I Don’t Need a Guillotine for My Revolution Chapter 7

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Civil War – Christine Dakiten (2)

Once we both agreed, the story flowed smoothly.

In order for her to take control of the count family, she must first strengthen her influence in the family and find a cause to defeat her hostile forces.

We both have a lot of prep work to do, and both I and she need money for the materials.

This time, they say they took away the Count of Mirbeau, but the surrounding lords are not fools, so they can’t do the same thing.

“The Aquitaine family is also trading with the Abyss Corporation, right Lady?”

Christine blinked at my question and hesitated before speaking.


“Don’t worry. Because I have no intention of saying anything about trade with them.

“I do know that it is impossible to ignore them while running the top.”

“…I apologize, Marquis. “It’s not as bad as that Holy Kingdom, but the knights of the Kingdom of Francia also loathe them, so they were careful.”

The Abyss Corporation, the so-called ‘country where the sun never rises’, is located on a large island in the northwest of the Kingdom of Franzia.

They are a country of a race other than humans, just like the Dwarves’ Alpine Kingdom and the Elves’ Eastern Empire.

I don’t know if it should be called a country because it is a union of seven huge organizations they call ‘companies’ without a king or anything, but at least the Kingdom of Francia recognizes them as one country.

They are made up of various races, collectively referred to as the so-called demons, and are excellent at black magic and magic engineering.

Naturally, the relationship with the Holy Church, which worships the God of Light, and the Kingdom of Frangia, a country of knights who speak of honor, is not very good.

…It’s like that from the front, but from the back, they covet their excellent goods and trade with them in some way.

Right now, many of the main products of the Aquitaine family, which owns the largest port city in the Kingdom of Francia, will come from the Abyss Corporation. They just hide it by making excuses.

“I heard that among the seven companies that make up Abyss Corporation, ‘Sloss’ is on the verge of developing and applying new technology.”

“How on earth do you know that?”

Christine seemed very curious, but since she couldn’t explain the regression, she had no choice but to give a vague explanation.

“By chance. “If it’s the top of Aquitaine, it can be verified on its own, so there shouldn’t be a problem, right?”

Christine thought for a moment, but then Sunsun nodded.

“Yes you can. …if it’s true.”

“I don’t know the exact technology they developed, but they say they can greatly increase production by using slaves.”

Abyss Corporation called the innovation in productivity achieved through low technology the Industrial Revolution.

After the introduction of that technology, Abyss Corporation began churning out products with an overwhelming production capacity that cannot be explained other than by the word explosion, and the impact of that change is indescribable.

“Increase in productivity. “I can’t quite feel it.”

“I don’t even know the specific principles. “I think you can simply understand it as a technology that can mobilize countless craftsmen very easily.”

“Oh, my head is starting to hurt.”

I had to smile bitterly as I watched Christine place her hand on her forehead.

“I wish I knew more details, but what we can think about is the phenomenon of a significant increase in productivity and its consequences.”

Christine sighed softly and opened her mouth.

“Production has increased significantly. Then, what we can easily expect is that the supply of processed products will increase significantly. Are product prices going to become a little cheaper?”

“It’s not just going to get cheaper, it’s going to plummet.”

In the aftermath of the Industrial Revolution, expensive goods that required sophisticated craftsmanship were at least okay, but the prices of fabrics and daily necessities that only required simple processing fell drastically.

“Instead, since they need materials to produce, the demand for raw materials such as cotton, wood, and minerals that make up cloth will increase accordingly.”

At that time, Christine’s face also began to turn pale little by little.

“Is that true? “Is that possible with just one technology?”

“Don’t you have the ability to find out? For now, rather than doubting what I say, I would appreciate it if you could just listen to it and keep it in your head.”

“Yes, there are many things I want to ask, but I can verify it myself. … I hope that the Marquis de Sovereign is greatly mistaken. “If what you said is true, the Kingdom of Franzia will be hit by lightning.”

“I guess so.”

The prices of raw materials soar and the prices of processed products plummet.

From Abyss Corporation’s point of view, it would be profitable to just make a lot and sell it, but Franzia’s economy, which depended only on handicrafts, was in complete ruin.

If there had been a king to block trade at the national level, the urgent fire could have been extinguished immediately, but this was impossible in Francia, which was divided into the 1st and 2nd prince factions and was in a civil war.

Rather, Franzian royalty and nobles, the so-called honorable knights, began to competitively purchase Abyss Corporation’s cheap weapons. To win the civil war.

“So, Lady. If their technology is confirmed to be true, it would be a good idea to use all possible resources to purchase raw materials. It is also important to dispose of processed products stored by the upper level as much as possible. The best would be to steal their technology so that we can use it as well…”

If that had been possible so easily, there would probably have been similar technological advancements within Franzia, but since that didn’t happen, expectations are low.

Christine sighed, feeling grounded.

“Ha, I hope this is all a dream. “I woke up in my own comfortable bed, and being stabbed in the back by my damn family was a dream, and I wish everything the Marquis told me was just a dream.”

When I smiled bitterly at Christine’s empty words, she immediately slapped her cheeks with both hands and took a deep breath.

“Whoa, good. Then I will check and let you know right away, Marquis So. If this isn’t Marquis So’s delusion, I will be able to take control of the top in an instant. … So what do you want in return for this information?”

“I want to borrow money. “Unlike you, who can mobilize the upper ranks of the Count of Aquitaine, I am struggling even with the military expenses I send to the Marquis, so even if I have this information, I cannot use it.”

“great. The family also wants to end the money-making alliance, so it would be a bit uncomfortable to turn completely into enemies with the marquis. There may also be tax rights that were stolen from the Count Mirbeau family, so we will try to compensate them. If necessary, I will add some of my personal assets. Instead…”

“We will dispatch Sir Gaston as the Lady’s escort.”

Christine blinked for a moment and then smiled deeply.

“I like that the conversation is fast.”

She has influence over the top and the wisdom to use it, but she has no power.

The justification was that it was an accident due to a dispute between the Marquis Lafayette and the Countess Mirbeau, but since the plan to indirectly kill Christine went awry, the Countess and her followers must have been even more wary of her.

In such a situation, if Christine begins to expand her influence in the family and at the top, the Countess and her followers may take action, so I must protect her as well.

“Well… I’m embarrassed that our engagement will soon be broken off, but I’ll ask you to take care of me in the future, Marquis So. “I will try to live up to your expectations.”

“It may be new to you, but let me ask you to take care of me as well. ah. “Excuse me for a moment…”

I stood up and picked up the silver teaspoon from the tea set, receiving Christine’s quizzical gaze.

It was reported that she died of illness before returning.

The Marquis, who was engaged to the couple, also confirmed the facts, but other than that, there were no other rumors.

At least the way the Countess and her followers got rid of her was not by killing her suddenly to make it look suspicious.

They probably used a method to make him die naturally to make it look like he died of illness.

“…Isn’t this a bit insincere for a gift to give to a lady?”

“Haha, I will soon be your ex-fiancé, so I hope you can understand with an open mind.”

Christine took the silver teaspoon I handed her, glanced at it, and looked at it for a moment.

It is an item that noble families usually keep to prevent poisoning, as it discolors when exposed to poison.

Not all poisons can be tested, and it is only symbolic, but she would understand.

Soon, a wry smile spread across Christine’s face.

“Now I can’t even enjoy the refreshments my younger brother gives me.”

Soon after Christine returned to the County of Aquitaine, her engagement with the Count of Aquitaine was broken off.

The Marquis at the front was furious and questioned what had happened, but he was relieved when a large amount of military funds were procured with the compensation and ransom money extorted from Mirbeau.

Time passed and it became fall.

Christine’s death notice, which would have already arrived before the regression, did not arrive.

In the meantime, I purchased as much raw materials as possible with the funds provided by Christine and reorganized the remaining troops in the marquis’ territory.

This will give you strength to prepare for the future.

I was practicing swinging a sword in the training hall.

After the death of the former Marquis, he retains the experience and swordsmanship he gained while clashing with the revolutionary army several times.

The reason he did not avoid the duel challenged by Mirbo’s second son was because he was confident.

They were confident that they, who had gone through all the hardships against the revolutionary army, were far superior to the nobles who stayed in their fiefdoms and had little actual combat experience.

My fault was that my body didn’t follow my brain because I had been timidly staying in my territory for a while, but I’ve been training myself hard over the past few months and it has caught up to some extent.

I happened to be treated as a disgrace to nobility, but I am the son of that ‘blue knight’. The body that his father passed down to him is still excellent, even though it has decayed for quite some time.

It’s one of the few things I can thank the Marquis for.

As I was sweating hard and working hard to train, the butler came up to me and said,

“Little Marquis. Letters and goods from the Countess of Aquitaine have arrived.”

“I understand, Marco. “Let’s go soon.”

When the butler bowed and walked away, Jesse came over and handed him a towel.

“thank you.”

After wiping off my sweat and heading to the office, Jesse naturally followed me.

I opened my mouth to break the awkward silence, as only the sound of footsteps echoed hollowly in the hallway, except for the occasional employee I encountered who bowed deeply in greeting.

“Have you gotten used to it now?”

“It is thanks to the Marquis So’s consideration.”

The answer came naturally.

When I brought in Jessie, who was just a maid in the mansion, as my personal attendant, she seemed very nervous, wondering how she understood my intentions.

But as time went by and I realized that I had no intention of touching her, I think she got used to it.

“I suddenly became your exclusive valet, but I’m worried that you might be having trouble with the others because of me.”

“No, Marquis So. Rather, I am being treated undeservedly.”

If it’s obvious, then it’s an obvious answer.

I felt a little dispirited.

It’s just a whim. It may be a repayment, or perhaps it is nothing more than self-consolation.

It must have taken quite a bit of courage to even hand over bread to the old master in that mad republic right before being taken to the court of law and the guillotine.

She, who I didn’t even know her name before returning, is politely following me with her eyes downcast.

I would like to ask whether he was a good master or whether he gave me such favors because he felt I was different from other corrupt nobles.

Perhaps she was simply weak-hearted and good-natured, acting out of shallow sympathy for her former master.

Either way, it is an answer we cannot hear from her now.

I turned my head again and started walking towards the office.

Even if I care about my subjects and my people, even if I try to prevent them from being treated unfairly, it is noblesse oblige.

In the end, it’s just a matter of carrying out one’s duties as a noble.

I know that a revolution will break out, and since I am a nobleman, the revolution itself is a threat.

But at the same time, I know that even without a revolution, this corrupt and corrupt kingdom would be destroyed.

The revolution was simply the destruction of an outdated kingdom of hypocrites who pursued faded honor and chivalry that only remained a facade.

If that had been prevented, the kingdom would have fallen even more ugly, forcing more people into sacrifice.

So, I made a plan to prevent their rampage by committing myself to the revolution, and so far, it is going smoothly.

-Marquis So, you nobles are blue blood.

Nevertheless, the mocking voice I heard at the guillotine still sounds like an auditory hallucination.

Can I truly treat them as equal human beings and can they also acknowledge me and be with me?

I’m still not sure.

When I entered the office, lost in thought, I saw a letter from Christine and an unknown sphere lying on the office desk.

I gave a slight nod to Jesse as he walked away and then opened the letter.

[To Pierre de Lafayette, the Younger Marquis.

I’m happy to say that business is going smoothly.

I would like to tell you that the role of Sir Gaston, the example of the knight you sent, is significant.

As a result of looking into what the Marquis So was curious about the other day, the other party also showed interest in the Marquis So, so I enclosed the items and sent them to him.

If we inject magic into it and give it the name of the cute kid we met, it will work.

So, I’ll just end this and hope that the Marquis de la Marquis and the Lafayette family will always be in peace.


[Christine Dakiten]

I smiled softly.

Christine’s takeover of the family seems to be going well, and there appears to have been an assassination attempt, which Gaston prevented.

The part I was curious about was probably…

It seems to be Abyss Corporation’s new technology, but the other party showed interest?

I stared at the sphere on my office desk with narrowed eyes.

What a cute child we met. Have I ever had a child with her?

After thinking about it for a while, I put my hand on the sphere and opened my mouth.

“…Damien de Mirbeau.”

Then the sphere began to absorb magical power and glow.

No, what a cute kid.

No matter how cryptic it may be, that’s how the count’s second son appeared in Christine’s eyes.

“It’s a bad taste…”

As I was laughing out loud, the shining sphere became transparent and began to reflect someone’s image inside.

The person reflected in the crystal ball had a beautiful appearance that made it impossible to tell whether it was a man or a woman, and was wearing a gorgeous purple dress and a contrasting white gown as outerwear.

We can only be sure that he is a demon by the horns on his head.

He or she put their hand on their chest and greeted us politely – and a

beautiful, melodious voice that seemed to dazzle people just by hearing it flowed from the crystal ball.

[It is an honor to meet you like this, Marquis de Lafayette.]

The devil inside the crystal ball smiles.

[In your language, he is called Paimon, the CEO of ‘Taeman’, a subsidiary of Abyss Corporation.]


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I Don’t Need a Guillotine for My Revolution

I Don’t Need a Guillotine for My Revolution

내 혁명에 단두대는 필요없다
Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
As a noble of a corrupt kingdom, I died after failing to quell the Revolution. When I opened my eyes, I returned to the time before the Revolution erupted. Now, to survive, I must join the Revolution


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