Drug-Eating Genius Mage Chapter 882

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The Medicine-Taking Genius Wizard Episode 882

The Eye of Destiny (18)

“30 disposable ignition stones, 6.2 million cells.”

In a dark room with flickering old lights, only greasy voices echoed quietly.

The appearance of a fat man picking up all kinds of items and putting them down on a table that was spread out round like a table in a gambling hall.

Lennok, who was sitting across from me, was watching with an expressionless face.

“10 alamite flints, 8 million cells. “3 small horsepower ignitors, 7.8 million cells.”


“25 custom lighters from Ghirard, 4.5 million cells. “The transaction for one Alphacell cartridge flamethrower was completed in kind.”

Click click.

The man who had shown that the lighter was working properly by turning it on and off in front of Lennok bent down again under the table.

“Tobacco leaves brought directly from the plant city of Lara Valley. “20g, a limited quantity included only in top-quality cigars.”

Every time the man spoke, all kinds of objects rose and disappeared on the table, giving off all kinds of strange smells.

In fact, even the fat man directly showing the item frowned slightly.

“Analgesics, stimulants, hormone suppressants. Fire-resistant skin anesthetic. Magical projection line prevention cream. And finally…”


A sturdy metal arm strap designed to be worn on the forearm.

What’s unusual is that several angled pipes extend out of the arm, looking like exhaust ports.

“A combustion array device made exclusively for pyrokinesis. “It is a used item that has been through five owners and has been remodeled eight times.”

The man explained.

“It is a structure that inserts an insertion tube into the body and forces heat to escape out of the body. However, be careful when adjusting the output.”


“The performance is amazing, but if you use it slightly incorrectly, the absorption power is not strange even if it releases flesh instead of heat… Hey, are you listening to me?”

The appearance of a man asking a question with a suspicious look towards the silent Lennok.

The gaze looking at the table from earlier seemed completely unfocused.

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

Only after the man finished speaking did Lennok’s eyes slowly return to focus.

Cold sweat was flowing from Lennok’s forehead as he glanced at the man.

“Because it’s difficult to maintain concentration for a long time. “I was listening, so let’s continue.”

“…It doesn’t look like it’s in good condition. “Where are you putting your mind?”

“It’s more of a problem because it’s placed somewhere else.”


“It is nothing. “You even managed to get this.”

When placed naturally on the forearm, it tightens and sticks to the wearer’s size.


As the exhaust slowly vibrated and released heat, a haze rose outside my forearm.

Lennok chuckled while stroking the exhaust vent mounted on his forearm.

“I asked for it, but it probably won’t be on the market in the first place.”

“yes. “There wasn’t much equipment made specifically for people with superpowers, so it was harder to get it.”

The man said, wiping away his sweat.

“The price has gone up because of that, so take that into account. “If you add it all up, including the fees, you’ll probably-”

“Here it is.”


Lennok placed a heavy bag on the table and pushed it towards the man.

“Check the amount first. “If the amount is right, we’ll end it here.”


The man hesitated, pulled his pocket open, and immediately closed it with a slightly surprised look on his face.

“There’s nothing more to see. “How much more did you put in?”

“Enough to keep you quiet about this deal.”


Lennok stood up, leaving the silent man behind, and began to place the equipment piled on the table into his arms one by one.

Click click!!

He takes out a cigar, takes a bite, and lights it with a lighter.

It’s been a while since I lit a cigarette without using magical power, so it took a bit of effort.

“I’m not telling you to keep it a secret for the rest of your life. “I don’t even expect it to go that far.”

Lennok said as he collected the medicine piled up on the table.

“It is the cost of keeping information about this transaction hidden from the same broker or deep web for about 15 days. “If it’s not enough, tell me.”


While the man glanced down at his wrist, Lennog gathered his luggage and stood up.

Looking at Lennok’s back as he was about to leave the room, the man asked as if a thought occurred to him.

“I don’t think he’s an acquaintance of mine, but he seems quite familiar with this way of doing business.”


“Not only did you pack a lot of ignition equipment, but are you going to start a fire somewhere?”

“…yes. “I’m thinking of starting a really big fire.”

Lennok chuckled and looked away.

He stopped as he was about to leave the room and calmly leaned against the back of the door with his arms crossed.

“There is plenty of firewood in this city. “All I needed was a spark.”


“I wasn’t sure about preparing the items, but I think the minimum preparation is complete. “I can say I’m fortunate.”

Good luck!!

A small flame rises above Lennok’s hand as he takes out a disposable ignition stone and clutches it.

But even after the spark stone wore off in an instant, the flame still remained burning in my hand.

Lennok’s eyes, staring at the burning flame, glowed coldly.

“At least I met a broker who betrayed me after completing all my duties.”


The moment the man’s expression changed after hearing those words, Lennok waved his hand.

The moment the small flame rotated and hit the table, the entire room started to explode and burst into flames.

An image of a man rolling on the ground, screaming in pain as flames cling to his entire body.


Thump thump thump!! Boom boom!!

Immediately after hearing the scream, I heard someone violently pounding on the door outside.


The sound gets louder as if trying to break down the door, but it doesn’t budge as if it’s frozen solid.

The moment Lennoc grabbed the doorknob and released it, all the hinges on the door melted and closed the gap.

“I guess no one was supposed to come to this apartment complex today, but a guest came.”

Lennok smiled as he turned toward the door.

“Then you should open the door. “I’ll do that for you.”


Lennok’s magic circuit, which had been forcibly expanded by absorbing the magic power of the open sea, stirred violently.

Without any control, the wildly surging magical power is mixed with intention and transformed into a real flame.

Immediately after Lennok placed his finger on the solid iron door and swung it as if sweeping it away.

The flames that rose from the fingertips split into two halves as if they were opening eyes, and poured out a dazzling barrage.

Flame-type unique magic

[Flame Sphere]

[Double Engraving]

[Red Leaf Vision]



A red glow went through the door and straight through the hallway beyond, like a beam of light.

Lennok, holding the blazing flames, twisted his wrist as if turning a key, and the light beam exploded and burned down the hallway.


[Hot, hot…!!]

The screams of mercenaries burning to death without even being able to see Lennok’s face.

Only after the desperate scream had disappeared did Lennok turn towards the burning room.

“I guess I bought your day today for this deal. How strange.”

Lennok laughed and pointed to the door as the broker looked pale and trembling.

“Damn the rain…!!”

asked Lennok, who stepped on the head of the broker who was crawling on the ground and crushed it with one foot.

“Did you think it would be beneficial for me to be caught here so that you could receive the reward from the wanted warrant?”

“Ooh, don’t be funny!”

Broker gasped as Lennok’s foot stepped on his head.

“Do you think you’ll break the unwritten rule because of that?…!! “If that were the case, I wouldn’t be able to run a brokerage business in this city!!”


“It’s because of you!! “Because you don’t even know the topic and you’re fighting with that guy!!”

Even as his neck was mercilessly crushed and stepped on, the broker desperately shook his head.

“Do you think you can fight that wizard and win!! Don’t talk nonsense. “It’s impossible…!!”


The broker’s voice as he shouted that was filled with fear that could not be hidden.

“I’d rather die here than die at the hands of Lightning…!!”

“You were going to kill me here and sacrifice me in return? “It’s not even funny.”

Lennok shook his head as he listened to the broker.

“If you wanted to avoid getting involved, you could have just refused the deal from the beginning. “Why are you acting like you had no choice?”



When the array device mounted on the forearm is activated, the pipe trembles violently and emits hot heat.

Instead of letting the once-heated magical energy to boil until the blood boils, it is forcibly discharged to lower body temperature.

It was originally an auxiliary equipment made for high-ranking Pyrokinesis who could not even control their own abilities, but it is definitely useful for the current Lennok.

“But you didn’t mess with things. “It would have been because the plan would have been ruined if anyone noticed, but…”

Lennok, who was touching the heated exhaust pipe, slowly brought it to the broker’s face.



The broker convulsed, screaming as if his face were going to be torn apart by the intense heat.

“Since you’re asking for trouble, I’ll spare you for now.”

“Kill me, kill me!!”

The exhaust pipe is removed just before the broker’s breath expires.

As I squeezed out a little of the fire-resistant skin anesthetic I had just purchased from the broker and applied it, my twitching body gradually regained stability.

Lennok looked at that, nodded, and stood up.

“The effect is certain. Then…”

Click, click!!

I stand in front of the blacked-out window, fiddling with the portable lighter in my hand.

Even if you don’t close your eyes, you can feel all the fierce people that are crowded around here.

Lennok, who threw the lighter out of his hand and caught it, smiled and raised his magic power.

“shall we start.”

* * *


One side of an old apartment building explodes, sending out long, violent flames.

A figure that fell from the end of a long trail of red brilliance quickly ran along the wall.

“It’s over there!”

“The guy killed the broker and escaped. “Start shooting!!”

The shooters who were waiting in advance in the building across from the apartment and on the ground all aim their guns and pull the trigger.

In an instant, a deafening sound of gunfire rang out from the middle of the street.


However, the aiming target was intercepted by a barrage of over a thousand bullets, and instead of falling, on the contrary, it increased its speed.

The other gunners clicked their tongues at the sight of Lennok sprinting as if using the flames flying behind his back as propellant to accelerate.

“How is it so fast…!!”

“Fuck, is that a wizard?”

“The firearm currently equipped cannot hit it. Even if the trajectory is slightly wrong, it will go out of the aiming range…!!”

“Send in the resistance unit. “The trajectory must be narrowed so that the gunners can hit it!”


At the same time as those words were said, dozens of black figures appeared on the apartment wall, blocking Lennok’s path and falling vertically.

Superhumans wearing fire-resistant suits and breathing apparatus looked at Lennok and each grabbed their weapons.

“Blue eyes. Flame wizard.”

“Who is it?”

The moment Lennok frowned, the woman in the lead pulled out a sharp sword.


The blade wielded by the woman collided head-on with Lennok’s new model, which struck down like wildfire.

The woman spoke while the walls of the apartment were cracked and dented as if crushed, and the center of gravity of the body was tilted backwards.

“An arrest warrant has been issued for the attempted assassination of Vice Mayor Amy Weinston. Please give up resistance and come along.”


Lennok asked, glancing back at the sword light that flashed as it collided with the flames.

“They were warriors from a sunny area. “Did you join hands with the broker because of a wanted order?”

It is not a shadowy mercenary nor a special agency of the city council.

Recognized adepts living in seclusion under the same prohibition rules as the innocent Turyeonmun.

Judging by their well-organized momentum and magical power, they must be a group of superhumans who focus on training martial arts.

There seemed to be a faint exclamation mixed in the woman’s voice, as if what Lennok had said was wrong.

“I respect your judgment in understanding the physiology of the city and moving within a few days. Even in situations like this, your insight into accurately distinguishing between opponents is excellent.”

Even while defying the flow of gravity and sliding down the wall of a building, he did not lose his fighting spirit.

The woman’s eyes flashed sharply above the respirator.

“I admit that you are an outstanding wizard in both civil and martial arts, but you will not be able to defeat Bolrei.”



The flames that explode and fall irregularly are quickly struck away with fluid sword movements.

The blade, which moved as smoothly as flowing silk, instantly cut off the area where one’s feet were stepping and forcibly dug in, breaking the balance.

His swordsmanship was so fluent that he was able to mark Lennok’s sprint as he accelerated at speed with a single hand in such an unstable environment.

As if the other fighters were also waiting, they narrowed the distance towards Lennok and forced their bodies to stop in an instant.

Good profit!!

A woman spoke from a spot at the end of an old apartment wall, where a dozen people stopped just before they fell.

“Why not formally respond to the wanted order to investigate this matter and discuss ways to retrieve the lighthouse keeper? “This is advice purely out of concern for you.”

“I don’t know what nonsense you’re talking about earlier. “What makes you think I’m going to fight fast?”

“That’s because everything you’ve done so far points to that future.”

The woman answered, slowly adjusting her sword-holding posture.

A strange appearance where everything in the scenery is tilted except for the posture of balancing while standing vertically on the wall of the building.

“We collected information by searching through hiding places, dealing with pursuers by intentionally exposing our whereabouts, and airlifting equipment through a broker. “Isn’t this the attitude of a warrior about to face a decisive battle?”


“I am keenly aware of your responsibility to fulfill your duty even after losing the master you served, but it is futile. “He is not someone who would bother to spare a challenger.”


Lennok laughed.

Flame type unique magic,

nature change, emanation manifestation

[Yeonhwa (聯fire)]

[Saengdeukyeom (生得炎)]


At that moment, a hot flame bloomed around Lennok and rapidly surged in all directions.

Burning footprints left behind while running along the apartment wall at a right angle.

Following the flames left on the wall, the wall of the apartment caught fire and began to burn.

A strange phenomenon that seems to leave a spark instead of a footprint where you step.

An extremely large-scale, wide-area chlorination spell that uses all the flames burning along the footsteps engraved on the apartment wall as a catalyst for ignition for chanting.

[64 stacks of ignition: overload]


I have the illusion that the surrounding scenery is turning bright red.

The moment I realized that it was not just a trick of the eye, but that the entire space was actually a huge vortex burning red.

[Heavenly Fire Heart]

[Fire and Heavenly Bone] The

flames that engulfed the old apartment as firewood became a huge firestorm tens of meters in size and began to rotate violently.

Kuhwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg anything!!!


Due to the intense heat, the drones that were barely leaning against the walls of the apartment were thrown away like toys.



Lennok’s body had already blinked like a handful of flames and escaped the restraints.



The drones turn to grab Lennok, but the speed and violence of the wind threatens to tear and burn his flesh.



In the meantime, a woman who had cleverly avoided the area where the heat was strong caught up with Lennok and thrust her blade back at him.

When he used the array device mounted on his forearm instead of a shield, the blade slipped between the exhaust vents and violent sparks flew out.

Let’s go!!

However, the woman caught up with Lennok in an instant and screamed, unable to hide her frustration even as she fell.

Because I immediately understood what Lennok had just said and what that huge fire whirlwind meant.

“You are out of your mind. Are you planning to use this city as firewood to increase your power by force…!!”

“It’s the privilege of a flame wizard.”

Lennok, who bounced his stiff shoulder and pushed the blade away with difficulty, fell and laughed.

“Does it still seem like I’m fighting a battle I have no chance of winning?”


The woman’s eyes, looking at Lennok, became infinitely calm.

What Lennok just declared was not a groundless lie.

Because I felt that I might actually be able to live alone and face fastness at the end of this city.

“I heard that you were handling the lighthouse keeper’s security alone, but you are not an ordinary wizard. What kind of work have you done in the eyes of Cheong to give you that much confidence-”

[That’s it.]


At that moment, a dark, distorted glow of dark green clearly separated the two people.

The center of a craze so hot that it melts your eyes. A battle that involves falling from a height of tens of meters towards the ground and colliding.

The green shadow that fell precisely at the deadlock point suddenly penetrated between the two people and increased their magical power.

He twists his body up, holding a black arrow backwards in one hand and carrying a heavy barrel that looks like a huge coffin in the other hand.


Lennok’s new model could not overcome the rapidly changing inertia and flew out of the craze and disappeared.

The woman caught between the barrel’s protective shield immediately recognized the other person’s identity and shouted.


[I’ll be in charge of that wizard.]

Evelyn’s green eyes flashed and she lightly gestured to the woman.

[I’m out of it. I’m at the forefront.]

* * *


A back alley where a firestorm tens of meters in size can be seen from afar.

Lennok, who fell on a field littered with trash, slides tens of meters further.



The shock was reduced by applying magical energy over the body, but the magical energy that had not been controlled yet burned alone and burned trash everywhere.

In an instant, acrid smoke rose from the surroundings, obscuring the surroundings.

“Knock, knock!!”

The moment I coughed hard and tried to stand up, a bright green eye light flashed through the acrid smoke.


Something came quickly like an arrow from beyond the smoke and instantly grabbed Lennok’s arm and lightly tripped him.

[What on earth are you thinking?]

An urgent voice comes through the visor.

When Lennok heard that, he smiled and raised his head.

“I was waiting.”



Only after taking off the green visor is the face that was hiding the lower part fully revealed.

Evelyn, whose face was stiff, was biting her lip as she looked down at Lennok.

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Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage, Medicine-eating wizard
Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
“World”, a game that boasts extreme freedom. In “ver.3.0”, I decided to put everything to increase the magic talent! All stats are all about magic! Instead of enhancing the character’s magic talent, took a huge amount of demerit characteristics. But, it doesn’t matter. I will create the greatest Wizard character, even if the character looks like a corpse. But…. What is this? I became that character– a character with genius talent, but can’t pass a day alive without taking medicine.


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