Heavenly Inquisition Sword Chapter 1009

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Episode 1009. Did you see Illyana?

Illyana stared intently at Elio.

For some reason, he seemed to know why the airship had flown all the way to the northern outskirts.

“How am I supposed to know something that Miss Illyana doesn’t?”

I let go of the pretense of being serialized.

No matter how dull he was, he knew that he shouldn’t speak carelessly about the cracks in the ice wall.

Illyana was dubious, but didn’t ask further.

It’s because your relationship with him isn’t that close.

Illyana, who was arranging Elio’s bandages, turned around.

“Are you leaving for Kluton now?”

That’s what Marquis Bernardo asked because he had to go to Clutton to receive the title of baron.

“no. Rather, I have a place to stop by.”

“Don’t make the Marquis wait too long. Lords are impatient.”

The younger brother glanced at Illyana.

When talking to her, there are often times when I am confused whether it is because of her favor or because of Marquis Bernardo’s orders.

“No, don’t knights have the freedom to choose their masters before that?”

“Yes, of course. However, there are not many lords who can give titles to barbarians.”

“Oh, there is another stumbling block.”

“Even if it’s not necessarily like that, among the lords of the north, Marquis Bernardo is a great nobleman.”

“I will refer to it.”

Feeling Elio’s stubbornness, Illyana smiled and asked.

“By the way, how old are you?”

He looks quite young on the outside, but I was very curious when he used Aura.


“Wow! Are you so young and already using an aura? I can’t believe it. I am twenty-five.”

He shrugged his shoulders with a stern expression on his face.

‘This therapist lady would be stunned to know that I heard that I was the best of all time in Moorim.’

“I heard that spiritual training is not easy, but you are amazing.”

For a moment, Yeon Jeok-ha’s eyes lit up.

It’s the first time I’ve heard such a sound, except for the Savior’s bell gate.

“Hey, Miss Illyana?”


“Do you know why the difference between mana users and spiritual practitioners is so great?”


Illyana looked at Elio with sorrowful eyes.

Reiki training was a new possibility and a stigma of inferiority for barbarians who did not receive the ‘blessing of mana’.

“Simply put, mana is a blessing from the Creator, but it’s because aura is a training method discovered by a beastman.”


I couldn’t understand the meaning of her words right away.

Illyana continued to explain for him.

“Only the chosen people can feel mana. It’s not something people can achieve through hard work. Commonly referred to as ‘mana users’ who have awakened mana, they say that mana is the source of all things. To ordinary people like us, it’s a really bubbly sound. Mana, which cannot be seen or felt, is the source of all things…”

“Then, what about aura?”

“The root of spirit energy is the spirit of living beings. In fact, because of that, beastmen and savages are being treated more strangely.”

“No, how is your spirit?”

“The process of spiritual training and demons acquiring magical power is superficially similar. Asmodians also absorb the vitality of living beings and increase their magical power.”

“Are you being treated similarly because the demons absorbed the spirit…?”

As a reiki practitioner, I immediately understood the sound of Yeonjeokha.

“that’s right. Beasts and savages train their own spirit, and demons steal the spirit of other creatures. Reiki and demonic magic are completely different, but there are many people who view Reiki practitioners with suspicion. Isn’t it secretly extorting the spirit of other life forms like demons?”

“her! So, the demons’ magic is weaker than mana?”

“That’s not it. Demons make an oath to the demon god, and if you do that, you can use some of the demon’s ability. In that case, I heard that they are much stronger than mana users.”

“When you say demon, do you mean Kama Debias?”

“yes? You said Kama Debias was the sun god. The demon god is the god who created the demon world and is the darkness itself. It can be said to be the exact opposite of Kama Debias, the sun god.”

“Ah then, is Kama Debias a good god?”

“of course. A deity served by the empire?”


At this moment, he realized that his plan for serialization was not smooth.

I would have thought that the Cheonjama would be the main god of the empire.

Illyana continued to speak to him with a bewildered face.

“Beware of true warlocks.”


“Because among black magicians, there are people who sold their souls to demons like demons. They are called ‘traidors’ and like demons, they steal people’s energy and vitality. Traders like beasts and beasts the most.”

“ah! Is it because of Youngki?”

“yes. Spirit energy is much more powerful than the spirit of living things. Anyway, if Suin and Yain meet the trader… that day is the end of their lives.”

Yeonjeokha, who was shaking his head, asked.

“Not all warlocks are traders, are they?”

Seeing that Illyana mentioned ‘Warlock’ and ‘Trader’ separately, it somehow seemed like it.

“sure. Most warlocks work on curses or intangible poisons called spirit poisons.”

“Spirit Poison?”

“Spirit poison poisons the target’s soul and kills it immediately or does whatever it wants. This is magic that empires and kingdoms have banned because it can neither be known nor prevented.”

“Isn’t that good too? Why are you doing such bad things?”

“To satisfy their dark desires. Dark magic is powerful even if the circle is not high. That’s why wizards with no talent can’t escape once they fall for that temptation.”

“So there are no warlocks among the high mages?”

“They must have learned a trick or two of deadly black magic. Even in terms of response.”

“Only respond?”

“Foot! High-ranking mages can stand above others without using black magic. If you become a high-ranking mage, there’s nothing you can’t do, but would you use black magic while being pointed at from behind?”

“Oh, that’s it again. Learned a lot today. thank you.”

“you’re welcome. It’s something everyone else knows. Saying that makes me rather ashamed.”

Illyana blushed.

It was a story that everyone in Rodina and the Continent knew, and it was embarrassing to hear such a thing.

Then, suddenly, Amber, her assistant, ran into the room gasping.

“Lady Illyana! I think you should go out and see it!”


“Strangers have left strange luggage behind.”

“Strange luggage?”

“Your big sack…”

Amber trailed off.

“Isn’t that a sack of medicinal herbs? There are people who secretly donate things like that.”

Amber shook her head violently at Illyana’s words.

“Blood is seeping through the sack.”

At those words, Illyana hurriedly went outside.

Thinking it was a problem at the clinic, he calmly checked his physical condition.

Fortunately, it was a short period of time, but both internal and external injuries were healed.

Illyana’s skills as a healer seemed pretty good.

Illyana returned with a firm face as the younger brother thought of his next destination with a satisfied face.


“ha! I told you not to think easily of the lords.”


“The sack was full of human ears.”

“A human ear?”

The younger brother looked at Illyana with absurd eyes.

Why go to the treatment center to do what vicious green thieves often do?

“It’s the ears of savages. It must have been sent by Count Putokoa. It turns out like this after all.”


For a moment, I felt as though my head was empty.

To think that innocent savages were killed because of his own actions…

Yeonjeokha, who was standing there, asked with a dry voice.

“…How many were there?”

“About 300 people, from children to the elderly… I think they exterminated a tribe as an example. It must be the ‘mountain tribe’ people.”

“Do you know how many vassals of Count Putocoa’s family are?”

“why? Do you really want revenge? Don’t even dream. If you become the target of the Griffin Knights, Elio won’t survive a single day. In addition, the northern lords are praised as heroes who protect the kingdom of Escatos and the continent of Rodina. It may not be possible, but in any case, if Elio-nim harms Count Putocoa, he will become a traitor to the kingdom.”

Then, Yeonjeokha said firmly.

“I swear to you that all the people of Putokoa involved in the death of the savages will die. There are no exceptions, including the Earl and the Griffin Knights, as well as the nobles.”

For a moment, Illyana trembled with a strange feeling – as if Elio had become the center of the universe.

After a while, the couple went out and crossed the yard and found the ‘sack with ears’.

Illyana approached him as he silently looked down at the bloody sack.

“Don’t beat yourself up too much. Because this is not the only unfair death of the savage. It just happened what could happen.”

“Can I ask you a favor?”

“Yes, if I can, I will do it.”

“Whether cremation or burial, please bury them according to the burial law of the wild people.”


Illyana readily agreed.

Anyway, that was what I was going to do even if it wasn’t Elio’s request.

“Thank you. Where do I go to get to Hirhera?”

“Hirhera? They say that all the roads there are blocked…”

“Please tell me at least the direction where I can go.”

Illyana pointed to the northeast and said.

“If you keep going in this direction, you will come to Hirhera. Soldiers are blocking the road, so it should be easy to find. If you’re not sure, you can continue east along the northern ice wall, but that’s too difficult, so I wouldn’t recommend it.”

“thank you. When we meet again later, I will definitely repay the favor.”

Yeonjeokha inadvertently tried to eup (揖).

Illyana bowed her head in response to his greeting.

After saying goodbye, he left without looking back.

Amber approached Illyana, who was standing with a forlorn expression on her face.

“It feels good to see the troublemakers leave. Since you need to get a title, you should visit the Marquis, right?”

“It will.”

“You have suffered a lot.”

“Suffering is just doing what a therapist is supposed to do.”

“Eh, but Illyana-sama even changed the barbarian’s clothes. What healer in the world changes the savage’s clothes? Of course, he didn’t know that he was a savage.”

“You said you couldn’t do it, so I did it for you.”

“Hehe, seeing my whole body soaked in blood, I really couldn’t take it off. Because I think my chest or stomach might be bursting. Ugh! It’s disgusting.”

Amber trembled as if the thought of it was terrifying.

“Are you going to see a therapist because you’re so scared?”

“If it doesn’t work out, even a pharmacist will do it. By the way, did you see Illyana-sama too?”


“The night the savage was first brought in… they said that his forehead was glowing. Is it true?”

“Who is it?”


Illyana frowned.

It seems that a kid doing chores accidentally saw it and spread it.

“There was a glowworm in the room. You must have seen it.”


Amber nodded her head in agreement.

Could it be that the stigmata that only high-ranking priests of the empire have appeared on a barbarian?

Illyana and Amber buried the bag containing the ears in the backyard and burned incense in front of it.

Then he offered a prayer in his heart to Shastra Parakti, the goddess who guards the Nine Middle Heavens.

‘Please help him finish what he wants to do safely. And…’

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Heavenly Inquisition Sword

Heavenly Inquisition Sword

The Nine Heavens Swordmaster
Score 7.4
Status: Completed Type: Author: Artist: Released: 2018 Native Language: Korean
“Don’t hit him with flowers. He is the master of the Nine Heavens.” Born as an illegitimate child, six-year-old Yeon Jeok has endured various violence and torment from his stepmother and half-siblings. When his father dies from illness, his stepmother locks Yeon Jeok in the warehouse. Isolated from the world, he spends ten years confined. After learning martial arts, he escapes into the world! “I regard the Yeon Family with great bitterness.” The unyielding journey of Yeon Jeok, the sole inheritor of the Nine Heavenly Swords, has just begun!


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