I Don’t Need a Guillotine for My Revolution Chapter 217

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Episode 217 Temple of the Abyss? Island where the sun never rises (2)

“Ready to shoot!”

Although it was only for a moment, visibility was secured.

“Prepare to fire!”

“Light infantry forward! “Do not fire until you reach range!”

Damien de Mirbeau shouts furiously and the soldiers run around in perfect order and form their ranks.


Although tension was felt in the cries of officers and non-commissioned officers, it did not reach the level of confusion.

It might have been different if I had been surprised in the fog without knowing anything.

However, this expeditionary force is an elite group of soldiers selected by each country in the central continent to land on the island.

“The enemy’s weak point is his head! “If you shoot in advance, it’s a waste of ammunition, so aim and fire when you’re as close as possible!”

Above all, after the war with Krafte ended, the main enemy of the Revolutionary Kingdom of Franzia was assumed to be the Abyss Corporation.

Naturally, during the nearly three years of peace, training to deal with drones has been conducted to the point of exhaustion.

“Light infantry begins shooting!”

As the light infantry’s muskets fire in unison, the drones that were running at the front are knocked down.

However, the drones that were not hit by the musket continued to run forward – and as the volley of gunfire was followed by sporadic gunfire, even they fell to the ground.

The Chasseur light infantry fired the first shot, and the remaining ones were sniped by the skirmishers, who had adopted the rifled rifles used by Krafte’s Shutchens, with aimed fire.

The number of drones decreases quickly due to extremely effective linked fire.

“The light infantry that has finished shooting must withdraw!”

Instead of slow reloading, the light infantry began to retreat to the rear while the line infantry stood aside.

The drone will continue to move unless its head is destroyed.

However, that is only the standard when the body is healthy and can move.

“Artillery fire!”

Next, the cannons fired and spewed out bullets all at once.

The tornado of debris and scrap metal ejected from the cannons literally tears the bodies of the running drones to shreds.

Among them, you can see drones struggling on the ground with their entire bodies in disarray, but it is meaningless.

Even if you can keep moving as long as your head is intact, if your limbs become tattered, you will eventually lose your fighting ability.

“Aim at the line infantry!”

While the light infantry was withdrawing, the front ranks of the line infantry, who were fully lined up after the time provided by the buckshot bombardment, kneeled down in unison and raised their muskets, and the rear ranks also aimed their muskets at the same time.

Krafte-style two-line salvo fire.

It was shocking and scary when it first happened, but after training for quite a while, we were able to do this!

Even though the shooting and shelling continued, the fast-moving drones had already reached close range.

Even though their shooting accuracy is relatively lower than that of light infantry, shooting from close range by sufficiently skilled line infantry is sufficiently threatening.


As the muskets opened fire all at once, the drones, which had been tattered by the light infantry’s shooting and artillery fire, fell once again.

“Prepare for impact!”

The moment when drones rush in before your eyes.

However, the soldiers, who saw with their own eyes the drones being wiped out very efficiently, are not shaken and the bayonets raised calmly are aimed at the heads of the drones.

Soon, the noise and screams of clashes began to erupt from everywhere.

Even though it has been greatly reduced, the physical capabilities of the drones are no joke, so there are soldiers flying around screaming here and there one after another.

However, the limitations of drones are clear.

They don’t think tactically.

Just rush towards the target as entered and fight without waste.

So we don’t know how to avoid certain destruction coming from behind while focusing on our troops in front.

As the sound of horses’ hooves shakes the earth, a group of people wearing gleaming silver armor rushes in, even on an island where there is little light.

“I praise you-”

“I praise you-”

The lances raised by the Holy Knights in unison sparkle with the protection of the overflowing divine power-

“May your holiness come upon us-”

“His grace sets our spear blades high. -”

Their fanatical faith, as they rush and sing hymns loudly, is as bright as the light they wear.

“He makes us punish those corrupt people!”

“We are the sword of angels and the divine punishment that has descended on this world!”

While the front line infantry was grappling with the drones, the Holy Knights who had rushed from the left wing attacked the drones from the side.

“For my father!”

“Long live Your Majesty the Queen of Saints!”

“A-men! A-men!”

The full plate, which has now disappeared from the battlefield, and the consecrated warhorse strong enough to support it.

The overwhelming mass of the last remaining knights on this land literally crushed the skinny bodies of the drones.

As if that weren’t enough, the lance, which was blessed with divine power and sparkled, remained unbroken even after piercing through 34 drones at once.

In addition, the drones that could not be destroyed except for their heads, as if the divine power consecration was for nothing, struggled and burned as soon as they were impaled on the lance.


Damien nauseated at the smell of burning meat that spread in an instant.

When I take a quick look, Giselle David also doesn’t look very good.

…Even if they weren’t humans, they must have been of a human-like race, so I couldn’t help but feel confused seeing the sacred power burning them.

And this doesn’t end there.

“Avenge my brothers!”

“Iberica never forgets a grudge!”

While the Holy Knights attacked from the left wing and crushed the drones, the Orcs who came running from the right wing jumped at the drones on the other side.



Running at the forefront is none other than their king, Crocs.

The loud battle cries of the Orcs inspired the morale of our infantry fighting against the drones, and the moment they clashed, the drones began to be destroyed in an instant.

No matter how much the drones fly and crawl, their strengths are their tireless stamina, limited weaknesses, and the morale shock caused by their hideous appearance and bizarre movements.

That didn’t work, and more than half of it was destroyed just by shooting and charging. In such a short-term war situation, you will be attacked from three sides and be swept away in vain.

When the battlefield seemed to be roughly settled, I approached Lewis and praised him.

“You did a good job. Louis Daquiten. The watch you provided was of great help. “He can truly be said to be the Demon Tower Lord’s disciple.”

In fact, in addition to Lewis, there are many wizards brought from the Magic Tower to install the ‘door’. Among them, there will be people whose skills are much higher than Lewis’s.

However, I am not in a position to tell them to do this or that, so I am thankful in many ways for the presence of Lewis, who will not complain even if I give instructions right away in an urgent moment.

This is not an empty remark, but because Lewis secured the view, our troops were able to fight steadily according to the training conducted in advance without panicking.

“Thank you, Marquis de Lafayette!”

I chuckled when I saw the handsome blonde-haired young man unable to hide his joy and still smiling like an innocent boy.

It really doesn’t look like Christine at all.

Then Damien came up to me with a grin on his face and started bowing down to me.

“Ha ha ha ha ha. There’s nothing wrong with the devils. W You are also the Marquis de Lafayette!”

“No, you were great too. Commander Mirbo. As expected, the ‘master of defense’ that I have seen on the battlefield is different.”

Well, I may have devised the basic strategy, but if the command was poor, the battle would not have been able to proceed as smoothly as expected.

The veteran army that went through the war with Krafte had sufficient training period, but the current revolutionary army is not as good as the old Krafte army, but it seems to be on the edge.

This is definitely thanks to the efforts of Damien and the officers.

Damien smiled brightly at my praise and was excited.

“Hehehe thank you! At this rate, conquering the Abyss Corporation is no longer a dream! Hahaha!”

“Well, how about that?”


Damien asked a question and I clicked my tongue and was about to answer when Alejandro, who smelled of blood, approached me with a very loud and booming voice.

“Oh wow, it was truly a holy and glorious battle, brother! Indeed, the reputation that made the Central Continent cry was not an illusion! As expected, brother, you are truly worthy of becoming an honorary member of the Holy Knights!”

…I almost sighed for a moment.

I’m sorry to throw cold water on people who are relieved and happy about drones here and there that are easier than expected, but it would be difficult to be optimistic about this and let down our guard.

“Now it begins.”

Damien and Alejandro both looked puzzled, but at least I know my enemy.

Because the drones’ fighting style and movements are very similar to those of Iberica.

“This is probably power reconnaissance…”

The ridiculous fighting power and insane madness of a devil with blood-red hair and full of madness.

Because I couldn’t forget that creepy sight.

I would have liked to have been disposed of, but since he was the key designer of the drone, it wasn’t so easy to dispose of it.

“…I guess it’s just a welcome greeting.”


There’s no way this is all there is to a devil who’s truly gone crazy.

is not it?

* * *

It took another hour to complete the battle and casualty recovery in the fog.

Meanwhile, as the Holy Knights healed the wounded, the total number of casualties was only about 100, showing that Alejandro’s boasts were not empty words.

With a consecrated lance that can penetrate even demons, it will block musket bullets with divine power, and even heal wounded soldiers…

I guess the Holy Knights can really do it all.

The old kingdom of Francia, which called itself a country of knights, is embarrassing.

In any case, it was entirely thanks to Her Majesty the Queen that we were able to draw out such precious power, so I secretly said a short prayer as a thank you to Eris and then ordered our departure.

Let’s march like that for a while.

“Brother, I just saw you praying to God! As expected, the Marquis still retains his faith! I had no doubt that it would happen!

Without your father’s protection, how could you have accomplished such great feats and displayed so much courage? Now that things have come to this, how about officially joining the Holy Knights instead of just an honorary position? “If you’re the Marquis de Lafayette, you can’t afford to be vice-captain-”

Oh, my head hurts.

what? A noble monk who distances himself from the secular world? Could it be that the God they worship so much is actually laughing?

My patience, which was tormented by Alejandro throughout the march, was about to reach its limit.

Fortunately, we managed to exchange messages with the other expeditionary force and were able to join them.

“Nice to meet you! haha! “It’s as if we haven’t seen each other in months!”

“Thank you for your hard work. “Leo, General Leonhardt.”

Jill shook my hand and smiled.

“Haha, honestly, I thought I was going to die. Visibility is not secured, and in the fog, terrible things that we have only heard about attack…”

As expected, Paimon’s welcome greeting was not only for us.

“How much is the loss?”

I’m sorry Jill, but even though military reform was implemented, I couldn’t help but be concerned because the main Imperial Army was so weak.

“There are about 2,000 people. General Scharnhorst’s Krafte army played a big role.”

He answered with a shy smile, as if he didn’t even know about Jill.

2000. Although it is a lot greater than the losses we suffered, it is still quite respectable considering that this is our first engagement with drones.

“okay. Thank you for your hard work, General Scharnhorst.”

“Hmm, it was my first engagement with drones, so there was some trial and error. In the next battle, I will prepare more thoroughly and show a performance that will put His Majesty Heinrich to shame.”

As expected, perhaps because he was relatively young, Scharnhorst answered with his eyes shining with fighting spirit.

As expected, Krafte. When he was an enemy, he was terrible, but as an ally, he was trustworthy, right?

“So this is our destination.”

Jill looked away and saw the coastal hills ahead of us.

“yes. “After surveying along the coastline, Admirals Aquitaine and Lee decided that the terrain was most suitable for installing a ‘gate.’”

Before our eyes, a wide hilly area surrounded by plausible hills spreads out.

There is no shortage of formations for the expedition team, and above all, because it is near the coast, the fog is light.

The back was a coastal cliff, so it was not suitable for landing, so we had to land a little further away and return far.

“It’s a glorious hill! “It will decorate the grand epic of the Holy Knights and expedition that will be recorded in the Bible in the future!”

…After all, if you have a sense of humor, you are not part of the Holy Knights.

Instead of paying attention to Alejandro, I turned my attention to the leader of the magic tower’s magic division.

“Mage Commander Maxim. How long do you think the construction of the ‘gate’ will take?”

The middle-aged mage with a short, scraggly beard touched his chin with his hand and answered.

“If we follow the rules, it will take at least a month, but if we skip safety tests and proceed quickly…”

…It seems like they are omitting something important?

As I was trying to hide my discomfort, Maxim smiled, showing his yellow teeth.

“It only takes a week.”

“A week…”

Of course, the Magic Division will not be able to use it while the door is being opened.

On this island covered in an extremely unsettling fog, there is a hill behind the coastal cliffs to defend yourself for a week.

Yes, it has to be at this level to be considered an ordeal.

I smiled and turned around and spoke to the generals from each country who were looking at me.

“This is our battlefield.”

I can protect it for at least a week.

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I Don’t Need a Guillotine for My Revolution

I Don’t Need a Guillotine for My Revolution

내 혁명에 단두대는 필요없다
Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
As a noble of a corrupt kingdom, I died after failing to quell the Revolution. When I opened my eyes, I returned to the time before the Revolution erupted. Now, to survive, I must join the Revolution


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