I Don’t Need a Guillotine for My Revolution Chapter 9

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Civil War Period – Attack

The sky was dyed red by the setting sun.

What I would normally find beautiful now looked as if it had been stained with blood, which made me uncomfortable.

Even when you see the same thing, the way you feel it depending on your imagination is completely different.

Thinking like that, Christine sighed lightly and closed the carriage window.

After a carriage journey that I could not get used to no matter how many times I tried it, the procession of the upper class returning from the Marquis de Lafayette arrived at the residence of the Count of Aquitaine.

“We have arrived Lady.”

Christine took a deep breath and got out of the carriage, holding the hand of her escort, Sir Gaston.

However, it was not the usual welcome that greeted the returning top.

Christine, who saw armed soldiers rushing out and surrounding the carriage, narrowed her eyes and looked at the maid who was faltering as she tried to follow her out of the carriage.

“Just stay in the carriage, Lina.”

“yes yes? “Miss, what is that…”

Christine closed the carriage door without listening to the answer.

Then he stood up straight and asked the two nobles who had brought the soldiers out.

“Baron Charon, Baron Duna, what is going on?”

Baron Charon responded, bowing his head politely to Christine.

“I’m sorry, Miss Christine. His Excellency the Count has been unconscious for a few days. In relation to this, I am ordered to bring the young lady to you respectfully…”

“Who gave such an order?”

Baron Charon kept his mouth shut in response to Christine’s sharp question.

Instead, Baron Duna, who was next to him, opened his mouth.

“This is the name of the Countess, the current acting lord.”

Christine glanced at the arrogant expression of the current countess’s brother, Baron Duna, and answered simply.

“Okay, please guide me.”

But Duna did not back down from there.

“I’m sorry, but before that, I need to disarm the guard knight.”

“Since when have I been treated like a criminal in my own home?”

“I guess I don’t understand the situation well, but you have been identified as a suspect in the poisoning of His Excellency the Count. “Wouldn’t obediently cooperating be the way to avoid a little suspicion?”

After Baron Duna declared that, he gestured, and the soldiers began to approach little by little, observing Christine’s notice.

“Get back!”

The soldiers who tried to approach flinched at Christine’s words and froze in place.

“If you don’t cooperate, it will be considered treason against the acting lord-”

Duna’s words could not continue to the end.

“Consider and judge that what is before your eyes is the daughter of Aquitaine! Do you truly believe that I poisoned my father? I will go out on my own and prove it myself. And who doesn’t know that I will remember your actions then?”

Even Christine herself knew for the first time that she could have such a bright voice.

After a quiet silence, Baron Charon spoke.

“Put your weapon down.”

As soon as the Baron’s order was given, the soldiers he led immediately breathed a sigh of relief, put away their weapons, and retreated.

“Please forgive my rudeness, Miss Christine.”

Christine nodded slightly to Baron Charon and then turned her gaze to Baron Duna’s soldiers.

“I will forgive this rudeness to anyone who steps down now.”

“What are you doing! “Rejecting the acting lord’s orders is treason against the count!”

The soldiers were anxious but did not retreat.

“I hope you don’t regret that choice.”

As soon as Christine muttered lowly, Gaston, who was standing behind her, drew his sword, and

the door of the freight wagon behind him was smashed and a group of people jumped out.

“100 million? Subdue me!”

“Everyone stand by! “Don’t move!”

Different orders from Duna and Baron Karon were issued simultaneously and the battle began.


“Ugh my paaal!”

In the midst of clashing swords and spears and shouts and screams, Christine stood calmly, wearing a jet-black dress like mourning clothes.

Gaston swung his sword like he was possessed and cut down the soldiers, and soon Lafayette’s soldiers jumped out of the freight wagon and followed suit and started slaughtering Baron Duna’s soldiers.


Christine looked with insensitive eyes at the soldier who was half frantic and was charging at her with a spear.

Before the spear could reach her, the sword cut the soldier’s body in two.

The blood that poured out from the soldier who couldn’t even scream soaked the dress.

Christine thought that her dress, which had been dyed dark red, was very suitable for a day like today.

Pierre, who had cut down the soldier and blocked Christine’s path, immediately pulled out his dagger and threw it, striking it right between the eyes of the soldier who was trying to aim his matchlock gun from afar.

Pierre turned his head and looked at her.

“Are you okay?”

Ah, this person was able to make such a surprised voice.

Christine opened her mouth, feeling somewhat unfamiliar.

“The plan was to infiltrate, but it went completely wrong, Marquis So.”

Pierre responded by pulling out another dagger and throwing it.

“Well, if I don’t leave any witnesses, wouldn’t it be just an infiltration?”

Christine laughed out loud when she heard the answer.

The smell of blood is strong and there is a lot of yelling and screaming, but the fact that you can laugh is probably something that has happened to you as well.

The situation was resolved in an instant.

Baron Duna fled into the mansion in a huff, and all of the Baron’s soldiers turned into cold corpses.

Pierre, covered in blood, came up to her and said:

“Give me your orders, Lady. “This is a rare opportunity to knight the Marquis de Lafayette.”

“…Please blockade the mansion.”

“Let’s make sure we don’t miss a single rat.”

Christine calmed her expression and looked at Baron Charon.

“I will take you to Miss Christine.”

Christine led Baron Caron and his soldiers like subordinates and headed to the Count’s bedroom.

On the way, I glanced at her room and saw that it was completely trashed.

“Uh, uh…”

The Countess’s guards, who saw Baron Duna, who had gone out to arrest her, not even in sight, and Baron Caron, who had gone out with her, following her as if he were her bodyguard, did not know what to do and could not respond.

And while they were hesitating, Christine walked with long strides, opened the Count’s bedroom door, and entered.

As the vassals and the countess inside looked shocked, Christine lifted the hem of her blood-stained black dress and greeted them.

“Christine D’Aquitaine has now returned from her voyage to the Marquis de Lafayette.”

Countess Yvonne seemed very surprised, but then she shouted venomously.

“What kind of rudeness is this? “You can’t believe you barged into His Excellency the Count’s bedroom like this!”

“Because your wife requested my presence.”

Christine reacted angrily and glanced at her unconscious father lying on the bed.

Yvonne held the fan in her hand so hard that it seemed like she would break it, but then she turned her gaze to the man next to her.

The man, who had horns on his head and brown skin, could be seen as a demon at a glance. At the countess’s glance, he took a polite bowing pose and opened his mouth.

“It is an honor to meet you like this, Lady Aquitaine. My name is Gaff and I am from Envy, a company under Abyss Corporation. “The reason I am here today is because I received a request from the Countess to conduct an investigation.”

After saying that, Garp took out a pouch from his pocket, grabbed a handful of the powder inside, and sprinkled it on the Count who was lying on the bed.

When the unknown glowing powder touched, something unknown pink was revealed inside the Count’s body.

Something made of magical power that seemed to be moving through my veins.

“This product is the ‘Eternal Rest’ from our ‘Envy’ company. It is a substance that turns colorless and odorless when dissolved in water. If ingested once a day for 7 days, it will circulate through the bloodstream of the person ingesting it, putting them into a state of suspended animation and leading to death within about 7 days.

As for the Count, looking at his progress, he will probably pass away tomorrow. To give you some consolation though, during those seven days the victim has very happy dreams and dies painlessly. “How humane and advanced is this product?”

Christine said as if she was dumbfounded.

“I don’t like it when you test the poison you created.”

Garp smiled kindly and answered without changing his expression at all.

“If there is no verification, isn’t it difficult to prove the performance of our excellent products? It may sound a bit arrogant, but our products are technologically very advanced. Unless you use our paid verification service, verification is impossible using the technology of other underdeveloped countries-” “

So you’re claiming that I, who don’t even know what this is, poisoned my father with this?”

In response to Christine’s question, which had roughly ignored Garp’s words halfway through, Yvonne answered by arrogantly lifting her chin.

“It’s disgusting that you pretend to be so innocent.”

On the contrary, Christine thought she was truly amazing.

The reason she can be confident, even though she must have known that her brother and the soldiers failed, is probably because she believes that the solution will be solved if she somehow charges against her in front of her vassals.

Yvonne thumped her hand with her fan.

Christine, who had a puzzled look on her face, hardened when she saw the bedroom door open and a woman enter.

“You were Christine’s maid. Now let me tell you. “What did your lady order you to do?”

The former maid bowed her head, avoiding Christine’s gaze, and spoke in a trembling voice.

“Ah, the lady told me to add powder to the tea she was serving to the Count, saying it was for the Count’s health. I really didn’t know what that was! “I thought it was just as you said…”

Christine closed her eyes tightly at the sight of her old friend telling a lie while trembling like an aspen.

Still, I tried to end it by expelling him from the mansion out of consideration for the long-term bond we had together.

“Is this the powder by any chance?”

“yes yes. “That powder is correct.”

“This powder is called ‘Eternal Rest.’ There is no other color with such a characteristic pink color that shines with magical power. “It is a substance that disappears as if dissolved the moment it is immersed in water, but never decomposes and accumulates in the victim’s body.”


“Are you sure you’re really a young lady?”

Christine closed her eyes and watched the conversation, which felt like a third-rate comedy that she could not listen to.

“Do you still have anything to say? “Let me at least listen to your final argument.”

After hearing the Countess’ words, Christine opened her eyes and headed to the bookshelf in a corner of the room.

While everyone was looking at her with puzzled eyes, she pulled the book in the familiar order and opened the small safe.

The sight of the Countess opening her eyes when she saw the document she had taken out there gave Christine quite a pleasant feeling.

If you want to hide a tree, hide it in the forest.

He might have searched the upper room or Christine’s room just in case, but he might not have even thought about turning the Count’s bedroom upside down.

Christine opened the document in front of the vassals and the countess.

“Customer: Abyss Corporation ‘Envy’. Trader Baron Duna. It’s definitely recorded. “I didn’t know what the item was, but they kindly called the verification service and saved me a lot of trouble.”

Yvonne was startled and dropped the fan she was holding.

“How is that?”

Christine sneered coldly. Yvonne, of course, ordered the destruction of those documents.

Not knowing that the employee who would destroy it were Christine’s limbs.

Christine looked at the vassals and opened her mouth.

“The poison purchased by the Countess’s family was used on my father. “It was my ‘fired’ maid called by the Countess who said it was my doing.”

Before the subjects could say anything, Christine took out another piece of paper.

A letter that was scorched and burned by a fire, stitched together and restored.

Most of the writing is illegible, but words such as Lafayette upper guard raid have been restored and remain.

Above all, even though most of the documents were burned, there was a distinctive stamp on them that was unique to the Marquis de Lafayette.

“It is very damaged, but the person who wrote this happened to visit in person, so verification will be possible. “Even though the Marquis de Lafayette warned us of the danger in advance, someone ignored it and put the blood relatives and merchants of Aquitaine at risk.”

Christine slowly turned her gaze, and the vassals naturally turned their heads to follow her gaze.

“Countess. The poison your family purchased was used in an assassination attempt on His Excellency the Earl, and the warnings of the allied families were deliberately ignored, putting me in danger. “I will give you a chance to argue that this is not treason against the count. If you can.”


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I Don’t Need a Guillotine for My Revolution

I Don’t Need a Guillotine for My Revolution

내 혁명에 단두대는 필요없다
Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
As a noble of a corrupt kingdom, I died after failing to quell the Revolution. When I opened my eyes, I returned to the time before the Revolution erupted. Now, to survive, I must join the Revolution


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