Heavenly Inquisition Sword Chapter 401

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Episode 401. Why are you buying that guy?

Master Cheongseon looked at Yeonnamcheon with dazzled eyes.

I asked if he was good at magic, and now he wants to eat the Dragon Palace.

Yang Ho-ju, the county leader of Siebeon Juksan-hyeon, was a big supporter of Ohryonggung.

He was an official who was more helpful to the Oryong Palace than the superficial Hocheonmaeng, who not only sent wealth at each festival but also helped whenever a problem arose.

If Wu Ryong Yuksa hadn’t been strict, Yang Sagang would have already risen to ‘Lu Dongbin’.

I’m sorry for holding him in the ‘steel ingot’, but to beat him?

Yeonjeokha said in a grave tone.

“This rat-like bastard curses and threatens sister-in-law Baek of ‘Leo Dong-bin’ to give her a lesson…”

He didn’t even finish his words.

Master Cheongseon waved his hand as if he didn’t want to hear it.

“No matter how hard it is, it’s a hand-to-hand sword in the precincts of the Oryong Palace! I don’t know where you came from, but there are rules of the Ohryonggung.”

“Is that rule saying that it’s okay to curse and threaten each other in the Dragon Palace?”

Master Cheongseon quickly turned his horse around as Yeonnamcheon began to bite.

“This is a sacred conduit. It is said that you shouldn’t fight like the janitors in the conduit.”

“This rat cursed and threatened first. Then what should I do? Do you just leave the guy who curses and threatens the disciples of the Daemu Party? Even in the non-partisan precincts?”

“Ugh! you’re a rat Get rid of that frivolous tone. Confucius Yang’s father was the county governor of Juksan County and was a great help to Wulong Palace. There must have been some misunderstanding.”

The master of Cheongseon actively protected Yang Sagang, but it did not work for Yeonjeokha.

“What is the misunderstanding, I heard it with my own two ears. men and horses. Did you curse and threaten Sister Baek? Didn’t you?”

Yang Sagang tried to answer Yeon Jeok-ha’s question, but kept his mouth shut.

It was because I was afraid that I would hit him again in front of the Cheongseon guru.

In an instant, his eyes flashed, and his upper body fell violently backwards.


A sharp pain came from the face and the back of the head that had collided with the ground.

Overcome with pain and shame, he cupped his head with both hands and screamed frantically.


It’s the first time I’ve ever experienced such disgrace in my life.

Being slapped like a dog by a non-partisan faction that treats you as an honored guest!

The same goes for the blueseon guru who is shocked.

Since the non-partisan faction has a long history, order and discipline are certain.

Now Yeonnamcheon’s actions went too far.

Whatever the circumstances, it was something he shouldn’t have done in the precincts of the Oryong Palace.

In spite of his dissuade, it was also a shame that he showed violence against Yang Sagang.

“Yeonnamcheon! Can’t you stop!”

Even though there was no wind at all, the beard of the master of blueprints trembled.

It was understandable that he was openly ignored in front of the Palseongak practitioners.

Yeonjeokha said with an unfair expression.

“Did you stop?”

I don’t know why I keep asking him to stop when he only kicked me in the face once.

“You you…”

The excited blueseon master was speechless.

Sokga disciples held up the adults of the main mountain like heaven.

Usually, even if I just cleared my throat and said ‘adventurous’, I would fall flat on my stomach. However, even if he speaks openly, he listens through his ears. I don’t know where these idiots came from.

Not only the trainees who were on their way to the restaurant, but also the masters of Oryonggung flocked to it.

Yang Sagang, who stood up with a smile on his face, shouted in a loud voice.

“Is it okay for a disciple to hit a cultivator at will? Master Cheongseon! What can you say… Evil!”

Yang Sagang, who was suddenly hit by a flying fist, sat down with his mouth closed.

“Uh uh teeth teeth… aaaa!”

As the teeth fell off the palm of his hand, Yang Sagang cried out again.

“You bastard! Even if you tell me to stop!”

Due to the screams of the master of Cheongseon and the screams of Yang Sa-gang, the front yard of Oryong Palace was no longer a place of quarrel.

Still, he didn’t blink a single eye.

It looks like Yang Sagang is trying to escape by using the masters of Oryong Palace, but there is no way.

The trembling master of blues intervened between the Yangsa River and the Yeonnam Stream.

“You bastard! To despise the master of the samurai! Do you really want to be excommunicated!”

“omg! Shouldn’t you hit the guy who cursed and threatened the non-partisan disciple? I did it because I didn’t know. Well, if you bully non-partisan disciples, you’re treated well. After all, prestigious schools are different no matter what.”

Master Cheongseon looked at Yeonnamcheon with dazzled eyes.

I couldn’t tell from the look on his face whether he was joking or serious.

It was more so because her face was covered with boils.

But what he said was nonsense no matter who heard it.

“My work today will not go unnoticed. Do not leave ‘Lu Dongbin’ until further instructions are given.”

“How about meals?”

“I told you not to come out.”

“Ah yes. Then what about him? He did a bad thing too.”

“Confucius Yang will be cured at the Medical Leg.”

“What treatment is it? No. A guy like that should be punished.”

“That is none of your business.”

“Wow, that’s frustrating. So, do you punish me after the treatment is over?”

“It is up to the non-partisan elders to decide whether or not to punish the practitioners of the Eight Immortals.”

“Then am I the only one being punished?”

“Staying at ‘Lu Dongbin’ is not punishment.”

“No, if you’re locked up and can’t even eat, that’s the punishment. What’s the punishment?”

Master Cheongseon gave up his anger when Yeonnamcheon widened his eyes and protested.

“You bastard! Keep telling me what you did well! Look at the face of Confucius Yang! Did he hope that he would just get over it after putting a normal person to this point!”

“Because he’s not a normal person, he’s a bad guy.”

“This guy is still!”

The teacher of Cheongseon slapped Yeonnamcheon on the cheek.

no i didn’t mean to hit it

However, his raised wrist was caught in the hands of the younger enemy.

The practitioners and masters who were watching opened their mouths.

In the precincts of a non-dang faction, a disciple of a secular family overpowers an adult who scolds him?

This is the first time in the history of non-partisanship that this has happened.

When a cataclysmic incident occurred in front of their eyes, the masters hurriedly sent the trainees away.

Even as the trainees left, they constantly tilted their heads.

It’s because I don’t know what the best magician of Oryonggung and the elder of the main mountain are fighting over.

Although there was an uproar over him, the couple still had a calm face.

Still, I didn’t feel comfortable.

The blueseon guru was a typical sorcerer and had weak physical strength.

It’s kind of sad to see an elderly guru who can’t move with his wrists caught.

“Master, why are you swearing at him like that?”

“You have crossed a line that should not be crossed by trusting in the realm of magic. You will soon see how strict the law of non-partisans is.”

“You didn’t even ask what he was doing. Just say you’re not that kind of person.”


The blueseon master, who had been answering questions, kept his mouth shut.

He himself admits that.

Yang Sagang was the son of the county governor of Juksan County, so he tried to leave as quietly as possible.

But that doesn’t mean Yeonnamcheon’s actions are acceptable.

“Sorry, what did Confucius Yang do wrong? Even if you do, it is not something for you, a mediocre disciple, to step forward.”

“Someone like the master should have stepped in, right? Yes?”


When Yeonnamcheon reprimanded himself, Master Cheongseon gritted his teeth.

I don’t know what Yang Sagang did wrong, but it wouldn’t be a big deal.

‘There’s something wrong with me in front of the Ohryonggung in broad daylight.’

The gaze of the teacher of Cheongseon turned to the female practitioner who was only watching from behind Yeonnamcheon.

But I didn’t ask.

This is because doing so while holding one arm would only make him look ridiculous.

After cleaning up the surroundings, the masters of Oryonggung approached the masters Yeon Jeok-ha and Cheongseon.

Master Sanwol, who is in charge of ‘Lu Dongbin’, sighed and said.

“ha! I will let you go.”

Only then did he release the strength from the grip of the rivalry.

Cheongseon Dosa looked at Yeonnamcheon and Sanwol Dosa alternately with a red face, then went back with a quick glance.

The master of Sanwol, who was shaking his head, asked Yeonnamcheon.

“What’s going on?”

“This guy cursed at Sister Baek and even threatened her. So I grabbed a few and hit them, and Master Cheongseon came and sided with him…”

Master Sanwol looked at Yang Sagang.

His eyelids were swollen and his nose was sunken like a broken bone. Blood was still dripping from the cracked lips.

Seeing such an appearance, the manager of ‘Lee Cheol-goe’, Cheongseon Dosa, deserves to be angry.

“Yang Confucius. Can you tell me what happened?”

Yang Sa-gang glanced at Yeonnam-cheon at the polite question of the master of Sanwol.

Anyway, I’m afraid that he might hit me again.

“It’s okay, so tell me.”

As the master of Sanwol repeatedly suggested, Yang Sagang made excuses like a waterfall.

“The Son Mae over there and I were lovers. It is a fact that all practitioners of the Palseongak know. Mae Son and I had a heartfelt time until last night. But this morning, some kind of wind blew, and it suddenly moved away from me. As they were arguing over the matter, Sojour Baek intervened. She insulted me, so I was angry and cursed at her. At that time, Yan Xiaohyup appeared and brought me to this point, saying that I dared to curse at a non-partisan disciple.”

Master Sanwol frowned at Yang Sagang’s words.

Isn’t the most difficult and esoteric thing in this world a fight between men and women?

Master Sanwol looked at Son Ga-in and asked.

“Is it true what Confucius Yang said?”

“It is true that I was close to him for a short while. However, I said that I would prepare for the question and answer ceremony starting today, so I would not hang out with them anymore. Then he said he couldn’t do that and said that he had to follow his will…”

Son Ga-in briefly summarized what happened with Yang Sa-gang.


A quiet voice flowed from the Sanwol master’s mouth.

As expected, listening to both sides of the story, it was entangled in infatuation.

Of course, it was a big mistake for Yang Sagang to curse and threaten Baek Seol-yeon.

However, Yang Sagang’s position is not something that cannot be understood.

A lover changed his mind overnight, so it’s nothing strange if something worse than that came out.

‘I couldn’t stand it any longer since I’m the son of the Hyeonryeong of Juksan-hyeon.’

The problem is Yeonnamcheon.

Once it goes to the senate, the decision is made by the chief executive.

It was not enough to make Yang Sagang that way, and he even overpowered the master of Samantha,

Cheongseon… Considering the strict rules of the shaman faction, excommunication is basic and may even break the short circuit.

‘Huh! Even if the palace owner, Master Cheonmyeong, tried to take care of it, Jang Moon-in would not stand still.’

The Sanwol master who was worried opened his mouth.

“Namcheon-ah. Since the master of Cheongseon mentioned the elder, I won’t just go over it. I’ll try my best to keep things from escalating. From now on, be careful about what you do so you don’t get caught.”

“yes. But what about that rat?”

“ha! Yang Hyun-ling is a big guest of the shaman faction. It seems that it will be difficult to convict Yang Gong-ja for what he has done so far.”

The corner of Yang Sagang’s mouth went up.

If the manager of ‘Lu Dongbin’ said that, it must have been so.

“Oh, then you can’t.”

Sanwol Master asked Yang Sagang this time.

“I can’t say that Confucius Yang is not at all responsible for this incident. What are you going to do, Confucius?”

“Not sure. I do not know. First of all, I want to tell my father.”

In a word, it means that he will try to solve it with his father’s power.

Master Sanwol sighed.

It seems that there are three disasters in the Oryong Palace this year.

It is certain that the management of Oryonggung will be messed up if the prefecture of Juksan-hyeon begins to take a stand.

It is when the master of Sanwol stands with a complicated face.

Yeon Jeok-ha approached Yang Sa-gang, who was relaxing.

“Hey rat. Run to Daddy and tell him. You have to tell me. That I hit you one more time while saying that.”

With a ‘slap’ sound, Yang Sagang’s head jerked to one side.

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Heavenly Inquisition Sword

Heavenly Inquisition Sword

The Nine Heavens Swordmaster
Score 7.4
Status: Completed Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2018 Native Language: Korean
“Don’t hit him with flowers. He is the master of the Nine Heavens.” Born as an illegitimate child, six-year-old Yeon Jeok has endured various violence and torment from his stepmother and half-siblings. When his father dies from illness, his stepmother locks Yeon Jeok in the warehouse. Isolated from the world, he spends ten years confined. After learning martial arts, he escapes into the world! “I regard the Yeon Family with great bitterness.” The unyielding journey of Yeon Jeok, the sole inheritor of the Nine Heavenly Swords, has just begun!


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