Drug-Eating Genius Mage Chapter 877

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The Genius Wizard Who Takes Medicine Episode 877

Eyes that see fate (13)

“This is the worst situation.”

A beautiful joint with transparent glass walls.

Several elderly people were sitting at a wide round table in the auditorium where even the slightest whisper resonated with a soft echo.

Originally, city council members sat spaced apart at a round table large enough to seat dozens of people.

A meeting temporarily convened between the Senate and the House of Representatives by lawmakers involved in this matter.

The attendants waiting behind the scenes immediately fill the cup in front of them whenever it becomes empty.

However, the expressions on the lawmakers’ faces were so stiff that they did not even know what they were inhaling.

A three-dimensional screen that illuminates the center of a megacity located in the center of a round table.

This is because dozens of lightning strikes were falling beyond the screen that clearly reflected the underdeveloped city center of District 21.


The camera, which molds magic power into delicate units, cannot even properly capture the shape of lightning.

The movement and speed are so fast and violent that only fragments of the lightning speeding through the city can be captured.

Something wrapped in blindingly cold lightning is leaving the area of the Vulcan 20th Division at incredible speed.


[The damaged tank explodes and dies…!!]

[The fortress defense barricade was breached in one go!!]

Where the blue lightning struck, only the shattered tanks and fragments of barricades were strewn about.

An overwhelming force that shatters and crushes all resistance and restraints simply by holding and dispersing magical power without specifying anyone.

It was obvious who the monster was, firing dozens of lightning bolts through the dark clouds and disappearing with a roar like a dog.

“The lightning kidnapped the lighthouse keeper…!”

“Does this make sense!!!”

The archmage of District 49. Half fastness.

Even in the Balkans, one of the most infamous wizards was the fact that he ignored the Central Council’s wanted order and took control of the lighthouse keeper.

After all, no one was surprised that not another monster but a notorious bloodthirsty madman intervened and broke the game.

“It’s truly pathetic that information was leaked just half a day after the wanted order was issued…!!”

“We should have deployed interdiction troops to the front lines and controlled access a long time ago. “What on earth was the person in charge doing?”

Although he shouts loudly, he cannot hide his embarrassment and agitation.

While he was tapping the round table with nervous gestures, he was glancing at the screen in case he heard other news.

“Please calm down. “What would be the point of taking such precautions against that wizard?”

Even among the enraged city council members, there are some who have not yet lost their senses.

Young members of the House of Representatives who stepped into this matter but were not heavily involved.

Most of them have extensive work experience in the field and receive information directly from the front line.

“Let go of what has already happened. “Let’s discuss further what to do next.”

“There is no official document ready to explain the immediate arrest order. Once the scribes create the form-”

“No, you don’t know!”

An old man with messy white hair pounded the round table irritably.

“Now that the wizard himself has stepped forward, there is almost no chance of him giving up Lapis Falseer!!”


“If this was going to happen, I shouldn’t have even mentioned it in the first place. “I should have nailed it in advance to prevent him from doing this…!!”

At the old man’s words, the expressions of the other House members hardened for a moment.

“Have you already discussed this matter with your friend?”

“It was necessary. “I did something ridiculous like this just because it was for a meeting between great powers in this city…!!!”

The members of the House of Representatives turned their gaze to the old man with blood on his forehead, as if he was about to collapse at any moment.

This is because they were also quite interested in the crazy wizard who suddenly appeared and single-handedly turned the city upside down.

The lawmakers added a word one by one, looking at the afterimage of the lightning that remained beyond the screen.

“All the troops and mercenaries deployed in Area 21 were unable to do anything. “Is the strategy of pushing through numbers completely useless?”

“Half of the weather observation devices in the nearby area are broken. “There is virtually no way to deal with this dark cloudy environment.”

“Even with the latest video recording equipment, real-time filming is the only way to go. “The video team has already discarded all the recordings because the storage device keeps breaking down.”

Even though some time has passed since the reputation of fastness spread throughout the city, not many people have witnessed its appearance.

Not only has Lennoc been active in the shadows of the Balkans, but the city’s territory is too large to begin with.

Even though we live in the same city, it is a place where, if we so choose, we can meet or hear nothing from each other for the rest of our lives.

“How did you choose that moment to show up? “Can this really be seen as the actions of a crazy wizard?”

“The intellect of an archmage is nothing compared to criminals like us. “Even if you only have half a taste, your intuition will reach the realm of foresight.”

“The accident that occurred during my visit to Labatenon University of Magic was not a coincidence. “Regardless of his injuries, he is a monster who can do these things as if he were breathing.”

“What do we do? Should we revoke the wanted order now?”

With those words, all the lawmakers sitting around the round table fell silent.

This is because no one could have predicted that the current situation surrounding District 19 would proceed in this way.

“Vice Mayor Wainston still hasn’t woken up?”

“It’s an extremely serious mental contamination. They say that a Paju doctor is clinging to me and washing my brain day and night. “I heard it wouldn’t be strange if I woke up tomorrow morning as a zombie.”

“It’s all karma. “It’s only natural that if you apply the still-unstable android manufacturing technology to your body, you’ll be vulnerable to mental interference.”

“Would that tech-mad woman even care about that? “She must have been intent on using her body as evidence to promote her use.”

There is a faint cynicism in the voices of lawmakers mentioning the vice mayor.

Regardless of her abilities and inclinations, there were also a significant number of people who did not like the attitude of the deputy mayor who was in conflict with the council as a member of the city government.

“The only witness to the events in District 19 is the deputy mayor. “If we don’t have proper circumstantial evidence, we can’t have a justification here.”

“First of all, let’s make it a priority to contact the Magic Tower of Lightning and hear their position.”

“She already received a reply. “They said they don’t know anything about this issue and have no relationship whatsoever.”

The expressions of the other House members turned bewildered.

“Does this make sense? “Are you going to get out of this situation where the tower owner kidnapped the ascendant’s blood relatives?”

“The answer shows the location of the Magic Tower in this city.”


Only then did the House members fall silent, realizing how absurd the current situation was.

Since the creation of the item market in the megacity, how quickly the Magic Tower has established a strong presence in this field.

In just one word, I was able to realize once again that despite the tower owner’s evil deeds, it had reached a level that even the city council could not overlook.

“I don’t know what to say. “This is not something that can be handled by those involved alone.”

“For now, the priority would be to move the media and see their reaction.”

“Even so, all sources in the Balkans were in an uproar. “We kidnapped the lighthouse keeper, so the news will soon spread to the center.”

Even if an archmage kidnapped an ordinary human, it would be a topic of gossip, but since he took the leader who leads the eyes of the Blue, it is obvious how big the problem will become.

Moreover, since it was shown openly among thousands of soldiers and mercenaries, it was inevitable that rumors would spread.

The lawmakers gathered here also knew that it was impossible to cover up this incident in the first place.

“We should rather increase our work. “The notoriety of the Magic Tower owner must be inflated to an unbearable level.”

“Would that crazy wizard even care?”

“But you still have to do it. “If this can worsen public opinion and take away a little of TOP’s position-”


“I’ll take care of it from there.”

She said as Mayer appeared through the common glass door, looking at the gathered lawmakers holding her cane.

The senators who were watching the situation reacted when they saw an old man who looked particularly old among them.

“Ah, Representative Mayer. “You’re late.”

“I was waiting. “I really want to hear your opinion on this matter.”


On the other hand, members of the House of Representatives turn their attention to Mayer’s appearance in a somewhat subtle way.

Mayer is a city councilor who started his career as a member of the House of Representatives, served as an auditor, and then moved to the Senate.

Although his ability to achieve results and enhance his reputation in a difficult position is recognized, it is inevitable that members of the House of Representatives will feel strange.

Mayer, who calmly greeted the lawmakers who made no effort to hide his expression, sat down in the empty seat.

“Media reports will start to inflate on their own without you having to pay attention to them,” she said. “There is no reason to get on the nerves of the class by using your hands.”

“If you think about it, you knew the wizard personally.”

Someone among the senators asked quietly.

“how is it? “Have you heard anything?”


Even other House members listened to Mayer’s words.

It is an open secret that Representative Mayer has known Ban for a long time.

In the first place, Mayer herself did not try to hide her closeness to her class, so council officials knew about it.

“Isn’t that important now?”

However, Mayer simply shut up about the words of the lawmakers and changed the topic to the opposite direction.

“I’m on my way to inquire about the wanted order issued by the city government. “It seemed like there was a need to bring the government’s operational authority over here.”

“Operation control?”

“I can guess where the lighthouse keeper was thinking of heading. Considering the secrets hidden in District 19, it’s clear that he didn’t escape this city-”

Mayer’s expression as she muttered like that was immersed in her distress.

“We should move the air force and occupy the quarantine zone in preparation for any unexpected situation.”

“It’s a quarantine zone. no way….”

“I don’t know why Van kidnapped the lighthouse keeper. “I had no idea what the intention was in the first place.”

The moment the other lawmakers understood what Mayer said and her expression changed slightly, Mayer looked around her and said,

“We won’t be able to secure Lapis Falseer’s safety right now. “But isn’t there still one more person left?”


“A flame wizard who goes by the name Evan.”

Mayer’s eyes glowed calmly as he took out a wanted badge with Evan’s face drawn on it from her arms.

“Let’s start by finding out where this person who lost the master he was supposed to protect is.”

* * *

“Catch it and disappear over there!!”

“Damn, I definitely think I saw it here…!!”

A group of mercenaries running out of breath down the alley.

With his magic power sharply raised, he searches every corner of the alley before giving up and disappearing.

Lennok naturally stretched out his hand to the side, looking at the mercenaries disappearing around the alley with an annoyed expression.

“5,000 cells.”

“Isn’t it a bit expensive?”

“Then 4,000 cells.”

Lenok stood up after buying an apple from an old fruit merchant and walked in the opposite direction from his mercenaries.

Lennok’s expression changed as he took a bite of the apple.

“I should have cut more.”

“Oh, it’s over there!!”

“Were you sitting next to the fucking fruit stand?!”

The mercenaries who returned to the alley found Lennok and immediately raised their firearms.



Bullets rain down on stalls and store signs accompanied by screams.

As soon as he noticed the sign, he jumped behind the sign and dodged the bullet.


I ran forward, leaving behind the sound of the sign exploding as if it were going to break through at any moment.


“He’s running away, chase him!”

“How the fuck is that fast…!!”

It is so fast that even superhumans who have strengthened their bodies using magical energy have difficulty keeping up with the speed.

In an instant, Lennok’s new form, which had jumped alternately between the dark walls, disappeared.


The moment the mercenaries who broke the wall with their shoulders immediately increased their speed to find Lennok.

Instead of running away, Lennok stood behind the wall, waiting for them.


He takes a bite of the soft apple and throws it at the mercenary’s face.

The moment the apple slice landed in the mouth of the mercenary who was unable to overcome his speed, Lennok swung his fist and plunged it into the mercenary’s chin.


With the apple in his mouth, his jaw is shifted and the mercenary’s eyes roll back.


“This bastard!!”

“Stop resisting needlessly and give up, you idiot!!”

The other mercenaries surrounded Lennok, swearing in excitement.

“Do you think you can survive by arguing with that wizard?”

“It’s just a waste of your life, so give us money and run after us…!”

“That wizard… Oh, here he is.”

Lennok frowned and bowed at the oddly unpleasant reference that did not even call his name properly.

Renok picked something up from the fallen mercenary’s arms and lightly snapped his fingers.

“I was looking for this.”



A cheap lighter that can be purchased for a small amount of money.

The moment when the mercenaries with their guns raised and daggers engulfed in magic suddenly attacked Lennok.

Lennok turned on the lighter with one hand and carefully held the flame with his other hand.


Good luck!!

The dark back alley suddenly flashed with a red glow and soon became sweltering with tremendous heat.

A huge shadow of fire flickered behind the building and then disappeared in an instant.

The peddlers who were hiding from the sudden gunfight were sweating profusely from the heat.


Lennok sighed as he walked out from beyond the wall, leaving behind the presence of mercenaries who had disappeared like a lie.

Lenok threw the melted lighter into the trash can next to the fruit shop and spoke to the trembling fruit shop owner.

“One orange. “This time, I’ll buy it for 3,000 cells.”

* * *

“This is pretty good.”

The owner of the fruit shop was so kind that he even cut the orange peel himself.

Someone’s voice rang out from Lennok’s fingertips as he tasted the orange with satisfaction.

[Wizard. How long do you plan on staying like this?]

A familiar voice coming from the pure white jade ring Lennok wears on his finger.

A flowing white jade resembling the shape of a crane glowed faintly and made the voice of a patissia.

[I tried to be as patient as possible considering your feelings, but it is difficult to watch for a long time. Now Lapis is-]

“It’s noisy.”

But instead of being surprised, Lennok responded calmly.

“If you have this kind of ability, you shouldn’t have used it earlier to ease the burden.”

The ring that Lennok is currently wearing is a disguised item that adds the abilities of a party shrine to the ring of the original leader.

Patisya, who was introduced as a long-living species of Kundara, was a being that could change its appearance by assimilating with a specific object or person.

It must have been because of these abilities that he was the only attendant who accompanied Lapis on this matter.

[It is not an ability I can freely use.]

However, even after the Patissia transformed her own existence by assimilating it with her ring, she still talked a lot.

[Once you change your appearance, it takes a long time to come back. She originally saved it until the end to protect Lapis-]

“wait for a sec.”

Patisia pursed her lips at Lennok’s sharp voice.

Lennok looks around the alley and enters the public restroom with a cold expression.

Lenok quietly looked at the toilet with his hands on his waist and then slowly bowed down.


[…What on earth are you doing earlier?]

The Patissia was unable to hide her bewilderment at the sight of Lenok suddenly vomiting on her knees.

[She was strangely obsessed with nutritional supplements, and when things went wrong, she kept going on eccentric trips-]

Patisia’s voice, which had been pounding, suddenly stopped.

It was confirmed that what Lennok vomited was not simply food, but blood-soaked blood.


Leaving behind Patisya’s voice, which could not hide her astonishment, Lennok quietly wiped the corner of her mouth.

‘I won’t be able to eat this for long.’

When the lightning appears and Lapis is kidnapped, it is inevitable that the incarnation will be taken out and used at the same time.

Magical power, which has become difficult to manipulate delicately, must be divided into both the incarnate body and Lennok.

He even had to go a long way to take Lapis to the incarnation.

The magical power in my body was being consumed at the rate of evaporation rather than burning.

Quad deuk…!

If I hadn’t learned the tricks of natural magic in advance and increased my maximum magical power, I would have lost consciousness and collapsed a long time ago.

However, there was a reason why Lennok still maintained the incarnation and operated it at the same time.

As he walked with difficulty, Lennok was lost in thought.

‘It was inevitable that the wanted order would focus on me when Lapis was kidnapped. If you abandon Evan’s identity here and disappear, suspicion will only increase.’

The city government was already prepared to go to war with the Blue Eyes in this matter and tried to kill Lapis.

If Evan disappears here, all public power in the Balkan city government will be focused on the lightning rod that kidnapped Lapis.

‘Maintaining two identities until the end of work is a given. Rather, what I’m worried about is the city council’s response…’

At the time of the chase, Lennok thought that the city council might have guessed that Lapis was heading to the Eight Roaring Fortress.

If you know that Lapis’ goal is the gate to the open sea in area 19, it is obvious that you can target a castle with a similar environment.

If they are aware of this, there is a high possibility that the city council will also try to intervene in advance to prevent Lapis from reaching the castle.

If Lapis’ plan is discovered in advance from the time she is pursued through the wanted order to her destination, then Lapis’s plan is essentially over.

That was the decisive reason why Lennok went to great lengths to use the incarnation to reveal the identity of Lightning.

In order for Lapis to arrive at the castle and perform the ceremony of meeting Heavenly Gyeon, so much chaos was needed that even the city council could not control it.

A chaos that everyone else cannot control, but that Lennok himself can control.

‘Attracting the attention of the city council with the status of Lightning, while stabilizing magical power with the status of Evan.’

As his condition continues to deteriorate, he brings up the thoughts he has prepared one after another.

‘If you close the distance with the incarnate body, guide its movement to meet at the final agreed upon location, and shake off both the wanted order and the central council….’

A moment when the city’s most well-known wizard and its most obscure wizard intersect, moving in different directions.

A long-term plan to use Lennok’s two identities to destroy and reorganize this board before anyone else.

Wasn’t he helping Lapis to find out what the qualifications for ascension were and what the previous ascendant left behind?

If the consciousness of Heaven’s Eye was waiting for Lapis, Lennok planned to watch until the end to see what she would leave behind.

Lenok stood up, straightened his back, wiped his mouth and spoke.

“I’m working hard, so just be a little quiet.”

[Are you hurt? Since when is it like this….]

Patisia made a gasping sound.

She had clearly seen with her own eyes when Evan had suffered such a serious injury.

[Right after colliding with that evil wizard.]


The owner of the lightning that shakes the entire dark cloudy sky.

A wave of irrational murderous intent that even Patishia, who was from a single city, seemed to have her soul overwhelmed for a moment.

Would it have felt that way if the murderous intent of living people, rather than humans, were gathered together and created?

An intelligent being who could not understand the intention at all even when facing her right in front of her nose.

A sinking feeling of despair as if facing the apocalypse that exists beyond the sea of darkness.

[There wasn’t even an inch of exaggeration in the rumor. I wonder how such a broken being can still live in this city…]

“Nothing big will happen right away.”

Lennok said, wiping the blood off the end of his sleeve.

“Lapis is still safe. “As long as we bring him in before time runs out, he’ll be fine.”

[That… how can you know?]

“Because I have authority over the fifth lighthouse.”

Lenok replied nonchalantly and walked out of his dumpster.

“If something were to happen to Lapis’ body or mind, her authority itself would be lost.”


“All you have to do is find Lapis within time and enter the castle. “That’s it.”

[…Can we do it?]

Patisia asked in an anxious tone.

[I’m not afraid of dying, but I wonder if I can get Lapis back against that wizard…]

“That’s why you’re walking around like this right now.”

As Lennok said that, he slowly moved his magic power and soon his complexion turned pale.

[It looks like the condition has really worsened. Are you really okay with it being like this?]

“…are you okay.”

However, starting to use the Incarnate Art at the same time puts a considerable strain on the body.

You must find a way to shake off the chase that comes with a wanted order and stabilize your magical power.

“But that doesn’t mean there isn’t a way.”

Lennok said, adjusting his coat.

“In fact, my physical ability itself is much better than usual. Maybe that’s what you’re doing?”

[I have a knack for increasing your energy, but I don’t feel like I can rely on it…]

“No, very good. “This is more than enough.”

It’s not for nothing that Lennok was able to run and dodge bullets in a fight with mercenaries.

The magic of the open sea that had been absorbed into the body was overflowing, and instead of being adjusted, it was forcibly strengthening the body.

I don’t know why, but the energy boost provided by Patisya suits Lennok’s currently unstable body very well.

Contrary to the fact that his body is in a state of shock, his physical abilities and vitality itself feel like they are always in a state of strengthening.

It is difficult to control the power of magic itself, so even if you have to borrow a medium or give up control altogether.

There is much more that Lennok can do if his body moves as well as that of an ordinary person.

“I know which side the Baguong Fortress is on. “Let’s go there first.”

“Are you the new arsonist who is wanted throughout the city?”

At that moment, Lennok’s body stopped at the sound of a familiar voice coming from behind him.

“I don’t know how much fun it was to have the city’s top officials making such a fuss.”

A sturdy figure wearing a wrestler’s mask.

A ferocious figure with all kinds of swords and firearms hanging all over its body.

Dylan, riding on top of a slowly blinking traffic light, was looking crookedly down at Lennok and grinning.

“That’s a good thing. “Shall we check how dangerous she is compared to the witch who lives in our bar?”

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Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage, Medicine-eating wizard
Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
“World”, a game that boasts extreme freedom. In “ver.3.0”, I decided to put everything to increase the magic talent! All stats are all about magic! Instead of enhancing the character’s magic talent, took a huge amount of demerit characteristics. But, it doesn’t matter. I will create the greatest Wizard character, even if the character looks like a corpse. But…. What is this? I became that character– a character with genius talent, but can’t pass a day alive without taking medicine.


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