Heavenly Inquisition Sword Chapter 426

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Episode 426. We are all members of the King of Flames, Ho




Gwangmyeongjeong Pavilion is the largest pavilion in Gwangmyeongchon and is used occasionally for ceremonies.

In the Gwangmyeongjeong Pavilion, the Myeongwanggyo Baekdu Demon Army gathered after a long time.

All of them are to entertain a special guest, Noh Do-gyeong, a demon sword from the East of the Demonic Cult.

Honsei Swordsman Cheok Jin-kyung opened his mouth with a slightly excited face.

“Heh heh heh! After living for a long time, you will meet all the demonic cult patrol messengers whose prestige is outstanding in the world. I hope that the main school and the demonic school will have a good relationship. Although our school is small now, it will soon stand tall in the world.”

Noh Do-kyung responded in a calm tone.

“I completely agree that the Demonic Cult and the Mingwang Cult should have a good relationship. By the way, I heard that there are four Baekdu Demons in Myeongwanggyo…”

“Ah, Jeokwol Jin-in is out at Poyang Lake for a while.”


Kang Sang-pi, who had been glancing at Noh Do-gyeong from earlier, sneaked in.

“By the way, how old is the lion? I’ve heard of the reputation of the sword of elven demons before, but the face looks so young…” ”

Haha! Still, the day after tomorrow is a good day. Thank you for looking at me young.”

“ah! It seems that the magic of the Demonic Cult has deepened and has become young again. If I had made a mistake, I would have made a mistake. The lion looks like he’s in his forties… Huh.”

Kang Sang-pi’s eyes, which had been a bit harsh, softened.

As your internal energy deepens, there are times when you age backwards. This process is called half-circulation. From his point of view, Noh Do-kyung was a person who went through a half-role.

‘The magic of the Demonic Cult is amazing.’

The Baekduma soldiers who draw strength from the outside are far from half-romantic. So no matter how deep your training is, you can’t fake the age of your body.

The only person close to Banrohwandong in Mingyeonggyo is the Eighthwangsinmo.

Even though I learned the same mantra, only she was the same as the day we first met.

As the atmosphere of the conversation matured to a certain extent, Noh Do-gyeong was slightly relieved.

“It has been a long time since our school ended its gangho activities. It’s embarrassing, but I heard about the Myeongwanggyo only recently. Myeongwanggyo has risen with the momentum of ascending the rising sun. Is there any special secret?”

The word was Myeongwanggyo, but in fact it was a question about Myeongwanggyo.

Because Myeongwanggyo was stuck in Mt. Lu and hadn’t been active at all.

Akbul Bang Cheon-gak answered while looking at Noh Do-gyeong with a meaningful smile.

“The secret of Myeongwanggyo has already been revealed to the world, so there is no such thing as a secret.”

“I don’t know much because it’s been a while since I came out of lung training. What is the secret revealed to the world?”

“Before I tell you, why would the Lion want to know that? Just hearing the name of the Demonic Cult makes the people of the world shudder, so I wonder what more is needed.”

“Haha, let me be honest and honest. The Demonic Cult now is like a bear in hibernation. It is as quiet as an old cemetery. It takes a powerful blow to wake up from a long slumber. It’s like the power that raised Myeongwanggyo.”

At Noh Do-kyung’s words, the Baekdu Demon soldiers exchanged glances.

Listening to what he said, it seems that he came here to acquire superpowers.

Compared to other techniques, it is easy and simple, so the Demonic Cult deserves attention.

Chuck Jin-gyeong shook his head slightly so that the Demonic Cult messenger would not notice.

means refusal.

The Demonic Cult was a large and terrifying force that could not be compared to the famous Cult.

If the Myungwanggyo Mantra were transferred to the Demonic Cult, the position of Myeongwanggyo would be narrower.

‘Old monster, greed is too much. Do you think we will hand the mantra into your hands?’

If the Mantra falls into the hands of the Demonic Cult, the presence of the Mingwang Cult will disappear.

He betrayed the Eighthwangsinmo in order to become the master of the world.

They couldn’t turn over the Mantra and become servants of the Demonic Cult.

There is also a problem with the supply and demand of Paljuryeong.

Even now, it is difficult to obtain the Paljuryeong.

If the Demonic Cult jumps in here, there is a high probability that the Myungwang Cult will not even be able to see the Eight Lords.

Even if you know the truth, you can’t make the twelve horse soldiers without the equipment called the Eight Commandments.

The foundation of Myungwanggyo and Myungwanggyo is the twelve horsemen.

If the foundation is blocked, it is certain that Myeongwanggyo will lose without even seeing flowers.

The expressions of Kang Sang-pi and Bang Cheon-gak looking at Noh Do-gyeong were not very favorable either.

If the famous school was ‘Mount Tai’, the Demonic School was like the ‘Great Sea’.

From the perspective of the Baekduma soldiers, Noh Do-gyeong’s words were nothing more than ‘a desire for those who have more to have more’.

Of course, they also hit the back of the head of the eighthwangsinmo, the religious leader, for the same reason.

Chuck Jin-kyung spoke first.

“Listening to the lion’s words, I can understand your frustration. But even if our school’s technique is great, will it be as good as the Demonic School’s divine technique? Originally, it is said that other people’s rice cakes look bigger. As an aside, my lifelong wish was to acquire a piece of magic from the Demonic Cult.”

It is an outright refusal.

Noh Kang-ho and Noh Do-kyung knew that, but they did not give up easily.

“It’s true that our school’s divine skills are excellent, but it doesn’t turn the third-rate into a peak in a short period of time like Myeongwang-gyo. As you know, our school’s new work requires a lot of hard work. In that respect, Myeongwanggyo’s practice is truly the best in the world.”

Then, the hot-tempered Kang Sang-pi couldn’t stand it and said something.

“The lion is trying to steal our money, but change your position and think about it. If it’s the Demonic Cult, will you easily hand over your new skills to someone you have nothing to do with?”

“Are you saying that fellowship with the Demonic Cult is not enough?”

Noh Do-gyeong looked at Kang Sang-pi with a heavy gaze.

Kang Sang-pi couldn’t help but flinch at Noh Do-gyeong’s prayer like Taesan.

It is also a magic cult.

I don’t want to admit it, but as an envoy from the East of the Demonic Cult, he was stronger than I was.

As the atmosphere cooled, Bang Chun-gak burst into laughter and intervened.

“Heh heh heh! I guess there is a misunderstanding. Honcheon-hyeolgwi (Kang Sang-pi)’s words don’t mean that.”

“So what do you mean?”

“What he talked about was not related to friendship. You said that our school would turn a third-rate into a climax, but you’re right. But one thing is missing. It is the source of its power.”

“What do you mean by source?”

“I’ll tell you openly. We are all descendants of the Demon King. I heard that the method of the Demonic Cult came from the Demon God, is that correct?”

“There is no such part.”

Noh Do-kyung readily acknowledged it.

Unlike ‘Sangsaeng’ or ‘Hassaeng’, ‘celestials’ learn new skills that the demon ‘Cheonjama’ left behind.

It is for this reason that the Demonic Cult leader is regarded as the incarnation of the Son of Heaven.

“Is it possible that the owners (Yam Demon King and Demon God) are different? As soon as you learn our school’s technique, you become a follower of the King of Flames. I mean, the Demonic Cult leader will allow that.”

“Is the Flame King a god?”

Noh Do-kyung looked at Bangcheon-gak.

If it’s not God, there’s no problem. Because the Demonic Cult’s ‘Cheonjama’ is a demon, that is, a god. I wouldn’t mind even if the Demonic Cult became a member of the Flame King’s family.

However, Bangcheongak’s answer was different from what he expected.

“Yeommawang is the god who rules the underworld. To receive superpowers, you must become one of his household members. If the messenger becomes his household, I will teach you the practice of our school.”

“If King Yeomma is the god of the underworld, and you can learn the technique only if you become one of his followers, I will decline. It’s very different from the rumors I’ve heard.”

“What rumors have you heard?”

“Sacrificing monks to obtain superpowers. In exchange for the psychic powers acquired in this way, it becomes a monster upon death.”

“If you look at the phenomena that are revealed on the outside, it is.”

“It may be a rude question, but what is the relationship between being a member of the Demon King and the monsters?”

“Why do you ask about that if you say you won’t learn the school’s technique?”

“If the headmaster is interested, I’ll have to explain, so I’m trying to find out.”

Bang Chun-gak glanced at Chik Jin-gyeong and Kang Sang-pi.

I want to be able to tell you

Kang Sang-pi had an ambiguous expression, but Cheok Jin-kyung nodded.

The fact that the Eastern envoys of the Demonic Cult rejected the practice of the Myung Wang Cult means that it was not compatible with them.

Then there was nothing to hide.

Kang Sang-pi also expressed his agreement, as if he had thought of it belatedly.

“Even the famous cult leader Eighthwangsinmo didn’t know exactly about that part. We are only speculating whether it is the karma of the sacrifice.”

Noh Do-kyung saw the bitter smile on Bang Cheon-gak’s lips and knew it was true.

‘Up? You’re making a strange sound.’

Even in the Demonic Cult, there are some Shin Gong that sacrifice people for qigong.

However, there was no case where the person concerned was turned into a monster due to karma.

Myeongwanggyo was as unique as its mysterious superpowers.

The voice of Bangcheongak came to Noh Do-gyeong’s ears as he was lost in thought.

“But the timing of the lion’s visit is truly bizarre. Last night, an intruder entered Gwangmyeongjeong Pavilion and ran away with a lot of fuss. Do you know anything about it?”

“Not at all. When you live, don’t things like that happen often? It would be like dropping a ship when a crow flew in.”

Bang Cheon-Gak didn’t ask about it anymore.

Even if you think about it, there is no point of contact between the uninvited guest from last night and the Demonic Cult messenger.

Noh Do-gyeong, an envoy from the East of the Demonic Cult, left after receiving a warm welcome from the three Baekdu Demons.

Although he didn’t have much income, Noh Do-kyung’s expression was bright.

It was a problem even if things went well and he obtained the Myeongwang religion method.

If so, I might encounter Yeonnamcheon again someday.

When I thought of the smirking Yeonnamcheon, I felt uncomfortable.

I don’t know why I’m so embarrassed when I don’t think I’ve lost anything.



Changhyun Doo.


around noon.

A young man with a bamboo backpack appeared at the entrance of Hwangbangsan Mountain.

He is a serial enemy who left Shin Hang-jin two days ago.

As soon as he arrived at Poyang Lake, he was able to find Hwangbangsan by asking people.

“Yah! The old man has come to a beautiful place. I’m sorry.”

Of course, the old man meant Red Moon Gongchwi Mountain.

I entered the mountain leisurely, looking around like a person on an outing.

It is when he walks while appreciating the mood of the mountains in late autumn.

Nearby ‘Kung! thud!’ and the sound of a wooden plank was heard.

Guided by the sound, I followed it and saw a skinny middle-aged man cutting a tree while sweating profusely.

I stood on one side of the enemy and watched silently.

The man stopped swinging the axe and slightly turned his head, as if he was worried about the onlookers’ gaze.

“What business do you have?”

“Do you know anything about this mountain, Mister?”

“It has been ten years since I sold the trees of this mountain, so I can say I know.”

As the story seemed to be getting longer, the man, Isam, put down the ax and wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand.

“Do you often come to the tree?”

“I don’t know why, but don’t think about going up any more.”


“Haven’t you heard the rumors yet?”

“A rumor?”

“This is a face I haven’t heard of. Listen carefully. There is a small temple on the mountain called Haewonsa. But not too long ago, monsters appeared there, and all the monks left. Now, people and animals disappear as soon as they climb Mt. Hwangbang.”

“Are you okay, uncle?”

“As you can see, I did a little bit of wood at the beginning, so it’s okay. If you go halfway up, they disappear without a trace, so you might as well just go down that way.”

“Where is Haewonsa? Can I go up the mountain road?”

“If you go straight up for about half an hour (1 hour), you will see a fork in front of a big rock, and it is on the right side. The direction to Haewonsa Temple is engraved on the rock, so you will know when you see it. Are you sure you want to go to Haewonsa Temple?”

“If it’s because of youkai, I’m fine. I recently learned some taoism.”

“I don’t know where or what you learned from, but don’t be silly. I heard that there will be an investigation in Duchang County soon, so let’s go after that.”

Isam picked up the ax again, thinking that he would finish his work quickly and go down.

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Heavenly Inquisition Sword

Heavenly Inquisition Sword

The Nine Heavens Swordmaster
Score 7.4
Status: Completed Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2018 Native Language: Korean
“Don’t hit him with flowers. He is the master of the Nine Heavens.” Born as an illegitimate child, six-year-old Yeon Jeok has endured various violence and torment from his stepmother and half-siblings. When his father dies from illness, his stepmother locks Yeon Jeok in the warehouse. Isolated from the world, he spends ten years confined. After learning martial arts, he escapes into the world! “I regard the Yeon Family with great bitterness.” The unyielding journey of Yeon Jeok, the sole inheritor of the Nine Heavenly Swords, has just begun!


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