Infinite Mage Chapter 881

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Biology Program (3)

“What on earth are you talking about!”

Officials from other countries shouted with one voice.

“You can’t reveal it! Do you even know what kind of issue this is? If you’re thinking of monopolizing this information…

“I know what this is about.”

Sirone interrupted.

“That’s why I can’t disclose it even more.”

The video of Pishaw that Sirone confirmed was neither secret nor mysterious.

The reason I can’t talk about it is….

‘Because it’s the truth.’

The truth that Pichot sacrificed his body to convey.

Some people get closer to the truth through enlightenment, but sometimes the truth is harsh.

“There is no reversal. And the video recording device has already been destroyed. “We will review it at the Ivory Tower and then make it public.”

Dante raised his hand.

“Wait a minute, we’re going to review it in the ivory tower? “Does that mean you will ignore the state?”

“I’m not ignoring you. If I’m just talking, I can reveal it here. However, considering its impact, it is not at a level that the kingdom can handle.”

Seriel guessed roughly, but as expected, the question could not be answered without hearing it directly.

“Can’t you at least tell me what it’s about? “We also have our own information.”

“Sorry. “Give me time to think.”

While Seriel looked dissatisfied, Iruki nodded calmly.

‘I’ll have to ask later.’ Not being able to disclose it is just political rhetoric in front of a large number of people.

‘If you can report to the ivory tower, you can talk to me.’

I thought there was that level of trust.

“I can’t admit it!”

The official, who was extremely angry, shouted.

“I didn’t come all the way here just to hear that! “You will be condemned by the whole world!”

“I never asked you to come find me.”

Sirone glared harshly at the official.

“Also, it doesn’t matter how each kingdom responds, but I would like to ask them not to do so.”


The ivory tower’s judgment is always right.

Not because they are actually right, but because only they can enforce their ideas.

“Let’s go back! “You wasted your time!”

The official of the Kingdom of Mael was the first to turn around, followed by other officials.

Meanwhile, the conversation continued.

“Are you really going to leave like this? We also have a stake in the temple. “We have to file a lawsuit at the national level.”

“You won’t be able to win. We have no choice but to engage in espionage warfare. “There is no perfect secret in the world anyway.”

Sirone said as the officials left the room.

“done. “Let’s go get something to eat.”

The teachers and students of Alpheas Magic School sat down at the restaurant they had reserved in advance.

It was a happy place and it was noisy, but some people were deep in thought.

While those who were leaving were leaving and those who were staying were remaining, Iruki approached Shirone.

“Let me see in a moment.” Seriel was troubled as she watched Shirone follow Iruki.

‘I have to follow too.’

The idea was like a chimney, but conditions had to be met.

‘People who definitely need information. And the level of trust to pass on that information.’

The reason Amy stayed behind was probably the former, but Seriel apparently didn’t satisfy the latter.

‘You won’t want me to come.’ Dante must have been thinking the same thing, but Nade took a step while staying in his place.

“I have to go too.”

Liz stopped him.

“Just stay here. “If you want to follow in my footsteps, you have to meet two qualifications.”

“I know what it is.”

There’s no way a wizard wouldn’t know.

“But why do you want to go? “You don’t need to know.”

Nade said, looking back at Liz.

“Because I’m curious.” “don’t worry. What matters is trust. All you have to do is listen and keep your mouth shut.”

“To me too?”

Nade blinked.

“You’re not going to tell me either? “Are you really confident about that?”

“Uh, that’s… I’m not going to ask. yes?”

Liz said through gritted teeth.

“Just stay still.”

Nade quenched his appetite and returned to his seat.

Shirone and Iruki went into the forest near the cemetery and sat down on a rock.

“What happened?”

Although he perfectly understood Iruki’s question, Shirone just smiled.

“What video of Pishaw was recorded? Are you saying you can’t even tell me?”

“okay. “I’m sorry.”

Sirone, who watched Iruki’s reaction for a moment, changed his expression and smiled.

“It’s a joke.”

“I know. “It was very boring.”

The spirit zone was opened.

Since Shirone’s spirit was the strongest barrier, Iruki also asked comfortably.


Shirone said, moving to the seat next to Iruki.

“The truth of this world.” 3 hours ago from now.

The director who installed the video recording device did a final check before leaving the building.

“It’s done. “Are you sure it’s okay to come here?”

“Yes, that’s enough.”

When the warden left, Sirone created a new wall using his material abilities.

It was a secret room with no airflow.


After making a small chair, I activated the video recording device and the recorded video came on.


Pishaw was there.

Of course, it wasn’t the school days that Sirone remembered.

‘ What happened…

The mutation had already progressed so much that only half of the face was recognizable.

“I’m sorry for startling you. I didn’t have time. Because I need to solve at least one more problem. “Do you understand?”

Sirone nodded.

“I’ll tell you briefly. First of all, the reason I gave you the right to view the video is not because you are Odaesung or because you are my classmate. “It’s because you are a hexa.”

The left side of Pichot twitched.

“Humanity has discovered many things. I know roughly what principles the world operates on. But there are still unanswered questions. “Where on earth am I?”

Why do we exist?

“In fact, it is very strange that something exists. “Once something exists, it means there is a cause.”

Who created the universe?

“Alien life form Argoneth. A parasite invading my body. This is speaking to me.”

Pishaw pointed to the wriggling part.

“There is no such thing as space to begin with. That’s why we don’t exist either. There has never been an event where something existed in a certain place from the beginning. Shirone is just nothing.” “There was nothing in the first place, nothing happened, and it’s still the same now. There is no such thing as ‘existence.’”

“Then why…?”

Pishaw on the screen answered.

“But why are we here? Why does it feel like there is a universe? “That is an error that occurs because we do not completely understand the concept of nothingness.”

Sirone kept his mouth shut.

“there’s nothing. There really is nothing. You just think there is something there. Who on earth? Where is the subject of that illusion? That doesn’t exist either. That’s it, Sirone.”

Pichot raised his hand with difficulty.

“In order to explain nothingness, we have to borrow the concept of existence in some way. It goes wrong from there. Time-space illusions. If you move the pencil on the desk to another place, does the space on the desk become nothing? Absolutely not. Even the thought of moving something to another place is valid. Humans cannot imagine that there really is nothing. Knowing that the limits of our reach are unimaginable. “That’s it.”

Sirone imagined nothingness.

Although we were able to come up with a state of complete nothingness through logical and conceptual combination, it is actually not nothingness.

‘To truly imagine…

you must not even be able to imagine, so imagining is impossible in the first place.

“I call this infinite nothingness.”

Pishaw smiled shyly.

“It’s a concept we can’t even come close to, but we’re still humans, so we gave it a name. Anyway, Shirone, if you believe me, you will know now.”

Pishaw’s eyes changed.

“There is nothing, only illusion. It’s not a contradiction. Even the fact that you are mistaken at this moment is an illusion. It’s just not there. “You need to know that it doesn’t exist.”

Pishaw’s shoulders wriggled even more violently.

“Everything is in that illusion.”

Just as humans cannot conceive of nothingness, they could not conceive of the existence of everything.

“Everything is a difference of perspective. Differences in perspectives on nothingness separate good and evil, emptiness and sorrow, and countless other things. Actually there is nothing. Nevertheless, the reason why

I am delivering this video to you and not to you is …

Fisho’s shoulder exploded with a thud.

“They say illusions are freedom.”

Sirone saw his bitter smile in his eyes.

“For the report on Argoneth, you can look at the report from the Ultra Strange Biological Research Institute. The problem is… this guy knows too much. Of course, by human standards. And for some reason, it seems to be on a mission to destroy any creature that has access to this secret.”

If the video was made public, Argones would wipe out the entire human race.

“I don’t have time. I’m suppressing him with medication, but he’ll wake up soon. Shirone, you have to choose. “Will all mankind fight or will you fight alone?”

As Picho’s transformation speeded up, his head was bent to the side as if it were about to break.


I was heartbroken that I couldn’t help.

“Argones is the source of all living things. But you are different. “I am free from its control.”

Because it is hexa.

“It doesn’t matter whether it’s infinite or infinite. Even if it was an illusion, it was the world I was in. So…


As Pichot’s eyes rolled upward, Sirone rushed to the video.

“I told you clearly… Shiro…

Finally, Phisho’s neck was completely bent and the mutated cells drooped down.

“Ugh! “Huh!”

Sirone clutched the video and shed tears.

“no. No…

the reason there was no body in the coffin.

When the host died, the cells quickly dissolved and spread like porridge.


Shirone weakly returned to his seat, lowered his head and fell into deep thought.

‘Why is that important?’

Pishaw’s message revealed the truth of the world, but it seemed like nothing would change anyway.

“Why is Argoneth trying to erase humans who have access to this secret?” The key to access the outside world.

‘infinite. ‘Infinite Wizard.’

You can’t imagine a state where there is nothing?

An eerie feeling was conveyed to Sirone, who had made no further progress after reaching the 9th sense.

‘Wait a minute… could this be…

A flickering screen was reflected on the retina of Sirone, who was resting his chin.

You hurriedly raised your head as you were so absorbed in your thoughts that you didn’t realize it.


In the unfinished video, Phishot’s cells, which had turned into mucus, began to wriggle.

It became more active, as if it were alive, and its surface bulged.

‘Are there still more videos?’

And finally, a human-shaped slime walked in front of the screen, dripping a thin liquid. The space where the mouth would be was widened, and as it tore open, a voice came out.


it was Argones, the father of living creatures.

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Infinite Mage

Infinite Mage

Infinite Magician, Infinite Wizard
Score 7
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2014 Native Language: Korean
This is the tale of a boy dreaming about infinity as a human! Found abandoned in a stable, Shirone is the son of a hunter—and a peasant through and though. Despite hardships, he’s a genius that manages to learn to read by himself and becomes obsessed with it. Brimming with genius talent, he goes to the city with his father, where he learns about magic— beginning his journey as an explosive rising star!


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