diagnosis: Acute myocardial infarction

Current status: Emergency Progress:


History: PCI (percutaneous coronary intervention)

‘Oh my.’

Choi Ki-seok’s eyebrows furrowed.

It seems that restenosis occurred in his coronary artery after undergoing PCI two years ago.

“Mr. I… I feel like my heart is breaking. My shoulder and arm hurt so much.”

Shin Joo-il opened his mouth with difficulty, and the intern next to him looked at the two people in turn, not knowing what to do.

“I understand. Give the patient nitroglycerin under the tongue. Are the results of the myocardial enzyme test yet?”

“They just came out.”

Choi Ki-seok quickly stood in front of the monitor and looked at the test results.

Troponin and creatinine, levels related to heart function, were abnormally high. This

is not a patient who can be treated with medical treatment. .

“Teacher. Now a patient with AMI (Acute Myocardial Infarction) has arrived. I think I’ll need surgery.”

“Okay. Just bring the patient to the operating room.”

Jang Hyuk-pil calmly responded to Choi Ki-seok’s rapid-fire report.

“Then how should I call the staff?”

“No need.”


“Brace yourself. Have a good day today. Because I’m going to experience it.”

Jang Hyuk-pil hung up the call first, and Choi Ki-seok looked down at the call phone blankly.

What on earth was he planning?

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Level Up Doctor

Level Up Doctor

Score 8.2
Status: Completed Type: Released: 2016 Native Language: Korean
Level-Up Doctor Growing up as an orphan, Jeong He-Jin didn’t open his heart to anyone. After giving his all to become a cardiothoracic surgeon, he got into an unfortunate accident, after which he woke up not as ‘Jeon He-Jin’ but as ‘Choi GiSeok’. And on top of that, he has to using his skills…? The accident changed his fate drastically… Can he become ‘the Greatest Cardiothoracic Surgeon’ as ‘Choi GiSeok’?


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