I Became the Tyrant of a Defense Game Chapter 365

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◈ 365. [STAGE 15]

Shortly before the fall.

When Ash’s retreat order was issued and the general soldiers began to retreat.

“after! Is this the end of today’s battle?”

“I guess so?”

A female shield warrior and a male hunter grinned at each other.

These two were a married couple as mercenaries temporarily organized in the Shadow Unit this time.

Middle-aged women were skilled warriors with large shields and maces, and middle-aged men were seasoned hunters with hunting dogs and trap bows.

The couple then smiled at the rest of the members of the shadow unit.

“The three elves worked really hard today.”

“Are you unleashing so much firepower in every battle? great? Be sure to give me an archery tutor later!”

God Hand and Burnout Body Bag laughed shyly. It was still awkward for these two people who were friendly.

It is said that this couple lived in the forest right next to the Elf Autonomous District. That’s why there is little resistance to elves.

Ash, who recognized this tendency, placed the two as temporary members of the Shadow Unit, and thanks to this, these five people were able to move as a party without much difficulty.

“Let’s go back and have lunch. I will die of hunger.”

“Hi, anyway, if this lady moves even a little, it’s rice taryeong.”

“You need to eat well to use your strength. Aren’t all our mercenaries working for food? Elves think so too, don’t they?”

“It’s true that it’s driven by the heart of food, but why is it my job to prepare it!”

“This inspiration is like this again. What if I said that the food I cooked was not good and that I would prepare it myself?”

The two humans who were chattering among themselves looked at the three elves and said,

“Okay, when we get back, let’s all have a meal together.”

“Yes yes! It’s the first battle worth celebrating, isn’t it? Let’s eat together. I’ll still make it more worthwhile to eat than this lady.”

“okay. Our old man doesn’t like night work, but his meal work is amazing? ha ha ha!”

“this… There’s nothing this woman can’t say in front of others!”

The three elves were troubled in front of the couple who were giving each other back and forth and looked at each other. God Hand smiled awkwardly and replied as the representative.

“Then let’s have lunch together.”

“It is! Fight together! Eat rice together! That’s how you become friends. Isn’t this what comrades are? So honey, cook some meat for the first time in a while.”

“It’s been a while since the dog horn ate yesterday… Ah, elves, don’t worry. I’ll only feed this lady, and I’ll make a delicious salad for the elves.”

The couple laughed happily.

In the meantime, I have been steadily trying to be friendly with the elves who have been hesitant, but today I finally made a great progress by eating together.

The Shadow Unit was preparing for a retreat in such a relaxed atmosphere.

It was then.

“Get down, you bug-like things!”

The loud girl’s cry rang through the battlefield.

It was Dusk Bringer’s Dragon Lore. It was used to intimidate the goblin army in order to buy time to retreat.

The information that it would be used was delivered in advance, and thanks to Ash’s passive skill [Indomitable Commander], the heroes did not receive any fear-inducing effects from the Dragon Roar.

But here a completely unexpected problem arose.

ki ing ki ing!

The hunter husband’s hunting dog was frightened by the dragon lore.

Although it was not affected by the panic state, the hunting dog instinctively ran away at the cry of the apex predator.

The movement was so sudden that the husband let go of the dog’s leash.

“Oh, it’s Bucky! The kid looks startled. Bucky!”

The hound crawled under the stone wall at the corner of the outpost and trembled. Husband ran toward the dog panting.

My husband lifted the large dog as if he were hugging it. His wife, watching this, shook her head.

“So what kind of dog did you bring here and make a fuss… .”

“Oh, my Bucky is one with me. What could be more precious to a hunter than a hunting dog?”

“What kind of dog is prettier than my wife? I wish I could take care of him half as much.”

“Then you can only act like two and a half dogs!”

Hugging the dog, the hunter husband grinned.

At that moment,


The stone wall behind her husband exploded.

The husband and the hunting dog were buried under the collapsed stone wall.

Because the situation was so sudden, both the wife and the elves of the shadow unit watched this scene in awe.

Kirik Kirrik… … !

Beyond the collapsed stone wall, the goblins began to climb one by one.

Goblins do not use siege weapons. Because the equipment is heavy and, above all, too complicated for goblins to use.

Instead, goblins have soldiers from specific occupations to conduct sieges more simply and efficiently.

That job group is the ‘suicide bomber’.

Tie a bomb to your body, approach the wall, and set yourself on fire.

It was cheaper and more efficient than siege weapons and could destroy gates and walls.

It was a method that could be used because the goblin army had too many lives and neglected them.

bang! Quguaguagwang-!

Self-destruction began intensively around the gate, and the walls began to crumble.

The power of the bombs was poor, but when the numbers gathered, the walls were quickly destroyed.

All of a sudden, the first attack of the suicide bombers swept away the husband.


A beat later, as explosions began to roar from all sides, my wife ran to the collapsed wall.

“These bastards!”

puck! Fuck!

The mace in her hand sprayed green blood.

After climbing up the stone wall and beating the goblins that tried to enter the outpost, she looked back and shouted.

“Help me!”

“… !”

At that moment, God Hand looked back.

The outpost, where all the defending troops had escaped, was being invaded by goblins in an instant.

The castle gates fell apart due to the attack of the suicide bombers, and the walls collapsed in various places, and green monsters were digging inside one after another.

I also saw the few remaining hero parties escaping through the teleport gate one by one. There was not much time now.

“Save my husband, please!”

his wife exclaimed bitterly. God Hand closed his eyes tightly.

“… Quickly rescue from rubble and retreat immediately. got it?”


Bodybag answered sharply, and Burnout nodded.

The three of them rushed to the wall and hurriedly cleared the collapsed debris. Since Body Bag is a teleporter, the rescue proceeded quickly.

Fortunately, although the hound was covered in blood, there were no major injuries, and the husband had one arm crushed, but his life was not affected.

puck! Fuck!

After crushing several more goblins with a big swing, the wife ran back and helped her husband stand up.

“You idiot! Come on, walk, come on!”

“Oh my gosh… Walk slowly, walk slowly. No one died!”

“If we don’t escape right away, we’re all going to die! Run even if it hurts!”


The last party was seen escaping. The area around the teleport gate was already teeming with goblins.


His wife screamed loudly and ran.

She cleared a path in front, wielding a mace and shield, followed by three elves pouring arrows and iron spears.


Her husband, who had been staggering along, gave orders to the hounds with a whistle, and the hounds nimbly sharpened their teeth even though they were covered in blood, and tore off the goblins.

Smashing the goblins, the Shadow Army reached the front of the teleport gate.

My wife, who reached the gate first, smiled brightly and looked back. She smiled and opened her mouth.

“thank you so much. I live thanks to you… … .”


she couldn’t speak

It was because the shells that flew from the castle wall directly hit the gate.

The gate shattered in a terrible explosion, and the wife rolled across the floor, covered in blood.

When the terrified God Hand looked up at the wall, there were Goblin Amirs.

They changed the direction of the cannon installed on the wall and fired it this way.

A few doors were still usable even though they had been oiled and set on fire to keep them out of their hands.

Cannons fired shells even while on fire.

bang! Kwakwagwang… … !

All the teleport gates installed in the central courtyard were destroyed.

“Kuh… !”

In the thick smoke and dust, God Hand made a quick decision.

He ran and hid in the hallway leading to the inner building of the outpost, with Bodybag and Burnout following close behind.

The three elves hid in the shadows. But the wife warrior and husband hunter couldn’t do that.

“Kuh ha… ahhh… … .”

Caught in the explosion and burnt, the wife staggered to her feet.

Around her, goblin soldiers rushed at her with their eyes shining red.

hooked! Fufufufu!

The goblins’ spears and knives pierced her thighs and sides.

The wife coughed up blood and swung the mace, but her usual speed and power were nowhere to be found.

Kirik Kirrik!

Kiki kick… … !

Laughing at her sluggish movements, the goblins drew their daggers from her body and stabbed them again. hooked! Puffy… … !

“ah… .”

With spears and knives stuck all over her body, the wife slowly collapsed. Life drained from her eyes as she lay helplessly on the dirt floor.

Surrounding her collapsed, goblin soldiers hopped happily.

The goblins again raised their spears to hack through her corpse.


Then a whistle sounded.

At the same time, the hounds rushed in and bit the goblins’ necks.

Afterwards, the husband hunter appeared through the explosion and fired the crossbow held in his right hand in all directions.

The goblin soldiers collapsed, bleeding. However, there were far more intact goblins than fallen ones.

Contrary to how the hounds fled to the dragon lore, they fought bravely.

As the hero hunter’s partner, it was a dog that was faster and stronger than most wolves.

However, due to an injury from being crushed by a stone wall, the speed was slower than usual, and most of all, there were too many enemies.

When the hound, exhausted from biting and killing the eighth goblin, stopped for a moment, arrows flew from the top of the wall, aiming at the hound precisely.

Fufufufu… … !

Although it was a dog wearing leather armor, it could not block all arrows. Arrows were stuck all over the hound’s body.

The husband fired a crossbow with his free arm, threw a smoke trap, sprayed caltrops, and slashed goblins that approached him with a dagger in his mouth before heading to his wife’s side.

“… Anyway, she’s a damn woman.”

However, the wife had already collapsed covered in blood and was dying.

“He asked me to make lunch. sleeping again As long as there is a lot of sleep in the morning.”

The husband knelt down next to his wife, raised his crushed hand and closed her open eyelid.

he murmured in a hoarse voice.

“If you only get a lot of sleep in the morning… .”

Keeing… … .

At that time, the hound that limped up next to her husband let out a thin moan. The husband looked back at his dog and found arrows all over the dog’s body.

“I’m sorry Bucky. I’m sorry dad… … .”

Sitting down and facing the painfully exhaled dog, the husband squeezed the dagger in his hand.

well… … .

The husband hugged his dog and thrust a dagger into its neck.

It was to ease the pain quickly. The hound made no sound and calmly closed its eyes.

“… .”

Looking around the dead bodies of his wife and dog, the hunter slowly raised his head.

all over again… … .

A goblin riding a mountain goat entered the desolate outpost.

Wearing a helmet that combines a mask and a crown and flying a golden mantle… … .

Callie-Alexandre silently drove the goat to the side of the hunter and drew the scimitar from the scabbard in her waist.


And he cut his throat cleanly.

The decapitated hunter’s body collapsed on its side. Carly-Alexandre, who swung the scimitar to wipe away the blood, opened her mouth.

《The damage?》

A goblin Amir, who came to his side, quickly replied.

《Kirik! One hundred janissaries. 1,800 common soldiers.”

“We have two thousand dead, but this one only lost two?”

After glancing down at the two dead human heroes, Carly-Alexandre turned her head. 《The human side seems to be actively using the



. … .]

Carly-Alexandre’s masked helmet glared at the outpost.

《Completely occupy this facility and conduct a thorough search.》

The shoulders of the 3 members of the Shadow Squad trembled as they crouched in the shadows watching this scene with bated breath.

《… Because there must be more hidden mice.”

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I Became the Tyrant of a Defense Game

I Became the Tyrant of a Defense Game

Score 9.2
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
[Tower Defense & Dungeon Attack RPG] I saw the ending to the game no one was able to clear. But, when I came to my senses, I was inside of the game. In fact, I was in the tutorial stage, a place where strategy was impossible. “I’ll clear this bullsh*t game no matter what…!”


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