Infinite Mage Chapter 48

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[48] Limitless (7)

Sirone’s mind expanded and spread endlessly, like a supernova explosion. perfect opening. Beyond modularization, all the numbers that exist in the world are compressed into a single point.

Puff puff puff puff!

The targeting speed suddenly soared. Two flashes of light were simultaneously extending from Sirone’s spirit zone.

“Senior is also a double!”

“No, unless it’s Servant Syndrome, doubles are impossible. It’s not on that level.”

Seriel couldn’t believe the scene unfolding before her eyes. The number of flashes increased from ten to twenty, from twenty to one hundred.

Sirone felt completely liberated. A feeling that permeates everywhere in the world. The stronger the feeling, the more the thought faded. I couldn’t think of anything, and only my senses touched everything.

The Spirit Zone grew infinitely. When the diameter exceeded 80 meters, the flashes all merged and filled the spirit zone with light. Even the figure of the gigantic photon Sirone was enveloped in light.

As soon as the target appeared, it exploded, and the speed at which the step went up became incredibly fast.

‘Ah … Ah ….’

Shirone shed tears, realizing a fading presence. exceeded the number. All. That’s it. All that was left was to permeate the world as it is.

‘Big! It’s not over yet!’

Iruki gritted his teeth. I checked the score of Sirone, who was terrifyingly hitting, but it was nothing to do with it. If Sirone sped up, it was enough to run faster than that.

‘There is no limit to a Servant’s calculations! Whether it’s 1 trillion or 1,000 trillion, I’ll calculate everything! I’ll look at the end of the numbers that exist in the world!’

Iruki’s Spirit Zone moved at a speed that the human eye could not follow. win can win! 1 second left! 0.9 seconds! 0.85 seconds! damn it! What kind of a bastard’s time doesn’t go like this!


One minute that seemed like an eternity was over. As the target dispersed in illusion, Shirone and Iruki sat down at the same time.

Unlike Iruki, who was out of breath, Shirone did not move. He had already lost consciousness.

Iruki looked up and checked his score.

1247 points.

An unprecedented record in the history of magic schools. It was a whopping 260 points ahead of Amy’s record.

‘Did I win? But why can’t I hear anything? What is Sirone doing?’

When Iruki turned his head, Shirone was still on her knees, her face buried in her chest. It was like breathing, but it was a futile feeling that no life was felt.

Iruki moved his gaze to Sirone’s display board.

1253 points.

“Senior Seo! Sirone-senpai…!”

“Sirone won!”

Seriel interrupted Mark and ran out. He overpowered Iruki, a talented person who even gave him goosebumps. I felt like I wanted to give her a kiss instead of Amy. Of course, when she gave her permission.

Not to be outdone by juniors, they headed to the Image Zone. Both of you congratulated me and shook Sirone.

“Huh uh uh uh!”

After coming to her senses, Sirone opened her eyes wide and inhaled. As the mind buried in the realm of meaninglessness was reconstructed, things like names and emotions of objects were newly embedded.

While Shirone was buzzing around, no one approached Iruki. Nade was the only one who touched his shoulder.

“I lost in the end. But it was a great fight.”

“Not very comforting. Because you want to win.”

Nade smiled and turned to Sirone. It was a really great talent. It may seem like a simple targeting test to others, but knowing Iruki’s talent, he couldn’t even guess how much realization Shirone had inside.

‘Congratulations Sirone.’

Surrounded by students, Sirone was not happy about the thrilling victory, but had a sad face.

Ethella looked at him with a serious expression and was lost in thought.

The difference between Shirone and Iruki is only 6 points. But in terms of mental speed, 6 points was a huge difference.

‘Sirone. No way…’

In the final scene of Speed Gun, Sirone’s spirit zone was completely filled with light. A situation that is absolutely impossible with a photon-output battery. But there was one exception.

‘Are you saying it transcended numbers?’

There is no end to the number. Even if Iruki goes through a number sequence ceremony for 10,000 years, she cannot escape from the starting point of the number journey.

‘Since when did you know Sirone?’

Sequence formulas expand numbers to strengthen the spirit. Then what would happen to the mind if it transcended numbers?

expands to infinity

Wizards call this phenomenon ‘immortal function’, which means an immortal function, but the monk Ethella knew another name.

‘Nirvana (nirvana).’

It is a concept that does not need to be taught at the magic school level and should not be taught. Infinity is the domain at the finite symmetry point. This is because the existence of the object disappears the moment you enter it.

Tears welled up in Ethella’s eyes.

‘Sirone. then no. No matter how shiny it looks, no matter how brilliant it looks, the moment you enter infinity, you…’


High monks realize the impermanence of the world through long asceticism and enter the world of nirvana leaving everything behind.

But it wasn’t Sirone. Infinity was too dangerous for an 18-year-old boy who had to learn the world and realize his dreams.

‘It’s not perfect when you look at the end of it to the point of fainting. But if you really went in…’

Etella wiped away her tears and approached Sirone. Sirone’s sad face said it all.

“Sirone you…”

“I’m sorry, sir.”

“Since when?”

“I went on a very long… trip.”

It was like a conversation between a monk and a Seon dialogue. Perhaps only Sirone knows the true intentions.

Ethella could not offer any advice. Since Sirone realized and stopped himself, the choice should have been given to him as well.

“Don’t worry, sir. I really didn’t expect that.”

All Etella could do was look at Sirone with a friendly look and say,

“Yes sirone. The teacher loves you.”

The students opened their eyes wide and groaned.

“What are you saying?”

A teacher confesses his love to a student. Not only did the situation itself make no sense, but even the timing was odd.

Sirone deeply bowed her head with a reverent heart. The deep meaning of Etela’s words penetrated my heart.

“Sir! Did you say you love me now? There are so many teachers’ bodyguards in the school, but if you betray like this…!”

Ethella tilted her head.

“bodyguard? What is it? And the teacher loves you all.”

“What is it? Was it like that? ha ha ha! me again! I love you too!”

“I love you too, sir!”

Male students started competing to confess their love. Etella was not offended and stroked the students.

“Okay, let’s finish the test. Gather everyone.”

Students lined up in front of the image zone. As it was a test that I did my best, regardless of the result, they were relieved faces.

“Thanks for your efforts. Still, it’s nice that the test days end early, right? I’m going to take a good rest and start practicing again from next time. Everyone has worked hard.”

When Ethella bowed her head in a monk’s manner of greeting, the students followed her, half for fun and half for respect.

“Thank you sir!”

Etella went down the mountain first to deliver the test results to the school. On the other hand, the students did not leave their seats easily, as if savoring the afterglow of the tremendous confrontation.

“Sirone! so good! I’m sure Amy will like it too. No, are you angry because your record was broken? How are you! Boyfriend won! Ho-ho-ho!”

Sirone was enduring Seriel’s chatter with a tired face. I felt like I could do anything if I could stop her talking.

As if Sirone’s prayer had worked, Seriel miraculously stopped talking and looked around.

Iruki was approaching.

The students watched with interest. I wondered how the arrogant genius would handle the situation this time, but Iruki’s words were surprisingly bland.

“I lost. It’s a rout.”

Sirone shook her head.

“no. I don’t think so.”

“At times like this, you don’t have to be humble. Especially when you hear the declaration of defeat of a genius like me.”

“I don’t really feel like I won. This test was a targeting assessment. But the magic I cast at the end matched all the spaces.”

“haha. It’s really boring. After all, that’s targeting. By increasing the power of the photon output, it was eliminated all at once. Don’t worry, you won.”

“If you ask me that way, so are you. A similar effect could have been achieved if the explosion had been maximized.”

Iruki grabbed his belly button and giggled.

“Certainly there is a way. But it takes quite a long time to cause an explosion of that magnitude. Of course, I was quite desperate earlier, so I might have shortened the reaction, but it probably wouldn’t have yielded good results anyway.”

Sirone agreed. However, I couldn’t bear to respond to Iruki’s appearance, which was so different from usual. Why did they argue when they could be so kindly persuaded?

“Are you sure you did that on purpose? Are you trying to provoke me?”

Iruki blinked as if he had an interesting opinion and then said something out of the blue.

“I study explosions. An explosion that, to borrow your words, could kill everyone in the city.”

Sirone’s forehead creased gently.

“But Sirone, you are misunderstanding. An explosion is not a violent phenomenon. Violence has the will to hurt someone. But I have no will to explode. It’s just energy much stronger than human standards.”

“Lack of will doesn’t mean people won’t get hurt. Because it’s people who handle that energy.”

“That’s right. So I define an explosion like this. Uncontrollable energy. By the way, sirone. Energy is life force. So what if humans were able to completely control the explosion?”

Iruki spread his arms to express his greatness.

“A new era will open. An explosion powerful enough to blow up a city contains enough energy to feed 100,000 people. If we can control it, there will be no need for war to steal from others, and everyone will lead a prosperous life.”

A good feeling settled on Sirone’s face.

“I wish I had told you that way from the beginning. There was no reason to fight.”

Iruki smiled bitterly.

“I said An ideal is just an ideal. One wizard cannot change the world. Even if I could control the explosion, someone would kill tens of thousands of people with it. But Sirone, I will do it anyway. Because someone has to.”

“then no. I know what you mean, but it’s a choice that will make you unhappy too.”

“haha! that’s right! That’s why it’s like that to you!”

Iruki sat down on his seat and looked up at the sky.

“Shall we just hit it here? After playing roughly in Class 5, if this is boring, I dig into a dungeon or something. Maybe a dangerous guy like me shouldn’t have been born.”

Shirone looked down at Iruki with a complicated feeling. What is this child? Are you an idealist or a realist? Or is he an indefinable geek?

“So from now on you have to take care of me.”

“huh? responsibility?”

“You can stop my runaway. If, in the distant future, the way I pursue causes tragedy…”

Iruki said with a sincere voice.

“You stop me. If you decide that I am not worthy of being in this world, end my life with your own hands.”

Iruki’s way of thinking is cold. However, to that extent, he was accurately seeing the light and darkness of the work he was pursuing.

Shirone thought that if someone must do something, the right person should be Iruki.

“okay. I’ll stop you. No, I will never make a terrible mistake.”

Ned trembled as if he was thrilled, then hugged the two of them and went down the mountain.

“Aww! I really like you guys! Let’s do our best in the future!”

Caught by Nade, Sirone and Iruki looked back at each other and smiled. It was the day the Three Musketeers of Class Five were formed.

(End of Volume 2)


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Infinite Mage

Infinite Mage

Infinite Magician, Infinite Wizard
Score 7
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2014 Native Language: Korean
This is the tale of a boy dreaming about infinity as a human! Found abandoned in a stable, Shirone is the son of a hunter—and a peasant through and though. Despite hardships, he’s a genius that manages to learn to read by himself and becomes obsessed with it. Brimming with genius talent, he goes to the city with his father, where he learns about magic— beginning his journey as an explosive rising star!


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