Level Up Doctor Chapter 104

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Eventful (7)

The staff, including Choi Ki-seok, followed suit.

“It wasn’t easy even before the surgery.”

Taesik Kim frowned.

When I checked the patient monitoring device, my blood pressure and pulse dropped to the floor.

My breathing, which had been normal, also took a nosedive.

“Let’s start by taking the vitals.”

“Yes. Give Dr. Lee an IV of epinephrine, and Dr. Kim give you a blood pack.”

The interns moved quickly under Choi Ki-seok’s instructions.

Meanwhile, Choi Ki-seok attached an oxygen mask to the patient.

‘It’s pretty good, right?’

Kim Tae-sik admired Choi Ki-seok while he was being treated.

Patients with ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms are among emergency patients. However, Choi Ki-seok showed a calm appearance even though he was in his first year as a resident.

As if she had gone through all the hardships before birth.

“Your vitals seem to have recovered somewhat.”

“Okay, let’s get started.”

Kim Tae-sik disinfected a large area of the patient’s abdomen and covered it with a cloth.


The disinfection nurse handed me a scalpel and cut open my abdomen.


As the skin and subcutaneous fat of the peritoneum split, the inside of the abdomen was visible at a glance.


Taesik Kim frowned and turned his head.

As soon as the incision was made, a trickle of blood spurted out and splashed onto my face. Bright red blood was stained on Lupe’s optical glasses and part of his face on his mask.

“I will take care of it.”

“Sorry. First, hold the aortic neck with Mosquito (vascular forceps) and suction it.”


While Kim Tae-sik was away, Choi Ki-seok used Dragon’s Eyes. Then, they suctioned blood with a suction device and went out to find the upper part of the ruptured aorta.

‘This is too severe.’

Choi Ki-seok bit his lip.

Even when blood was suctioned with a suction device, the blood quickly overflowed and it was difficult to find the abdominal aorta.

“Teacher Kim does suction with me. This doctor puts another vasopressor in the IV and changes the blood pack. The bleeding is so severe.”


After doing suction with the intern, my vision cleared up somewhat.

Choi Ki-seok checked the ruptured aortic stem and caught it with Mosquito before the blood filled again.


When the aorta was held with vascular forceps, the bleeding decreased.


While Choi Ki-seok was sighing in relief, Kim Tae-sik rearranged his clothes and equipment and returned.

“Good job. You’ve overcome one hurdle. But the real surgery starts now.”


“Follow me, Meth.”

Taesik Kim held a scalpel in his hand.

If the abdominal aorta is ruptured, controlling the bleeding area is an urgent priority. The next step is to clean up the area around the ruptured aorta and restore the aorta with an artificial blood vessel.

“5-0 Prolene.”

Taesik Kim used sutures to suture damaged small blood vessels around the aorta.

Is it because of the effect of the high-speed zipper skill that reached max level?

The suturing speed was unrivaled.

In terms of speed alone, he surpassed Song Myeong-jin.

However, I was surprised that the suture was strong and not loose. In short, it is a suture technique optimized for emergency surgery.

“Bovi (electrocautery).”



The electric cautery split the aorta in half while supporting the tissue.

‘Let’s focus.’

Ki-Seok Choi held the entrance to the patient’s abdominal aorta with forceps. Then, with the other hand, he used forceps to grab Daklon (artificial blood vessel) and place it at the entrance to the aorta.

The most important task is to replace a ruptured aorta with an artificial blood vessel.

If this task fails, all your hard work is meaningless.

“Hold on tight. Don’t shake.”


While Choi Ki-seok was holding the tissue, Kim Tae-sik started suturing.

Suturing is a simple, interrupted suture that sews tissue one by one, and although it may take a long time, it is excellent in sturdiness.


Kim Tae-sik glanced at Choi Ki-seok.

Fifteen minutes had passed since the suturing began, but Choi Ki-seok was holding on to the tissue without shaking his hands even once. Thanks to this, the sutures were not misaligned or the suture needles were not protruding.

“Hold on just a little longer. It will be over soon.”

Taesik Kim quickly replaced the remaining branch of the aorta with an artificial blood vessel.

This concludes the surgery.

“Then I will remove the vascular forceps.”

Choi Ki-seok released the moskit that was holding the upper part of the aorta.


As the blood flowed again, the blood vessels twitched.

Choi Ki-seok and Kim Tae-sik opened their eyes wide and stared at the blood vessels.

If the anastomosis is incorrect, bleeding may occur again.

Amidst the tense atmosphere, Kim Tae-sik started his luck.

“Phew… let’s close now.”

* * *

A lounge attached to the operating room.

Choi Ki-seok was sitting across from Kim Tae-sik and drinking canned coffee.

Surgery for ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm, which has a high mortality rate, was successfully completed.

The two people’s faces became brighter.

“Now I see there’s a reason.”

“Huh? For what reason?”

“The reason why Professor Jang added you to the Saber team.”

Kim Tae-sik took a pause and then continued.

“He’s too skilled to be considered a first-year resident. His dexterity is also excellent. Especially when he holds the artificial blood vessels, it’s ridiculous. Are your hands mechanical? How can you not drop your hand even once for over 20 minutes?”

“I usually practice that way.”

Choi Ki-seok smiled shyly.

Reasons for reduced hand tremor.

This is because the ambidextrous passive rose to level 2 and the proficiency effect occurred.

If it weren’t for his prowess, he wouldn’t have been able to perform like he did today.

“Actually, isn’t Teacher Kim greater than me?”

Choi Ki-seok changed the topic.

Taesik Kim is not a professor, but a clinical instructor, so he uses the title teacher.

“On your first day on the job, you treated a patient with a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm. That too without any aftereffects. If you touch a nerve during treatment, the patient may suffer paralysis of the lower extremities.”

“Well, I was lucky.”

Taesik Kim answered and took a sip of coffee.


Just then, Kim Tae-sik’s call phone rang.

“Yes, Professor.”

[What happened to the patient with a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm?]

“It ended safely. He is currently in the intensive care unit. I think we can take care of him for a day or two and then send him to a regular ward.”

[Good job. It was worth bringing him to our hospital.]

Jang Hyuk-pil smiled brightly.

“Kiseok helped me a lot. If it weren’t for Kiseok, I would have been in big trouble.”

[So I told you. It will be a blessing to our team. Stick around and teach me well.]

“I understand.”

[And did you talk about it tonight?]

“I plan to do it now.”

Kim Tae-sik finished talking with Jang Hyuk-pil and stared at Choi Ki-seok.

“There is a Saber team dinner tonight. Leave duty to Teacher Min for a while and come out.”

* * *

That evening, at a meat restaurant near the hospital.

Saber team members gathered in one place.

Choi Ki-seok sat down and scanned the faces of his colleagues. It’s mostly spherical, but I saw the anesthesiologist and cardiopulmonary technician today for the first time.

The anesthesiologist’s name is Shin Ah-reum.

He appears to be in his late twenties and has impressive horn-rimmed glasses that cover half of his face.

Originally, he was in charge of anesthesia for gastrointestinal surgery, but he said he would now focus on anesthesia for the Saber team.

The name of the heart-lung machine is Yoo Byung-se.

He was small and small in stature and had a somewhat gloomy aura.

Like Kim Tae-sik, this is a case where he was scouted while working at an outside hospital.

“Today is a meaningful event where all members of the Saber team have gathered. Some people are old and some are new, so let’s introduce ourselves first.”

Hyukpil Jang’s words were followed by a short personal introduction.

“I hope we all get to know each other since we will continue to see each other from now on. And I will talk about work one last time before the dinner party.”


“A patient will arrive from the Daejeon branch hospital sometime this week. He is suffering from heart failure. Soon, our team will take over the heart transplant surgery for that patient.”

Hyukpil Jang continued speaking.

“You can think of it as a time to catch your breath before going into Saber surgery, okay?”


“All right.”

“Then let’s stop talking about work and have a good drink.”

The team members raised their glasses at Jang Hyuk-pil’s toast proposal.

“For the Saber team!”



Glasses clinked and everyone emptied their glasses.

Even though Choi Ki-seok was on duty, he emptied the first cup cleanly.

“Wow. It’s so sweet!”

Hana Kang, sitting across from him, smiled and tried to pour herself a drink.

“Teacher Kang, please give me the bottle. If you make it yourself, the person in front of you will be unlucky.”

“Tch. Did you get caught?”

Kang Hana stuck out her tongue.

Choi Ki-seok poured drinks for Kang Ha-na and others and grilled meat. It’s just a shame that I can’t drink alcohol comfortably like other people.

“Hey… I dropped a piece of meat.”

Ki-seok Choi looked down at the meat that had just come off the grill and clicked his tongue.

“Mr. Choi… what did you just say?”

Cardiopulmonary technician Yoo Byeong-se stared at Choi Ki-seok.

“You said you dropped a piece of meat? Is there something wrong with it?…”

“One piece… one piece… each?”

“I’m not sure what you’re talking about?”

“No. There’s something that’s bothering me lately.”

Yoo Byung-se said something unexpected and kept his mouth shut.

Choi Ki-seok tilted his head and started grilling the meat.

Soon, the drinks were being passed around and the atmosphere of the company dinner came alive. Kang Ha-na and Shin A-reum quickly became like sister and brother, and other people began to break down the walls in their hearts and start talking.

Jang Hyuk-pil and Kim Tae-sik, the Saber team’s one-two punch, are no exception.

Jang Hyuk-pil took the initiative by drinking alcohol and was ruined.

On the other hand, Kim Tae-sik asked Choi Ki-seok about Yoon Ji-hye’s personal information.

“Professor Yoon. You don’t have a boyfriend, do you?”

“Do you know what your ideal type is?”

Ki-Seok Choi answered sincerely what he knew.

Honestly, I hoped that the two of them would do well.

While there are types whose relationships ruin their hospital life, there are also types who do better as doctors.

I decided that if two people were dating, it would be the latter.

Because he was benefiting more from Jeong Seol-hwa’s love life.

Choi Ki-seok went to the bathroom while assisting at a dinner party following assisting with surgery.

Hyukpil Jang, who came first, was urinating.

“Professor. I have something to tell you.”

“Really? Let’s do our business and come out.”

Eventually, the two people took a seat in front of the restaurant.

“What do you have to say?”

“I don’t think it’s something to say at a company dinner, but I’m telling you because I feel like you need to know. I recently received a call from Professor Song. He said the time to call me to the U.S. might come sooner.”

“It’s America…”

Jang Hyuk-pil stroked his chin.

The drunken look he had shown until now had disappeared completely.

“So, you’re saying that you can go to the United States during your Saber team activities?”

“That’s right.”

“Well, it doesn’t matter because it’s something I’ve been thinking about from the beginning. But, just think again about going to America.”

Jang Hyuk-pil looked at Choi Ki-seok and continued.

“You and I both know that treatment in thoracic surgery is crappy. Still, is there a need to go to the United States? “I don’t know if I should go through the same process I took here again?”


” “Besides, with skills as good as yours, you can easily become a star in Korea. If you make it to the level of fellow, you will receive scouting offers from all over and you will become famous through the media.” ”

I don’t know if you think too highly of me.”

“Not at all! On the contrary, you are evaluating yourself too low.”

Jang Hyuk-pil shook his head.

“The reason why I think favorably of you is that you have skills and have started to use your brain. This is what you said to me when I suggested joining the Saber team. Professor Kwon said he would flexibly use you as the first assistant.”

“…That’s right.”

“But you weren’t. Professor Kwon must have said that he would only use you as a second assistant.”

“You saw right through that.”

Ki-seok Choi smiled empty-handedly and continued.

“I lied to secure a firm position in the Saber team.” ”

So, I lied. I like that.”

“Are you serious?”

“Yes. Strictly speaking, you changed from Professor Song from that moment on. In other words, unlike Professor Song, you can survive in this shitty thoracic surgery clinic in Korea.”


“That’s why you don’t need to go abroad. You may be worried, but think about it carefully.”

Jang Hyuk-pil tapped his shoulder and entered the restaurant.

“Are you saying I’m going to stay in Korea in the end?”

Choi Ki-seok muttered and looked up at the moon.

* * *

The atmosphere at the dinner party was hot, but Choi Ki-seok left the restaurant midway.

I only left the duty to Min-hyuk Min for a while and had to go back.

Before returning to the thoracic surgery department, I stopped by the pulmonology ward for a moment.


I greeted Choi Mi-sun’s guardian, Yang Tae-min, and stood next to the bed.

Choi Mi-sun was sleeping as deep as the morning. He was asleep.

“Teacher. Can we talk for a moment?”


Yang Tae-min and I left the hospital room and found the guardian’s lounge.

“Is there really no other way than chemotherapy?”

Yang Tae-min sighed desperately.

“It’s because my mother is having a hard time. It’s been one week since I’ve been treated, and you’re already saying that you’re going to die.” ”

… It would have been nice to be able to have surgery, but it’s impossible right now because the elderly person’s physical strength doesn’t support it.” ”

I know. “Because your mother is having a hard time.”

“I’m sorry. Even for us, we can no longer…”

Choi Ki-seok bit his lip, slurring his words.

It was also difficult for him to watch Choi Mi-sun suffering from chemotherapy.

“My mother even said that during the day. I want to get rid of everything, including treatment, and go down. I’m not going to live long anyway, so is there a need to go to this lengths?”

“I know that chemotherapy is difficult, but you must get it. If the cancer cells metastasize again, it cannot be reversed.”

“Ha… I understand. I’m going to smoke a cigarette.”

Yang Tae-min left and Choi Ki-seok returned to Choi Mi-soon’s hospital room.

Is there something?

A way to help Choi Mi-soon.

Choi Ki-seok’s hand gently covered Choi Mi-soon’s wrinkly hand.

But that was the moment. .Thiring


[You have achieved a one-time miracle mission. Similar missions will not occur again.]

[A new skill, Painkiller, has been created.]

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Level Up Doctor

Level Up Doctor

Score 8.2
Status: Completed Type: Released: 2016 Native Language: Korean
Level-Up Doctor Growing up as an orphan, Jeong He-Jin didn’t open his heart to anyone. After giving his all to become a cardiothoracic surgeon, he got into an unfortunate accident, after which he woke up not as ‘Jeon He-Jin’ but as ‘Choi GiSeok’. And on top of that, he has to using his skills…? The accident changed his fate drastically… Can he become ‘the Greatest Cardiothoracic Surgeon’ as ‘Choi GiSeok’?


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