Drug-Eating Genius Mage Chapter 864

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Medicine-Taking Genius Wizard Episode 864:

Handover (32)

“Lapis Falseer. The leader of the Blue Eyes. A direct blood relative of Ascended Heavenly Dog Madrea Falseer. A person with Aspect ability who has reached level 7. “The specific technique system is unknown.”

Jenny’s bar located in District 49.

Only Jenny’s voice rang out quietly under the softly lit bar.

“Activities began immediately after Cheon Gyeon’s death. After dealing with drug lord Dominic Cavarro in the Philenom Dominion, his power rapidly increased and he entered the Central Front within a few years.”


Jenny explained while flipping through the paper.

“Other than clashes with drug lords, he has rarely been on the front lines, but it is said that his recent appearance was to show off his saint-level abilities. “The fact that they care about their public image shows that they understand the importance of a cause even at a young age.”

“It won’t be easy to break through the central front and establish a position.”

Felix the Bird-Headed Giant, who was listening to the report with his arms crossed, shook his head.

“It seems like there were reliable people around.”

“That’s the key.”

Jenny pointed to Felix as if she had explained it well.

“We formed an organization by recruiting powerful unaffiliated superhumans, but there was surprisingly little internal division or backlash. “It can be seen that he has outstanding talent in terms of running an organization and networking.”

“You mean there’s a high possibility that he’s a very attractive person? “That’s something I’d like to meet.”

Dylan, who was drinking whiskey like water, said with interest.

“Our leader doesn’t know where he is and what he’s doing, so now it’s hard to see him even once every few months!”

“Dylan, don’t be like that. But according to what Antares told me when he returned recently-”

“What did Antares talk about?”

A young man’s voice naturally joined the group’s conversation.

A dozen people, realizing that it was a very familiar tone, turned their heads at the same time.

At the end of the spacious bar, a wizard with his coat neatly removed was sitting back holding a candle.


“You bastard. Where have you been and what have you been doing all this time…!!!”

Dylan jumps up and the fallen chair hits Mila’s knee, and Mila gets angry and kicks Dylan’s back.


Dylan woke up with a nosebleed dripping through his mask and screamed.

“Let’s give it a fuck, shall we?!!”

“Who cares what to do, you idiot!!”

“I’m sick of it, I’m sick of it. Fight again?”

In the bar, which suddenly became noisy, Wei An shook his head and Tatiana, who was drinking from a distance, chuckled.

“Calm down. “The class has returned after a long time, so you’re going to be throwing punches?”

Felix grabbed Dylan and Mila by the neck and hung them on hangers on the wall.

The twins giggled and laughed at the mercenaries hanging in the air, and Manson, holding his cell phone, captured the obscene act on camera.

“Don’t take pictures, you tin can!”

[Don’t touch it. If half of the picture is taken, it won’t be recorded properly, so you have to adjust the angle.]

“Aaaah! Ouch! “Agggggggggg!!”


Seeing Mila interrupting the filming by screaming like a pterodactyl, Jenny sighed and approached Lennok.

Before he knew it, Lennok smiled as he politely accepted the cocktail that Zorden had made.

“It’s been a while since I’ve been here, but nothing has changed here. yes?”

“no. “It’s changed a lot.”

Jenny sat down in front of Lennok with an expression of displeasure and responded.

“Once you come, everyone seems to become less intelligent. “It’s a very serious problem.”

“That’s an interesting hypothesis.”

“It’s been over a week since you came back, right? “What have you been doing all this time?”

Jenny asked, looking at Lennok with narrowed eyes.


“Oh, you don’t have to explain the Balkan thing. “I heard all about them wandering around in underground fighting arenas and research labs, messing around as they please.”


Certainly, as a member of my class recently, I have rarely cared about what other people think.

It wouldn’t be strange for Jenny to know everything about what Lennok was doing in the Balkans, including what happened with Evelyn.

“A lot of things happened. It is true that I was a little busy.”

“I guess so. Do you know how this area has changed and how noisy the magic tower business is?”

As if she had been waiting, Jenny complained quickly to Lennok.

“Half of MatoP’s affiliated businesses were replaced due to accounting fraud? Don’t you know that in the process, the kids and I ran around the city all night long, chasing each other? “You probably don’t know that Antares came out and sorted things out after the technical advisory committee came to visit us on a random day, or that Baritz Company organized a new item brokerage division.”

“It sounds like a lot of fun.”

Lennok, who had been quietly listening to Jenny, answered with a smile.

“It’s a shame we couldn’t see each other together. “I feel sorry.”

“under! “What are you saying that I don’t mean to say…”

Jenny asked, snorting but looking at Lennok secretly.

“If I ask you what you’re doing… you’re not going to teach me, right?”

Lennok asked, looking at Jenny in mock surprise.

“Do you know that now?”


Jenny didn’t say anything, but her mouth twitched with an angry look.

Lennok said, raising his glass to his lips.

“I was doing some personal research.”


“I haven’t had much time lately, so it’s been difficult to wander far. “I had work to finish while I still could.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“I guess so. “I didn’t say this in hopes of understanding.”

“…half. Are you going to keep playing with me?”

Just before the blood started bubbling up on Jenny’s temple, Lennok came up with a proper explanation.

“I came here while researching the Black Consumer Project.”


“It took some time to discover and dig into the connection to the Legion. “It’s nothing to worry about.”

As Victor, I can’t explain what I did in Yorta, but I should at least inform Jenny of the purpose.

Jenny’s eyes wavered a little as if she understood what Lennok was trying to answer with just that.

But instead of asking further what Lennok was doing, she quietly lowered her gaze.

“…okay. I see.”

Now you can say that you are okay, that it is dangerous, or that it is meaningless.

This is probably because he knows that such useless persuasion means nothing to Lennok.

Therefore, instead of holding on forcibly, Jenny poured herself a glass of strong whiskey and calmly spoke.

“Oh right. “We were just talking about Blue Eyes. Are you interested?”

“Blue eyes?”

While Lennok was pretending not to notice, Felix came closer and naturally sat down next to Lennok.

“half. “You’ve come to the right place.”


The bar lobby trembled slightly just from the presence of the bird-headed giant’s massive body.

“There are a lot of incidents that happened in District 49 while you were away. “I’m sure Jenny explained it to you, but shouldn’t you know the progress at least briefly?”

“It’s been less than five minutes since I met Felix Van. “How do you explain it in the meantime?”

“What do you mean you don’t know anything yet?”

Dylan, who appeared behind Lennok without even thinking about wiping the nosebleed that had spread on his mask, asked.

“How long have we been running around this city protecting the Magic Tower and you haven’t even heard a word?!”

“…okay. I understand, so calm down. “I will listen slowly later.”

I understood that there were several disturbances over the magic tower while Lennok left for Yorta.

It looks like Jenny and other members of the Antares mercenary group have had some turbulent adventures.

“Rather than that, I want to hear what you just said.”

Lennok said and pointed to the projector Jenny had placed on the wall of the bar.

Various phrases written on the screen and all kinds of sources of data are indicated. A photo appeared in the middle of the screen.

The image of a woman standing on a vast hill with one hand holding her flowing blue hair.

A face that shows no emotions and a detached atmosphere that seems to be detached from the world.

It is a photo of someone who is in Lennok’s memory but feels quite awkward.

This may be because the gap in time felt between the girl Lennok remembers and the woman in the photo is so significant.

However, Lennok asked without any outward expression of such sentiments.

“Why were we discussing the Blue Eyes?”

[Hoo class. Do you know the lighthouse keeper?]

Manson asked from behind Lennok with an air of interest.

“Was there anyone who didn’t know about the secret society that entered the Central Front?”

Lennok responded calmly.

“Now it is a force that has become so famous that it can hardly be called a secret society. “I am aware of Cheongyeon’s granddaughter.”


At those words, the other colleagues looked at each other and nodded in understanding.

“Because he’s half an archmage. “It’s not strange to know about the ascendant’s blood relatives.”

“Because there are almost no blood relatives of ascendants in the first place. “That kind of talent isn’t usually passed down through blood.”

“Oh, by the way, in the center…”

Tatiana was about to say something, but stopped.

“no. It is nothing.”

“ah! “Why don’t you talk?”

The people who immediately turned their gaze towards her protested fiercely.

The mercenaries who had focused on the topic for a moment suddenly started talking among themselves.

“The first way to make someone angry is to stop talking and the second is…”

“Fuck you, I told you not to do that.”

“On one day, I learned some strange proverbs from an investment advisory site, and I made a lot of fuss with them.”

“I’m not your mother, so should I install an app that blocks internet access?”

“Look at this class.”

Jenny leaned back in her chair with her arms crossed and muttered as if she were tired.

“Do you think it’s true that children’s intelligence will decline when you come?”


“Tatiana, so what do you want to say? “If you can’t say something, tell me in advance.”

“No, it’s a topic that has little to do with the present, but…”

Tatiana glanced at Lennok at Jenny’s urging. The way he moves his fingers strangely.

When Lennok threw her a cigarette in her arms, she quickly took it, lit it, and laughed.

“thanks. “I kept thinking about it.”

The witch said, exhaling smoke as if satisfied.

“There was a brief rumor that there was a blood relative of the Ascendant in Pandemonium. “It was a while ago.”


Wei An’s eyes turned round as if he didn’t expect to hear that name here.

“No, it’s not strange for a criminal organization to attract monsters, but… a blood relative of an ascendant joined it?”

“It was quickly buried because it was a rumor without evidence, but I remembered it because it came from Kabahim.”

Tatyana said, shrugging her shoulders.

“It’s not common for useless words to come out in that monarchy. “This is especially true if it is information that is not related to the royal family.”


“Forget it. “I’m just saying this because I was wondering if you might know something.”

Tatyana grinned with a cigarette in her mouth.

“It’s been a while since I received this and I wanted to smoke it.”

“…You have eccentric tastes.”

“How about class? “Do you have any guesses?”


Lennok answered as he poured whiskey into his empty glass.

“I don’t know if it’s true or not, but digging into it probably won’t mean much.”

“Huh why?”

“You will know Lapis Falseer when you see it.”

Lennok said and looked away.

“Even after founding an organization of this size on her own, aren’t she still called the granddaughter of Cheongyeon?”


“If there is a blood relative of the ascendant within the Pandemonium, they will become very famous just by announcing that fact. “If I had wanted that, I would have revealed my origins a long time ago.”

Lennok smiled, looking back at the mercenaries who had become slightly serious.

“So, if the rumor is true, wouldn’t the person involved really want to mention it?”

“Hmm, the rumor disappeared because of the murder and extinction?”

“That makes sense.”

“No, by the way, you really know quite a bit about Cheong’s eyes in detail.”

Jenny asked, slightly tilting her head across the bar as if she was surprised.

“Or were you just listening to the briefing I gave you earlier?”

“Now that we’ve talked about pandemonium, let’s start with the reason we’re here. “It seems like the topic has been going around in circles since a while ago.”

Lennok shook his head.

“Why were they holding a briefing here about the Blue Eyes?”


Jenny and Tatiana momentarily look at each other, and Felix nods.

Jenny, who quickly exchanged opinions, whispered lowly.

“The Central Council made an inquiry to express brokers. “It looks like they want to lend their help in gathering information regarding Lapis Falseer’s visit to the Balkans.”


“They say that the positions within the council were divided ahead of the face-to-face meeting with the Blue Eye.”

Jenny glanced at the screen and muttered.

“And at this point, the only point of contact that exists between the eyes of the Council and the Blue House is the non-aggression pact signed for the Philenom Dominion.”

“Were you investigating Lapis Falseer’s personal circumstances to confirm its authenticity?”

“The self-governing territory’s non-aggression pact is a matter in which Balkan’s interests are very high.”

Jenny smiled bitterly.

“Cheon Gyeon personally resolved the issue, but originally it would have been a much more complicated and inconvenient issue than it is now. “Conflicts are fierce even over the special environment of the Dominion and the waters called the Sea of Understanding.”


“And now that Cheon-gyeon has passed away and his granddaughter has inherited the rights instead… it is only natural that things will go wrong like this again.”

With Lennok not responding, Jenny stood in front of the projector again and continued the briefing.

“The important thing is that the Qing’s eyes requested a deal related to the non-aggression pact. So, the main body of the Blue Eye will not enter Balkan, but Lapis is planning to come and go directly with only two or three people.”

“The reason why Lapis Falseer wants to reconsider the non-aggression pact. “Finding this out is included in the additional reward for the request.”

After quickly explaining, Jenny glanced back at Lennok.

“So, if you want to do it, put your name first on the request list-”


Lennok answered after gulping down the remaining whiskey.

“I don’t know. “If there is someone who will do it, it would be better to decide arbitrarily and handle it.”

“No, if you showed up at this timing, didn’t you come to receive a request?!”

“What do you think of me?”

Lennok sighed and shook his head.

“There is something to worry about. “I have no intention of touching it right now.”

Even so, I’m thinking about how to move forward with Lapis’ problem due to recent events.

At this point, when I haven’t made up my mind yet, there’s no reason to bring it up first.

“It would certainly be difficult to hastily intervene considering the class’s position.”

Felix, who was observing the surrounding atmosphere, reached out for the tuna sashimi in front of Lennok and muttered.

The bird-headed giant, who pretended not to notice Jenny’s glaring gaze, turned to the other mercenaries spread out in the lobby.

“It is a fully understandable fact. But…”


“I plan to meet Lapis Palseer separately from this request.”

Felix said in a firm voice, looking back at the mercenaries.

“The Blue Eyes are currently the force receiving the most attention in the center, and their affiliated observers are not at a level to be underestimated. “Lapis is known for being well-respected and trustworthy, so if you clear the debt here, it will be helpful someday.”


Tatiana frowned subtly.

“You don’t know what the warlords of the Central Front are. Do you think the leader of a large power would have a conscience or faith?”


At the witch’s sharp words, Su-ryeon looked a little stiff and tried to dissuade her, but Tatiana did not stop.

“I don’t know what you think of Lapis Palseer, but there’s no way he’s as withdrawn as you think. “If you’re hoping for a free reward, wake up from your dream.”


There is no one among those gathered here who does not know why Tatiana says such a thing.

She, too, suffered for a long time from her teacher, the magic tower lord, and had to endure priceless sacrifice and pain.

Tatiana probably knows better than anyone else how cold-blooded the bigwigs of the Central Front are, demanding harsh devotion.

“Maybe so.”

But Felix still shook his head with a calm expression.

“But I don’t think Qing’s eyes are a warlord who entered the center like that. “If that were the case, their actions would have been much more extreme than they are now.”


“Don’t worry, Witch of Fire. “If worst comes to worst, I’ll try to end it with just me.”

“Hah… I don’t understand.”

Tatiana frowned and shook her head.

“Do whatever you feel like. “You weren’t planning on listening anyway, right?”

In an instant, the atmosphere hardened sharply and silence fell from all directions.

The moment when Tatyana, who was smoking a cigarette with a nervous look, jumped up from her seat and tried to storm out of the lobby.


A very loud howl rang out from beneath the ground, shaking the entire lobby of the bar.


“What the hell!!”

“It’s a monster! “A monster has appeared!!”

The sight of mercenaries jumping up and running around drunk, looking as if they had lost their minds.

Lennok put down his drink and nodded, as if he had finally remembered it.

“Ah, it looks like you’re awake.”

“…You woke up? what?”

“The guardian spirit beast broke the egg and came out. “I left it to sleep for a while, but it looks like it just woke up.”


Lennok nodded as he looked at the other mercenaries who were speechless and their mouths were wide open.

“He’s probably still in the tower’s underground cave, but since it’s like this, would you like to go see it?”


People randomly knocked over tables and chairs in the lobby and rushed out of the bar.

“…You should have told me that a long time ago!!!”

“Let’s get down quickly!!”

“Tatiana, you come too!!”

“No, I…”

The witch looked at me with an expression that instantly became awkward, as did the collision just now.

However, Jenny grabbed Tatiana’s shoulder and ran straight to the magic tower first.

“What are you trying to do when you are managing the magic tower system? “Follow me quickly!!”

“Oh, okay, let’s talk about it!”


Mercenaries ran out of the lobby, shouting excitedly from all directions.

Felix gnawed at the remaining tuna sashimi with a bitter look on his face and belatedly stood up as if he wanted to follow along.

Lennok’s voice came from behind Felix as he walked out into the hallway.

“Why don’t you eat what’s left and go?”


“If you leave it at room temperature, it will spoil quickly.”


Felix, who was looking at the tuna sashimi bowl in Lennok’s hand, smiled bitterly.

“If you eat it all, Jenny will notice.”

“…How much have you been eating so far?”

Although slightly surprised, Lennok threw the package he was holding to Felix.

The bird-headed giant, who was looking depressed but accepting the tuna sashimi, spoke.

“It’s been a while since I came back, and I feel sorry for showing you such a rough side.”

“are you okay.”

Lennok leaned against the wall in the hallway and asked for a candle.

“You are not the type of person who is spontaneous enough to move just because you like the person or the organization.”


Lennok said to Felix, who was silent.

“Is there a problem with the mercenary group?”


“If you don’t want to answer, you don’t have to. “It doesn’t mean you have to listen to it.”

Lennok stood up, billowing smoke above his head.

“But make your position clear to Tatiana. Just like you, she has her reasons for saying that. “It’s no wonder you don’t trust the lighthouse keeper.”

“…no. “It’s entirely my fault.”

Felix shook his head.

“Even if no one else knows, I shouldn’t hide it from you. “It’s purely my personal wish.”


“Lapis Palseer is the granddaughter of Heavenly Sight and is a super-sighted person who can see further than anyone else.”

Felix explained.

“It is said that those eyes go beyond the present, look at the past and future, and reach a conclusion beyond that.”

“…no way.”

“If Lapis Falseer inherited the supernormal ability of Heavenly Preservation, wouldn’t it be possible to observe the already confirmed future of a person with precognitive abilities differently?”

Only then did Lennok’s expression change slightly as he realized what Felix wanted.

“There isn’t much time left for Antares.”

Felix muttered in pain.

“I’m going to ask Lapis Falseer if she can change the ending of Antares.”

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Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Drug-Eating Genius Mage, Medicine-eating wizard
Score 9
Status: Ongoing Type: Released: 2020 Native Language: Korean
“World”, a game that boasts extreme freedom. In “ver.3.0”, I decided to put everything to increase the magic talent! All stats are all about magic! Instead of enhancing the character’s magic talent, took a huge amount of demerit characteristics. But, it doesn’t matter. I will create the greatest Wizard character, even if the character looks like a corpse. But…. What is this? I became that character– a character with genius talent, but can’t pass a day alive without taking medicine.


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