Infinite Mage Chapter 922

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Measure of earnestness (2)

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Omega 689.

The Gaeans, who were strong enough to keep Ankera in check, saw their population decline sharply following the Sojeonghwa.


As Ichael’s judicial halo shined, six archangels rushed towards Gaean.

“Damn it…!”

As the population decreased due to the small purification, the power of the ‘Hand of God’ also decreased significantly.


As Uriel, engulfed in white electricity, ran forward, a huge path opened in a space filled with humans.

“Stay in line!”

Metiel clicked his tongue as the Guy Ains came together in perfect order, as if cells were repairing a wound.

“Are you still struggling?” Now is the era of resistance.

After dodging the attack of the ‘Hand of God’, she raised her hand towards the sky.

“Small medium-velocity bomb.”

A metal object weighing hundreds of tons filled the sky and was launched at a speed exceeding the speed of sound.

It had the force of a small meteorite impact, and the Ultima system was greatly shaken.

“Hold on! For a new era!”

Before the Hand of God could regain its form, the Archangel of Light Rayel infiltrated and swung his fist.

It was an extremely simple attack, but there was no way to block the physical force coming at the speed of light.

“Ultima System!”

At the center of Gaia, an intangible defense shield inflated like a balloon and expanded rapidly.


As Rayel took power, horizontal flashes endlessly penetrated the defense shield.

pop! pop! pop! pop! pop!

Following the trajectory of the flash, powerful chain explosions followed, generating high heat.

“Do we all have to die to be relieved of our true nature?”

Rayel flew into the sky, spun the accelerator and raised her chin arrogantly.


Light came into Gaian’s eyes.

“Did you tell me?”

As billions of voices united into one, the Hand of God clenched his fists.

“It’s the same pattern. It doesn’t work anymore.”

At that time, Rayel rotates the judicial halo at the speed of light and prepares to jump out.

“Please stop it!”

Satiel stepped in between them and spread her arms.

“We’ve fought enough like this. If one side is wiped out like this, it’s a loss for everyone.”

Rayel snorted.

“Stand back, Satiel. The reason I have left you alone so far is because I have acknowledged my neutral position. “But if you take the side of humans, it’s a different story.”

“I’m not taking anyone’s side. What I am saying is that there is no point in continuing the war like this.”

The Gaians thought.

‘It’s meaningless?’

Among those who decided to leave the photon world, the only remaining human is Guffin.

‘okay. ‘Why are we fighting?’

It had been so long ago that I had forgotten what I was fighting for.

Satiel spoke to the representative.

“Call for a ceasefire. “There is a way for angels and humans to join forces to create a new world.”

“We’ve come too far for that. If this is the end, what about the wars of our ancestors that have continued for eons? “What about the more than 100 billion people who died in the Little Purge?”

Ikael amplified his voice.

“Do you still think you are gods? Look, the war has been lost and their appearance is shabby. “As far as I know, there is no such god anywhere.”

A voice was heard from the ground.

“Could it be that you are shabbier than me?”

Ikael frowned as the tattered Guffin limped away, breathing heavily.

‘Do you still fight even when you get to that point?’ The sight of him swallowing Ankera’s anger alone was no different from that of a ruined person.

‘So Jeonghwa was prevented.’

The anger that would destroy the entire world was not something that one human could handle.

Ikael gritted his teeth.

‘Foolish human being.’

The downfall of a powerful enemy was exhilarating, but at the same time, it was heartbreaking to see him ruined.

‘Well, we fought for a really long time.’ From the beginning until now.

“Stop giving up, Guffin. Gaia has declined and your condition is not normal. “This war is our victory.”

Guffin smiled dryly.

“You can’t do that.”

“why? Why do you try to carry everything on your own? “It must be difficult to even swallow Sujeonghwa and maintain your sanity.”

As the heart-wrenching pain surged again, Guffin frowned and clutched his chest.


“You arrogant and arrogant person. You are not gods. “It’s just a mutation that destroys the stability of the world.”


Guffin readily admitted.

“We may be the error that destroys this world. “Of all of them, I would be the worst mistake.”

“If you know, stop. “Why do you want to fight when it’s too much to handle So Jeong-hwa’s anger?”

“Because I don’t like it.”

Guffin’s eyes widened.

“I hate this cold world so much. Now it doesn’t matter whether it’s God or not. “I will become a god.”

“Do not mistake delusion for reality. It’s a perfect world. “We are born from the law.”

“Is that God?”

Ikael kept his mouth shut. “

Is everything done

just by making it perfect ?”

From this moment on, Guffin’s philosophy completely denies the laws of the world.

“To the world he created with the grand name of God, and to the creatures living in that world…!”

A huge hexagon of light emerged.

“Are you saying you can’t have the slightest sympathy?”

As the Miracle Stream unleashed its dragon fist, a tornado of light swept across the radius.

Metiel muttered.

“You’re out of your mind. “I’m crazy with anger.” At the same time, six archangels flowed backwards from the Miracle Stream and attacked Guffin.

The world shook at the combination of the highest concepts, and thunder and lightning fell from the sky.

‘I thought I was a ruined person… but still, a Guffin was a Guffin.

As the equal battle continued, Ikael opened his eyes and opened Ataraxia.

The archangel’s power was amplified to the extreme.


The six people who trapped Guffin in the area of zero movement simultaneously delivered the ultimate blow.

‘It’s over. You can never avoid it.’ That’s when Rayel is sure.


The Guffin, with the whites of its eyes exposed, drew the Miracle Stream towards itself.

‘What a cold world!’

The smoke of light was compressed between his two palms and glowed brilliantly.

‘I can’t admit it!’



The six archangels flew in the same direction as an unstoppable force of inertia surged through them.

Even as the attack was thwarted, no archangel understood the current situation.


Ichael, who realized this for the first time, even forgot his archangel status and accepted the thrill.

“It stopped rotating.”

The planet came to a halt for approximately three seconds, causing volcanic eruptions and tsunamis to occur across the continent. ‘

Are you saying that even the laws of the universe will change if

just one human being… makes a wish with all his earnest heart?

Ikael muttered without realizing it.

“A god with a heart…?” If there is a God who can endlessly look over the world and sympathize with the pain of creation.

‘Under the mercy of God.’

Angels, humans, mountains, seas, fields, and trees.

‘There is nothing trivial.’

Guffin’s hands, charging at the archangels, burned with the light of the Miracle Stream.

“I will become God!”

When Uriel raised her arms and took a defensive stance, Guffin’s eyes suddenly opened wide.


Then, a bucket of blood spurted out, and he lost his strength and staggered in pain.


Ankera’s anger surged again, sending the entire cell into shock.

Yuriel rotated the Dragon of Paradise.

“…don’t blame me.”

Guffin hastily activated Hexa, but before it could be completed, Geungrakgon struck his abdomen.

The Guffin’s body flew away like an arrow, as if it had evaporated.


Satiel shouted and spread her angel wings.

“S-T-L!” In the end, she was unable to chase Guffin due to Ikael’s voice, which was so powerful that it shook the heavens and earth.


The sight of Ikael looking down at the giant Ataraxia was by far the most noble being.

“Satiel, I can no longer tolerate your indulgence. “I command you not to move one step.”

The command was given to Satiel, but no angel could leave his position.

‘This is the first time I’ve seen you so angry.’ Ikael turned in the direction the Guffin flew.

“I will decide the matter myself. “You guys have to stop the Gaians here.”

I thought it would be right to at least finish Guffin with my own hands.

Ikael landed at the end of the trail that scratched the ground and looked straight ahead.

“Is it you again? “I’m going to make love like this.”

Guffin’s body, leaning against a pile of collapsed rock walls, was stained with blood.

“You pitiful human.”

Ikael walked slowly.

“We fought for a really long time. “If I had known that the end would be so shabby, I would have ended it sooner.”

“Tsk tsk. “Tsk tsk tsk tsk.”

Guffin asked, shaking his shoulders and laughing.

“How do you feel? “The feeling of defeating the strongest enemy that stood in your way.”

“It’s neither good nor bad. “I have no feelings for noble archangels.”

“Is that so?”

Guffin recalled.

Ikael was angry, irritated, embarrassed, and sometimes… even smiled.

“Well, history belongs to the winners. Record whatever you want. “But please tell me the truth about how handsome he was.”

“Is that all the will is?” Guffin looked up at the sky and was lost in thought, but it was a burden he did not want anyone to bear.


A spark flashed in Ikael’s eyes.

“You are arrogant to the end. “You come so close to defeating God in a human body that you have nothing to leave behind for future generations?”

“What can I do? “I got it right.” Ikael spread his wings and flew out at great speed, raising his capital like a sword.

M | 99

Guffin asked as the capital stopped right in front of her eyes and looked calmly at her fingertips.

“what’s the matter? Are you really in love with me?”

“shut up.”

It was a moment I had dreamed of my whole life, but when it happened, everything became confusing.


Ichael said.

“It’s not too late. Surrender with a white flag. “I will take responsibility and protect you.”

“I said I didn’t like it.”

“Calm down! I told you I would help! “I will record it in history as a draw.”

Guffin didn’t even blink.

“Do you like me?”

“Don’t talk nonsense. I’m not doing this because I like you. If you die, that hex…

the possibility that everyone can be linked.

“Are you really going to end it like this? “Is your mercy in looking out for the world only this much?”

“It’s impossible.”

A hexagonal hexa floated above Guffin’s palm with a clear sound.

“Hexa is a signal coming down from the higher dimension to the lower dimension. Same as Idea. But to link you guys, you have to send a signal from the lower dimension to the upper dimension in reverse order.”

“It’s incredibly difficult. “It’s as if the picture bursts through the paper and into reality.”

Ikael’s eyes wavered.



Guffin pointed at the starlight.

“I don’t know if I could infinitely amplify Hexa’s signal with Ataraxia.”

Ichael, examining the possibilities with the senses of an archangel, shook his head grimly.

“no. It cannot be combined. Even if it amplifies everything, the hexa is a signal that is outside the law.”

“We can’t just say for sure.”


As Ikael blinked, Guffin held out the hexa toward the starlight body.

“Shall we try?”

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Infinite Mage

Infinite Mage

Infinite Magician, Infinite Wizard
Score 7
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2014 Native Language: Korean
This is the tale of a boy dreaming about infinity as a human! Found abandoned in a stable, Shirone is the son of a hunter—and a peasant through and though. Despite hardships, he’s a genius that manages to learn to read by himself and becomes obsessed with it. Brimming with genius talent, he goes to the city with his father, where he learns about magic— beginning his journey as an explosive rising star!


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