Drug-Eating Genius Mage Chapter 918

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The Genius Wizard Who Takes Medicine Episode 918

Meeting (1)

“Move the icebox carefully! “Don’t you know that maintaining temperature is key to freezing items?”

“Sorcerers, come and clean up!” “One side of the hallway is blocked because of the amulet you threw!”

“Pharmacists, hurry up and give it to me. “If medicinal herbs are stored at room temperature for a long time, they quickly spoil.”

Harsh shouting coming from all directions.

Regardless of age and gender, people of various races and races are constantly moving up and down the vast stairs of the magic tower.

The tower’s facilities, which were damaged due to the decisive battle with Fast and A Thousand Times, were restored, and cooperative businesses began to open again one by one.

The tower, which had been quiet for a while, becomes crowded and noisy again.

While TOP was on hiatus, businesses were also busy introducing new products and items and establishing themselves.

And Lennok was sitting in the office on the top floor prepared for the tower owner, looking at the busy magic tower.


Pharmacists busily transporting medicines piled up in hard packaging.

Porters moving tablet learning devices pouring out of the factory.

Managers on business trips from research institutes and businesses are busy checking quantities with ledgers.

It is noticeable that the number of wizards from other magic towers, which were particularly small in number, has increased significantly.

Despite the notoriety and ghost stories about fastness, once the market has already formed, the enthusiasm of the market is not easily extinguished.

Moreover, using the incident he committed as an excuse, the influx of new people is increasing.

Beep beep.

Lennok was sitting in his office chair and looking out the window. The cell phone he had left on the desk vibrated behind him.

-fastness. As promised, I will send you a copy of the search engine algorithm.

A message from Deep Web administrator Raktasha Samir.

-I wonder if it will be of any use now, but I took care of it because you said I needed it. If you are willing to participate in the search engine restoration work, please contact me again later….


Lennok, who had put down his cell phone, turned on the large TV hanging on the wall of his office with a glance.

New news reported on news channels as soon as you turn on the screen.

[Professor Evan Bylan broke his long silence and announced the fourth public magic update schedule.] [

The development of [Ignite] magic, following variable luminescence conjugation, has been updated on the lab site homepage….] [

Magic Tower ] Various columns are being published in the academic world regarding whether the basic expression principles of attribute magic, which were considered the exclusive property of , have been interpreted -]


Lennok turned off the TV and tilted his chair back.


The journey of the lighthouse keeper that caused an uproar throughout the city, as well as the schedule of hearings to resolve the matter.

The announcement of Evan Bylan’s research results, which had been postponed, is also going smoothly for the time being.

For at least a few months, we will be busy highlighting the public magic [Ignite] announced by Lennok.

However, while handling the work at the Magic Tower and the research center that had been postponed at the same time, Lennok’s thoughts were focused elsewhere.

Administrators of the deep web. Arsnova’s search engine that we obtained at their request.

And through him, I finally succeeded in obtaining information about the leader and the leader.

The series of facts confirmed through the search engine were so unexpected that even Lennok could not easily come to a conclusion.

‘The first apostle of the church came from a sealed Ascendant…’

Although I knew that the second apostle, who was considered the leader among the apostles, was the most powerful and perfect apostle.

In fact, I have never paid any attention to the first apostle who was placed before him.

From the beginning, not only did I think that Sado’s strength was not just a numbers game, but also because it was difficult to obtain specific information about Sado’s retired number.

But could it be that the first apostle who followed the sect leader was not another being but an ascendant who reached level 9?

I can’t hide my disgust at that ridiculous fact, but at the same time, I’m confident that I understand it.

A failed savior who transcended two endings and reached this world.

If he was once a failed god who reigned at the top of the world, it would not be surprising if he even used monsters called Ascendants as his apostles.

At least within Lennok, the cult leader was an incomprehensible monster with a certain status and causality.

‘I searched for information about the religious leader, but it was strange that I found information about the first apostle.’

The performance of Arsnova’s search engine is unrivaled by any other program or software.

It is a miracle that retrieves exactly the desired keywords from the trash of broken and abandoned external networks.

Is it really a coincidence that I found out the identity of the first apostle after enduring the overload of the search engine to find information about the religious leader?

Lennok was wondering if even that was the cult leader’s intention to hide his own purpose.

If the information about the first apostle was revealed instead, it was the cult leader’s intention to use him to hide his traces.

If he had taken action in preparation for someone else to follow closely behind him one day.

At least, given the temperament of the cult leader Lennoc encountered, it seemed unlikely that he would be unable to do such a thing.

‘Even though the leader and leader look similar, there are many contrasts. If that was intentional to some extent….’

Unlike the cult leader who tries to hide himself in other people’s memories, the leader does not try to hide himself at all.

Do what you need to do, where you need it, at the time you need it.

Because mixing deception or lies in the process would have no meaning to him.

That probably stems from the ‘origin’ that the leader and leader essentially symbolize, but-

“…I don’t know.”

For days Lennok pondered the meaning of the information he had obtained, but was unable to come up with a clear answer.

Even though you think you know enough to know and understand enough to understand, you still haven’t reached the definitive essence.

That may be because even though Lennok is familiar with their essence in words, he cannot truly understand their meaning.

Is Lenno feeling what other people feel when looking at him, as he follows in their footsteps?

Confidence and guesswork mix together, making even what we knew unclear.

Although there are countless abstract thoughts and ideas floating around in my head, there are still some things that do not change.

It is still unknown how this world will end.

Just as the cult leader’s answer and the leader’s answer were different, there is only a vague certainty that Lennok’s answer will also be different from theirs.

However, unlike the information from the cult leader, the news from the leader was –


There was a knock on the office door, and Jenny stuck her head out.

“Have you finally come to your senses?”


“I know you’ve been busy with work lately and you’re exhausted, but please come out for a moment. “There’s a problem.”


He never showed any outward condescension, but perhaps he sensed Lennok’s mood like a ghost?

At Jenny’s words, Lennok smiled bitterly but stood up.

With a single wave of his hand, he summons and grabs the staff standing in a corner of his office.

As soon as I limped out of the office, I heard someone yelling from the first floor lobby below the stairs of the Magic Tower.

“I knew a long time ago that your complexion was as stiff as a corpse, but are you planning to act like a fool?!”

“It’s not like that, but… calm down first.”

An elderly woman shouting with her back turned amidst a mountain of all kinds of materials and medicinal herbs.

And the sight of a young man hunched over in front of him with a pale complexion.

However, the old woman did not pay attention to the young man’s servile response and shouted without hesitation.

“I don’t want to hear it!! “I can’t stay in the same space as an evil being like you, so get away!”

“…is it a medicine?”

Yanushka Greenway, a level 7 pharmacist who dramatically cured Lennok’s mana addiction.

He is a unique person who treated Lennok’s physical condition in return for resolving a dispute with a drug lord.

Aside from vampire doctor Murphy, she was the first person to entrust Lennok with his own medical care.

After the Magic Tower was stabilized, they took over the medicinal ships and placed them under the jurisdiction of the medicinal ingredients division, but what problem arose?

“It seems that among the porters transporting materials for the new store in the Magic Tower, there is one who does not like Yakseon.”

Jenny said, pressing her eyebrows with an expression of pain.

“I’ve been trying to stop all other work and chase that guy out.”


Lennok listened to Jenny for a moment and heard what Yakseon was shouting.

A strange being. An unpleasant presence. Is it the solid complexion and pulse?

“If we only go by Saiham, the witch doctors and shamans who stay in the tower would be formidable.”

“That’s what I’m saying. “Why are you arguing with the porter while leaving the other magicians alone?”

Jenny sighed.

“Even if I wanted to intervene, Yakseon’s status in this world is considerable, and you brought him here yourself…” “

You mean it was difficult to arbitrarily intervene. understood.”

Lennok said and immediately snapped his fingers.


Immediately after, a faint electric current flashed from the ceiling of the tower, transporting Lennok and Jenny’s new form to the center of the lobby tens of meters below.


In the blink of an eye, the sight of Lennok appearing in the center of the magic tower lobby caused a stir everywhere.

“Are you saying this is something that would make Gomrei personally step forward?”

“Is that man the archmage?”

“It’s my first time seeing your face. He’s much younger than I thought…”

The businessmen and wizards of the Magic Tower, who were seeing Lennok for the first time, could not stand it and whispered quietly.

“The woman standing next to me. “Even though we are not magic users, we used space transfer together.”

“There was no omen before it appeared. Have you already mastered the transference technique?”

“I can’t read the pattern. It doesn’t even seem like magical power at all…”

Knock knock.

As Lennok walked out, tapping his cane, the voices around him disappeared as if they had been washed away.

In the quiet lobby hall, only the sound of the cane echoed between Yakseon and the young man.

“Janushka Greenway.”

Lennok, standing between the two, asked in a low tone.

“Is there something wrong?”

“…fast. “You came at the right time.”

Yakseon glared at the young man with a stern expression.

“This man needs to be kicked out of the tower immediately. It’s a strange being. “The longer you stay in the tower, the more harm it will do.”

“You mean harm. “You are speaking harshly!”

Yakseon shouted at the young man’s protest.

“Yes you bastard! I don’t know what tricks you used, but you’re so good at talking after pulling off creepy pranks! “If you don’t leave the tower right now, I will kick you out myself!”

“No, at least you should tell me what the problem is!”


Yak-seon was about to say something, but closed his mouth in embarrassment.

The young man spoke with a confident attitude due to his attitude.

“I just went on a business trip to transport materials to the Magic Tower. If you come out like this, I have no choice but to file a formal complaint through my workplace-”


Lennok, who silenced the young man with a single word, nodded.

“jenny. “Where is this man’s business?”

“Gulag Council. They were selected as a cooperative business last month and are the first merchants to open today…”

“Please double the daily wages of those workers today.”

Lennok said and started walking towards the young man.

“Because this man is missing, other workers will have to work more.”

“yes? Now wait a minute. “What is that-!!”

Before the young man could finish speaking, Lennok lightly tapped his cane.

At that moment, the young man’s body disappeared as if it had been washed away.


“Sa disappeared…”

“Wait a minute. Could it be that the transference technique…?”

The people’s expressions turned bewildered when they realized belatedly that Lennok had kicked the man out of the tower.

“Did you cast a spatial transfer on a complete stranger with a single wave of your hand?”

“If you make the slightest mistake in calculation, you will end up like a piece of meat.”

“Does that guy care about that?”

“Did you not see the hearing? Still, it wasn’t that we couldn’t communicate at all…”

Ignoring the words coming from all directions, Lennok turned toward the medicine ship.


“I’m sorry fast.”

Only then did Yak-seon realize the situation belatedly and apologize with an embarrassed expression.

“To others, it will seem like I acted unreasonably without any particular reason. Even though he looked like a senile old man, I have nothing to say.”

“I understood what the situation was.”

Lennok answered calmly.

“I will handle his affairs separately.”

“It doesn’t matter to me, but your reputation for arbitrarily banishing the porter after just hearing what I said…”

Lennok chuckled, realizing Yakseon’s concern.

“it’s okay.”

In fact, the feelings and reactions towards Lennok right now were far from fear or disgust.

I knew that what Lennok said at the time of the hearing had a big impact, but looking at the situation now, it seems that Lennoch’s perception has changed a little.

I changed from a crazy wizard who couldn’t communicate to a crazy wizard who could communicate, so should I call this a harvest?

However, Yakseon did not understand the meaning and nodded with a gloomy expression.

“…You have no shame. Still, thank you for believing this old man’s words.”

“If I don’t trust the person I brought, who will I trust?”


Jenny exclaimed at Lennok’s words as if they were quite good, but Lennok ignored that reaction and returned straight to the office.

Jenny said as she followed Lennok up after seeing that the transport work had resumed in the lobby.

“Surprisingly, the reaction wasn’t bad, right? Is it because it seems like he takes care of his people? “It’s been a while since I did a solid job.”

“It’s not like I’m specifically trying to take Yakseon’s side.”

“what? But starting with giving the workers more daily wages and ignoring them-”

“Because that man must have taken up a significant portion of the transport work. “You just pay more for the trouble you put in.”

Lennok said and opened the door to his office.

“Above all, Yakseon did not lie. “Actually, that man-”

Lennok said as he looked at the young man who had collapsed in the middle of the spacious office.

“Because it’s a dead body.”


A sense of discomfort that the young man who had been mistreated by Yak-seon for a long time arrived at Lennok’s office first.

Jenny, who hesitated, belatedly understood the situation and was shocked.

“It’s not like they were expelled, they were transferred to the office. “No, but that man is a corpse?!”

“I guess I’ll have to ask that now.”

Lennok brought a chair and roughly threw the young man on it.

Lennok asked, sitting on the sofa across from him and facing the young man.

“Get up slowly. How long are you going to rest like that?”

“…It’s too harsh to say that you’re resting.”

At that moment, the young man, who was literally hanging out like a corpse, adjusted his posture and sat down.

A dull complexion and an unfocused face. A heavy complexion, as if there was no color in the face.

“The transfer technique you used was so neat that it took time to find the coordinates of this body.”

The young man looked at Lennok and smiled gloomily.

“Well, that wouldn’t have been possible if you hadn’t opened the tower’s barrier for a moment. “You knew from the beginning, right?”

“My eyesight hasn’t deteriorated so much that I can’t recognize the necromancer.”

Lennok said with an expressionless face.

This young man who had an argument with Yak-seon is not an ordinary porter.

A corpse that has long since ceased its life and is controlled by necromancy.

As soon as Lennok saw this young man, he recognized him as the head of the necromancer he had previously contacted for a meeting.

“A corpse manipulated by necromancy never gets tired. “The idea of entering the Magic Tower under the pretext of acting as a porter was not a bad idea.”

Lennok sneered at the young man who kept his mouth shut.

“But you seem to have forgotten that there are many masters of all kinds of magic residing in the Magic Tower. “Did you think that among the magicians gathered here, there wouldn’t be a single corpse that wouldn’t be recognized?”

“My necromancy is perfect. The only one who noticed was Yakseon. “I should have taken advantage of the situation where she couldn’t tell me who I really was and screwed her over.”

“Due to some circumstances, Yak-seon is unable to state her diagnosis. “I tried to kick you out without revealing that you were a corpse, so it wouldn’t be surprising if people misunderstood.”

Yanushka Greenway is a pharmacist who rose to level 7 using powerful Geass.

He is bound to forget all memories of the patients he diagnosed.

If Yakseon had revealed on the spot that the young man was a corpse controlled by necromancy, he would have been caught by his own Geass and even completely forgotten that fact.

That is why, even though Januszka Greenway knew that the young man was a corpse manipulated by gold magic, he could not tell the reason and tried to chase the young man out.

“If you were planning on contacting me, there must have been another way. Why did you foolishly crawl into the magic tower yourself and get caught by the medicine?”

“under! I don’t know who’s going to say it. “Didn’t you stay out of the tower for several days after the hearing ended?”

The necromancer snorted and said.

“I had urgent news to deliver, so I took the risk of sending a contact directly to the tower, but I am shocked to receive such poor treatment.”

“Ignore it…”

Lennok smiled and nodded.

“Let’s first listen to what news needs to be delivered urgently.”

“Even if you hadn’t questioned me about Yak-seon’s matter, I was planning to tell you a long time ago.”

The young man said that and slowly opened his mouth.

“The schedule for the meeting between high-ranking officials has been confirmed. Participation will be decided within 24 hours and a convening will be held within 48 hours, so please refer to the location and contact method.”

“It’s a meeting…”

The meeting that had been planned even before Lapis’s matter was taken care of had finally come to fruition and was called.

However, even though Lennok knew this, there was no other reason why he bothered to bring a necromancer into his office.

Information about the leader obtained through Arsnova’s search engine.

The definitive fact that the head of Pandemonium has ended his incarnation somewhere in the world.

It was at this point that the director began to move, clearly

on par with the Gyebaek incident. “And speaking of the meeting, it looks like the scheduled meeting place will be changed.”

The young man, who did not notice Lennok’s thoughts, spoke indifferently.

“It is said that someone disappeared after incarnating at a forbidden ritual site in the Balkans, causing the ley line to become unstable.”

At that moment, Lennok’s entire body became as if frozen.


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Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage, Medicine-eating wizard
Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
“World”, a game that boasts extreme freedom. In “ver.3.0”, I decided to put everything to increase the magic talent! All stats are all about magic! Instead of enhancing the character’s magic talent, took a huge amount of demerit characteristics. But, it doesn’t matter. I will create the greatest Wizard character, even if the character looks like a corpse. But…. What is this? I became that character– a character with genius talent, but can’t pass a day alive without taking medicine.


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