Infinite Mage Chapter 58

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[58] Gage Symmetry (4)

Armin recalled that time.

“Not being able to see is like missing space. When space disappears, time also disappears. Then, in the dark, I came to a realization. The fact that my existence is already out of time. That’s how the stop magic was completed.”

Sirone’s heart pounded. It felt like I had heard the essentials of stop magic that countless time wizards had not been able to conquer.

“There is nothing to admire. It’s not really a superpower. It can only be done within the radius of the Spirit Zone, and there are significant restrictions.”

Armin looked back at Shiina, who was frozen in time.

“He is a good brother. He is a child with a soft heart as much as he pretends to be strong. Do you think so too, Sirone-kun?”

“haha! well. I don’t know if he’s weak, but I’m sure he’s a good person.”

“How do you feel now? Is my sister beautiful?”

“Oh, of course it is. They are also popular at school.”

“So what? If time is stopped, can we do weird things?”

Understanding Armin’s words, Sirone blushed.

“What are you talking about? No way Armin…”

“Don’t worry. Because it’s impossible. Currently, we are in a state where the mass converges to zero. In fact, if it had no mass, it would disintegrate, but the point is acceleration. That is why stop magic is called the realm of the speed of light.”

“That was the reason Nade was hard when I touched him. Because they had no mass, they couldn’t even bend their collars.”

“Yes. infinitely weaker. But it’s also true that no one can touch us. That is the true meaning of stop magic. How did you know you would notice, I asked? It’s simple. It’s because I also gained the same enlightenment as Sirone-kun.”

“If it’s the same realization… can’t it?”

“yes. It is an immortal function.”

Sirone’s heart thumped. There is a person in front of you who has directly experienced the immortal function that no one has given an answer for. It was also the highest ranking magician in the time series.

“Immortal function is the realization of the essence. The essence is one, so the wavelengths of Sirone-kun and me resonate. It is also called portraiture.”

“What is an immortal function?”

“It is a gateway to infinity. Sirone-kun opened it up. In the wizarding community, these people are called Unlockers.”

After thinking for a moment, Armin asked a question.

“Have you ever felt… when you opened the Immortal Function, did you feel your ego disintegrating?”

“that’s right! At that time, I thought it was really disappearing.”

“If it had lasted, it would have been. When the spirit transcends the number end, the spirit zone expands to infinity. But humans are finite beings. That is why Unlockers embrace infinity through their own Spirit Zones.”

After hearing the explanation, Sirone said with a teary face.

“Then what should I do? Even the best wizards are careful, but I didn’t know anything at the time. Maybe that’s why I have nightmares every night, and I feel paranormal even when I’m alone.”

Armin reassured Sirone with a soft smile.

“It is the natural order. If you were able to control it from the beginning, you wouldn’t have opened Immortal Function. A sense of portrait is what Sirone-kun feels for himself. Because we still don’t know what the enlightenment gained through the great expansion is.”

“How do I know?”

“You will realize it yourself. It’s just that you can’t put a name on what you already have.”


Seeing Sirone’s uneasy face, Armin recalled his former self. No matter how much I said that I would realize it on my own, there was no way it could feel real.

“great. Then let me tell you. The name of what Sirone realized is gauge symmetry.”

“Gage… Symmetry?”

“This world must be perfectly balanced. But in reality the symmetry is broken. Sirone experienced that gap firsthand. That is probably the cause of the paranormal.”

Sirone kept chanting the word gauge symmetry like a mantra. But like magic, nothing came to mind.

Armin said while patting Sirone’s head.

“You don’t have to worry about anything. I don’t mean to stop doing anything, but in the end Sirone-kun will reach it. Then you will understand what I mean.”

Sirone took a deep breath and nodded. Although his mind was not yet organized, he knew that today’s meeting would become a huge turning point in his future.

“thank you. If I hadn’t met Armin-san, I might have fallen into overflow, as Shiina-sensei said.”

“As much as Unlockers share the same wavelength, they bond deeply. Of course, that bond sometimes turns into a big fight. Anyway, I’m glad it helped.”

Armin looked back at Shiina with a friendly smile.

“I think I need to leave the room of time now. I have to finish the painting before my wife comes back.”

“Oh, come to think of it, you said that today is the last day, right?”

“yes. There are grandiose nicknames, but first of all, my main job is a painter. I plan to pack up and leave within a few days starting today. You won’t be able to see Shiina for a while.”

“I’d rather tell the teacher…”

Armin shook his head.

“Shiina is still suffering. Even if I didn’t give up magic, the lost eye wouldn’t come back. Besides, he is already married. I want to help Shiina live her life.”

Sirone understood Armin’s feelings. He doesn’t want to see his younger brother, whom he cherishes more than his life, get caught up in the past.

“yes. I’ll keep a secret too. Thank you so much for today.”

“I also enjoyed it. Sirone.”

Armin covered his eyes again with a rag. As he sat back on the canvas, time began to pass. Nade and Iruki’s breathing could be heard, and Shiina’s smile became lively again.

Sirone felt like waking up from a dream. I couldn’t believe that I had just talked to Armin.

Time flew by in heightened emotions. After completing the painting, Armin turned the canvas to Shiina.

“how is it? Do you think it turned out well?”

“Yes, it is pretty.”

“You’ve been through a hard time. It was an honor to be able to draw you.”

“brother is. We’re no strangers…”

A feeling of regret passed through Shiina’s eyes. Then, when I heard footsteps downstairs, I jumped up in amazement without even having time to say goodbye. Is it already time for the wife to come back? It was faster than usual, but I wasn’t in the mood to think deeply.

“brother. Then I’ll be gone. Come on, you guys too.”

Shiina tried to leave as if to run away. When she, who is more confident than anyone else at school, gets scared just because Armin’s wife is coming, Sirone and the others are upset.

“Honey, do you draw a picture?”

Keira stuck her face out. Contrary to the expectation that she would be as calm as Armin’s personality, she was a lively woman in her early twenties. Shiina’s eyes met, and she gave a surprised expression.

“Oh, Mr. Shiina? Come to think of it, today was the day you came.”

“Hello Miss Keira. long time no see.”

“Iknow, right. Why is it so hard to see your face? Are you avoiding me on purpose? Ho-ho-ho!”

Shiina caught on to her fainting spirit.

“Ah, my work with my brother is over. I just want to go.”

“Now that I’m here, what is there to do? Let’s go eat dinner.”

“Thank you for your words, but I have a promise…”

“Hmm. Do you think this is suspicious? Didn’t you do something suspicious with Shiina-san when I wasn’t around?”

“Be careful what you say Keira.”

Armin’s brow wrinkled. There was no case even for Sirone to think. The teacher was careful about his behavior from beginning to end, but to say that he did something suspicious.

Shiina, with her face flushed, left the room while putting on and drying her coat. The upset Sirone and the others also followed, glancing at Keira. However, whether it was lack of awareness or a good feeling, Keira smiled and waved her hand.

“Goodbye, kids. Next time you come, my sister will make you something delicious.”

Naturally, no answer came back. Seeing their cold attitude, Keira tilted her head and murmured.

“oh? what mistake did i make? Why are your expressions like that? Didn’t you really do something strange here?”

“Stop playing around and come down. Because I want to say hello properly.”

“tooth. Anyway, if it’s a younger sister, I can’t use it.”

Armin quickly descended the stairs. Shiina was also waiting outside the door, probably thinking that she was not feeling well at this rate.

“I’m sorry, Shiina. My wife is so kinky.”

“are you okay. Anyway, if we break up now, I don’t know when I’ll see you again. In the meantime, do well. and healthy.”

“okay. you work hard too Still, seeing how good he gets along with his students, he feels relieved. To be honest, I was worried about whether I would be able to do well. ha ha ha!”

Shiina burst out laughing. Armin would be the only person in the world who could treat himself as a child. Because he was the only person with whom he shared the memories of his immature childhood.

Sirone’s heart was touched. It seemed that she now vaguely understood why the genius recognized by the kingdom decided to become a teacher, why she was so obsessed with overflow, and why she kept away from men to the point of earning the nickname Frozen Shiina.

“Then I will go. Write me when you can afford it.”

“okay. I’ll say goodbye when I settle down. And Sirone Nade Iruki. work hard. I’ll be hearing the names of you who have grown into great wizards, even from far away.”

“yes. I’m sorry today.”

Sirone and the others expressed their sincere gratitude. If it wasn’t for Armin’s consideration, the work wouldn’t have ended so safely.

Armin stayed there until Shiina disappeared. Keira, who was leaning against the door with her arms folded, said with a cold expression.

“Armin, calm down. You don’t know what will happen if the higher up finds out that you’re immersed in sentimentality.”

Armin also turned to Keira with a displeased expression. For three years, they disguised themselves as a married couple, but they were truly unfaithful.

“Whatever feelings I have, they are my heart. Do a mission report. Is the investigation over?”

“Perfect. There’s nothing more to see in Creas. I have to go to Calberra in the next 15 days. I have to pass through a dangerous zone, but with Armin of the Gwangan, it won’t be a problem, right?”

“You don’t need to talk unnecessarily. I will keep my promise.”

Armin said it clearly, but Keira was not relieved. Although he was selected by the upper management for his excellent insight and genius magic skills, he was a free-spirited man who could leave the organization at any time.

“Couldn’t you have told Shiina?”

Armin didn’t answer.

“I don’t want to harm you. Of course, I know you can’t capture the Eternal Reflector by any means, but even so, you’re only human. The moment you betray the organization, everyone you love will experience hell. Not only Shiina, but also the Oleifer School.”

It was a terrifying threat, and it was also true. The organization Keira belonged to had enough strength and power and brutality to survive.

No matter what happens, Shiina must be protected. In that sense, meeting Sirone was fortunate. Today’s variables that no one expected would one day lead the situation to an advantage.

“No need to worry.”

Armin turned to Keira and said with a smile.

“Since Shiina doesn’t know anything.”

Under the moonlight, Shiina (1)

Returning to school, Shirone and the others looked at Shiina anxiously.

The atmosphere was good when she was with Armin, but you never know when she will change her mind.


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Infinite Mage

Infinite Mage

Infinite Magician, Infinite Wizard
Score 7
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2014 Native Language: Korean
This is the tale of a boy dreaming about infinity as a human! Found abandoned in a stable, Shirone is the son of a hunter—and a peasant through and though. Despite hardships, he’s a genius that manages to learn to read by himself and becomes obsessed with it. Brimming with genius talent, he goes to the city with his father, where he learns about magic— beginning his journey as an explosive rising star!


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