I Became the Tyrant of a Defense Game Chapter 130

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◈ 130. [Side Story] Two steps to hell. Two

mornings left until the start of the stage.

I came to the Lake Kingdom dungeon with all four parties under my command.

Cleared two dungeons in District 4 in the past week. [Library] and [Court] were the targets.

The dungeon was full of ghouls and fallen blood, and there was a vampire as a boss monster.

The library side had a vampire specializing in blood magic, and the court side had a vampire specializing in hand-to-hand combat.

There were dangerous moments, but I cleared it safely.

Now, all party members have accumulated enough experience to deal with blood relatives.

So today I came to the last remaining district 4 dungeon [Grand Park].

A wave-type dungeon where you have to block monsters pouring in from all directions in a wide open space with no obstacles.

‘It’s a place that requires at least 4 parties and 20 people.’

Currently, there are exactly 4 parties in District 1. 20 people.

I brought them all under the judgment that it was worth doing enough. And indeed, my judgment was correct.

oh oh!


Hordes of monsters swarmed from all sides,

but puck! Fuck! Bang-!

The tankers, who formed round squares, blew off their jaws with their shields, and

a push shot! Push! ping-!

Curling… Quagmire!

Archers and wizards poured out attacks in all directions, grinding them.

The party members perfectly defended the repeated waves of monsters without any difficulty. Great.

In particular, the performance of the newly joined party was dazzling.

Old Hunters.

It is a party of middle-aged mercenaries led by Jupiter, and has a solid composition of three tanks and two wizards.

The two veteran wizards took turns spewing attack magic.

Jupiter’s fellow sorceress was a cryomancer, and a rain of ice and lightning rained down on the heads of the monsters.


Jupiter stole nosebleeds from time to time, and the power of magic was weaker than before.

In any case, it was effectively frying the monsters. It’s obvious that you’re overdoing it, but… … .

“… .”

Junior glanced at such an old woman.

Junior is secretly spitting out blood on his handkerchief and emitting magic.

It’s a great thing for a grandmother and granddaughter to do together.

Anyway, the normal monsters were easily wiped out.

The last of the wave were four Fallen Bloods. They came running towards us one by one from all sides.

I ordered each party to deal with them one by one.

visor! Chae Chaeng! Kwajik… … !

10 minutes later.

Fallen Blood’s level was quite high, so everyone struggled, but in the end, they defeated them all without any injuries.

“I did it… .”

Dion, who thrust a silver dagger into the neck of the last Fallen Blood, gasped wildly before muttering.

“It was really messed up. we… !”

The other three parties struggled, but not as much as the Dion Mercenaries.

There are also some that consist only of N-rank heroes.

Basically, all 5 members of the Dion Mercenary Corps are melee characters, that is, melee heroes. Besides, there is no magic striker.

However, as they had been training diligently in the meantime, they linked defense and attack to each other and pushed Fallen Blood, and eventually succeeded in killing it.

“To grow this much in such a short period of time. great.”

I patted Dion on the shoulder. Dion nodded his head with a shocked look on his face.

“Thank you, Your Highness… !”

“You have nothing to thank me for. It is the fruit of your hard work.”

It was sincere.

If you were attacking the game, it was an ordinary N-rank five that you wouldn’t have noticed.

I hope you will grow into a decent main axis.

‘Humans have potential that can’t be known just by looking at the stat window.’

I thought to myself as I looked at the Dion mercenaries, who hugged each other and high-fiveed each other.

‘I, too, as a commander and a lord, have to see real people, not system windows.’

Such an obvious but valuable realization was given to me by the Dion Mercenary Corps.

Not the numbers in the system window, but the people in front of your eyes… … The fact that I have to see it with my own two eyes.

The battle is over. The dungeon has been cleared.

take a break for a while After recovering all the loot.

After summoning the party members and preparing to return to the Crossroads, I raised my voice.

“With this, all sectors in District 4 of the Lake Kingdom dungeon have been cleared.”

Cleared all three dungeons in District 4.

In other words, all the dungeons that can be conquered now have been cleared. I pulled out all the experience points that could be pulled out.

‘I did everything I could.’

Equipment setup is complete, traps and artifacts are all installed on the walls.

Now, the results are left up to the heavens.

‘Either you succeed in clearing and survive or… … .’

or not… .

Swallowing my words for no reason, I clapped in claps.

“The defense is in two days. Get some rest until then.”

Everyone looked exhausted from the forced marches of the past few days, but their faces were proud of the sense of accomplishment of safely clearing three dungeons in a row.

I smiled too.

“Everyone had a hard time! Let’s go back!”


[End of Free Exploration!]

[Level Up Character]

> Main Party

– Ash (EX) Lv.36 (↑1)

– Lucas (SSR) Lv.41 (↑1)

– Evangeline (SSR) Lv.41 ( ↑1)

– Jupiter Junior (SSR) Lv.39 (↑1)

– Damian (N) Lv.38 (↑1)

> Sub Party 1

– God Hand (SR) Lv.38 (↑1)

– Body Bag (R ) Lv.33 (↑1)

– Old Girl (R) Lv.33 (↑1)

– Skull (N) Lv.30 (↑1)

– Burnout (SR) Lv.29 (↑1)

> Sub Party 2

– Dion(N) Lv.27 (↑2)

– Ayla(N) Lv.26 (↑2)

– Rock(N) Lv.25 (↑2)

– Hessen(N) Lv.25 (↑2)

– Chey (N) Lv.25 (↑2)

> Sub Party 3

– Jupiter (SR) Lv.42 (↑1)

– Yennich (R) Lv.32 (↑1)

– Free (R) Lv.31 (↑ 1)

– Sentence (R) Lv.30 (↑1)

– Viole (R) Lv.30 (↑1)

[Dead or Injured Characters]

– None

[Acquisition Item]

– Lesser Clan Manastone: 120

– Intermediate Clan Magic Stones: 38


Look at the names of 20 people, one by one.

Because I don’t know how many people will be left at the next settlement window.

We examine each one carefully and carefully.

He repeated everyone’s names in his mouth and murmured in prayer.




Mansion. my room.

Relaxing alone, I was examining the system window.

I manipulated the system window to activate [Dark Event Tracker].

Just to know in advance what other horrible event this time they’re going to fuck me up with.


[Dark events do not activate on this stage.]


I wondered why this was, but the reason was absurd.

[This is the maximum applicable difficulty. The difficulty cannot be raised any further.]

The reason was that it was already terribly difficult and could not be made any more difficult.

crazy world. Should I say I have a conscience or not?

I was taking a break like that, but

I jumped out!

“I’m Yeongjun! The dispatch sent to the capital has returned with an answer!”

Ader, who came into my room at first, said that. I jumped up.

This time, he sent dispatches and even ordered errands to be done in the capital.

So, the round trip speed was slower than usual. But, you came back before the stage started.

“what? Did you send reinforcements?”

Now, I asked without expecting much.

Sure enough, Ader smiled bitterly and shook his head.

“There is no change in the position. I couldn’t let you go.”

“Damn you bastards… I made it clear that it was an ultimatum… If they don’t send reinforcements, they’ll show you the best of the best… … .”

gritted his teeth and growled. It really comes out like this until the end… … .

“after… good. I didn’t even count it in the first place.”

Shaking my head to cool down the accident, I nodded to Ader.

“Did you do anything else?”

“yes. While Pabal stopped by the capital, I contacted the guild and the architect you mentioned before.”

A guild that will be entrusted with the distribution of magic stones. And an architect who will be entrusted with the exterior of the hotel to be built on Crossroads.

I entrusted Paval with the task of contacting this side and delivering my letter.

‘It’s all too far in the future… … .’

In a situation where you don’t know what the immediate defense battle will be like, you have to lay a paving stone for the future.

It feels like playing chess in a fog.

Ader read the top and the architect’s reply.

“Everyone says they’re reviewing it positively, but they say it’s difficult to come easily because the situation on the southern front is unstable.”

“what… I knew that answer would come.”

Sounds like a positive review. He circumspectively refused because he didn’t want to work in a remote area like this.

I let out a deep sigh.

“As expected, I will have to drop by the capital myself and bring them all.”

“Your lord, will you go to the capital? But aren’t you too busy with defensive battles and other things?”

Without answering, I laughed bitterly and stood up.

“Yes, since you are such a busy lord, I should stop resting and go back to work.”

“Oops. Then I will prepare the wagon. Where would you like to go?”


I opened the drawer of the cupboard and pulled out a money bag I had prepared in advance.

“There is one last person to recruit for this defense.”



When I visited late at night, Saint Marherita, the head priest, was quite surprised.

“majesty? What’s going on at this time… … .”

“People who visit the temple may have a variety of reasons, but in the end, there isn’t one purpose.”

I put my hands together in front of my chest.

“Praying for future salvation.”

I don’t have a religion, but I want to hope for salvation despite my shame.

May the next defense be victorious.

May as many as one survive.

After closing my eyes for a moment, I opened them and put the money bag I had brought into the donation box.

thud! The heavy money bag fell to the floor of the donation box with a noise.

Marherita’s face was rather perplexed.

“There are no party members to be treated today… Why donate?”

“Lady. No Marherita.”

I slowly turned my head to look at Marherita.

“You said then. The fight here is called a holy war. Fighting monsters to protect humans is a sacred thing.”

“… .”

“I dare to ask. Please do not neglect this temple and jump into it yourself.”

Marherita’s eyes trembled violently.

St. Marherita’s Recruitment Conditions.

Use the shrine and put an offering each time. Achieving a certain amount as an offering.

And I just filled that last amount.

Hospitals are always a place where money leaks out like water.

Even more so is the temple of Marherita, which operates with only a small donation for poor mercenaries in such a remote area.

The offerings I have poured into the poor finances of this place must have been like a lifeline.

Beds were expanded, new blankets and sheets were laid, and clean bandages and gauze were brought in.

Since I took office as lord, the facilities of the temple have been improving day by day.

Like it or not, this temple is financed by my offerings.

Marherita was now in a position where she could no longer refuse my request.

“This defense will be more severe than any defense the city has ever fought. Soldiers who were treated by you just a few days ago may no longer be able to return.”

I spoke calmly but cruelly of what would happen in the future.

“Not only that, but the walls themselves could fall. After the vampires cross that wall, a bloody festival will be held here.”

“… .”

“All the citizens of Crossroads may die. And if the Crossroads collapses, the entire human world is in danger behind it.”

I nodded heavily.

“Please lend me your strength, Marherita. We need your healing powers.”

After stuttering for a long time, Marherita finally spat out.

“I am… She is just a country woman with no skills other than taking care of the injured.”

“… .”

“There is no such thing as strength to defeat the enemy. why me… … .”


I took one step closer to Marherita. Marherita’s shoulders trembled.

“A faster way than curing a patient would be to prevent that patient from getting hurt in the first place.”

“… .”

“If you are in the field, you can do that.”

A skill set that is hard on heals and shields.

Best AoE Healer in the game. The representative of R-class heroes. Saint Marherita.

She looked up at me for a long time with trembling eyes, then bit her lip and asked in a thin voice.

“I am… What can I do?”


This is how Marherita was recruited.

For now, he is a guest character limited to this stage, but in fact, he can be called up as a party member whenever needed.

If you need a healer input, you’ll be able to use it.

This time, Lily, Marherita, and the newly expanded NR-class 8 heroes were combined to form two reserve parties.

The party leaders were Lily and Marherita.

The Lily Party will form the last line of defense in the rear, while the Marherita Party will be in charge of transporting and treating the wounded.

Returning to the mansion after organizing the reserve team, I sat down at the desk in the office.

A trap set in front of the castle wall and an artifact that has been repaired. Killzone rebalancing. Evacuation of citizens… … .

There was a mountain of work to deal with before the defense battle.

As I was doing my work, the surroundings became brighter before I knew it.

I looked out the window and the sun was rising. it’s been through the night

“… .”

I stared blankly at the eastern sky where the dawn broke.

‘Taeyang. Can you go a little slower?’

Of course, refreshingly ignoring my wishes, the sun rose brightly to the ground.

The whole area was dazzlingly bright.


– Until the start: 24 hours ahead,

one day until the next stage.

There is only one day left.

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I Became the Tyrant of a Defense Game

I Became the Tyrant of a Defense Game

Score 9.2
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Korean
[Tower Defense & Dungeon Attack RPG] I saw the ending to the game no one was able to clear. But, when I came to my senses, I was inside of the game. In fact, I was in the tutorial stage, a place where strategy was impossible. “I’ll clear this bullsh*t game no matter what…!”


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not work with dark mode